260589 WH17E - CITY CLERK COUI]Cll . PINK - FINANCE BLUERY- MAYpRTMENT GITY .OF SAINT PAiTL File NO. ������ Council Resolution Presented By /' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PRELIl�lINARY ORDBR File �io. 17657 In th� matter of iffiprowing ��AZEL 3TREET fro�a Wilscn Avenue to East T�iral Street and WIISON AVENUE from 9an Dqke 3treet to flazel Street (�ity Proj�et G-1941) as follvwe: Bine grade and surfaca with bitu�inous aaterial and conatrnct concrete curb and gutter on Sazel Street from Wilsan Avenue to East Third 3trest. Also construct sewer service conneetions and wat�r service conaections. Fine grade and surface with bituminons ma�erial a�d conatruct concrete curb and gutt�r and eonsCruct sewer for stor� water purposes on 6lilson Avenue fram Van Dyke 3treet te �Iszel Street. Also cunstrucC sew�r service connections and water service co�aectio�s. Said order having been apprc+ved by Ad�inimtrative Order Neudber D-3�2, approved November 30, 1972. The Council of the City of Saint Paul having received the report of the Mayor upon the sbove improvement, and haviag conaidered said report, hereby resolnes: 1. That th� said report and the saae is hereby approved with no alteraatives, and that the es�imated cost thersof is $50,500.00. 2. That a public hearinffi �be had on said inprovement on the t���tv-���*+r� da of Febr�ar 1973, at 10:�0 •'clock a.m. , in t�ie Council (�iamb�rs of the C ty Iiall ax�d Caurt House Building in the Citq of Sai�t Paul. 3. That notice o€ said public hsaring be givea to the persons and in the mannar pravided by ths �arter, stating the tim� aad place of hearing, the nature of the imprmvemeat and the total co�t thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt� Konopatzki � In Favor Levine Meredith d Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler ,�N 3 1 �73 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary' BY B I Approv y Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B BY PUBLlStt�� FEB 31973