260259 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE � t CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COU11C11 2��,�,59 BLI,�E - MAVOR Flle NO. � - � � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That Worthdale Manor, Inc. be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 54-car parking lot to be used with apartments on property located on the north side of East 7th Street between Birmingham and Hazelwood, more particularly described as follows: South '� of Lot 18 and East '� of the South � of Lot 19, except the south- erly 171' t hereof, Cruickshank' s Garden Lots; all in accordance with revised plans dated Received September 13, 1972; subject to the condition that said applicant- permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COUNCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler OCA e 19� Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date C�r J � Certifi assed by Council Secret BY By Approv by May r: Date Approved or S iss' to Council By BY PUBLISHED DEC 91972 . ' .ty , ' • 6T . . 2� �,��.;� � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 September 26, 1972 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Worthdale Manor, Inc. for a permit to install a 54-car parking lot to be used with apartments, on property located on the north side of East 7th Street between Birmingham and Hazelwood. This property is further described as follows: South Z of Lot 18 and East 2 of the South 2 of Lot 19, except the southerly 171' thereof, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. This matter was heard at the September 7, 1972, Board of Zoning meeting at which time it was noted that a permit had previously been granted for this site but that a building inspector had discovered that the development differed substantially from what was built, so a new application was made for the revised layout. The Board discussed sanctions available to the City when a development is not built according to approved plans and Mr. Erickson explained the steps taken. He noted that enforcement is suspended in a case like this where a revised plan is pending action by the Council. He said if this plan is denied by Council, the Building Department wil? order the applicant to develop the parking lot according to the plan originally approved. In response to a question from the Board, the staff said that presently the subject plan requires some revisions to make it meet design standards. Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recommend denial so the lot will be built according to the originally approved plan. The motion was seconded with the comment that the Board should go on record as opposing a development which ignores the approved plans. The motion carried by a vote of 4 to 0. The Board expressed a desire to coummunicate to the Council the fact that the Board was recornmending denial because the parking lot was built contrary to what was originally submitted. Plans dated received September 13, 1972, meet design standards. Very truly yours, � . � �/ / PETER J IETTA �'�� Secretary, Board of Zoning� "`W� PJM:PLR:mb Z. F. ��7388 O `"/, ,�� t . � , • � ' • � . . � . Ci,ty ot Saiat Paul, Mlnnesota APPLICAT�ON FOft SPECIAL COtA�iCIL iRSB P�RI[IT � (Please print or type) 26'0��� TO THS ADNiORABLT ItAYOB AND C1TY OOUI�CIL 96 tbe City Clerk City of Saint Paul, uinaesota ' Application is bereby made to remodel or reconatruct an ezisting �cross one out) install and operate a aew � FILLII�FG STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: R PARKII�GG IAT for (cust�ers) (emploqees) (private use) (pub],ic use) (otber) �"'""'�"=�'�'C� tqpe) Capacity of parking lot � 0� To be used in connectiari aritb: i��„ •� . � 1[ISCSI�A1�i�0U3: (ittdicate type sucb as Drive- n Reiresbment 8taud, Used Car Lot, Dry .Cleaa3ng Pick-up 3tstion, Ice Veador, etc.) Capacity o! parking area: *Locatioa . � =r► 7'�h $�. . l�fl 80,.