260260 WTiITE - CITV CLERK 1 �//�p R■��
PINK - FINANCE COl1C1C11 /y�tP�'��
� . C�uncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, 'I'hat St. Paul' s United Church of Christ be and
hereby is granted a permit to install a 42-car parking lot on
property located on the southwest corner of Summit and Victoria,
more particularly described as follows :
The southerly 80 feet of Lots 1 and 2
and the southerly 80 feet of the east-
erly 20 feet of Lot 3, All in Block 22,
Summit Park Addition; _
all in accordance with revised plans dated Received August 17,
1972j subject to the condition that said applicant-pe rnnittee,
and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with
all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes
and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance�
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hunt 'J
Konopatzki � In Favor
Meredith Against BY
Mme.President Butler DEC 5 �72 PP Y Y Y
Form A roved b Cit Attorne
Adopted by Council: Date �^'� _ ,
Certified P sed by C � Secretary BY ""�°/
Approv y Mayo • Date Approved b for mission to Council
Pu�us�� D�C $ 19� �
� ��
September 5, 1972
Mr. Harry E. Marshall
City Clerk
Room 386 City Hall
Dear Sir:
This is written in response to the application of St. Paul's
United Church of Christ for a permit to install a 42-car parking lot on
property located on the southwest corner of Summit and Victoria. This
property is further described as:
The southerly 80 feet of Lots 1 and 2 and the southerly
80 feet of the easterly 20 feet of Lot 3, All in Block 22,
Summit Park Addition.
This matter was heard at the August 17, 1972, Board of Zoning
public hearing. At that time, the staff said revised plans have been
received which meet design standards.
Mr. George D. Howes, representing the application, said they
would be putting down "black facing" to let an old basement area settle
until next spring when they would pave with bituminous.
Several neighboring residents appeared to voice their concerns.
One complained of a problem in an agreement he had with the church con-
cerning his property. Another expressed concern that the parking lot would
not be dusty and have loose stones which could be thrown through his
windows by traffic.
In discussing this matter, the Board noted that parking lots are
required to have a dust-proof surface and this can be accomplished in
various ways and enforced by the building inspectors.
Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recommend approval of
the plan as revised. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of
4 to 0.
Ve t ly yours,
Secretary, oard of Zoning
PJM:PLR:mb � � �\
Z. F. No. 7370 G � �
� . , 2�/��.,
`* ' (!,�so
� . City of Saint Paul, Minaesota
. . .
(Please print or type)
96 the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Miaaesota
Application is hereby made to remodel or recoaatruct aa ezi;sting �cross oae out)
install and operate a new
No. of islands and pumps : �
No. of tanks aad capacity:
� PARKIN(i IAT Por (customera) (employeee) (privste use) (public use) (other)
---.- -- - (ia+�icate type)
Capacity of parking lot -�^ ��.,���r�, I
� To be used in conneatioa with: ��_����j�j*�„� � ��
_ � I[ISCEId�AN80U3:
(iadicate tqpe such as Drive-in Refre�sent Staiid� Used Car
Lot, Dry► Cleaning Pick-up Statioa, Ice Veador, etc.)
Capacity of parking, ares:
*Location � � M 1� M�! ��� � �f � �
' �w��t�i NAt�wrw�s.
Legal Descriptiou Lot ,� � �� B1oo1c „;� Additio�n
��:���i�� a . �" � ��
Appli�ant's Name . ,
' �t. f�q�l+s IM�l�M �l�+i �` �
, Home or OYfice Address:
!♦i SI�111�t wN#Il�i �. !�i �'!t �i
Pboae Number , .
R,/BY T� PL =� ' `
� i �
Siguature d te ��
Addx�ess : l7'K � �M�w� A�s Af�� I�w�
Pboae No.: iN••l+��'0
� 1�en completed: file thre4.'�copies of tbis applicatioa form and three prints of
tbe preliminary lay-out pl`�s"of the proposed fscility with tbe Citq Clerk,
Boom 386� City Hall and Court House, Ssiint Paul, �ianesota
Z-3 6/11/56
� . �
" *SRANPt.E: 1. �S, corae� o� Ma3n 3t. aad First 8t. _ ��� ��
2. 3outb side of ltain St. betaeen First and Secoad ` �j �, � 1'� � '='
� � ��N �� 1972
ZO�iING f1LE -.�-�-- CITY. PLAI�i`�INGnBOl�RD �.
