260583 WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 //�� (_�J
PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 ��3 1��� ]
�BLUE�Y- MqypRTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL File � NO. � v�t e�i
Council Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
._ �. _ _ --- �--,�:D�:��Z:.S�..� <.�>.
In the matter of changing the grade of the alley in Conver and Theopold's
Rearrangement of �'J.ock 8, Excelsior Park and Block 7, College Park froaa Pierce
Street to Fry Str�et to conform to the grade as shown on the profile on file
in the Department of Public Works. Also, condemning and taking an easement in
the land necessary for the slopes, cuts and fills, including right of removal
of lateral support from sub�ect land or remainder thereof, occasioned by excava-
tions thereof, or construction of slopes in the grading and surfacing with bitu-
minous material the alley in Conver and Theopold's Rearrangement of Block 8,
Excelsior Park and in Block 7, College Park, fran Pierce Street to Fry StreeC
(c-1�62>, �
under Preliminary Order 260�F09 approved JanuBry 3 , 1973
A public hearing having been had upon Che above improvement upon due notice,
and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recomm�endations relative
thereto, and having fully considered the s�e; therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby orders said
improvement to be made.
RBSOLVED FURTHER, that the 1and, lands or easements therein required to
make said improvement be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated
and condemned for the purpose of making said imgrovements.
COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hunt �
Konopatzki � In Favor
Levine � ) � .
Meredith `� Against BY
Sprafka ;.
Mme.President Butler �
JAN 31 1973 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approv by Ma�o Date ' Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ,
wn�ts - G�cv c��r►c G I T Y O F s A I N T `�A�'�:^''�` �'�'`� ''``*� : � ,=;�4�RI
Pink — Finanu pept. s � F ' !
Cana►Y— Dept. NQ-�
, ~` � ..� . OCT i ¢ 1972
• .. OFFIG}s OF TI€E MAYOB - ������ '
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la t!u aw�ttsc o� gradtag and surfacing with bitnwiaous �u�tat � aliey ta
Convsr a 7h�sopald's Raarrangeenent of Biock 8, Excalsiae`�"Pa�E. sad ia �tock 7.
Colleg� Pack fm0w P;ere� St. to Fry St. Also cac►str�cttng a sw+sr f`or stonu
ra te r puspos+�s t n tt� a�l�sy f row a po t n t 133' Ess t of the ceqterl i ns of P E�rca
St. Lo t!� c�nterlin�e of Pferce St.
ir► the �nstter of �c{a�aning and taking an easeaw�t in th� 1�d ne�o�ssary far th�
siopes� cuts �nd filts, Including right of ��ral of taterst snpport tro�r sr�Ject
laRd o� re�atndar tha�reof, occas ionEd by e�ccavatlon� tl�eraof c►r �oASEte�etion of
slopes tA Lha grsdtng �d su�facing wi th bi tustnars a�at�rlal tbo al Is�I in Coc�ver
s Theopoid's Rcsrraageas�ni of 81ock $, �xcelstof Park s�d in 81ock T, Cvllsge Park,
froa� Pterce St, to Fry SL
Also, cha�giesg t� grade af the allcy Jn Conver 8 Th�w1d's Resna�t of
Slotk 8, Exc�elslo� Park, and ���ock 7, Callega Park froa.Ptetcs St. �e Fry St. to
ca�foraa to the grade as sha�m on ths prof i le a�t f i le ia the D�srt�eea� of Pub1 ic
. aorks, G-1762
The Departwa�+t of Finart�ce �s hareby directed to bring tbts natteer baf`ora the
Co�ct1 fo� pubiic h�artng.
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