D00935No. D w��✓ Date: � CITY OF SAINT PAUL - OFFICS OF TIiB MAYOR • ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER for CONTRACT CHANGS AGRSEMLNT NO. 2 ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, Whereas, additions which proved to be necessary to the Improvement described as: Air Conditionina for Neighborhood AouseJEl Rio Vista Recreation Center and Wilder Recreation Center , known as Contract #014835 , City Project No. B95-03-OS , Doody Mechanical. Inc. , Contractor, is composed of the following: 1. Provide fire proteotion sprinkler heads in duct enclosure in Senior Citizen's room. 2. Provide additional supply and return ductwork on roof for the recirculating air Pan serving the third £loor offices 3. Provide water fill line piping and insulation. 4. Change electrical service wiring, taps and splices at existing service conductors at wilder. 5. Remove Item 2 of Contract Change Agreement No. 1(add four fire dampers in Room 216 walls) as these dampers are no longer required. ����Y9� TOTAL ADD $4,323.00 ORDERED, That the City of Saint Paul, through its Mayor, approves the foregoing �additions made in accordance with the specifications in the sum of $ 4.323.00 , said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract, known as Contract #014835 , and which amount is to be financed from: Original Contract Sum $294,650.00 Change Orders to Date 3,487.00 Amount this Chancie 4,323.00 New Contract Sum $302,460.00 Chie£ Engineer nirector of �S �� 19 � ecreation Add $2,866.00 Add 2,105.00 Add 480.00 Add 399.00 Deduct 1,527.00 C95-3EQ�5-�898-34146 Doody Mechanical. Inc. Contractor By letters dated 2J13, 3/20 & 3/27l96 19_ ��C��.rJ 9.�� <5�i��4.� D " ctor of Finance & Management Services 19_ / v `'�/ i�Q'`^'r":> - - — - Administrative Assistant to the Mayor cc: City Clerk . Finance Department Department Accounting Project Manager Contractor Inspector Office Copy Contract File Copy � S� ►�(Y�?,� DEPARTMEN /OFFICECOUNCIL DATE INRIATED � � ` N 3 616 9 Parks and Recreation 5/6/96 GREEN SHEE __. __ CAMACTPERSON&PHONE �DEPARTMENfDIflECTOR �CRYCAUNqI INRIAVDATE Dudit2 $t01 2 266-6426 "u'�N �CffYATfORNEV pCiTYCLEBK UST BE ON CAUNCIL AGENUA BY (DAT� qWn� BUDGEf DIRECfOR � FlN. & MGT. SEflVIGES Difl. A o�� MAYOH(ORASSISTANn �6] parks & Recreation TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1 (CLIP AlL LOCATIONS POR SIGNATURE) ACiWN REQUESTED: Approval of Contract Change Agreement Air Conditioning for Neighborhood House/E1 Rio Vista Recreation Center and Wilder Recreation Center EECOMMENDAnONS: apprave (A) a Raject (R} pERSONAL SEFiVICE CONTRACTS MUS7 ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _ PLANNING CAMMISSION _ CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION �� Ha5 ihi5 pElS0�m1 eVer WOfketl ufldef a CoMfaCt for this dBpartRleM? - _ CIB COMMIT'fEE VES NO A� - 2. Has this person/Firm eve� been a ciry emptoyee? — YES NO _ DISTRICT COURT — 3. Does thi5 personffirm possess a sktll not nortna�l os5essetl � y p by any current City employee. SUPPORTS WHICN COUNCIL OBJECTIVE7 YES NO Ezplain all yes answers on separote aheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPpRNNITY (WM, Whet. Whan, Where, Why): Necessary to comply with building codes to provide for items overlooked or not clearly called for due to unforeseen building conditions found during construction. RE�E4V�l 4AAY 1 fi ���� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: E���Q�.^ ����°�� Contractor will be compensated for additional work done. DISADVANTAGES iFAPPROVED: RECEIVED �C����'� None Mpy 211996 �A�tY 1 ? ��9& CiTY CLERK � ���� �� ��� � DISA�VANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Contractor will not be compensated for additional work required. TAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION g 4� 323. 00 COS7/REVENUE HUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) � YES NO FUNDINGSOUHCE � ACTiVfTYNUMOEq C95-3E005-0898-34146 , FINANCIAL INPORMATION: (EXPLAII� � �' n � ' + j V Y� • February 13, 1996 A£ton Consulting Engineers 1421 Neal Avenue South Afton, MN 55001 Attention: John Arco DOODY �� MECHANICAL, iNC. (s�2� aa�-�osi 520 FRONTAVENUE Fax 487-2637 ST. PAUL, MN 55117 Dear John: Listed below is pricing for additional sprinicler work in the senior roo.n. Also listad is pricing for sheet metal covering in seniors room and fire rated acoustical ceiling. Instail sprinkler heads in new return air plenum ceiling approximately 2' x 40'. Tie into sprinkler system serving west side addition. • Sub-Tota1 5� Doody profit and overhead Total sum of $2,730.00 $ 136.00 $2,866,00 Instali 'l6 gauge sheet metal on wood within new return air plenum cailing, over top of fan coils and piping. Sub-Totai 15$ Profit and overhead Total sum o£ Provide fire rated acoustical ceiling. 800.00 .Od $4,370. Sub-Total 240.00 15$ Prof�t and overhead .00 Total sum o£ $ 2�6, If. you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. � Very truly yours, Doody Mschanical, Znc. �x�� � 'Pinoth1 J. Dal� Estimator/Project ManageY MECHANICAL CON7RACTOR COneMERC1A�� INOUSTRIAL� INSTRUSfONAt — - - — — - oQOoY �- q35 MECHANtCAC, INC, ts�z� 4s�-ios� " — fnx 487-2637 520 FRO(JT AVENUE • ST. PAUL, MN 55117 March 20, 1996 Afton Consultina Engineers 1421 Neal Avenue South Afton, 2�linnesota 55001 Attention: John Arco Re: E1 Rio Vista Rec Center Dear John: • Listed below is pricing as requested. - Add supply and retuzn ductwork on rooP. Add $2,105.00 - Add fi11 piping and insulation. Add S 480.00 Total sum of 2,585.00 If you have any questions, please @o not hesitate to ca11 me. Very truly yours, Doody Mechanical, Inc. � / f � Timoth�Daly � Estimator/Project Manager • TJD/pp MECHANICFI GONTRACTOR COMMERCiAL • IhDUSTRIAL • INSTI7UTIONAI � DOODY '� ME�Na��C.4�� �NE. (6i2) 487-1061 520 FRONT AVENUE Frx 487-2637 ST. PAUL, MN 551'17 Mazch 27, 1996 Afton Consulting Engineers 1421 Neal Avenue South Afton, MN 55001 Attention: John Arco Re: Wilder Recreation Center Dear John: Listed below is a change order request from Donnelly Electric for work requested by Tim Rollman - Excel Engineerzng. • - Change service wiring, taps and spices. Donnelly Electric add 5$ Doody Mechanical profit and overhead Total sum of $380.00 19.00 $399.00 < If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me. Very truly yours, Doody Mechanical, Inc. �� � �"�� Timothy J. Da1y/ Estimator/Project Manager . TJD/pp MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR COMMERCIAI • INDUSTRIAL • INSTITVTIONAL