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� • BO�P.D Or 7.ONI\G A.EPORT AND 11CT7=0:d August 17, 1972
�• �� ^ Plat Map 10
" Acting under Lc�gislati.vE C��dc Ct�ai�t���� � � � � �� �
• passecl ��u�;ust 27, 1922, as amendG_u L� January 2i', 1971, 7370
1. APPLICANT'S NAME . St. Paul's United Church of Christ
2. CLASSIFICATION . ❑ Amendment ❑ Appeal X� PermiC � Other
3. PURPOSE . +2_-car p�rking 1ot
4. LOCATION , Southwest corner Summit and Victoria
5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : The �ad.itherly 80 feet of Lots 1 and 2 and the southerly 80
feet oE the easterl_y 20 feet of Lot 3, Al1 in Block 22,
Summit Park Addition.
6. PRESENT ZONING: "A" Residential
7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: •23 Paragraph: 4b
8a STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: August 11, 1972 By: PLR
A. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for the property constituting the
exp�nsion area. The adjoining parking lot was approved in 1950. A parking
lot permit was granted that same year for an employee parking lot on the
same site for a car dealer on Grand Avenue. An application for a curb cut
to Milton Street was applied for in 1957 but was withdrawn.
B. AREA ZONING: Grand Avenue frontage is zoned Commercial to thP alley adjoining
the subject property. The rest of the area including this site is "A" Residential.
C, DESIGN STANDARDS: Revised plans meet design standards.
The Head of. the Building Department presented the opinion that the 8 foot
buffer is net necessary between the parking lot and the fence which �efi.nes
the back yard area of the parsonage as long as the parsonage has a t�ac�.
yard 8 feet longer than the minimum required by the Building Code �ahich is
25 feet.
D. FP,ONT�GE AND AREA: The expansion site has a frontage of 80 feet ar� tiictoria
Street and 120 feet on Summit Avenue for an area of 9,600 sq. ft.
E. TRAFFiC ENGINEER'S REPORT: The Traffic Engineer recommended approval ca�f-�z a
sign facing Victoria Street saying: "Exit only. Do not. enter."
F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is flat and vacant except for a garage along the
northerly property line. This garage appears on the plan and is intended
to remain.
G. AREA CONDITIONS: Grand Avenue frontage is developed with commercial uses.
The United Church of Christ exists west of the site and two single family
homes adjoin the site to the north next to the parsonage. Summit Avenue
frontage in this area is developed with single family homes on large 1ots.
9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Tetter
Yeas Nays
. Moved by . Maietta X Maietta September 5, 19 2
X Benshoof Date of
Seconded by: Benshoof X Swesey Hearing:
� X McPartlin September 7, 19 2
Secretary s remar.ks :
Council Acti.on:
- ' i�i�NU7'ES OF THE PiJBLZC HE.ARITICr B�F(�RE '.�f3.E BOAR13 OF ZON�N� ���r�
ON THtiRS�AY, �,UGL`S^� 17, �.972, tiT 2.C3U :'ot�a ��n
PRESEN'r: Messrs, i�aiet�a, SenshaL�s, Swese� .�z�cl �lctaztl?n o£ wiie Bo��'d;
Mro Eric?cson C;n�t voting�; P•ir� Ros�t�e;- an.d �irs, Ba�-r�_vu�� of the Staf�e
5�, PAUL'S UI3IT�D �iURCH OF CHRTST �;`370}: Mr�> P.�sette� ��id E:�:rt` the st�ff wax?ted
out a site plan whic[i me�ts the approval of bo�.h. L-he ap�:a_cant ��d the staf.fQ One o�
fihe changes tk�at cras ��orked out iz� the sice �lan ��as �he proviszon s�r �� bufi'er be�U�een
re�ideiitial gcoper.ty to the nortt�. arzd thi� parkir� lo�e T�ere zre fiwa �c�.ive r�si�-