� at L� 1$ � � of . Legal Descriptiou : Lof� �p,�� O! 3p�i 19 Block Q Addition . �, =�ell�!i �! �o�. 1T1* C�1��1�N��r t�!'�1 Applicant's Name � : �� �p�� j�. j,�� � #Iome or Office Address: �'� A�' �„ �,1 g�� Phone Number : a�,,.� FOR,/BY TAS AP , ' � ��. • ' Sigusture date �ON��� ��� Address : Phone No.: Wben completed: file tbree copiea of this applicatioa foxoa aad tbrev priats ot tHe preliminarq lay-out plans o� tbe proposed f�cility aritb tbe City Clerk, Room 386, Citq Hail and Cour� House, Saint Paul, Miaaesota Z-3 6/L1/56 *SXA1�P'LE: 1. 3.L. corner ot 1[ain 3t. sud Firet St. � � � �a � � � � 2. 3outb side of liain 8t. between Fir�t and Second St. Ju� � 8 �� c�rtr ��a�� �oa� sainc PaW, Mrr,rk�at� ` .. . WbR�FtZ�ALE I�NOR - Faae 2 - September 7A �.972 Mra Erickson said Lhae the lette� to the Cout�ci.l i:� res�d by th� Clerk> He didn't know Yeow effective that wasa Mr, �fcPnrilin tho:�ght i� shou�d be he?d he�>eo M.ro ��icksdzt said t�►at this w�s pQinte� ouj- to �he app3.ican� by a plan ctiecker a long time aga, but z�o t�.ckets have been �ssued. Mr� Benshoof said it loaked l�kc the buildirg w�ss rsccupiedo Mr:� Er�.cksaa said t�hat a �emporary cer�ifica�e as i�suecl when ��ie building is safe to be �ccupieda Mr� �IcPartlin �s;ser3 if they shoul� vat� an the mo�ion reco�eneing denxal on �he gruunds �hat he has not compiied wi.�h Che sppr.oved ��lanso Mx�, IiEnshon� wanted it i:zto the m?n�tes th.at i.t. be brougnt to the aCeentian of �hc Councill �� ta why it was denied. Mrse Cochrane s�ated th�t they wer.e de?tyi?1;y ehis parkin� Iot bec�use it was coatrary to what was submitCed. Nlx�, Ex�ickson sa�id chey do hsve a speci.al u:ye �e�mit for the parlczn�; ?ot, but !1� wit3. have to change �t to maKe it comply with t`�e speci�l. use p�rt�a.c� Mro McPartlin ask�d �f t4�e plans he has in na�a meet req�±ir�merltso Mr� RaseCter re�:Za.e� that they don°te Mro Swesey said he had secoaded Mre �3ensho�f's mc��ion Lecomtuetuz:��.g deYtial� Mr� McPartlin nated that the p1anG he has in �gw doa't meet the requi�ecnents, and he doesn't follow them anyway. The mation carried uz�animouslyo Submitted by: APprove� by: Paul L, R�setter A�rs a Carolyn Coclirane � � ' City Clerk ' � , ,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���F��-�� � ✓ MINNESOTA ��� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 Gourf Harse SS102 September 1S, 1972 File X1250, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing wi12 be held in the Council Cfiambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10;00 a.m. on Segtea�ber 28� 1972 on ti�e application of Worthclale Manor, Inc. for a permit to instsll a 54-car parking lot to be used with apartmeats oa the property described as follows: South 1/2 of Lot 18 and East 1/2 of the South 1/2 of Lot 19, except the South 171 feet, Block 2, Cruickshank's Gardea Lote. The propertq - is located on the North side of East �th Street between Sirmin�tam Aveeue and Hazelwood Street. For further inf�ostiastion, contsct the Plarn�ing Baard, Roem 1010 Cam�erce . Building or telephone 223•4151. To cvmply with the City Charter, the Department of Finance is eharged with infosaiiag you of thie public hearing. If you have aAy questions, it ia reconm�etu3ed that you attend thia publia hearing to afford