02-129� �. � ' - 1 .�. . . . md . . ; i ` . ,.,� � Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WFIEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation has had a contract with Black Beaz Crossings On The 2 Lake far the management of the Como Lakeside Pavilion since Aprii 13, 2000 pursuant to authorization by the 3 City Council under Council File #00-298; and 4 WFIEREAS, Black Bear Crossings On The Lake has znanaged the Como Lakeside Pavilion since April 5 13, 2000; and 6 WF�REAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation desires to enter into an updated Agreement with 7 Black Bear Crossings On The Lake, to remove obsolete Agreement language and to recognize unprovements 8 rnade to the facility by Black Beaz Crossings On The Lake; and 9 WHEREAS, the proposed updated contract does not extend the term of the Apri113, 2000 management 10 agreement, and 11 WI�REAS, Section 85.13(a) pernuts the Council by resolution to waive one or more of the 12 requirements of the Chapter; and 13 WfIEREAS, no C`ity employee or employees have performed any of the functions to be contracted out in 14 the last year at ttris site, and no City employees will be laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or pay, demoted or 15 trausferred involuntarily as a result of this Agreement; now, therefore, be it 16 RESOLVED, that the Division of Pazks and Recreation is authorized to enter into the attached 17 Agreement with Black Bear Crossings On The Iake for the management and operation of the Como Lakeside L 8 Pavilion, notwithstanding the requirements of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 85. Reques ed by Department of: Park and Rec�eation � (! f/�% Form Approved by City Adopted by Council: Date �� �00'� ` / Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `'�" m Council File # y� & q Green sheet # I�CaR�� RESOLUTION CITY�F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� for ... . �.� ..__ -3` ' ��L-t � � �EPARTMENi/OPFICE/COUNCIL Parks and Recreatioh DA7E INRIATED February 11, zoo2 C�MACT PERSON AND PHONE Mike Hahm - 266-644�3 � UMBER FOR MU5f BE QY CIX1NCIl AGENOA BY (DAT� UTiNG February 20 � 20�Z RDEFi TOTALXOFSIGNATUREPAGES� (GLIPALLLOCATIONSWRSIGNATURE) ACTION REOl1ESiED' GREEN SHEET 1Nfi1PAAATE 1 oeatwn.�EHroiaECroa Z CfIYATfORNEY FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR, 3 r.uvoa(oRassisrarm Authorizing the Division of Parks and Recreation to enter into an updated agreement with Black Bear Crossings for the management and operation of the Como Lakeside Paviiion, as required by the Saint Paul Administrative Code section 86.11. RECOMMENDATIONS. Approvs (Aj or RejeCt (R) _PLANNWGCOMMISSION GVILSERVICECAMM15S40N CIB WMMIi'fEE A STAFF DISTRICT COUNCIL SUPPOFTS W HICH COUNQL OB.IECTIVE? INfTIAT7NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFNNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1 Has tMS persoMVm ever worketl under a corrtracHorthis departmeed(+ YES NO 2 Has ihis persorJfirm ever been a crty employee� � VES NO 3. Ooes th�s P����rm P�� a sWll nat rntmally Possessetl 6y anY cwreM crty empleyee� YES ND F�cplan sll yes enswers on separate sheet aM ettach to green sheet. �m� ,.�� 4 cttvp _crtv r� rvo.1 os78s O �. l �� The Division of Parks and Recreation wishes to recognize improvements to the facility made by the vendor 6lack Bear Crossings, remove obsolete language in and update the current Agreement for the management of the Como Lakeside Pavilion. ADVANTAGESiFAPPFOVED The Ciry will continue to offer services at the Como Lakeside Pavilion. Services to the public inciuding: recreational rentafs, catering services, room rentals and tood and beverage serv'tce will continue to be available through the term of the agreement. QISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO' None ����; ��� � � ���� DISADVANTAGES IF NO7APPROVED. 7TALAMOUN70FTA,QNSACTION .p $12,000 - $25.000 INDINGSOURGE Black Bear Crossinqs (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER 23123 JANCIALINFORMA"f10N. (EXPLAIN) oa-��9 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF Sr1INT PAi3L Febniaiy 14, 2002 To: Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Cluist�pher Coleman Councihnember Patric Harris Councilmember Kathy antry Councihnember 7iru Reit r �� From: Victor A. Wittgenstein J� ` Subject: Updated Management Agreement with Black Beaz Crossings for Como Lakeside Pavilion - February 20 Council Agenda The Division of Pazks and Recreation recommends approval of an updated agreement with Black Bear Crossings (BBC�, which operates and manages the Como Lakeside Pavilion on behalf of the City. Prior to contracting with a private vendor, the City lost an average of $100,000.00 annually operating the Pavilion. The agreement with BBC allows operation of the Pavilion with minunal financial risk to the City. The updated agreement recognizes unprovements made to the facility by BBC, removes obsolete agreement language, provides better access to the facility for the public and allows BBC to better manage the facility. The updated agreement does not extend the term of the original contract. A Resolution authorizing City officials to enter into the contract is on the February 20`� City Council agenda A copy of the resolution and the proposed contract have been provided as attachments to this document. � I have provided more detail below. Please contact me at 266-6409 or Mike Hahm at 266-6444 if you have any additional questions. Issues The original agreement called for BBC to make certain dollar investments in equipment and building systems. The City wishes to recognize that BBC made and in many cases exceeded the required investments. Article 5.2 indicates completion of the required investments. Article 5.3 demonstrates the investrnents that exceeded the City's expectation. The updated Agreement better defines responsibi]ities and expectations. a) Article 3.6 cl�es exclusive vending areas for BBC. 2002 BBC Agreement Briefing February 14, 2002 Page two O�� ��� b) Articie 6.1.5 better defines responsibility for and use of City equipment at the Pavilion. c) Arcicle 6.1.6 sets new pazameters for City use of the Pavilion. d) Article 6.1.71 clarifies use and control of the Fromenade e) Article 6.1.13 defines a framework for City outdoor distribution of free food and beverage samples. The public, including elected officials, had asked for expanded public access to the Pavilions Promenade. L'uniting access was necessitated by assigning the City responsibility for its caze and cleaning including daily power washing of the Promenade deck prior to nightly concerts and plays, as well as multiple