02-1209� t Presented By: � Ref'erred To: 1 2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, has received a Juvenile Accountability 3 Incenfive Block Grant from the Minnesota Department of Economic Security, World'orce Services 4 Branch, for a Youth Achievers Program from January 1, 2003, thraugh December 31, 2003; and 5 6 RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts this grant and authorizes the City to enter into, and Chief 7 William Finney to implement the attached agreement with the Minnesota Department of Economic 8 Security, Workforce Services Branch. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 reas nray5 Absent � Requested by Department of: Benanav BosVOm Coleman Adopted by Council:Date: RESOLUTION ? sanvT raui,, ivmvN�soTA Council File # �y,.� ypq Green 5heet # 203509 Committee:Date: By: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: By: � Approved by By: � Youth Ac :Date: � � /�\ �- Program Approved by F' ancial Services Director: ���� -� by Mayor for 5ubmission to Council: By: oi ��a� FY 03 "'�' �' VENDOR NUMBER �� FUND �� AGENCY �� ORG. 3i0 1821 L— OBJ GRANT CFDA # AGREEMENT# 910U0 16.54Q ��i� AMOUNT SUB ORG. �� DOCUMENT NUMBER(S.) STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY/WORKFORCE SERVICES BRANCH Funding Source: Juvenile Jusiice Title V Grant Agreement Number: 91000 This grant agseement, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, between the State o( Minnesota, acting through its Department of Economic Security (DES), Workforce Services Branch (W SB), (hereinafter the DEPARTMENT), and St. Paul Police Department 100 East Eleventh Street St. Paul, MN 55101 Social Security or Federal Identification Number: Minnesota State Tax Identification Number: (Hereinafter GRANTEE) W ITNESSETH: 41-600552i 80250956 WHEREAS, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974, Public Law 93-415, as amended, hereinafter referred to as the Act, was enacted for the purpose of preventing juvenile delinquency and improving the meihods of administration of juvenile justice, and WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has been granted funds by the United States, through the Department of Justice, for use to meet the purposes of the Act, and WHEREAS, GRANTEE has made application to the DEPARTMENT for a portion of such funds for the purpose of conducting a project consistent with the purposes of the Act, and W HEREAS, GRANTEE has represented to the DEPARTMEMT that it has effectively delivered services of the type called for under the Act, and GRANTEE further represents that it is qualified and will+ng to perform the services enumerated in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and of the representations made therein, the parties agree that: i. Proaram: The foregoing recitais are made part of this grant agreement by reference. The GRANTEE shall impiement the Work Plan and Budget hereto attached as Exhibits A and B respectively, which are incorporated herein by reSerence as a part of this grant agreement. 2. Duties and Pavment: GRANTEE shalt perform aN the services enumerated in Paragraph 1 above and shail be reimbursed for its expenses in providing these services, provided that the total obligation of the DEPARTMENT fflr all reimbursement to GRANTEE shall not exceed b0 00 . o a--��oy These funds are to be expended in the cost categories and amounts shown in the Budaet, Exhibit B, which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. The DEPARTMENT shall not be responsibie to reimburse GRANTEE tor its payments or liability to the Unemployment Compensation Fund as a reimbursing empioyer after termination of GRANTEE's participation in programs under the Act or for any liability accsued thereunder before the effective date of this grant agreement. 3. Term of Grant: This grant agreement shalt be effective on Januarv 1. 2003, or upon such date as it is executed as to encumbrance by the Commissioner of the Department of Economic Security, whichever occurs later, and shall remain in effect until December 31. 2003, or until all obligations set forth in this contract have been satisfactorily futfilled, whichever occurs first. 