260199 WHITE — CITV CLERK � PINK — FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council � BLUERY— MAYORTMENT Flle NO. ���� �� t C uncil esolut on � - Presented By LIC�TVS�; COMMITT� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R.�;SOLVr;D: That Application r1 4491 for Class C3-Drive-In Restaurant a,nd Ci�arette licenses, applied for by George u��. Nelson at 1115 Rice Street, be and the same are hereby granted, subject to the following conditions, that the grounds be prepared and maintained so as to be dustless, that the debris be picked up and removed daily from the premises and that the sidewalks around the property be cleaxed of snow and ice durin� the winter and subject also to the condition that a six-foot redwood fence be installed along the alley prohibitin.g access to the alley. ilL'1VL�4"a1�11! Drive-In Restrictions. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � �epet�i '' In Favor Levine Meredith � Agalnst BY Sprafka T.odoccc Mme.President Butler A 7+� � 6 9 �,C Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified assed by Council Se etary BY Approved by Mayor: Date �OV 3� �972 Appr y a or Submis ' ou By BY �u�u��o DEC 2 t9T2