you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and cou, known to the City �ouacil. , ROBBRT W. TRUDEAO Acting Head - Fimance Dept. c f , ,. � . �s� December 1, 1972 �'�a�� To: I�ayor Lawrence D. Cohen and �Ir. Phil Lee Fr: Frank D, I�arzitelli ����� Re: Worthdale I�anor, Inc -�arking Lot I have reviewed the above matter and it is agreed that the Resolution should be approved. mc � C �' �GOaSq - . � � - � ��� � � . � City of Saint Paul, I�innesota f � . APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERNIIT (Please print or type) TO THE H�NORABLE I�AYOR AND CITY OOUNCIL 96 the City Clerk � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota ( � jb Application is hereb made to remodel or reconstruct an existing y install and operate a new (cross one out) � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: , X PAIiKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) �`�ndi�ca�e type) Capacity of parking lot 5� ��'8 To be used in connection with: Apts. � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Bef reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location . 1�67 R. 7'th St. S'�. Psul Sc.� of I,ot 18 8e B� oP Legal Description : Lotthe So.� of TAt 19 Block 2 Addition Sxegpt the So. 171' Crnic]c8hs�]c'8 Cardea Applicant's Name : Worthdal.e �,or� Inc. ypt� Home or Office Address: 30� Asbury St. PBnl 55� Phone Number . 633-3329 1�'OR✓BY TF� APPL , � � 7 � � (Signature date Address . Phone No.: Wben completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Aoom 386� City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/L1/56 *EXAMPLE; 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. ' � MINUTES OF TfiE PUBI,IC I�'i�,�IN� B�F'4�RE Tf�.� B�ARA OF ZOIVIPIG ' � •� 4N THUR,SDAX� SEP�i�S�R ', 1�72, :�'� 2:Q� P,P1, ^�� .�� �. � �:�i.l PRE3�NT� Mme, Cc�chrane; �iessrsa McPax�J,in; Swes�y a�z�� Bensi�a�f o� thp BrsArd; Mro Ericks�n, Mr� RosetLe� a��3 A�rso ?3Grei,�ty3.L crf Gtie st�;fe �IORTfIA�A�.E I�i�sNOR t738S}; Mr, Eric��o�i s�i.d t:�at �his �.as an approved pa�k�.ng lot, An ir�spector stopped them i�ecause tl�c�y �u9: i� i��l co:�trary to the �pprov�d paanso They are naw a slcing for a :revis 3.an a Mro Ben�shoof maved deniai until they :�eeL th,� dcsign s4and,�rds urder which th�y axigina�ly submitted. �fr., Kosetter s�ated �ha� ehe catagin�l �Ian d�;�ffere:� su�stantiaZ3.y f.xom �he one they hav� in nowa Ti�E p1.nn he i�as nc��:� is Farett:y Ya�ach �.z�:�e :•rh�e ca��s bus�Zi., '�t1e pr�sent p1An i� �aot �haawf.n�; the £i-foot buf�;r whict? .LS �e?€���:�i� beyr���z« 1(:t� f�e� f�cor� �ast Seventh Skreete Mro Benstioof no�ted tF�mt ti�e�e are tce� ��r:S.veLazays �ir.�� _�a�i: 7t4a Stree� �;,:ich u��kes more congestion. fte s�i.d there is no reasan L-c�r �*�ro d.:ivecaays7 �he,y are ac�i�.y 20 feet sparte Mro McPsrtlin as?ced if if: wou�.dn'� be bette;. ta puti i.t� ov�t and n�i.�fy f:he �npli.cant of �he l�y-ove�o Mrso Cochrsne �sked i� there were aiiy sanctiaa.�, �h,e ��.Ly can take againsi son�e��e who ciel3berat�ely doe3 i:i�is o Mr, Ericltson repZied that they cauld close tl-s�r� dau;lx, '�hes:e �ail� no� be A cex��ficate issued unti3. the p�'C�].I'ig �.G� is brou�f�r up tc� compliancee t7hac t�tey h�ve is a temporary cer�ificate, wh3.ch is issi�ed when �h? b�:%?d��z� •Ls sa�e a`or �ccunancye He said he didtt'C know ho�� far �Lan� i�: iso I�ira Coverc3�I,e and M�, S`L�?1IiW1�'�I1� renresentin� Wor�h�ale ?