daily cleanings of the outside Pavilion bathrooms. The updated Agreement in Article 6.3.8 allows for the City to contract with BBC's to perform this cleaning. The cost is credited against BBC contractual payments to the City. This anangement allows for eacpanding public access. The new payment schedule in Article 4 is streamlined and better fits the needs of both the vendor and the City. Some of the originally contracted utilities included readings from site utility meters not directly related to BBC's operation of the Pavilion. The new Agreement in Article 6.2.15 restricts BBC's responsibility to those meters providing power to the Pavilion. Obsolete language in Article 1 referriug to the Pavilion's previous operator and a previous caterer has been removed. Background The original Pavilion was built on the current site in 1906. The Pavilion's food and pedal boat concessions were operated for many years for the City by Capitol City Amusements. Capitol City Amusements ceased operating the Pavilion in 1988. In 1989, the Pavilion's Promenade was restored and renovated. The 1906 concession building was torn down and rebuilt with a federal grant in 1991. After an unsuccessful RFP process, the City began self-operating the food and pedal boat concessions in 1993. By 1997, the City was losing an average of $1OQ000.00 annuallyby self-operating, and set in motion another RFP process. The management contract was awarded to Prom Management Group in 1998. By the end of 1999, Prom asked for and the City granted a terminauon of their Management Agreement. As a result of another RFP, Black Bear Grossings began management of the facility in April of 2000. cc: Dennis Flaherty MANAGEMENT AGRE�MENT ��'"� Tlus AGREEMENT, effective as of 3anuary 1, 2002 by and between: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereinafter called "CITY" anct BLACK BEAR CROSSINGS ON THE LAKE INC., l�ereinafter called "BBC", I�ereinafterjointly called "Parties", and also individually called 'Pnrty". WITNESSGTH: WHEREAS, the CITY is Hte o�vner of �uhlic ��:n�k Lincl c��n�nionly knrn��n as C��mn Regional Pm�k wl�icl� contaius tl�e Como Lakesidc P�vilion hereivaf"ter culle� "PAVILION' ; and WHEREAS, d�e CITY desires to offer public recreatia�al services at tl�e PAVILION including daily food seivice, banc�uets, meetiug use, caterin� and reereatioual equiproeut rentals: uud WHERGAS, dre C1TY believes thut such services should be provided at a minimal tinaucial risk to the CITY; and WHEREAS, BBC is curreudy mau�igfn� and operatinz the PAVILION vn behaif of the CITY as gover��ed by d�e Mai�agemeut Agreemeut dutecl April 13, 2000; aucl WHEREAS, the CITY Gvisltes to replace tlie April 13, Z000 Agreemeut v� order to reeog�vze iu�provements tuade to tl�e PAVILION by BBC aud clarify the impact those unprovemeuts laave l�ad on public services; aud WHEREAS, bodi parties believe it is ni theu• mutual best u�terest to euter uito tl�e hereiu AGREEMENT fa' tl�e provision of said seivices a[ d�e PAVTLION. NOW, THEREFORE, ui consideration of tl�e pronuses aud mu[ual coveiiant's hereu� contamed, it is aereed as follows: ARTICLE I TERM 1.1 Initial Tenn. The iuitial tenn oY diis AGREEMENT shall be for two (2) caleudar years. For the pmposes of tl�is AGREEMENT, this Periucl of time will commeuce ou Janu�.u'y 1, 2002 anel end on Dece�uber 31, 200 �. 1.2 First Exteusion Option. BBC and the CTTY may exCend this Lease Agreement for an ��. ��,C� additional period of two (2) pears �vltich �vill automatically renew unless BBC an�l/ar CITY notifies tl�e otlier, iu writin_, of its inteut not to renew tl�e AGRE,EMENT at least diree montl�s Prior to tl�e expiration of the then cun�ent term. Tl�e CITY sl�all not be obli��ated to �eree to sucl� rene�val if BBC is in material brrach of any of the terms ancl conditions of tl�is AGREEMENT or if thei'e has beeii a recun�in�� pattern or practice b}' BBC of failw�e to co�u�]y �vitl� the terms and c;ondicions of saiQ AGREEMEVT �ti•l�etl�er or not suc1� failures �cere material breaches tl�ereof or ��ere cured; provided, lio«�ever, that iu tlie absence of such a inaterial breacli or pattei'u or pract3ce of failui'es, the CITY sl�all appruve tl�e renewal request. ] 3 Second Fxtei?sion Onriou. By n�utu��l assei�t of the P��rties, this AGREL-u3T�1T muy hc extcudr�l w��ici tl�c s:un� or nuninr,tlly alt�ic�l nc!�uh.uc�l tc�nus urnl euncliuuiis ior an addition.il prrio�f ut'ti�e (5) years followine the Pirst Exteusioii (1.2). 1.4 Extensiost Terms anel Couditions Alt tern�s and conditious of' this AGREEMENT applicabie to the Iiii�ial Tenn (1.1) shall remaiii in eFfect for any Exrenclecl Term (1.2 aud/or 1.3), except to the extent ot]�erwise ��greed by the parties in writin�. 1.5 Aareement Years, Thu[ die dates for detennining years for the AGREEMENT are as folluws: Yeur One: January 1, 3002 - Dccembcr il, 2002 Yeur Two: Janunry (, 2�03 - December 31, 2003 For any years subseyueut to year [�vo, the AGREEMENT ��ear sl�all be 7auuary 1 tl�rou��lt Deceu�ber 31 of tl�at year. 1.6 Rescission of Previous Agreement. Tl�e Mauagemei�t Agreemeut between BBC aua tl�e CITY dnted April 13, 2000 is heceby resciude�, eFfecti��e upu�i the sig�iing clate ofi this ne��� Mauagement Agreemetit . All claitns tirisin�� un�ler sucl� 2000 A�_>reemeut are l�ereby extinguishecl as bet�veen tl�e parties herein upoi� tlie sigiun�� �Iate of this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE II PAVILION MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT DEFTNED 2. i All otl�er park lailds auQ facilities other tl�an those specifically defu�ed 'ui t]ie AGREEMENT as are uut go��erned in any wa��, implied or otherwise, hy this AGREEMENT and re�uain under tl�e sole coiih�ol aud jw�is�ictiuti of the CITY. 2.2 Tltis AGREEMENT grauts BBC the right to oPerate a��d numage the PAVIL[Oi�' wtder the tenns auS con�ti�ions uutlined herein. 