4. Cancellation: This grant agreement may be canceled by the DEPARTMENT at any time, with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the GRANTEE. In the event of such cancellation without cause, GRANTEE shall 6e entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily performed. GRANTEE acknowledges that funds to finance this grant are to be obtained by the DEPARTMENT through a specific legislative act. if at any time such funds become unavailabie under the Act, this grant agreement shall be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the DEPARTMENT to GRANTEE. in the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to reimbursement, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. In the event of canceliation for cause, including but not limited to failure to comply with the provisions of the grant agreement, failure to make timely progress in delivering required services, or use of grant funds for purposes other than those specifically identified in the grant agreement, ihe DEPARTMENT may take any actions it deems necessary to protect the interests of the State of Minnesota, inciuding but not limited to the refusal to disburse additionai funds pending a determination of the DEPARTMENT's right to set-off, and requiring the return of all or part of the funds aiready disbursed. This grant agreement may be canceled by the GRANTEE at any time, with os without cause, upon thirty (30) days written notice to the DEPARTMENT. Such written notice of canceflation must include proposed terms for the discontinuation of GRANTEE's services and an estimated finai invoice tor work or services performed. The DEPARTMENT may reject or accept in whole or in part the GRANTEE's proposed terms for discontinuing services and GRANTEE's estimated final invoice, and shali notify GRAfVTEE of its decision within (5) business days of receipt of GRANTEE's cancellation notice. In the event of any cancellation under this provision, GRANTEE shall cooperate fuily with the DEPARTMENT and help Saci4itate any transition for the provisio� of services by a different vendor. Failure to cooperate with or withholding any information or records requested by the DEPARTMENT or a different vendor that impairs in any way the transitio� of the provision of services shall constitute a material breach of this grant agreement, subjecting GRANTEE to liability for all damages incurred by the DEPARTMENT resulting from such breach. 5. Reauest for Pavment: Requests for cash advances shail be made by GRANTEE to the DEPARTMENT on the DEPARTMENT's "CASH REQUES7 Form". Payments shall be made by the DEPARTMENT as soon as practicable after GRANTEE's presentation of the Request for Cash. The fact of payment of any item shall not preclude the DEPARTMENT from questioning the propriety of any item. 6. Purchase of Furniture and Equioment: GRANTEE shail not purchase furniture or other equipment without the prior written approvai of the DEPARTMENT. 7. Repavment of Funds: The DEPARTMENT reserves the right to offset any over-payment or disatlowance of any item or items under this Grant by reducing future payments requested by GRANTEE. This clause shall not be construed to bar any other legal remedies that the DEPARTMENT may have to recover funds expended by GRANTEE for disaitowed costs. o �..wog 8. GRANTEE Reoorts: GRANTEE agrees to psovide the DEPARTMENT with such progress reports as the DEPARTMENT may from time to time require including, but not limited to, the following: A. Quarteriy Financial Status Report (FSR) B. Quarterly Progress Report C. Quarterly Client Characteristic Report GRANTEE shaii also make such reports to the Secretary of Labor, the Comptrof4er Generai of the United States or the OEPARTMENT as any of them may require. The DEPARTMENT shall withhotd tunding if reporting requirements are not met in a complete, accurate and timely manner. 9. Monitorina and Corrective Action: GRANTEE agrees to permit monitoring by the DEPARTMENT to determine grant agreement performance and compliance with grant agreement provisions. GRANTEE further agrees to cooperate with the DEPARTMENT in performing and completing such monitoring activities and GRANTEE agrees to impiement and comply with such remedial action as is proposed by the DEPARTMENT. i 0. Liabilit : Each party agrees that it wil{ be responsible for its own acts and the resuits thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsibie for the acts of the other party a�d the results thereof. The liability of the DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC SECURITY shall be governed by the provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statutes 3.732 and 3.736, et seq., and other applicable law. 11. Special Administrative Provisions Required