denc�s noxth of the parking lote zi. ��sn �c�jc�ins ;p�r�ia=�_y an:�ther hame th�,r_ �s
locsted on �.he church progertyo ?�Iro GZenn Er.ickson sai_d i:hat LhaL dicl r:oC requiLe
an 8-foot buffe�: as long as fi:hat hous� EZ�s � bacl� y=arc3 which is � feetc i.n. e..cess o€ the
25�-foot minimun bar.� yard �cequi�ed uz�ce*• �..ne �.�u1lc�a,n� coz3e, TFs.s i.; �� n�usP etzat �s
us�d residentiai�ly from time to time, buc be�ongs to +�tte ch�.�cE-�o
Mr� �osetter stated tt-�at this i� ar� ad�itbors vo z�r� exisi'.:�r�g pa�,lcing lor� xY�e�e �aere
�a tse anp�o�.imatel_y 42 �dditional c�rs, but ¢�izis smoun� c:r�.s cuY_ �own �I;_�h�ly c��hen
revis�.ons wer�: mac3eo
Mr. Walter Aaraot, 28 �n�xtli Vi.c�oria, state� ��,a� Eze live� r3ire,:.f:1� �acros:� t=.:cnrt L•he
parking lc�t�, He st:at2d that he w�s not opposed i_o tE?e pazir,in�; :�c� i4:se�.f, but L-a the
fact that tt�ey are �urti�.g crushed rock an if�, rIe said Chat th� rocks wcsuld c�me dc4r�
onto Vic�ori� S�:re�t ar_d be sho� hy tires ��r.oubh h�.s µr��ndow,
Mr� George D< Horaes, the representaL�i_ve frc:r �he chur�.h, �aa.d p�r tnc�ir pr.esent �3.an,
tY►ey would put "bZack facing" dowii c;�etwl nex�.: spr:ing c,�h�� t;zay w�ulc' put bitumiEicus
finish downo This �s ta �lloc�* �o� se[t3in� i•�here there ��er� bFasements, 2�ro
Erzckson said tha� a park.ing lo�: requir�s a duaC �r�of surface, and ehey would
h8ve �o pu� s�£iicient binder on �he crushed ro�t: to keep it in plr�ce, Aix, �ScPartlin
said th�t if rhe c#.ty approves L-he psrk:€ng 1nt, thei� iC ��iould be required t� h�v� a
dustproof s�rf�aceo Crushed rock is na�t du;;�proo�, He recommer_aed tha� if it is
approved and th�y have Gne that throtas u� dust that ne s&ioul.d r.Agor� it t� the
Buildir�g DepaLtment and they c�ilZ see thAt it is corr�cted or abandonedo Mro l�acaot
asked hQw they we�� going to keep the rocks yn glace wh�n tE�ey started plawir_go Iie
said he went to see �iouse of Hope Presbyr_er.ian Church, and th�ir psrkitAg lo� hns
crushed rocka He said the rock cv�s a11 over the st.�eet, and that street w�asn°t
even busy� V?ctar.;.a Street, howe.�rer, is �uay and he c,ras afraid tha� the �oclt taoald
end up on the neighboring Zawns and maybe bre�i;. some wi�.dowse Ai;-o Ho�aes sa�d t�eat
the crashed rock r�"�X1 have binder �n it so �.liis t,�i3.1 n�i: Le a �a�oblemo
Mr, 3� Ro Pau�son, 8uG Suimnit, stated that h� hms got an ease��nt fo� a �rivewny off
Victorza� Last ye�r a.t was concea�.ed w.;.�i� �ia.ac bushes o The chu�ch ripped down �he
l�lac bush.ese �Ie contracted fo� $7Q0 to have pax'king put in around his �;ara�e a�d
put in a driveway, and the churcl� said thEy c��re goin� �o haul all the ot(;er Chings
freee Then c,�hen he changed �he Plans they s�ill wani:ed the�r $7�Clo He got a FrQ�ise
from 'the chu��ch thae they �aere. �;aing to do this, so h� �old th� car�tracr�or to go
r�head and dr� �;i�e miscellaneous �aork, �1osa the��. 7 5 a bx� �aess there aad iC appears
as though the church is going �o br�ck oute
Mro McPartlin said he didn't see where �h:ts had any bear�.ng on the park�.n� lo�� He
said that any agreement he may have with t�Le churcE► is so�ethis�g they wauldn't take
�nto consi.deration here<
` ST> �AUIl°S JId�T�� CHUIZCi-: Q� CI-i�.�ST +4�'��;e Z; t:u�;usL• 17 s 1972
Mr� NYaieL-�a o,o:.c;e�ect :�� th.elr Go�e�.:7 el.i��kn�a2:� €:he �ust as so�n as �assib�e, maybe caxth
sor:�c kind �f s�r�y �a�,�, and I�xr� Fiawes sai.d that- suggestion c;�as re�aonsab3.eo
