02-126Council File # �e1.� ��� ����I�'��';� Green Sheet # �.00��a�J RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Sergeant John Wright to serve on the POLICE CIVILIAN INTERNAL AFFAIRS REVIEW COMMISSION. Sergeant John Wright will replace Sergeant Michael7. 0'Brien whose term eapired December 2, 200L Sergeant Jotm Wright representing the Saint Paul Police Federataon, shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 2, 2004. 16 17 18 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: nate `� �, .'ti.a '>an � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary . By : .o� By: Approv d y Mayor: Date (/7!� i � • � �-' PPr°`red by Mayor for Submission to By: � � � � � �,� �,� ._ -_ r r . , �� � � � Mayor's Office Rurt Schultz 6-8512 ao, Zooz oase ixrtwreo 2j13/2002 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET � pa.-la� No �fl���� a�rcou,w. FOR ❑ GIYAifOPIEY i �� ❑ tl1)'CliR1G __ ❑..��� ❑..��„� ❑..,��„�,.« ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approving the appointment made by the Mayor of Sergeant 3ohn Wright to serve on the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. Term shall be three years, and wi11 expire on December 2, 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Fias this Perso��m everwoi%erl under a coMrert for this tlepaRmeM? YES NO Has th(s peffsonlfitm ever bean a dly empbyee? YES NO DoesUiis Pe��Mmm P� a sidtl rat namaibP�� t+Y anY wm+nt c�Y emWM'ee? YES NO Is this persoNfirm alarqMed vendot? VES NO iry_�•rm:r.�,a.� tAl AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION iDING 90URCE COST/REVENUE BUDtiETED �CIRCLE ON� YES ACTMTYNWIBER NO JCIAL INFORMA710N (IXPL4tN) oa-�aG CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly�, Mayor `r�: FROM: DATE: Re: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Dennis J. Flaherty Deputy Mayor February 13, 2002 390 Ciry Hadt IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Tetephone: b.i1-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-85I3 Appoinhnent to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commision Mayor Keily is recommending the appointment of 5ergeant John Wright ta serve on the Police Civilisn Internal Affairs Review Commission. Sergeant John Wright wili repiace Sergeant Michaei J. O'Brien whose term expired on December 2, 2001 Sergeant John Wright representing the Saint Paul Police Federation, shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 2, 2004. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Sergeant John Wright and a copy of his application. DJF/lj Attachment cc: Tina Baribeau, Police � � � ��� PLEASE RETURI� TO: �1 LUCII,LE 34}H1�iSON CITIZEIY S�RVICE OFFICE 15 WEST KEI.LOGG BLVD. SAIN'C YAUL, MIDi2QESflTA 551Q2 PBane: fi51-266-8490 FAX: 651-266-8b89 Name: - �,l° �.n-- (.c�r-�� 1�� 612 266 8513 P.02/H3 ��� R£CE!'JED FEB 12 20p2 MAYOR'S QFFICE Home Address: lSo19 S h c. l(� .n n �J� � Sireet• City: id- Z3p: S�le� Telephone Number{s}: (Inclade Area Codes) P)anning Disaict cuuncu: Prefened Mailing Address: What is your occnpation? Pl�ce oFEmgloyment: Committee(s) AppHed For: � l��f 3 O 6 a 9. rwti o'� 9'� 3.S S� io c�cy couucu wara: �_.