260198 �
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� � 260�9�3
s CITY OF ST. PAUL ��� �� NO. '
Resolution Appmoving Aes�sment By—
and Fizing Time of Hearing Z`hereon �
In the m,atter of the assessment of benefits, cost aad expenses for reconstructing-�of
s�1rrM� a�i �wrk iacideatal thereto: Coi�tt�t T1�, �stsi�t ���'3. i� �• �+,
. __ _.� .
t. . 1S0 - N�1: =t., erst6aast side froa s. is�ra�th St. to D�l�wo� riacs aad on
t� �t aii� ot 6sienbrier St. fro� De1lWOOd Place to lrtargaset St.
F.O. #253179 - Batss St. both si1� fxos B. Sev�nth St. to Maury St.
F.O. �253147 - Si�hth St. is�attasl�i.frca Matia Ave. to North St.
F.O. #253177 - B. Fifth St. aorth side from Itaple St. to Hope St. and on the south side
of S. Fifth St. frc�m liaple St. to the eut approx. , 130 ft.
F.O. #253148 - Arcade St, both sides fraa Third St. to �'ourtti St.
F.O. �252755 - Clexmont St. both sides fra� 1lonnd St. to Burns Ave.
F.O. #254570 - Agate St. , both sides fs�on Case Avl. to Cook �ve.
l.0. •ZSi568 - �at� St. sast sid� frca l�apolia �;. to Cook A��.
!'.A. #2S4S2� - AckRr st. bnth sides !`so� Cottlatti 2� to Elk at. and slk St. txt�td�d
f ._..,. _., : . _. _ :_ _. . fi,r, �,;�H :. .
, .. . . __, .. _ . _.. � . , .
T.O. S - Miple St., morthea�t sii� froa :. S�resth St. to Dell�ooi 21. and an '
,. ,.. , ::;. _ . .t.bs eut aide�of.Gxee�abrier St.. fsa�.,D�llr.md_Pl. to M�asgu.�aC Sx. . .
F.O. #254570 - Agat� St., bath sidea frc� Case Ave. to Cook Ave. '
F.Q. #,�5�14�,.�.4�'�m.�� S�.��, .�t�, a�de�s_ froa Thi.�d..Rt,. Co Fourt� St.
._ _ _ .. _ .:_ . , . _ __ .. _. .,_..
The assessment af=1���fitg,. ���t ��,�t eYppr►ge■ for and in connection with
the above improvement having been submitt�i to the Council, and the Council having considered same
and found the said assessment satiafactory, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the said assesament be and the same is hereby in all respects approved.
RESOLVE�D FUBTHER, Tha.t a public hearing be had an said assessment on thP 27th
day of December. 1972 , at the hour of 10 o'cloc�k A. M., in the Gouncil Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commisaioner of Finance
give natice of said meetings, ae required by the Charter, stating in sa.id notice the time aad place of
heaxing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount a,ssessed against the lat or lots of the particular
� owner to whom the notice is directed.
Y� HUNT N�y� NOV a 9 19T2
�� Adopted by the Gauncil
Form R-2 2M 10-68 8�
�aueu��� D�C a 1972