6.1.4 Tliis AGREEMENT does not exeivpt BBC or PAVILI0�3 customers fi'om pait� 4�' ��'9 i�les and regulations, except as n�ay be Providecl elsewhere in tl�is AGREEMENT 6.1.5 Tl�at BBC sl�all l�ave full use of the CITY equipmeut and materials cun�ently at die PAVILION. T�at both parties undeistand tl�at such use of equipntent and ma[erials is ni its cun�eut condition or on an "as is" basis. BBC may make repairs to such equipment and materials as to allow for its use. Tlus inay include replacement of all equipment used by BBC (i.e. stoves, dish�vasher, fi'eezer, coolers, and reh�igerntion) aud seasonal repau's to pedal boats and canoes. When pedal bo�its aud canoes are iii building storage, they �re uuder tl�e cai'e aud custocly of [he CITY. Further, SBC shalL be responsible for the repair and replaceme�it of <ill t�.hles, chairs, carts, etc. At the ex��iratiun of this AGRFENII:NT, CCTY eyuipitient aud materials �vill remain [he prop�rty of thc C1TY, re�ui�nccl by 13BC alio�ving for nornial �vear and tear reluted to its use. 6.1.6 BBC sl��ill mai�itfii�i exclusive rigl�t to tl�e PAVILION for Yood and beverage catering. Nothing, l�owever, precludes the CITY frum usii�g the PAVILION for shonsored functions providing diey do not contlict with otlier schedulecf bnnyuets or events. The CITY will utilize the services of BBC when CfTY s�unsorr�l eveuts involve fooQ and beverage service and will pay BBC for auy sucli food und beverage provided. In all ittstances where the CITY wisltes to use tlie PAVILION for tueetiugs, receptio�tis, e[c., it �vill coiytact BBC aUead of time to iitsure that tlie clesired areas of the PAVILION are avai{able. The CITY shall be a{lo�ve�l 8 uses of the PAVILION's tl�irQ tloor each year at no charge, after which the CITY sl�ali pay the cin rate for rental of said desu•ed areas. Said uses are to be reyuested iu writiug by tl�e Divisiou of Parks and Recreation. At uo time shall tl�e CITY reyuest or cause tl�e cai�cellatiou of a rental alieady bookecl by BBC. Tl�e City may at auy time reserve oue of the PAVILION's commuiuty meetn�� rooms at no cl�arge, provided tl�ey Ilave not previously been sche�tule�l. 61.6.1 For certaui events scheclu]ed by tl�e CITY otl�er tl�nu pl�ys and concerts, wluch use the PAVILION proi��enade, BBC sl�ail for au agreed to fee paid by the user, waive its exclusive food avd beverage riglit for said event. The CITY shall clean die promenade af'ter said events, ui a matuier tuiiely euou�l� to allo�v for the next scheduled usage. 6.1.7 BSC sl�afl l�ave tl�e fitll use of all of the areas of PAVILION �vith the Yollowu�g exceptioiis: � Promeuade area may b� used aily at tl�ose times when the CITY has no 0�.-1 � concerts aud/or plays scl�eduled. CITY will notify BSC of its Promenade schedule by uo later thau Februmy 1" of each cautract year, after which time BBC tnay schedule vacant dates. The Prouteuade remains Lmder CITY control except f'or priva[e uses con[racted through BBC. �Vlten BBC opens tl�e Promenade gaces for pub]ic use at tl�e request of die City b�rt does uot ha�•e a private e��euc coi�hacted, the Promenade shall be uuder tl�e jurisdiction of tl�e Ciry. VJhen tLi� promenade is under CITY coutrul for concerts undlor Plays or public use, patrons sl�all be allowed to bring into t{ie Promeiiade, siii�rle servin��s oP fi�od or be��era�*r. The CITY will �v��rk with BBC tu s�uP coolcrs con[aiuiue uwltq�le: sei vin��s ut bcveragc ui inuluplc servin�� b.i�s or coutaiuc:rs of fi�od frou� bein�� broueht iu. BBC ret.�in1 the right of exdusive sales uf fuocl and bcverage on tl�c �re�uises duriii�� diese eveuts. Downstuirs wanniug room area, south of the concession staud fi'om mid-Decemher to mid-Februa�y e�ich year �el�en it may be used for skatine. Storage areas �reseutly used by the CITY for the storage of Parks �ind Recreution eyuipiuent auel theah'ical supplies, eqi�ipmcnt, �rops and costutnes. Such equipuieut wiil remuiu uncler the sole care, couh�ol and custocly of die CITY. BBC ulay use Che lowec level coucessiott �atio area for events, but its use may uot unpeQe pedes[rian circulatio�i on the �valkiug pat(1 or access to the fishing dock. 6.1.8 In the event of uiclemeut �veather, BBC may close Qo�wn d�e PAVILION aud remani closed uutil favorable weatl�er conditions PrevaiS, with uotiticatiuu of ti�e Director of Parks and Recreation or l�is designee. Tl�e CITY reserves the ri�ht to requue that BBC stay opeu or re-open. 6.1.9 BBC may sell non-food, souveiw� type items at the PAVILI01�3. Sales made under tlris provision shall not be subject to commissioii, per d�e provisirnis of Articles 43 and A.4. Tl�e City has tlae rigl�t of approval of sueh items upon notitication by BBC. Such approval �vill noC be unreasonably witl�lield. 6.1.10 BBC sl�all be allowed to iise tl�e CITY's Liquor Liceiise for tl�e PAVILION as is pennitted by resolution by the St. Pai�l City Council. Sales of alcol�ol on the first floor is lu»ited to beer aud wuie. BBC sl�all upon beu�g urvoiced by die CITY, rennburse the CITY for [he cost of said license. oa-��lq 7.13 �Vorker's Compensation and Emplo}�er's Liability ��orket's Compensation per Mnmesota Statutes Employer's Liability sl�all have minunum lunits of $�00,000 per accident; ��00,000 per employee; ��00,000 per disease policy litnit. 7.1.4 Liyuor Liability Insurance �1,000,000 ag�_=re<=ate Co��erage sl�aIl include: Bodily Injwy, Property Da�nage, and Loss of Means of Support. 7.2 BBC shall provide evidence of such co��erage to the CITY upon executioi� of tlie agreemeut. iVuthire i�t tltis provision sl?a11 be construe�I in any ma�nner as a waicer hy tlte CITY oF its statutory hmits uf �iability, �nuuunihcs or exceptions. Bf�C shull be obl�g��t�d to mtun[ain such coveraee iu full force and effect a[ all times that this AGREEMENT is in effect, and Failure ro�lo so shall be a breach the�eof. 7.3 BBC shall supply ro CITY u current insurance certiticate for the policies requirect in Article 7. 7.4 The limits cited under the insurtu�ce reyuirement above estabtish tniuinmms; and it is the sole responsibility of BBC to pw�chase und maintain adclitio��al iusurance that may be necess.uy in re]atiou to this aereement. 7.5 BBC shall placc tl�c insurance witli rrsPonsible insurance compunies authorize�l ancl licensed to do business in the State of Minuesota, and shall deliver copies of the policies ro CITY on tl�e date of diis AGREEMENT. The policies required iu Article 7 slml] be euelorsed to iudicate that tlie iusurer cauuot caucel or cl�ange tlie ittsurattce �vitttout fus[ giviiig tl�e CITY 30 dnys writteu notice. 7.6 If, for any reason, auy of tl�e ius�n'ance hereunder is voiJ, BBC is responsib]e to tl�e CITX for tlie total mnount of auy unnisured loss. 7.7 BBC shall defend, uidemnify aud I�old l�armless the CITY, its ofticers, ageuts, employees from and a�au�st every demaud, clnuu, cause of actiou, jud�nemeut aud expense, and all odier losses and damnees m�isin�� fi�om a�iy injury or d�imaoe to tl�e persou or property of BBC, or to any otl�er person ri�*h[h�lly on the prenuses, wl�ere tl�e u�jury or damage is caused by t1�e negligence or miscouduct of BBC, its agents, or employees, or resalts from tl�e violatio�i by BBC or any of its agents or employees of laws or ord'uiauces or of the provisions of diis agreement. 