Under the Act: GRANTEE agrees to administer program in accordance with the Act, as amended, and the regulat�ons and guidelines promulgated thereunder. GRANTEE also agrees to comply with other applicable Federal and State laws. In the event that these taws, regulations or guidelines are amended at any time during the term of this grant agreement, the GRAN7EE shalf compiy with such amended laws, regulations or guidelines. A. Records/Audits: GRANTEE agrees to use such fiscai, audit and accounting procedures as may be necessary to assure and promote sound financial management inciuding effective irrternaf controls. The Secretary of labor, the Comptroller General of the United States and the DEPARTMENT, or a designated representative, shail have access to and ihe right to examine for audit purposes or otherwise, any books, documents, papers or records of GRANTEE. The books, records, documents and accounting procedures and practices of the GRANTEE refevant to this grant agreement are also subject to examination by the DEPARTMENT and the Legisfative AudNor of the State of Minnesota. GRANTEE agrees to fuliy cooperate in any such examination and/or audit and to have said audits carried out in accordance with "Grant Audit Requirements," which is in Chapter 509 of the MDES Policies and Procedures Manuai and hereby incosporated by reference herein and made a part hereof. Ail records pertaining to this grant agreement shall be retained by the GRANTEE for a period of at least three years after the expiration of the term of this grant agreement, or o� completion of an audit, if one has been commenced within three years, whichever period is longer. B. Proaram Standards: GRANTEE agrees to comply with OMB Circulars Numbers A-21, A-87, A- 110, A-122, A-133, the OMB "Common Rule" (as codified at 29 CFR 97) and ASMB C-10 (Implementation Guide for OMB Circular A-87), as these circulars are applicabie and as they relate to the utilization of funds, the operation of programs and the maintenance of records, books, accounts and other documents under the Act, as amended. Under the Cost Principies Circulars (A-21, A-87, or A-122), common or joint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost allocation plans. C. Non-Discrimination Statement: The GRANTEE will comply with a{I appiicable Federal, State, and local laws prohibiting discrimination, inciuding but not limited to: 3 oL -li�o�i The Workforce fnvestment Act of 1998 f29 CFR Part 371, Section 188, which prohibits discrimination under any W IA Title I program/activity funded in whole or in part with W IA funds because of race, color, religion, sex, nationaf origin, age, disability, political affitiation or belief, and against beneficiaries on the basis of either citizenship/status as a lawfully admitted immigra�t authorized to work in the United States or participation in any WlA Title I program or activity. 2. The Civu Hi IItS HCL OT l`Jb4 4C UJI� NV�/u aa aiuc���w .. �.�� ��--• —•.. ._ . Opportunitv Act of 1972 which generaily prohibits discrimination on grounds of race, color, religion, sex or nationai origin and applies to any program or activity receiving fiederai financial aid, and to all employers, including State and local governments, public and private employment agencies, and labor organizations. 3. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, which generally prohibits discrimination on the basis of handicap in all federally-funded programs. The Department of Labor's non- discrimination regulations, which were pubiished in October 1980, were designed to enforce Section 504 ot the Rehabifitation Act. 4.. The Aqe Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 610'I ), as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financiat assistance. 5. Title iX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as amended, generally provides that no person shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation, be denied the benefits of, be treated differently from another person or otherwise be discriminated against in any interscholastic, intercollegiate, club or intramural athletics offered and no recipient sha{I provide any such athtetics separately on such basis. 6. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 USC 121011, as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the basis of physical, sensory, or menta{ disabitity or impairment. D. Affirmative Action: (If appiicable), GRANTEE certifies that it has received a Certificate of Compliance from the Commissioner of Human Rights pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section 363.073. E. Workers' Compensation: In accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 176.182, the State affirms that GRANTEE has provided acceptabfe evidence of compliance with the workers' compe�sation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statues Section 176.181, Subdivision 2. F. Relocation Assistance: GRANTEE agrees to comply with the requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (Pubiic Law 9i-646) which provides for fair and equitable treatment of persons displaced as a result of federal or federally assisted programs. G. Church: GRANTEE agrees that program participants shail not be employed in the construction, operation or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for religious instructions or worship. GRANTEE further agrees that no funds shail be expended for sectarian worship, instructio�, or proselytization. H. Data Practices: The GRANTEE understands and agrees that it shail be bound by the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statues, Section 13.01 - 13.90), and that it shall inform program applicants that the DEPARTMENT may share applicant data with other agencies for eligibility and program evaluation purposes. GRANTEE shall incorporate into the form used to provide appiicants' an explanation of their rights under the Minnesota Data Practices Act clauses contained in the DEPARTMENT'S "DATA USES INCLUSION REQUIREMENTS" (Attachment 1). o �. -�'�°1 {. Druca Fsee Workolace: GRANTEE agrees to make a good faith effort to maintain a drug free workplace through implementation of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988. 12, Workforce Center Listin4: GRANTEE shall list any job vacancy in its personnel complement with the nearest M+n�esota Job Service Office as soon as it occurs. 13. MfS Reoortina: (If applicable) GRANTEES receiving funds under the Act wili track participants with the Minnesota Management Infiormation System (MIS� either through the area WSA or through arrangements made with the DEPARTMENT. 14. Voter Reaistration: GRANTEE shall provide non-partisan voter registration services and assistance, using forms provided by the Secretary of State, to employees of GRANTEE, program participants and the public as required by Minnesota Statutes, 1987 Supplement, Section 201.162. 15. Assignment: The GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this grant agreement without prior writte� consent of the DEPARTMENT. The provisions of this grant agreement applicable to the GRANTEE shali also be appiicable to subgrants made by the GRAN7EE from funds obtained under this grant agreement. 16. Modifications: Any modifications to this grant agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the same parties who executed the original grant agreement, or their successors in office. 17. Debarment and Sus�ension Certification: (If applicable} The GRANTEE agrees to follow the PresidenYs Executive Order 12549 and the impiementing regulation "Nonprocurement Debarment and Suspension; Notice and Final Rule and Interim Final Rule," fou�d at 53 FR 19189, May 26, 1988, as amended at 60 FR 33�4t, June 26, 1995, including Appendix B, "Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions"; uniess excluded by law or regulation. 18. Lobbvina Certification and Disclosure: (If applicabie) The GRANTEE sha{i comply with Interim Final Rule, New Restrictions on Lobbying, found in Federal Register Vol. 55, No. 38, February 26, 1990, and any permanent rules that are adopted in place of the Interim Rule. The Interim Final Rule requires the GRANTEE to certify as to their lobbying activity. The Interim Final Rule impiements Section 319 of Public Law 101 -121, which generafly prohibits recipients of Federa! contracts, grants and loans from using appropriated funds for lobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federa! Government in connection with a specific contract, grant or loan. 19. Grant Aqreement Close-out: The GRANTEE agrees to submit a final Financial Status Report (FSR) and a payment for the balance of any unspent and unobligated grant funds to the DEPARTMENT within 30 days after the end of the term of this agreement. Failure to submit a finai FSR within this period may result in disallowance of payment for any expenditures not previousVy submitted. The GRANTEE agrees to submit a revised final FSR to the DEPARTMENT if any additional funds must be returned to the DEPARTMENT after grant agreement closeout. 