Mrh NldzeL-ta ��,rr�ti �c� �::eca*a�enci apc�oval a:� �he ��.rk��g 3.ot �u���:,,ct io tY�e r�visionso
It �ras secon�ed by Mco :�anshoo:� �sr.� the �otzvn carri�d uuuizim��.�s'syo
Sub�i�ted by: Ag�xtived �y;
I'auI �� r<osti>_i:tF� Ma-�, Cara?yn Cochranc
� . � '�'�36aD � . � 62Z
•� .
�� City of Saint Paul, l�innesota
(Please print or type)
� the City Clerk
City of Saint Paul, Minnesota
Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing
y install and operate a new (cross one out)
No. of islands and pumps :
No. of tanks and capacity:
� PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other)
(indicate type)
Capacity of parking lot �� 42 �Arc .
To be used in connection with: Gt Paul;s United Church of Christ
(indicate type sucb as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car
Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.)
Capacity of parking area:
*Location : 2 emp�y lots on the west side of Victoria Street between
Swimait and �rand Avenues.
Legal Description : Lot. parts of lots Block 22 Addition r ,
-- -1, 2, 3 Summit ��.Y�k Add'it�on
Applicant's Name .
S�. Paul's�United Church of Christ
Home or Office Address:
�(�' Suf�uft�t Avenue St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
Phoae Number ,
Fp�./BY THE AP I ,
��� ����� 7��� �
igna re) te�
Address . 1796 Ha.rtford Avenue St. Paul, Minn
Pbone No.: 698-9410
When completed: file three copies of this application form and t�e prints of
the preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk,
Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota
Z-3 6/11/56
*EXAMPLE; 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St.
2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St.
� p �
I �
� City Cl�rk
113 Gouet Mow� 55102
August 25, 1972
File X1244♦ �a��
You are hereby notified that a public hearin� ��{ll .be held ia the Couacil
Chambers of the City Hall aad Caurt Houae at 10:00 a.n., on Septetaber 7, 1972,
on the application of St. Paul's United Church of Christ for a permit to iastall
a 42-car parking lot oa the followiag described property: The Southerly 80
feet of Lots 1 and Z and the Sautherly 80 feet af the Lasterly 20 feet of Lot
3, all in Block 22, Sua�ait Park Addition. The property is located on the west
side of Victoria Street betweea Summit aad Graad Aveaues.
For furCher iafora�ation, coatact the plaaning Board, Room 1010 Commeres Build-
in�, or telephone 223-4151.
To comply with the City Charter, the Department of Finaace is charged with
informing you of thfs public hearing.
If you have aay questione, it is recom�aended that you attend this public hear-
ing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known
to the City Council.
A�ct in,g tiead - Fiaance Dept.
• - � . I L.DT I
^ , � Ex� T'/NG
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AU G 1 '7 1972 _ _ — — -- ;
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December l, 1972
To: �layor Lawrence D. Cohen and P•1r. Phil Lee
/ /Fr: Frank D. h9arzitelli
` ,/
Re: St. Paul's United Church of Christ - Parking LoL
I have reviewed the above matter and it is agreed that the Resolution
should be approved.
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'�'�U�P�S 42-car parking lot LAND USE
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,,C � � .� - � O ONE-FAMiLY
F�'-.�SEN9T �QNING ��A�� Res��e�tial -O- TWO-FAMlLY �
,,, T , � � THREE-FAMiLY , �
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