7.8 The C1TY shatt defe�id, iudemnify atid hold ham�less BBC, its ofticers, agents, eulployees from auei against e�ery demand, claim, cause of actiou, judgemeut and expense, to auy persun rightfully on the premises, where dre u�j�u'y or datuage is caused by the ne��ligence or mi of tl�e CITY, its ageuts, or employees. Notlung in tUis provision shall constitu�e a waiver by the CITY of auy stahirory or other iuunuiuty or limitatiuns ou liability. 12 b �-12�.� ARTICLE VIII ADMINISTRATION 3.1 For the putpose of the admiiiistration oY diis Management Aereement, tl�e CITY's represevtati��e shall be the Director of Parks and Recreatiou and tl�e BBC `s represett[a[ive sltall be its Pr�sident. ARTICLE IX DEFAULT/REMEDY 9.1 Tliis AGREEMENT may be tenninated at aii}� time by mutual asseut of the Parties. 92 Limite�l llamaee �o YAVILION. If all ur part of d�e PAVILION is ren�Iere�t unteuantt�ble by d.unage fi�om fire or odier casualty wliicl� iu die reasonable opinion of an arcliitect selecteil by the C1"CY aud aPproved by BBC, cun be substantially rcpaire� uncler.�pplicablc la�vs ancl goverm»ent.il regul:itions wid�in 120 �lays fi'um the d.ue of such casu�ilry (employing nurmal contitructiat methods without o�•ertime or other premiuiu) the CITY sl�all forthwitl� .�t its o�vn expense, re�air such dumage ather thau Jamage to improvemeuts sucl� as furniture, chattels or h�acle tie[ures o�vne�l by BBC, �vliicl� shall be repaired Yorth�vith by BBC at its owu exPense. 9.3 Major Dmu.�ge To Con�o Lakeside Pavilion. If:ill or a substantial part of tl�e PAVILION is rendered uutenable by �lutu:�ge Goni tire or otl�er casualty to such u�n.�teriul extent thut iu tl�e reasonable opiiuou of an architect ucceptable to die CITY and BaC, the PAVILION ca�mot be substantially repaired wtcter applicable laws ancl goventuientul regulatioi�s witl�ut 120 days from the itute of such casuulty (employin� normal coustructiou metl�ads without overtime or other pretniu�ii), tl�en Che CITY muy elect to tei7niutite this agreemeut as of tl�e date of sucl� casunlry by wri[tev votice delivered to BBC not more than sixry (60) days after tl�e dute of a�ch casualty. The CITY at its optiou may at its own expense repau' such datnage otl�er tl�ati d•amage ro property owued by BBC, which sl�all be repa'ued by BBC at its owu expeuse. BBC sl�all l�ave tl�e tiist right to operate tlie facility ui accordauce witl� tl�e tenns of tlus agreement upou the CITX's completiou of recoustructiou. 9.4 Upon dai7ia`*e to tl�e PAVILION, the fees payable by BBC to the City aud all otlier paymeuts to be made by BBC l�ereuuder shall abate as of the date of tl�e occun'euce. Iu tUe case of dmnage wlvcli does �tot render tl�e eutu'e PAVILION unteuable, the above payments sl�all be equitably apportioned. 9.5 In tl�e event tl�at either party Yhils to pei any of tl�e tem�s or conditions of this AGREEMENT, or violates niiy temi or condi[ion dier'eof, such failure or violatiou sl�ull be a breacli o£ tlie said AGREEMENT. In tl�e event of such n breacl�, die other party may give written notice of tl�e breach to the party ni breacli. If die breach has not been cured or remeQied ���itliiit diirty (30) days followii�g tlie giving of sucl� writteu riotice, the otl�er party tnay termiiiate tl�is AGItEEMENT in its entirety. 13 ba -�aq 9.6 In tlie event auy provision co�itaiued in tl�is AGREEMENT should be breaciied by eitl�er pmty and said breach thereafter waived by tl�e otlier party, such �vaiver shall be linvted to tlie particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any odier breach hereunder. 9J Tltat neidler Party will make any claiin and waives any riRht agaulst the otl�er Pmty on account of any loss or dama«e caused by ncts of God, suclt as tire, water, wiudstonn, floods, freezing, or otUer acts such as �var or civil um'est which affect dte leaseUold properry in co�mection witli its operation under this AGREEMENT. 9.8 No remedy herein coi�f�en�ed upon or rese�ved to either party under this AGItEEMENT is inieuded to l�e esclusive of any other available rcmedy or remedies, hut each and e��eiy such reiuecly shall be cumulative au�i shall bc in aclQi�ion [o every o�her remedy givcn uu�lcr dus Agreement or now or l�ereafter existu�g at law or ui eyuity or by s[atute. No deluy or omissiun to exercise any right or power accruing upott any default shall impoir any righ[ or power or shall be coustrued to be a waiver tl�ereof, but any such right uucl ��ower may be exercised from time to time and as often us muy be deemecl expe�lient. 9.9 Tl�is AGREEMENT shall be construed uncler the laws of the State of Minnesota; ancl if any provision or portiai tl�ereof, or the aPplication tl�ereof to any person or circumstauces shall, to auy extent, be invalid or unenforceable, tl�e remainder oP []�is AGREEMENT shall not be affected thereby, an�l eadi provision of this AGREEMENT shal] be valiel and ettforceable to [l�e fiillest exteut proviileQ by ]aw. ARTICLE X NOTICES 10.1 Any notice, statements, bills or commuiricatious provided for hereiu sl�all be deemed sufticiently giveu or rendered if in writu�g aud either delivered to tl�e otl�er Pm�ty personutly or seut by certitied mail adclress [o the od�er retuni-receipt postage prepaiei as follo�vs: AS TO CITY -, Du'ector of Pnrks and Recreation City of Sauit Paul 300 City Hall ,Simex 2� W. 4 Street Sauit Paul, MN 55102 AS TO BBC - David Glass, President Black Bear Crossiugs 831 Coino Ave. St. Paul, MN 55108 or sucl� other subseyueut address as the respective Purties shall desiguate ui �vritu��. The time of giving such notice or connnwvcatiou sl�all be deemed to be tl�e tuue �vhen the sauie is actually deli�ered to the other Party. 14 ARTICLE XI MISCELLANEOUS 11.1 C�a tions and Headine. The captions and headutgs used hereut are intendecl oiily for tlle conveiuence of dle reference and are not to be used 'ui construu�2 tlus AGREEMENT. 11.2. Entu�e Aereement. Tlus AGREEMENT constitutes the full and complete aereement between the Parties hereto and diere are no other tenns, oblieatious, covenauts, represeutations, wan�auties or conditions otl�er t1�au contained herein. IN WITt�IESS F�REOF, d�e Parties have caiued Yhis AGRELMFNT to he executed and delivered 'ui �uplicate as of thc clate ap�eariiig oii �aee oiie hereoF. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT PAUL: C/ .2`/J l� cY� f�i' � I� City Att ney 1V�i or, City of Saint Paul �� � � BLACK BEAR,EG2�SSl�VGS ON THE LAKE Direct�o.f P:�•ks and David GlasslPresici'eut Fu�ancial Services 15 oz-i�q �� � « �. o �-�a9 v� � . tt[C 1C[ �' / — �Kl P J\\ »� ',... n Nv , . S:G V4L • 0 - ��RIS � �Ll [ � � . 2pJ • ° t�.wts 5 • v�it • f � O } n � a • • I ! f • •• // � t.x[s� / //� � � 1 1 � / Stw ��I. Siaw mR[T K. taif [OCR cm� \ �/�, �^ / , � V Attachment 1 ��� Black Bear Crossings Exclusive Vending Rights Area - Como Park Lakeside Pavilion � �. � ' - 1 .