260617 WHITE - CITY CLERK < ' �C( ,��}"� PINK� - FINANCE GITYr OF SAINT PAITL Council U� � yC�qNAJ�Y - DEPARTMENT I �aLUE' ` - MAYOR File NO. �t . C uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�SOLV�, That the �ity Gouncil h�reby concvrs in the aation o� the Purchas3ng Committee in the arard of a contract for furniahing all labor, materialB, equip�ent and services necessaz�y or iacidental to the BITIIl�iIi�IIB SUBF�GII�3 OF A� ROAD�S at the Fire Trainiag Acadespr Bite, Saint Paul, Minaeeota for the Depart�eent oi Pnblic Safety, T0: TOTAL ASPAAIIi' CONBTRIICTI�N t3U!lPABS for the aontraot prioe of �Base Bid) �60,639.15 ��us S�gineering and Inspeotion - �3,000.00) as a result of Bid A�-5346 and the apeoitioatione inaorporated therein. Total Aephalt �onstrnation Compa�y being the loxest respc�n+sible bidder uader th� apecifications aad the fiorporatioa Counsel i� hereby directed to draft the prciper form of contraat and obtaia the necesr�ary perioreanae and pa�nnent bonds. The proper City officiale are hereby authori�ed to execute said contraot on behal.f of the City of Saint Paul. Bid No. �-5346 Adu. Mo. D-2'P2 aob I�o. 72-52 Code: 7�oca1 Ianprovement PYw3ect - 8efer to the attaahed fuading iaformation. I�CJ . - � � G�'�-- 1/25/''73/dc/Sa�i.th COUIVCILMEN � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki Itl FaVOr Levine Meredith �� Against BY � Tedesco • Mme.President Butler r FE8 V �� For Approve by Ci � Adopted by Council: Date � Certifi ed b cretary BY By Appro d �!o Date 8 1973 Approve by M o Counci By BY � ' wu��,EU FEB j!3 i973 ' k+ 1 s ��'����� r . CITY OP lA1NT PAUL �/'r���� "�t� � � " ��jj y�;�_�� ••""' DEPARTMENT Fllbl tC Safety '`'���� ��j t � � -j°.iF�� .u-�"" Y DATB ;� 1 •�°�1'� THE CONTRACT COt�WIITTE6 1 Or THR� CITY OF BAINT PAUL � RERERRINO TO THE BIpB RECEIVED AND OPL'NED ON �eCeT71b2T 6, 1972 �p RaCOMMENDATION I � h IS NER6BY MADE FCR THE CONTRACT AWARD OF THC FOLLOWINO IMPROVlMBNT: i r` - ...........� I � FORMA4 Bld wa. A5346 � (l}J �72-52 DEPARTtdeNY NO. I \L DEeCRIPT�ON OF THE PROJECT ENGINEHR'8 EBTIMAYQ� { �i Bituminous Surfacing c�f Access Roads at Fire T � aining Academy Site ' I � � � �� � � ;j O ti 'I � i 'fl O .,` � ro ; , t�l '� � ��I � +� , :_�..,I � �� � ." t '!�� (� n"c rv n= � ..�v t`> .. cn c. ��� � v�c:�. c� � ��:" ..... � ~ - `�'��` N ,.i � t�7i � .. ;�I a Z�T �, _"'; :z F o '� / q TpTMR TOTAL ASPHALT CONSTRUCTION CO. � '' � CONTRACTOR ti� � .�r n+� wMP suM eto oR • 6 0, 6 3 9, 15 � `'�' ' � . _ . . . . . . . • :� �/ 0 �►�*"�* 'R'�� 6 0, 6 3 9. 15 w CITY I011Ct WORK- ' ' ' ' ' � � � � I � . I � QNOINB[RINO AND IN6ptCT10N----� : ` � w e ' 3� OOO. OO 1 " � WATQR D[►T. CHMOiB ' � ��:� I�i I COLLLCTION CMAR6E8 � ` ' ' ' ' � � � 1A i . . _ _ _ . . . - . - TOTAL • 63, 639. 15 r� __— ;� � ,� rt11MANWT IMPROV[M[NT RNOLVINa PUND TO E! REIMBUR6L'D ROR COST Of THIf IMPROV[MlNT A8 FOLLOWgt . i �i t. AEQB68[D AGAINBT BENERITTED PROPERTY - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' f i. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY�9 BHARE O� LOCAL IMPROVEMENTB COD6, - ' ' • ;� �. MUNICIPAL STATE AID PROJECT NO. - - � ' ' ' " ' � : � . H 4. APPROPRIATED P1tOM BOND IBeUE, CODE 0 � � . � . A6. COUN7'Y AtD - ' ' ' ' • ' - ' ' ' _ � •� ��<« ' C�"�(/ Z(` .� �- '�' C^< <� . . . . . . . _ tA6. - - - � 4 ..+ 7 . . � . . . _ . . . . . . - ' ' • t � 3, 639, 15 � 0 (� TOTAL - � ' • _ "'r°' � % YOU Y TRULY. �� +'i ��'l/VL' � �� �4� � AM�IfOVtD �Y• - - a� As'st. City Architect ! •w ' o ��y .,o���. u Dir. , C� rrimuni�`y ,�'ervic�es Dept.