20. Acknowledgment: The GRANTEE agrees to acknow4edge the DEPARTMENT'S funding of any resuiting publications, data, or other materiat whether subject to copyright or not, with the following language: Funding for this pubiication (or document, paper, data, etc.) was provided by a grant from the Juvenile Justice Advisory Committee, Minnesota Department of Economic Security and the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Detinquency Prevention. 21. Jurisdiction and Venue: This grant agreement, and any amendments and supplements thereto, shall be governed by the Laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for ail tegal proceedings arising out of this award, or breach thereof, shali be in the State or Federal Court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. � 0>-��-og - IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Grant (91000 to be duly executed intending to be bound thereby. APPROVED FOR: St. Paul Police Deeartment (Name ot Delegate Agency) APPROVED � FOR The De�artment of Economic Securitv- Workforce Services Branch: � ' If a corporation, two corporate otficers musi execute. o �--�s�9 ATTACHMENT 1 DATA USES INCLUSION REQUIREMENTS 1. Program Information A. WhXwe Are Asking For It: To help us decide whether you are eligible for the program and what other services you maq need. B. How We Plan To Use It: We may use it to prepare required reports, conduct audits, review eligibility and to find out how the program is helping you. C. With Whom We May Share This Information: With staff, allowed by law, who need it to do their jobs in: the Minnesota Department of Economic Security; the United States Department of Health and Human Services, Labor, Housing and Urban Development and Agriculture. We may also share it with community based agencies, local and state human service agencies, educafional programs and other agencies which help you. D. I1'You Do Not Provide This Information: You are not required by law to provide this information. If you choose not to provide this information, we may not know whether you are eligible for the program and may not be able to heip you. Providing false information can lead to removal from tLe program. ll. Wage Detail �iles We may also use information from wage records kept by the Minnesota Department of Economic Security to help us evaluate the program. 111. Social Security Numbers You do not have to provide a Social Security 1�TUmber to be eligible for our programs. Federal Privacy Act and Freedom of Informarion Act dictates the use of the Social Security Number. We may use it for compufer matches, program reviews and improvements, and audits. July 17, 2002 ORIGI��R� Title V Minnesota Juvenile Delinquency Prevention Grant �(A FORM 1 - COVER SHEET Please submit one (1) originai and six (6) copies Df this form, Prevention Summary (6 pages, 8.5" X 11", 12 point minimum font 3/4" ma�gin on-au siaesJ, a vvorK rian �rorm a� a Partnershi Chart Form 4, Bud et Forms 5, 6& 7, and the Three-Year Delin uenc Prevention Plan. Applicant Agency: Project Contact Name and Address Piease use the legai name and full address. This (lf different firom.the AFPUGAt�IT,.F�GENCY) is the fiscal agent with whom ihe grant agreement --""``�� ��� �•�, will be exeCUted. Project Name: Saint Pauf Police Department Contact Name: Wiffiam L. Collins, Jr„ Executive Director, YWCA of St. Paul Director Name: Ghief William K. Finney Address: 375 Selby AJsnue, St. Paul, MN 55102 Telephone: (651) 292-3588 Telephone: 651-222-3741 Fax: (651)292-3542 Fax: 651-222-6307 Email: bill.finney@ci.stpaul.mn.us Email: bcoliins@ywcaofstpauf.org Address: 100 E. Eleventh Street, St. Paul, MN Address: 375 Seiby Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55101 55102 Federal Tax ID Minnesota Tax ID re uired 41-6005521 ire uired 0080250956 Mark Box ALLOWABLE ACTIVITfES Amount Requested 1— Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Services 2— Child and Adolescent Health and Mentat Health Services 3 — Direct Prevention Services 4— Leadership Development ActivitiesNouth Recreational Services 5— Mentoring, Tutoring and Academic Enrichment X 6-- Prevention Services that include an Employment & Training $50,000 _ Component • TOTAL AMOUNT REQUESTED (not to exceed $50,��Q) $50,000 ! certify Signature contained herein is frue and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that idzed to submk this apolication on behalf of the applicant. Chief, St. Paul Police � � o p Ol-�wq � ;: '% . ����� N N d c rn d � Q E O U � � � a d N (0 N 7 T ., U m m D 3 0 m a� c 0 c m r � 0 E C W C . o. n m � m m N� C A C � ` W �O -p N Z N � � y � O p � O � Q v E � � o ' O !i) � M�,� � � O m 0 N Q 1L � V � � � N O N '. ... � F .