�. . . . md . . ; i ` . ,.,� � Presented By Referred to Committee: Date 1 WFIEREAS, the Division of Pazks and Recreation has had a contract with Black Beaz Crossings On The 2 Lake far the management of the Como Lakeside Pavilion since Aprii 13, 2000 pursuant to authorization by the 3 City Council under Council File #00-298; and 4 WFIEREAS, Black Bear Crossings On The Lake has znanaged the Como Lakeside Pavilion since April 5 13, 2000; and 6 WF�REAS, the Division of Parks and Recreation desires to enter into an updated Agreement with 7 Black Bear Crossings On The Lake, to remove obsolete Agreement language and to recognize unprovements 8 rnade to the facility by Black Beaz Crossings On The Lake; and 9 WHEREAS, the proposed updated contract does not extend the term of the Apri113, 2000 management 10 agreement, and 11 WI�REAS, Section 85.13(a) pernuts the Council by resolution to waive one or more of the 12 requirements of the Chapter; and 13 WfIEREAS, no C`ity employee or employees have performed any of the functions to be contracted out in 14 the last year at ttris site, and no City employees will be laid off, reduced in hours, benefits or pay, demoted or 15 trausferred involuntarily as a result of this Agreement; now, therefore, be it 16 RESOLVED, that the Division of Pazks and Recreation is authorized to enter into the attached 17 Agreement with Black Bear Crossings On The Iake for the management and operation of the Como Lakeside L 8 Pavilion, notwithstanding the requirements of Saint Paul Legislative Code Chapter 85. Reques ed by Department of: Park and Rec�eation � (! f/�% Form Approved by City Adopted by Council: Date �� �00'� ` / Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: `'�" m Council File # y� & q Green sheet # I�CaR�� RESOLUTION CITY�F SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �� for ... . �.� ..__ -3` ' ��L-t � � �EPARTMENi/OPFICE/COUNCIL Parks and Recreatioh DA7E INRIATED February 11, zoo2 C�MACT PERSON AND PHONE Mike Hahm - 266-644�3 � UMBER FOR MU5f BE QY CIX1NCIl AGENOA BY (DAT� UTiNG February 20 � 20�Z RDEFi TOTALXOFSIGNATUREPAGES� (GLIPALLLOCATIONSWRSIGNATURE) ACTION REOl1ESiED' GREEN SHEET 1Nfi1PAAATE 1 oeatwn.�EHroiaECroa Z CfIYATfORNEY FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR, 3 r.uvoa(oRassisrarm Authorizing the Division of Parks and Recreation to enter into an updated agreement with Black Bear Crossings for the management and operation of the Como Lakeside Paviiion, as required by the Saint Paul Administrative Code section 86.11. RECOMMENDATIONS. Approvs (Aj or RejeCt (R) _PLANNWGCOMMISSION GVILSERVICECAMM15S40N CIB WMMIi'fEE A STAFF DISTRICT COUNCIL SUPPOFTS W HICH COUNQL OB.IECTIVE? INfTIAT7NG PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOFNNIN (Who, What, When, Where, Why): PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: 1 Has tMS persoMVm ever worketl under a corrtracHorthis departmeed(+ YES NO 2 Has ihis persorJfirm ever been a crty employee� � VES NO 3. Ooes th�s P����rm P�� a sWll nat rntmally Possessetl 6y anY cwreM crty empleyee� YES ND F�cplan sll yes enswers on separate sheet aM ettach to green sheet. �m� ,.�� 4 cttvp _crtv r� rvo.1 os78s O �. l �� The Division of Parks and Recreation wishes to recognize improvements to the facility made by the vendor 6lack Bear Crossings, remove obsolete language in and update the current Agreement for the management of the Como Lakeside Pavilion. ADVANTAGESiFAPPFOVED The Ciry will continue to offer services at the Como Lakeside Pavilion. Services to the public inciuding: recreational rentafs, catering services, room rentals and tood and beverage serv'tce will continue to be available through the term of the agreement. QISADVANTAGES IF APPROVEO' None ����; ��� � � ���� DISADVANTAGES IF NO7APPROVED. 7TALAMOUN70FTA,QNSACTION .p $12,000 - $25.000 INDINGSOURGE Black Bear Crossinqs (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTIVITY NUMBER 23123 JANCIALINFORMA"f10N. (EXPLAIN) oa-��9 Interdepartmental Memorandum CITY OF Sr1INT PAi3L Febniaiy 14, 2002 To: Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Cluist�pher Coleman Councihnember Patric Harris Councilmember Kathy antry Councihnember 7iru Reit r �� From: Victor A. Wittgenstein J� ` Subject: Updated Management Agreement with Black Beaz Crossings for Como Lakeside Pavilion - February 20 Council Agenda The Division of Pazks and Recreation recommends approval of an updated agreement with Black Bear Crossings (BBC�, which operates and manages the Como Lakeside Pavilion on behalf of the City. Prior to contracting with a private vendor, the City lost an average of $100,000.00 annually operating the Pavilion. The agreement with BBC allows operation of the Pavilion with minunal financial risk to the City. The updated agreement recognizes unprovements made to the facility by BBC, removes obsolete agreement language, provides better access to the facility for the public and allows BBC to better manage the facility. The updated agreement does not extend the term of the original contract. A Resolution authorizing City officials to enter into the contract is on the February 20`� City Council agenda A copy of the resolution and the proposed contract have been provided as attachments to this document. � I have provided more detail below. Please contact me at 266-6409 or Mike Hahm at 266-6444 if you have any additional questions. Issues The original agreement called for BBC to make certain dollar investments in equipment and building systems. The City wishes to recognize that BBC made and in many cases exceeded the required investments. Article 5.2 indicates completion of the required investments. Article 5.3 demonstrates the investrnents that exceeded the City's expectation. The updated Agreement better defines responsibi]ities and expectations. a) Article 3.6 cl�es exclusive vending areas for BBC. 2002 BBC Agreement Briefing February 14, 2002 Page two O�� ��� b) Articie 6.1.5 better defines responsibility for and use of City equipment at the Pavilion. c) Arcicle 6.1.6 sets new pazameters for City use of the Pavilion. d) Article 6.1.71 clarifies use and control of the Fromenade e) Article 6.1.13 defines a framework for City outdoor distribution of free food and beverage samples. The public, including elected officials, had asked for expanded public access to the Pavilions Promenade. L'uniting access was necessitated by assigning the City responsibility for its caze and cleaning including daily power washing of the Promenade deck prior to nightly concerts and plays, as well as multiple daily cleanings