•L �s'a� s�GI� sf. 5'F �.v � l�•��, iZ��;�,� ` �3a�.,-� Vt'hat siulis, training ar esperieace do you possess far the committee(sj for whfch yoa seek apQointment? �ca-eb-�2 13�21 ST PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE The iaformation included in this apptica6on is cuasidered prYvate data according to the Minnesota Governmeut Dafa Pracdces AcG As a rescdt, this iaformatian �S not reteased to the gcnera! public. �.r.`�-.G. � `�.c.;. r.� K.es�or.sC �'c�c.w..., ��nroc-�b92 13�21 ST PpUL MAYOR'S QFFICE 612 256 8513 P.03iO3 PERSONAi. REF NL'FS [Reminder to Indnde Telephone Arns Cod¢s] Name: oa-�a� Address: a1 �`� � onn. G -�.» — Phnne: {$ltl�) 7� •f' - !/�I {$'�kl vZ g a ' - � _.--, Name: a','rQ 1 � � Addms: 7�t$ /'� C n le �.J � /� • Phone: lAome) ?/� - S�'r-�(o !$'s*_�] 07 9�Z � 37�5 T3ame: Address d.SFI�' �s.rsa�s�,a l..r�_ — r��e: r��.� 735" - a3 9J � a 1a 4 3 y/ a Reasans for yoar iaterest in this particular committee: _,��n__s r�r�✓ �Al> �c n � .. , Have you had previous contacc with the summittee for which yoa are mak;ng appflcation? If so, when, aad thc cirtumatances'r �l Tn aa attempt to ensure that comnoittee representarion refleMS tbe makeup of our commnnitp, please ckeck the line applicable W yan. This informafion is stricNy voinmtsry. � wdite (Cancasian) Blacic (African Amerirsn} American Indian or Aiaskan Fsi6mo na� acs�►,: _ �-IG -.��'� Disabled: Yes No� If specfal accammodations are aetded, pie83e specify_ _ ��� � Asian or Paci�c Islaadet Mate� Female T�ow did you hear about this openiug7 o t GC.. �L�+��re ati TOTAL P.03 � � r A (� �(� �/� / !1 �/� �� StrtJG3 � `�r e7' A..n?K l��t��-i � �7' t( f C v�r� cn< !.S GtSrteK dn 7�fC Council File # �e1.� ��� ����I�'��';� Green Sheet # �.00��a�J RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date �� RESOLVED, that the Saint Paui City Council consents to and approves of the appointment, made by the Mayor, of Sergeant John Wright to serve on the POLICE CIVILIAN INTERNAL AFFAIRS REVIEW COMMISSION. Sergeant John Wright will replace Sergeant Michael7. 0'Brien whose term eapired December 2, 200L Sergeant Jotm Wright representing the Saint Paul Police Federataon, shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 2, 2004. 16 17 18 Requested by Department of: By: Adopted by Council: nate `� �, .'ti.a '>an � � Form Approved by City Attorney Adoption Certified by Council Secretary . By : .o� By: Approv d y Mayor: Date (/7!� i � • � �-' PPr°`red by Mayor for Submission to By: � � � � � �,� �,� ._ -_ r r . , �� � � � Mayor's Office Rurt Schultz 6-8512 ao, Zooz oase ixrtwreo 2j13/2002 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET � pa.-la� No �fl���� a�rcou,w. FOR ❑ GIYAifOPIEY i �� ❑ tl1)'CliR1G __ ❑..��� ❑..��„� ❑..,��„�,.« ❑ (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATUR� Approving the appointment made by the Mayor of Sergeant 3ohn Wright to serve on the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commission. Term shall be three years, and wi11 expire on December 2, 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMIITEE CIVIL SERVICE CAMMISSION Fias this Perso��m everwoi%erl under a coMrert for this tlepaRmeM? YES NO Has th(s peffsonlfitm ever bean a dly empbyee? YES NO DoesUiis Pe��Mmm P� a sidtl rat namaibP�� t+Y anY wm+nt c�Y emWM'ee? YES NO Is this persoNfirm alarqMed vendot? VES NO iry_�•rm:r.�,a.