�nor, c�e�e xeluctant to ev�n appl;� fo� � v�ariance and 11ave been "m�s3ing around" caith this fo� a long time. I�re Swesey said that in that case he EvauLd 9EG0.tf� MXe Senshoof's ►notian so L-hey would be on record of. cleny�ng it rat:her Chan havinf, i� ;ust hangin� vn or E�ave them say they thought 3t was all right. Mr, McPartlin said that the Council might jus� le� it slip by with no one even payin� aay attention to ito Mr, Benshoof said he would like �o offer an ani��ridi.ng motion �a the effe�t thae �he Beiil.din� Depar�ment be notified tq cio wh�t�.eve� has i:o be done to bring thzs up to the ori�inal specifications. Mr, Erickson, in pointing; o�t what pracedurA�.�.y izappens, sa3cl �� was wise to just hold any ordezs in abeysnce cvhile it %s in front c�f any e�f tf►e bos-rds� If it is under appealy this effectively stalls it until it is he8rd, Se� fi� i� is denied by th� Board af Zoning and the City Cauncil, his office c�oul� i.�uued��tely issue orders thst the parkin� lot be done �n sccordance with the ori�;inal p2.ans, Mr, Benshoo£ �sked if �his could be brought to the �ouncil in such a way that they will be aware of wh�t hsa happened out there, � Mr, McPartlin aaid tnat yau can't depend oz� that� ,/ � � i i i )� V � U t � .��,\ e v �, O O . ,�� � � � F�+ 1 . O . � ��� V, �.V �u � �� 4 . I \ � �� � \ ` � - i G ' �, '�J � , � ' �— n _ _ _.. ' ` �` � � _.� Q ------ ---- � l M S ------� �� - " o . , J �- � O ; � � - V � C� G � v �''� � -� � ' � �-- -- � - - - � � _ � ,J f � ' -- � �� �� � -- O p G � O O � O � .., O ' O O G (`J O O � ' Av � . ± � - YoRK . - j � - � o o ; o ! : r o 0000 � , � �v' �— + � � �----i� � � v,v, � �/�� � 1 � I _ � � ! � - �- --� � V � �W ' --��• _ i c - � �`=-- � ' , � � — ' _ � �' � ; 1 � ``� � ♦ � v c � . Q► . � ��-- v ! � � ' • , i �, ,. ,,�___°_ , � : v � v � � i I -�-u-- � �; i � � � � I � � ' �R� � . �� � LL W tZ � �; ; '�__ ' I t� � _u. _ v I v v v v v L� v - � v i ,,� �--- V � � . , � c , _ � , �—v- � .- v - � — —� , �,�,� �-- ----- , i -- ; � � i , � j I � � �J �; — — - �';��� ���i�v,v�v ! � ; ' � � O ' ,► O , G O �O G� G' � ( 1 i � ; I �-- __ ` � E. SEVENTI-4 ST. �; T � � i ; , j �; p O � ( i -�;, ..� � Q � C � �/, V . � ; � �'j � G . V V � V V �f '�J V `,i '✓ V � �� � � �—� � � ! .i� -� -�,�. �.�_..— � � � , -,--T-� �i i � O _�—i-'- ; � � . I I i I � C '� �✓' ������� `���' i ��.� �✓ �� V �! 'V� V��/I��I V � V V �.�.� ��.,,<1 I I I � ( i G ����� �� � � p �QotsS � � � � � ;,-�, , � � ' . V I I . C� • �iU � �j`� � �� V V V V V V `J `J V ��� V �,_ �I � i � � �/�>, ' , � �+ V C � � � � � � G � �i,J I V i v l v I\J ; � ',/ V `: 'J \1 _'Y' `J \` I `•J `j l �, `� -- � � � � ' ` � - : ,�•. - � [ 1�:��:r I , . � , . � I � . � ��1 .._ . � ! � � � , �R�_ iI uIl I �lPPLICANT �orthdale Manor, Inc, {�GEND PURPOSE 54-car parking lot to be used LA�D us� with apartments 0 ONE-FAMILY �RE�€�i �fli�ii�1� c°�p'"�;�'- ?�� "�" Resident;al -� i rJO--�APvti�.i � � THREE-FAMlLY PETITQN SIGNERS -�- FOUR-FAMII.Y _ �� MULTI-FAMILY FILE No �38s o � n COMMERCIAL No�TH n n INDUSTRIAL u VACANT St Paul Planning Boord, Date� September �, i9�2 � Property Under Consideration ;.�,, t�� . , ����� � �� � � � � � � � : � . , ,�,; :, . ;-- ,.: , � � , . , BOA:tD OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION September 7, 1972 - . • � P1at Map �k37 � .Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 ` passed August 22, _1922, as amended to January 27, i971. �c� �¢� , F��;,�� �� 7388 1, APPLICANT'S NAME . Worthdale Manor, Inc. 2, CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment a Appeal �X PermiC � Other 3. PURPOSE . Install 54-car parking lot to be used with apartments 4. LOCATION . North side East 7th Street between Birmingham and Hazelwood 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : South 2 of Lot 18 and E 2 of the So. 2 of Lot 19, except the so'ly 171' thereof, Cruickshank's Garden Lots. 6. PRESENT ZOIQING: Commercial and "C" Residence 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: August 30, 1972 By: PLR A. HISTORY: This property was rezoned from "A" Residential to "C" Residential on May 29, 1971. A permit for a 54-car parking lot on this site was granted on September 25, 1971 in accordance with a plan which differed substantially from what was subsequently built. B. AREA ZONING: The frontage along East Seventh Street is zoned Commercial. North of this site is a parcel of "C" Residence land. The rest of the area is zoned "A" Residence. Property adjoining to the east is zoned "C" Residential north of the 100 feet of Commercial zoning. : C. DESIGN STANDAR&�: The original plan did not provide an 8-foot buffer between the parking lot and the residentially zoned portion of the adjoining property but there was enough room to provide it without substantially altering the remaining elements of ��he plan. This change among other more minor revisions were incorporated into the revised plans which have been received. No setback is required as, the front 100' are zoned Co�ercial. D. FRONTAGE AND t��-�- The property has a frontage of 125 feet along East Seventh Street and ],�6 feet' along unimproved Stillwater Avenue and an area of 46,225 ' square fee��Building area is 11,620 square feet, covering 25.1% of the groun�l ,' area. E. TRAFFIC E1VG INEER: The Traffic Engineer recommends approval with 26-foot driveways. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site is developed generally according to the current plan (with an apartment building and parking lot) , except for the following instances: 1) Sod exists south of the row of garages where the plan calls for an open stall; 2) There is a drive south of the row of open stalls where the plan shows two more st"�lls; 3) Some stalls are painted at a diagonal and some stalls have been "unpainted" while the plan shows parallel parking; 4) The eastern edge of the blacktop is in line with the eastern edge of the apartment building which is shown on the plan to be four feet from the eastern property line. The 8-foot buffer applies to the eastern edge of the parking lot north of the southern 100 feet which is zoned Commercial on the adjoining property. The boulevard along East 7th at this site has been blacktopped. G. AREA CONDITIONS: Adjoining property to the east is vacant. Property to the west is developed with single family homes and apartments. The area south of East 7th Street is vacant with severe topographical conditions. ---•-- 9. BOARD ACTION: . To Recommend � Approval a Denial Council Letter � Dared� Yeas Nays . Moved by . Benshoof X McPartlin Sept. 26, 1972 X Swesey Date of Seconded by: Swesey X Benshoof Hearing: ' X Cochrane Secretary's remarks: �� Sept. 28, 1972 ' Counci Action: �� ,; � . ,�`` Date: . , -— ------••+,� � � � ---- ._.:..� --------- � . • � '�y ` � � � . . . �.. . . . . . .. . . . _ .. . ,t r ' ��� rj� V� r� . � - �� . . . � . '�. " . . �i'. . � ' .. ., ; .. .. . . r� � � � �. . . . . � . . . . . . � . .. _ .. . . . �.� �.�� ' � . `� � � .. i w . +.. 4 . i k '.. . . �. � � ... y � � � � .. ���'#� ^^U%�wh 4 n'n �. � � � ,� "! . - . .� ��.� �.�' .`f�. . + I , / • / 1 I _ �' + . j. - . •. . . ' .. ~/ � � 4 � Y^ L� � 1: � . � . . I` . / � r � _r . ^ _ _ // _.-.-,� __--__.___�..,`..— f � _ -.,.� - � �~ �� 1 -� _ .��._..`�' �.�. , , I � . ! ; I � ;. ,. I • � � l . . h-N' . ._._ .___.. __...._._.. . 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