02-1213CounciiFlle # � I� �` `��� GreenSheet# 103794 Presented By: WNEREAS, the Office of L1EP has received paymentfor services provided to Ramsey County SWCD in the amount of 58,000: and Refetred To: Committee: Date i z 3 a s 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 �s n �a 19 zo z� n 23 2a 25 zs z� 28 zs 30 31 32 33 � WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to sec. 10.07.01 of the city charter, certifies that there are available for appropriatioas $8,��0 in funds in ezcess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and in accordance with sec. 10.07.01 of the city charter, recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget FINANCING PLAN: Departmeni of Executive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA GL 320 3335'I 6907 County Share of Cost All Other Activity Financing Current Budget 0 5,554,671 5 554 671 Change 8,000 D 8 000 Amended Budget 8,000 5,554,677 5 562 671 SPENDING PLAN: Departmeni of Erecutive Administration Division - License, Inspections, and Environmental Protection GL 320 33351 0359 Other Misc Supplies 0 8,000 8,000 AlfOtherActivltySpending 5,831,175 0 5,831,175 5,831.175 8 000 5 839,175 now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Councit approves these changes to the 2002 budget. Requested by Depadment of: Office of License, Inspections, a�d E ' onme tal Protecii � By: Approval Re mmend d 6y FSO - Di ecto � 1te d-a�,]_,BY= � < . Adoption Certified by Councfl Secretary: By: By: eeiunav Blakey eostmm Goleman Nanls Ganby Reifer Date ( / ' Form Approved by iTy Att� � By: r for �im.WKO) WcflB �� Adopted by Council: Date OEPA&TdtEMl�FFYCFIWUN(.'LL. oahwmn�cFn O'?� ��.} ExecutiveAdminishation-LIEP 1/25/2002 GREEN SHEET NO. 703794 4etiallOap X tiaf Dab CONTAQPERSON&PNONE �2 ➢FYAR'[E4NCOIXFl.'[OR R� CRYCWNCU SheilaReed 2669111 ❑a arvnrrou�r � rnrmuc MUSIHEONC011NQLA�FNDABYNAlk7 ❑3 FPIANCUI.SERVICFSDIX � £PI.SFRVICESOFF/AOCfG ❑5 MAYOIL(ORAlSLTCAN[1 �t OEYAATMEN[ACWUNC 7 0 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) 4 ACIIMURF,QilESSED Approval to am.end the 2002 spending and Enaucing for LIEP Special Fund 320; to reappmpriate funds received from Raznsey County. xECamtdaDnnaus:s,�m��p>«[�jw(x) 1 PF�LSONAT.SERVICECONI'RACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWIlICQUESISONS: awuxwccoMwssron 1. Has this pecsoWSrm evu worked mder a contract for this depachnent? ��+� YES NO _GYasFnv�CECOMnLLSSiox 2. Has t6is yuwdHrtn eva beyn a ciry employee? _ YbS NO _ 3. Does dtis Pe�Sm�possess a sldl! mtnoxmaRy iwssessed bY my ciment city employce? YES NO 4. Is this pecwn / Sm� a mrgeted vwdor? YFS NO (Explain all yes answers on uparate sheet aud atfach to green a6ee4) aimamvc srtoa�n. �ssu�, oeeonnmrtv (wuo, wnar. wero. ws�rc. wM) LIEP expended funds from its GIS budget to provide n�aining, data storage, softwaze and computer access ro Ramsey Counry S WCD for Natural Resources Interacrive Arc/IMS website. Revenue received from Racnsey Counry for these services was $8,000. RECEIVED ADVpNiAG6SIFAPPROVED. I LIEP's expenditure budget for GIS will be iestored to its origina] amount. �'TY A�O I"7 N� 1 DISADVANTAGFSffAPPROVED� - N/A o�snovnm�wces oe r�or r,eeaoveo� LIEP`s Special Fund 320 would be unable to use [he funds for their intended purpose. zoxra,nnwun�corsxane+sna�oN_� 8,000 eosimmsv�ueeu�+.-re,n�cuec�oN� � No FUNDP'GSOURCE Special Fund 320 ncrrv�rrrvumsen GL - 320 - 33351 PN`ANCIAL YJFORMATTON' (EXP W N) �7 1r SaintPaulHu�getOiflce(F:41t2Tre¢o�vmonuo�.WK� uaa•xx