� tAl AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION iDING 90URCE COST/REVENUE BUDtiETED �CIRCLE ON� YES ACTMTYNWIBER NO JCIAL INFORMA710N (IXPL4tN) oa-�aG CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Randy C. Kelly�, Mayor `r�: FROM: DATE: Re: Saint Paul Citv Councilmembers Council President Dan Bostrom Councilmember Jay Benanav Councilmember Jerry Blakey Councilmember Chris Coleman Councilmember Patrick Harris Councilmember Kathy Lantry Councilmember James Reiter Dennis J. Flaherty Deputy Mayor February 13, 2002 390 Ciry Hadt IS West Kellogg Boulevard Saint Paul, MN SSIO2 Tetephone: b.i1-266-8510 Facsimile: 651-266-85I3 Appoinhnent to the Police Civilian Internal Affairs Review Commision Mayor Keily is recommending the appointment of 5ergeant John Wright ta serve on the Police Civilisn Internal Affairs Review Commission. Sergeant John Wright wili repiace Sergeant Michaei J. O'Brien whose term expired on December 2, 2001 Sergeant John Wright representing the Saint Paul Police Federation, shall serve a three-year term which will expire on December 2, 2004. Attached is a copy of the resolution nominating Sergeant John Wright and a copy of his application. DJF/lj Attachment cc: Tina Baribeau, Police � � � ��� PLEASE RETURI� TO: �1 LUCII,LE 34}H1�iSON CITIZEIY S�RVICE OFFICE 15 WEST KEI.LOGG BLVD. SAIN'C YAUL, MIDi2QESflTA 551Q2 PBane: fi51-266-8490 FAX: 651-266-8b89 Name: - �,l° �.n-- (.c�r-�� 1�� 612 266 8513 P.02/H3 ��� R£CE!'JED FEB 12 20p2 MAYOR'S QFFICE Home Address: lSo19 S h c. l(� .n n �J� � Sireet• City: id- Z3p: S�le� Telephone Number{s}: (Inclade Area Codes) P)anning Disaict cuuncu: Prefened Mailing Address: What is your occnpation? Pl�ce oFEmgloyment: Committee(s) AppHed For: � l��f 3 O 6 a 9. rwti o'� 9'� 3.S S� io c�cy couucu wara: �_.•L �s'a� s�GI� sf. 5'F �.v � l�•��, iZ��;�,� ` �3a�.,-� Vt'hat siulis, training ar esperieace do you possess far the committee(sj for whfch yoa seek apQointment? �ca-eb-�2 13�21 ST PAUL MRYOR'S OFFICE The iaformation included in this apptica6on is cuasidered prYvate data according to the Minnesota Governmeut Dafa Pracdces AcG As a rescdt, this iaformatian �S not reteased to the gcnera! public. �.r.`�-.G. � `�.c.;. r.� K.es�or.sC �'c�c.w..., ��nroc-�b92 13�21 ST PpUL MAYOR'S QFFICE 612 256 8513 P.03iO3 PERSONAi. REF NL'FS [Reminder to Indnde Telephone Arns Cod¢s] Name: oa-�a� Address: a1 �`� � onn. G -�.» — Phnne: {$ltl�) 7� •f' - !/�I {$'�kl vZ g a ' - � _.--, Name: a','rQ 1 � � Addms: 7�t$ /'� C n le �.J � /� • Phone: lAome) ?/� - S�'r-�(o !$'s*_�] 07 9�Z � 37�5 T3ame: Address d.SFI�' �s.rsa�s�,a l..r�_ — r��e: r��.� 735" - a3 9J � a 1a 4 3 y/ a Reasans for yoar iaterest in this particular committee: _,��n__s r�r�✓ �Al> �c n � .. , Have you had previous contacc with the summittee for which yoa are mak;ng appflcation? If so, when, aad thc cirtumatances'r �l Tn aa attempt to ensure that comnoittee representarion refleMS tbe makeup of our commnnitp, please ckeck the line applicable W yan. This informafion is stricNy voinmtsry. � wdite (Cancasian) Blacic (African Amerirsn} American Indian or Aiaskan Fsi6mo na� acs�►,: _ �-IG -.��'� Disabled: Yes No� If specfal accammodations are aetded, pie83e specify_ _ ��� � Asian or Paci�c Islaadet Mate� Female T�ow did you hear about this openiug7 o t GC.. �L�+��re ati TOTAL P.03 � � r A (� �(� �/� / !1 �/� �� StrtJG3 � `�r e7' A..n?K l��t��-i � �7' t( f C v�r� cn< !.S GtSrteK dn 7�fC