of the outside Pavilion bathrooms. The updated Agreement in Article 6.3.8 allows for the City to contract with BBC's to perform this cleaning. The cost is credited against BBC contractual payments to the City. This anangement allows for eacpanding public access. The new payment schedule in Article 4 is streamlined and better fits the needs of both the vendor and the City. Some of the originally contracted utilities included readings from site utility meters not directly related to BBC's operation of the Pavilion. The new Agreement in Article 6.2.15 restricts BBC's responsibility to those meters providing power to the Pavilion. Obsolete language in Article 1 referriug to the Pavilion's previous operator and a previous caterer has been removed. Background The original Pavilion was built on the current site in 1906. The Pavilion's food and pedal boat concessions were operated for many years for the City by Capitol City Amusements. Capitol City Amusements ceased operating the Pavilion in 1988. In 1989, the Pavilion's Promenade was restored and renovated. The 1906 concession building was torn down and rebuilt with a federal grant in 1991. After an unsuccessful RFP process, the City began self-operating the food and pedal boat concessions in 1993. By 1997, the City was losing an average of $1OQ000.00 annuallyby self-operating, and set in motion another RFP process. The management contract was awarded to Prom Management Group in 1998. By the end of 1999, Prom asked for and the City granted a terminauon of their Management Agreement. As a result of another RFP, Black Bear Grossings began management of the facility in April of 2000. cc: Dennis Flaherty MANAGEMENT AGRE�MENT ��'"� Tlus AGREEMENT, effective as of 3anuary 1, 2002 by and between: CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereinafter called "CITY" anct BLACK BEAR CROSSINGS ON THE LAKE INC., l�ereinafter called "BBC", I�ereinafterjointly called "Parties", and also individually called 'Pnrty". WITNESSGTH: WHEREAS, the CITY is Hte o�vner of �uhlic ��:n�k Lincl c��n�nionly knrn��n as C��mn Regional Pm�k wl�icl� contaius tl�e Como Lakesidc P�vilion hereivaf"ter culle� "PAVILION' ; and WHEREAS, d�e CITY desires to offer public recreatia�al services at tl�e PAVILION including daily food seivice, banc�uets, meetiug use, caterin� and reereatioual equiproeut rentals: uud WHERGAS, dre C1TY believes thut such services should be provided at a minimal tinaucial risk to the CITY; and WHEREAS, BBC is curreudy mau�igfn� and operatinz the PAVILION vn behaif of the CITY as gover��ed by d�e Mai�agemeut Agreemeut dutecl April 13, 2000; aucl WHEREAS, the CITY Gvisltes to replace tlie April 13, Z000 Agreemeut v� order to reeog�vze iu�provements tuade to tl�e PAVILION by BBC aud clarify the impact those unprovemeuts laave l�ad on public services; aud WHEREAS, bodi parties believe it is ni theu• mutual best u�terest to euter uito tl�e hereiu AGREEMENT fa' tl�e provision of said seivices a[ d�e PAVTLION. NOW, THEREFORE, ui consideration of tl�e pronuses aud mu[ual coveiiant's hereu� contamed, it is aereed as follows: ARTICLE I TERM 1.1 Initial Tenn. The iuitial tenn oY diis AGREEMENT shall be for two (2) caleudar years. For the pmposes of tl�is AGREEMENT, this Periucl of time will commeuce ou Janu�.u'y 1, 2002 anel end on Dece�uber 31, 200 �. 1.2 First Exteusion Option. BBC and the CTTY may exCend this Lease Agreement for an ��. ��,C� additional period of two (2) pears �vltich �vill automatically renew unless BBC an�l/ar CITY notifies tl�e otlier, iu writin_, of its inteut not to renew tl�e AGRE,EMENT at least diree montl�s Prior to tl�e expiration of the then cun�ent term. Tl�e CITY sl�all not be obli��ated to �eree to sucl� rene�val if BBC is in material brrach of any of the terms ancl conditions of tl�is AGREEMENT or if thei'e has beeii a recun�in�� pattern or practice b}' BBC of failw�e to co�u�]y �vitl� the terms and c;ondicions of saiQ AGREEMEVT �ti•l�etl�er or not suc1� failures �cere material breaches tl�ereof or ��ere cured; provided, lio«�ever, that iu tlie absence of such a inaterial breacli or pattei'u or pract3ce of failui'es, the CITY sl�all appruve tl�e renewal request. ] 3 Second Fxtei?sion Onriou. By n�utu��l assei�t of the P��rties, this AGREL-u3T�1T muy hc extcudr�l w��ici tl�c s:un� or nuninr,tlly alt�ic�l nc!�uh.uc�l tc�nus urnl euncliuuiis ior an addition.il prrio�f ut'ti�e (5) years followine the Pirst Exteusioii (1.2). 1.4 Extensiost Terms anel Couditions Alt tern�s and conditious of' this AGREEMENT applicabie to the Iiii�ial Tenn (1.1) shall remaiii in eFfect for any Exrenclecl Term (1.2 aud/or 1.3), except to the extent ot]�erwise ��greed by the parties in writin�. 1.5 Aareement Years, Thu[ die dates for detennining years for the AGREEMENT are as folluws: Yeur One: January 1, 3002 - Dccembcr il, 2002 Yeur Two: Janunry (, 2�03 - December 31, 2003 For any years subseyueut to year [�vo, the AGREEMENT ��ear sl�all be 7auuary 1 tl�rou��lt Deceu�ber 31 of tl�at year. 1.6 Rescission of Previous Agreement. Tl�e Mauagemei�t Agreemeut between BBC aua tl�e CITY dnted April 13, 2000 is heceby resciude�, eFfecti��e upu�i the sig�iing clate ofi this ne��� Mauagement Agreemetit . All claitns tirisin�� un�ler sucl� 2000 A�_>reemeut are l�ereby extinguishecl as bet�veen tl�e parties herein upoi� tlie sigiun�� �Iate of this AGREEMENT. ARTICLE II PAVILION MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT DEFTNED 2. i All otl�er park lailds auQ facilities other tl�an those specifically defu�ed 'ui t]ie AGREEMENT as are uut go��erned in any wa��, implied or otherwise, hy this AGREEMENT and re�uain under tl�e sole coiih�ol aud jw�is�ictiuti of the CITY. 2.2 Tltis AGREEMENT grauts BBC the right to oPerate a��d numage the PAVIL[Oi�' wtder the tenns auS con�ti�ions uutlined herein. 