� Q � � �p o 0 � U Y y N U F- , zy " � f= �o � � 5 g f (7 V � � v w a m �� �'� � LL O ❑ „ � � O � O ro t � 4 � � ❑ � � � W W _ m � N 7 � � � o O Z y + + C N N G a� Y � N L Q �C W C Q N fA � .. > � O � F- N V �a a ¢ O � W .�. m C w � d �3 � � d Q m w '� 0. V C C�1 � � '� � p w V @ ( W � j "`o� . � � w � � � w X c _ � W � R � a N N V� R c�7 q °.== o ' � i r , :�c � - 3 � ti N � N Y � N � N� 7 Q N � G '� °' i� R v � " � �t� 0� � +.' 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Appficant City/Agency YWCA of St. PaUI Allowable Activity Prevention Services that inciude an employment and training component Salary Title & Name Position and Percentage of FTE Total Cost 1 FTE = 2080 hours annuall Director of Youth Programming ,1 FTE chazged to Title V grant 5,433 YAP Coardinator .1 FTE chazged to Title V grani 3'297 YAP Assistant Coordinator ,Z F"I'E charged to Tifle V grant 6,119 YAP Assistant Coordinator .2 g'pE charged to Title V grant 5 ' 8 � YAP Program Assistant ,2 PI'E charged to Title V grant 3'744 Social Skills Specialist ,5 FTE chazged to Title V grant 15,000 Total Safary $39,396 Fringe Benefits (show all components such as SS, FICA, other benefits) FICA @ 7.65 % of salazies 3,014 Workers Compensation (c� 1.375% of saluies 542 Unemploymen[ Compensatioa C� .144 of salaries 55 Healih Insurance, Dental Insurance, Life Insurance, Retirement estimated Qa il% of salaries 4,334 Total $7,445 Consultant & Professional Services (list names if applicable and formula for contract amount, for exampie: 1Q0 hours Q$25.00 =$2500.) Total Travei (mileage may not exceed 36.5¢ per miie) Total � O'�-�°� Space Costs Programming space costs (utilities, insurance, etcJ 7 � Total $700 Consumable Suppiies (under $5,000) Miscellaneous program supplies 209 Total $209 Lease & Purchase Equipment (for Direct Services Only and over $5,000) Total Indirect Costs (Maximum Allowed is 5%'} Indirect/Admin costs (3.5°� of total grant) 1,750 Total $1,750 GRAND TOTAL FOR THIS ALLOWABLE ACTtVITY $50,000 Must correspond to amounts on Forms 1 and 5 `The cost of operating and maintaining facilities, depreciation, independent evaluation, payroil and accounting, and administrative salaries are examples of costs usually treated as "indirect cosY'. �v�uo2 GREEN SHEET No. �' 203509 INRIAUDATE INfiIAL/DA7E 292-3588 � J Ki1YATiORNEY 4� i �fNNNLlG1.5EitVICES qR _ � � pwYOR(ORq5545TMRJ i�.d �� Oa����� L..�.I CLERII �RWKWLSERV/ACRG TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Approdat of the attached council resolution accepting a Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant for a Youth Acluevers Program and authorizing the City to enter into, and Clrief William Finney to implement an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Economic Security, Wo$�'orce Secvices Htanch PLANNING COMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this person/(rm ever worked under a contrad (or ihis department? YES NO Has ihis personRrm ever been a city employee? YES NO Does this perso�rm possess a slall not normaily possessed by any curtent aty employee� YES NO Is ihis perso�rm a Nargeted vendoR YES NO :plain all yes enswers on separa[e sheet a�d atlach to green sheet The City of Saint Paul, Police Depar[ment, has received a$50,000 Juvenile Accountability Incenrive Block Grant from the Minnesota Department of Economic Security for a Youth Achievers Program from Jannazy 1, 2003 through December 31, 2003. (Attached is a copy of the grant agreement.) The Youth Achievers Program (YAP) is a comprehensive prograzn that reduces risk factors and increases resilience and coping sldlls in order to enhance the ability of young people to grow into healthy, producfive, non-violent adolescenis and adults, None. IF NOT APPROVED Inability to use grant funds for the Youth Achievers Program. � tn U' ` ^ � �' ��� �+ �a fOTAI AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ 50,000.00 °UNDING SOURCE State of Minnesota Grant 1NANCIAL INFORMATION (EXPWN) COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO ACTNITYNUMBER 436-34306 Youth Achievers Program GtanL2002.a.gs