260239 WH17E •- CITY CLERK ^.�� �� PINK - FINANCE � 1 �� BL.UERY-MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAITL F1eci1N0. �` �" . � � • ' ' rdin�znce Ordinance N 0. ��� _ Presented By w � � ' _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the following titles, and specifications for Ski Instructor I Ski Instructor II Ski Instructor III Ski Instructor Trainee _1_ COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt ' Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Adopted by Council: Date Form�oved by �ity Attorney � �J) � Certifie s d by Cou ' S y BY By Approved by Mayo Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By / + a � t� � ' ������.�3 '�ifi1� �� �:l�:s�o C`7.r:�' 'i'1�T�,7•...� .�r r i'�T? �J�;.a... S�f�..�.:. ��• _ a..,.d♦ .�. -E-'11�2�;� e1P2C� f�;r.,-.nl1`?7��ii7"1":t�� . '1;1�..=�C,;, nlli',�:'V�`�I:31?, fii� „�:tV�` lI'l:�i!_7,.:t;.CiP.' 111 'C:4C-` Cl.l-:YY;C11r3i�T �l�Ti�c`E?�'; C)� :>rClir2�'�? ?�1�.:.�i tC) �]t*.1'3�02't1� t�11f;LC� '�✓O?'iC c�u �5:�;.S1ZCCi� �'.gia.l�T]!?Ll;:� n'� ����C) �i. ?j;'.�i7I�1�'.:;C:a 1_G i. �-_"'.�:: f°���GSZ:� C':.f ::�L:;l1:1�7:5 `+:�i' :�C�Y21?P;.tCI�?; 1C'.CL7T11Cil".l":S Cif sl�izn;� 7.T3��.�lf�it� � :�11�'oJ �'��.GU:� :'11'vCT✓ _i�0'�;°J ��Li�'ll� v.17�i l'E��C: .".(�111`'s"O� CiI� 51�aS. To �:�ac'� �,�_u�cnts t;��c: t_��:�a-��� _1n�-1 ,.,�i�'.� �,��tiiod oS uesEen.�:�:.t�� � ti , li;,els_ ' � i��.inin�a�.� cyc�.��:1iEi�-�.��"n.;;. >=i1t; :�i-:%:I.iQi1�� �;� +3:;'.'.':iC;I'1C"�, 7S ,:1 .>�;! i?1!i":.�'UC�C�:. -� _- ��ti�� og �l`��: /.�30 � �KI �N�:�'it J�%"�:JR II Dutie� an� rc��onsiLi.lities: L;nd�r supez•vi,ion, to �iv� i.nstru�tion:� in tne inteimed:i.�te t�;,hniques of cki.in�� and tc� perforrn rela�ed w��•� �s asGi�ned� Exampl�� of �rork pe.•for��ned° To teieh cla�scs of �:tzxc3ents t9��� zn'tCrrr:Cdi.ste tccEini.�ue� of slciin�; inclu.�inu Y.la� tzacrr^a�..c, �t�m turn, sic]��l.xp, ughil.l __ _. �.hrs.�fzc a.nd �tcm chri�Eie: o erfcrm th� du'�i�s .��czsie�l for Ski �n�t:ru:�tor I. :�%Iinimurz� C!iZl.f:£i�atio�s: 1�/�uct be register�c3 v�ith tlae Cencr�l �l:i Tnstructors �ssccz��icn as an assae�at� in,^tru.�.t:ox: oz• t�ix��:� -r:.�ason's t�:p�riencc �.� a ski in�tructoz, _3e ! � • y Title of clzss� 5KI €NSTR�.JC'TOR .i�I D�ti�� an:] respons;bilitieG: Under �u,�ei•vi�iorx, to ^ive a.n��x�t�etxons in t�e adv2.nced techniques Gf �l;ii.ng; anci to ��tiorm 1cla��c� �vorl� as assignedo F'xampl�.,� o� �vorlc perfor�-��d: To t��.;,?� cia:>ses �:� �tu��nt^ �,�� ad`r�nced Lechnic�uc.� of ski�.ng, incladi,n� the nrzrallc:l christf.e, �arallel christic �vith chcck, ancl �h� short s��i�i�a To gerf�rm thc �ciL�ti.e�. sp��csf�,��i foi subordinat� 5ki iiistructor posii.:i�ns< Naii�irnum nu.1�.i.£ic�.tien.s� Five S�cLSfJI1fS �;�p;:,i.ence a� a sl:� instguct�x• and must be regi�t�r�d ��,i,h t'.ie ���r�t�-�1 Cki Ins��uti.tor. .nss�ciaticn as a, fully certified 1I7�'�i l•u�tab� _�a . . ', * , Title c�f class: /�3� ':��i ?�i�TR'U�`x rJR T�t1�INEE �uties ?r,c: r�:;,�?oi�,�i�?.l'zti.c�� �.�r�der ^u�crvisioi�, ta '�e �raaned in �nd to perform, th� duties of a �::.i ir.,c->tr��to�•; an�l to �;�r.for��, r�lated �✓ark as a�signLc]< ?,<.air.�3.eti �f c�orlc pet forg3zed� Iiz t:i� caf-acztyr of -z tr�i�iec: Tc ��a�'n ti�� �c�inr_ing tc�cl�n��u�s o` �kiing inclucli.n� snow plc,w, s�acw �lovr �u�-ii� an.� ee��e ccn�s•oP of slcis. �?'o `e�ct� t�z�� prorer an� sa�'e ��retlzod of de�cending �ki hills, Ivsinir�um. �u-?.1�fic�?tionc,: I�bilit� to sl:i� �, ��r � WH,IT+E - CITY CLERK ����� �� PIN�K - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PATIL Council ��: OANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. BLUE - MAYOR •. � T . � ` i� •� � � O/ WZ/`�/`CG Ordinance N O. / v o� Presented By Referced To - :�;omm�t�ee:, „ .-Aate;. .. , . . ...,.. , ., Out of Committee By Date Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. _6_ COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor ��:2Ci'ti�""' Meredith � Against BY Sprafka Tedesco � JAN 11 1973 Form oved by Ci Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certif' sed by Co retary BY ' � BY Appro by May Date �HN 1219 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By �UBLISHED JAN 2 0 73 �'`i '�f . F y}. ,.":a y?R��; .'�`_t . . ... a � A ..` �. � �` . _ . � ' l zra /� � . 1St '�J t. � . 3rd � ; Adop�e�3 _ Yeas ��ys / ///� � HU:�T YONOP�TZKI �6��� �� � �•�F�DITI-i Spr.��'I�._� � `i.r'�r�GJC`✓ . _ _ �� �