6.1.4 Tliis AGREEMENT does not exeivpt BBC or PAVILI0�3 customers fi'om pait� 4�' ��'9 i�les and regulations, except as n�ay be Providecl elsewhere in tl�is AGREEMENT 6.1.5 Tl�at BBC sl�all l�ave full use of the CITY equipmeut and materials cun�ently at die PAVILION. T�at both parties undeistand tl�at such use of equipntent and ma[erials is ni its cun�eut condition or on an "as is" basis. BBC may make repairs to such equipment and materials as to allow for its use. Tlus inay include replacement of all equipment used by BBC (i.e. stoves, dish�vasher, fi'eezer, coolers, and reh�igerntion) aud seasonal repau's to pedal boats and canoes. When pedal bo�its aud canoes are iii building storage, they �re uuder tl�e cai'e aud custocly of [he CITY. Further, SBC shalL be responsible for the repair and replaceme�it of <ill t�.hles, chairs, carts, etc. At the ex��iratiun of this AGRFENII:NT, CCTY eyuipitient aud materials �vill remain [he prop�rty of thc C1TY, re�ui�nccl by 13BC alio�ving for nornial �vear and tear reluted to its use. 6.1.6 BBC sl��ill mai�itfii�i exclusive rigl�t to tl�e PAVILION for Yood and beverage catering. Nothing, l�owever, precludes the CITY frum usii�g the PAVILION for shonsored functions providing diey do not contlict with otlier schedulecf bnnyuets or events. The CITY will utilize the services of BBC when CfTY s�unsorr�l eveuts involve fooQ and beverage service and will pay BBC for auy sucli food und beverage provided. In all ittstances where the CITY wisltes to use tlie PAVILION for tueetiugs, receptio�tis, e[c., it �vill coiytact BBC aUead of time to iitsure that tlie clesired areas of the PAVILION are avai{able. The CITY shall be a{lo�ve�l 8 uses of the PAVILION's tl�irQ tloor each year at no charge, after which the CITY sl�ali pay the cin rate for rental of said desu•ed areas. Said uses are to be reyuested iu writiug by tl�e Divisiou of Parks and Recreation. At uo time shall tl�e CITY reyuest or cause tl�e cai�cellatiou of a rental alieady bookecl by BBC. Tl�e City may at auy time reserve oue of the PAVILION's commuiuty meetn�� rooms at no cl�arge, provided tl�ey Ilave not previously been sche�tule�l. 61.6.1 For certaui events scheclu]ed by tl�e CITY otl�er tl�nu pl�ys and concerts, wluch use the PAVILION proi��enade, BBC sl�ail for au agreed to fee paid by the user, waive its exclusive food avd beverage riglit for said event. The CITY shall clean die promenade af'ter said events, ui a matuier tuiiely euou�l� to allo�v for the next scheduled usage. 6.1.7 BSC sl�afl l�ave tl�e fitll use of all of the areas of PAVILION �vith the Yollowu�g exceptioiis: � Promeuade area may b� used aily at tl�ose times when the CITY has no 0�.-1 � concerts aud/or plays scl�eduled. CITY will notify BSC of its Promenade schedule by uo later thau Februmy 1" of each cautract year, after which time BBC tnay schedule vacant dates. The Prouteuade remains Lmder CITY control except f'or priva[e uses con[racted through BBC. �Vlten BBC opens tl�e Promenade gaces for pub]ic use at tl�e request of die City b�rt does uot ha�•e a private e��euc coi�hacted, the Promenade shall be uuder tl�e jurisdiction of tl�e Ciry. VJhen tLi� promenade is under CITY coutrul for concerts undlor Plays or public use, patrons sl�all be allowed to bring into t{ie Promeiiade, siii�rle servin��s oP fi�od or be��era�*r. The CITY will �v��rk with BBC tu s�uP coolcrs con[aiuiue uwltq�le: sei vin��s ut bcveragc ui inuluplc servin�� b.i�s or coutaiuc:rs of fi�od frou� bein�� broueht iu. BBC ret.�in1 the right of exdusive sales uf fuocl and bcverage on tl�c �re�uises duriii�� diese eveuts. Downstuirs wanniug room area, south of the concession staud fi'om mid-Decemher to mid-Februa�y e�ich year �el�en it may be used for skatine. Storage areas �reseutly used by the CITY for the storage of Parks �ind Recreution eyuipiuent auel theah'ical supplies, eqi�ipmcnt, �rops and costutnes. Such equipuieut wiil remuiu uncler the sole care, couh�ol and custocly of die CITY. BBC ulay use Che lowec level coucessiott �atio area for events, but its use may uot unpeQe pedes[rian circulatio�i on the �valkiug pat(1 or access to the fishing dock. 6.1.8 In the event of uiclemeut �veather, BBC may close Qo�wn d�e PAVILION aud remani closed uutil favorable weatl�er conditions PrevaiS, with uotiticatiuu of ti�e Director of Parks and Recreation or l�is designee. Tl�e CITY reserves the ri�ht to requue that BBC stay opeu or re-open. 6.1.9 BBC may sell non-food, souveiw� type items at the PAVILI01�3. Sales made under tlris provision shall not be subject to commissioii, per d�e provisirnis of Articles 43 and A.4. Tl�e City has tlae rigl�t of approval of sueh items upon notitication by BBC. Such approval �vill noC be unreasonably witl�lield. 6.1.10 BBC sl�all be allowed to iise tl�e CITY's Liquor Liceiise for tl�e PAVILION as is pennitted by resolution by the St. Pai�l City Council. Sales of alcol�ol on the first floor is lu»ited to beer aud wuie. BBC sl�all upon beu�g urvoiced by die CITY, rennburse the CITY for [he cost of said license. oa-��lq 7.13 �Vorker's Compensation and Emplo}�er's Liability ��orket's Compensation per Mnmesota Statutes Employer's Liability sl�all have minunum lunits of $�00,000 per accident; ��00,000 per employee; ��00,000 per disease policy litnit. 7.1.4 Liyuor Liability Insurance �1,000,000 ag�_=re<=ate Co��erage sl�aIl include: Bodily Injwy, Property Da�nage, and Loss of Means of Support. 7.2 BBC shall provide evidence of such co��erage to the CITY upon executioi� of tlie agreemeut. iVuthire i�t tltis provision sl?a11 be construe�I in any ma�nner as a waicer hy tlte CITY oF its statutory hmits uf �iability, �nuuunihcs or exceptions. Bf�C shull be obl�g��t�d to mtun[ain such coveraee iu full force and effect a[ all times that this AGREEMENT is in effect, and Failure ro�lo so shall be a breach the�eof. 7.3 BBC shall supply ro CITY u current insurance certiticate for the policies requirect in Article 7. 7.4 The limits cited under the insurtu�ce reyuirement above estabtish tniuinmms; and it is the sole responsibility of BBC to pw�chase und maintain adclitio��al iusurance that may be necess.uy in re]atiou to this aereement. 7.5 BBC shall placc tl�c insurance witli rrsPonsible insurance compunies authorize�l ancl licensed to do business in the State of Minuesota, and shall deliver copies of the policies ro CITY on tl�e date of diis AGREEMENT. The policies required iu Article 7 slml] be euelorsed to iudicate that tlie iusurer cauuot caucel or cl�ange tlie ittsurattce �vitttout fus[ giviiig tl�e CITY 30 dnys writteu notice. 7.6 If, for any reason, auy of tl�e ius�n'ance hereunder is voiJ, BBC is responsib]e to tl�e CITX for tlie total mnount of auy unnisured loss. 7.7 BBC shall defend, uidemnify aud I�old l�armless the CITY, its ofticers, ageuts, employees from and a�au�st every demaud, clnuu, cause of actiou, jud�nemeut aud expense, and all odier losses and damnees m�isin�� fi�om a�iy injury or d�imaoe to tl�e persou or property of BBC, or to any otl�er person ri�*h[h�lly on the prenuses, wl�ere tl�e u�jury or damage is caused by t1�e negligence or miscouduct of BBC, its agents, or employees, or resalts from tl�e violatio�i by BBC or any of its agents or employees of laws or ord'uiauces or of the provisions of diis agreement. 7.8 The C1TY shatt defe�id, iudemnify atid hold ham�less BBC, its ofticers, agents, eulployees from auei against e�ery demand, claim, cause of actiou, judgemeut and expense, to auy persun rightfully on the premises, where dre u�j�u'y or datuage is caused by the ne��ligence or mi of tl�e CITY, its ageuts, or employees. Notlung in tUis provision shall constitu�e a waiver by the CITY of auy stahirory or other iuunuiuty or limitatiuns ou liability. 12 b �-12�.� ARTICLE VIII ADMINISTRATION 3.1 For the putpose of the admiiiistration oY diis Management Aereement, tl�e CITY's represevtati��e shall be the Director of Parks and Recreatiou and tl�e BBC `s represett[a[ive sltall be its Pr�sident. ARTICLE IX DEFAULT/REMEDY 9.1 Tliis AGREEMENT may be tenninated at aii}� time by mutual asseut of the Parties. 92 Limite�l llamaee �o YAVILION. If all ur part of d�e PAVILION is ren�Iere�t unteuantt�ble by d.unage fi�om fire or odier casualty wliicl� iu die reasonable opinion of an arcliitect selecteil by the C1"CY aud aPproved by BBC, cun be substantially rcpaire� uncler.�pplicablc la�vs ancl goverm»ent.il regul:itions wid�in 120 �lays fi'um the d.ue of such casu�ilry (employing nurmal contitructiat methods without o�•ertime or other premiuiu) the CITY sl�all forthwitl� .�t its o�vn expense, re�air such dumage ather thau Jamage to improvemeuts sucl� as furniture, chattels or h�acle tie[ures o�vne�l by BBC, �vliicl� shall be repaired Yorth�vith by BBC at its owu exPense. 9.3 Major Dmu.�ge To Con�o Lakeside Pavilion. If:ill or a substantial part of tl�e PAVILION is rendered uutenable by �lutu:�ge Goni tire or otl�er casualty to such u�n.�teriul extent thut iu tl�e reasonable opiiuou of an architect ucceptable to die CITY and BaC, the PAVILION ca�mot be substantially repaired wtcter applicable laws ancl goventuientul regulatioi�s witl�ut 120 days from the itute of such casuulty (employin� normal coustructiou metl�ads without overtime or other pretniu�ii), tl�en Che CITY muy elect to tei7niutite this agreemeut as of tl�e date of sucl� casunlry by wri[tev votice delivered to BBC not more than sixry (60) days after tl�e dute of a�ch casualty. The CITY at its optiou may at its own expense repau' such datnage otl�er tl�ati d•amage ro property owued by BBC, which sl�all be repa'ued by BBC at its owu expeuse. BBC sl�all l�ave tl�e tiist right to operate tlie facility ui accordauce witl� tl�e tenns of tlus agreement upou the CITX's completiou of recoustructiou. 9.4 Upon dai7ia`*e to tl�e PAVILION, the fees payable by BBC to the City aud all otlier paymeuts to be made by BBC l�ereuuder shall abate as of the date of tl�e occun'euce. Iu tUe case of dmnage wlvcli does �tot render tl�e eutu'e PAVILION unteuable, the above payments sl�all be equitably apportioned. 9.5 In tl�e event tl�at either party Yhils to pei any of tl�e tem�s or conditions of this AGREEMENT, or violates niiy temi or condi[ion dier'eof, such failure or violatiou sl�ull be a breacli o£ tlie said AGREEMENT. In tl�e event of such n breacl�, die other party may give written notice of tl�e breach to the party ni breacli. If die breach has not been cured or remeQied ���itliiit diirty (30) days followii�g tlie giving of sucl� writteu riotice, the otl�er party tnay termiiiate tl�is AGItEEMENT in its entirety. 13 ba -�aq 9.6 In tlie event auy provision co�itaiued in tl�is AGREEMENT should be breaciied by eitl�er pmty and said breach thereafter waived by tl�e otlier party, such �vaiver shall be linvted to tlie particular breach so waived and shall not be deemed to waive any odier breach hereunder. 9J Tltat neidler Party will make any claiin and waives any riRht agaulst the otl�er Pmty on account of any loss or dama«e caused by ncts of God, suclt as tire, water, wiudstonn, floods, freezing, or otUer acts such as �var or civil um'est which affect dte leaseUold properry in co�mection witli its operation under this AGREEMENT. 9.8 No remedy herein coi�f�en�ed upon or rese�ved to either party under this AGItEEMENT is inieuded to l�e esclusive of any other available rcmedy or remedies, hut each and e��eiy such reiuecly shall be cumulative au�i shall bc in aclQi�ion [o every o�her remedy givcn uu�lcr dus Agreement or now or l�ereafter existu�g at law or ui eyuity or by s[atute. No deluy or omissiun to exercise any right or power accruing upott any default shall impoir any righ[ or power or shall be coustrued to be a waiver tl�ereof, but any such right uucl ��ower may be exercised from time to time and as often us muy be deemecl expe�lient. 9.9 Tl�is AGREEMENT shall be construed uncler the laws of the State of Minnesota; ancl if any provision or portiai tl�ereof, or the aPplication tl�ereof to any person or circumstauces shall, to auy extent, be invalid or unenforceable, tl�e remainder oP []�is AGREEMENT shall not be affected thereby, an�l eadi provision of this AGREEMENT shal] be valiel and ettforceable to [l�e fiillest exteut proviileQ by ]aw. ARTICLE X NOTICES 10.1 Any notice, statements, bills or commuiricatious provided for hereiu sl�all be deemed sufticiently giveu or rendered if in writu�g aud either delivered to tl�e otl�er Pm�ty personutly or seut by certitied mail adclress [o the od�er retuni-receipt postage prepaiei as follo�vs: AS TO CITY -, Du'ector of Pnrks and Recreation City of Sauit Paul 300 City Hall ,Simex 2� W. 4 Street Sauit Paul, MN 55102 AS TO BBC - David Glass, President Black Bear Crossiugs 831 Coino Ave. St. Paul, MN 55108 or sucl� other subseyueut address as the respective Purties shall desiguate ui �vritu��. The time of giving such notice or connnwvcatiou sl�all be deemed to be tl�e tuue �vhen the sauie is actually deli�ered to the other Party. 14 ARTICLE XI MISCELLANEOUS 11.1 C�a tions and Headine. The captions and headutgs used hereut are intendecl oiily for tlle conveiuence of dle reference and are not to be used 'ui construu�2 tlus AGREEMENT. 11.2. Entu�e Aereement. Tlus AGREEMENT constitutes the full and complete aereement between the Parties hereto and diere are no other tenns, oblieatious, covenauts, represeutations, wan�auties or conditions otl�er t1�au contained herein. IN WITt�IESS F�REOF, d�e Parties have caiued Yhis AGRELMFNT to he executed and delivered 'ui �uplicate as of thc clate ap�eariiig oii �aee oiie hereoF. APPROVED AS TO FORM: CITY OF SAINT PAUL: C/ .2`/J l� cY� f�i' � I� City Att ney 1V�i or, City of Saint Paul �� � � BLACK BEAR,EG2�SSl�VGS ON THE LAKE Direct�o.f P:�•ks and David GlasslPresici'eut Fu�ancial Services 15 oz-i�q �� � « �. o �-�a9 v� � . tt[C 1C[ �' / — �Kl P J\\ »� ',... n Nv , . S:G V4L • 0 - ��RIS � �Ll [ � � . 2pJ • ° t�.wts 5 • v�it • f � O } n � a • • I ! f • •• // � t.x[s� / //� � � 1 1 � / Stw ��I. Siaw mR[T K. taif [OCR cm� \ �/�, �^ / , � V Attachment 1 ��� Black Bear Crossings Exclusive Vending Rights Area - Como Park Lakeside Pavilion