260180 WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 �['J�C [� PINFi� - FINANCE COl1IlC11 /_V �,'i� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL �� �LJ�� BL�UE - MAVOR File NO. • �,s ' Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That First Merchants State Bank be and hereby is granted a permit to install a detached bank drive-in and 8-car parking lot on property located on the northeast corner of Arcade and Minnehaha, more particularly described as follows: Part of Lot 16 and all of Lots 17, ]8, 19, Block 3, Hills Addition; all in accordance with plans dated Received September 26, 1972; subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine J Spra�`1 Against BY Tedesco N OV a Z 1(�7� Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date . Cert' ie a sed by Co tary BY By Approv y r: Date R V 2 2 2 Approved by r for Submission to Council By BY �ueusK�n DCC 21972 _ _ � BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 October 17, 1972 � ��,'�"►. 3r�A ��� '�e',('9�' �� Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of First Merchants State Bank for a permit to install a detached bank drive-in and 8-car parking lot on property located on the northeast corner of Arcade and Minnehaha. This property is further described as follows: Part of Lot 16 and all of Lots 17, 18, 19, Block 3, Hills Addition. This matter was heard at the September 21, 1972, Board of Zoning public hearing at which time the staff noted they and the Traffic Engineer were concerned about the congested traffic condition in the area and specifically in the alley adjoining this site. A letter from the Traffic Engineer was read which su�narized this situation, requested some changes in the site plan to help the situation and disclosed a change in the traffic signal he had made at the intersection of East 7th Street and Mendota to improve traffic flow. The staff said that the 3M parking lot north of the subject site is a source of much of the congestion. Since no record of a permit was found for that lot, the staff asked the Building Department to investigate it hoping that its design could be modified to improve the traffic condition if a permit was processed for it. The staff also displayed and discussed a site plan they devised which would not force drive-in banking customers to use the alley. Mr. Arthur Melander, an officer of the applicant bank, said he objected to the staff's more drastically revised plan because it made vehicles negotiate a curve before entering the drive-up teller stalls. He said their present facility has a curve in it and this causes drivers to hit the teller units. He said he had no objection to the staff's more minor revisions modifying the submitted plan. The Board discussed traffic movements in the area. They noted the hours of the proposed facility and further noted that it would relieve 'some of the congestion at the present facility which is near the worst street congestion in the area. It was also stated that changes to the 3M parking lot could improve the general condition. �-1 J r-�. � ' 1- � o .v-�!^., Mr. Harry E. Marshall - Page 2 - October 17, 1972 Subsequently, the Board heard a motion to recommend approval of the submitted plan with the more minor revisions accepted by the applicant. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 4 to 0. Plans dated received September 26, 1972, meet design standards and the intent of the Board. Ver truly yours, �j�G���-�r� ; ,,�' � ETER J. IETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning PJM:PLR:mb Z. B. File 7398 . ' • City of Safat Paul, l�innesots • " APPLICATION FOft SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT �� (Please print or type) J � TO THE �O1�RABLE I�AYOR AND CITY COUNCIL �.�� 96 the City Clerk �� City of Saint Paul, Minuesota � Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No, of isiands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: Q PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connectiwn with: l�ISCrLLAxEOUS: detached bank drive-in and walk-up facility (indicate type such as Drive-in Refreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: 8 cars *Locstion . Northeast corner of Arcade & Minnehaha Legal Descriptioa : LotS �7.��1 &&1��' �f Block 3 Addition Hills Applicant's Name • First Merchants State Bank Home or Office Address: 879 E. Seventh S'treet St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 Phone Number . 774-5991 FOR✓BY T� APPLICANT, I,f(i � U � t1 1'J � U ����ti s—i4-�a 1 i972 (signature (date AU G 5 Address : CITcY,, P��.kyi�YlVli/�� �i �3�A�� � . JQ��t t-:3:.:�i r�ll�i'.I���cr'�'� Phone No.: When completed: file three copies of tbis application form and tHree prints of the preliminary lay-out pians of the proposed facilitq with the City Clerk, Room 386, Citq Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minaesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.Ts. corner of I�ain St. and First St. 2. 3outh side of Main St. between First and Second 3t. �. �` .3� " �- � .��`'�`" �� k ;.� ,�,�,�,�--�`" �,�.� ,�� y� ZC�NING FILE `�� � �� �1� . tsutixu u1 �uiv��v� tu:luK.t [�ivli At;ilUiv 5epcember 21, 19%2 Plat Map ��35 Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 • passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7398 l, AYPLICANT'S NAME . First Merchants State Bank 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal ❑X PermiC � Other 3. PURPOSE . Detached bank drive-in and 8-car parking lot 4. LOCATION . Northeast corner of Arcade and Minnehaha 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : Part of Lot 16 and all of Lots 17, 18, 19, Block 3, Hills Add. 6. PRESENT ZONING: Light Industrial 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: .05 Paragraph: f 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: September 15, 1972 By; PLR A. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. B, AREA ZONING: There are Light Industrial districts on all four corners of Arcade and Minnehaha. The north half of the subject block is zoned Heavy Industry and "B" Residential. The northern half of the block to the west is zoned Commercial and "B" Residential, The blocks north of Reaney Avenue ar.e zoned "B" and Light Industrial. Mixed zoning and land use exists to the southwest. C. LLSIGN STANDARDS: Revised plans have been received which meet design standards. D, rRONTAGE AND AREA: The parcel has a frontage of about 140 feet along Minnehaha Avenue and 125 feet along Arcade Street for an area of about 17,500 sq, ft. E. SITE CONDITIODtS: Tne site is fairly level and a few feet above the street gr°ad�'- It is vacant except for sP��era� hillboards on the corner of A.rcade and Minnehaha. F. AREA C()NDITIONS: Four homes in fair condition adjoin the site to the east, beyond which is the Northwestern Bank drive-in and parking lot with access to the alley. North of the alley is the 3M parking lot with 3M buildings north of Reaney. The applicant 's main facility exists on the northwest corner of Mendota Street and Minnehaha Avenue. Mixed land uses exist along East ?th Street �nd a?or.g Arcade St, south of Minnehaha. North of Minnehaha Avenue west of Arcade Street the predominant land use is residential. 9. BOARD ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Moved b1� . Ma.ietta McPartlin October 17, 197 Maietta Date of Seconded by: Benshoof Benshoof . Hearing: Cochrane Secretary's remarks : October 19, 197 Council Action: Date: � � Mt�Ib3T�� �x Ti� �L3I�l,IC IIEI����C ���OF3�* '�:€� B4��Fi.� i'1F' ��N��TG ' �Pt ?'�7JY�S��X� S�i'fi�a���;z,. ��., �.972, lsT ?��3t3 �'ol�o ��:a�P':�: >�Irac-t, Coc.i�t•a�.e; :?��s�-so �Tc�����.�n� T�a€���..� ax�c� aen,hc�af a� t�e �a�d; f��� F��.r�:.�u� t+�.o ;�o�etLe� �tn�l i��r o ��x�r;i��s?� �a� �h.e s�s�f o �iI��;T i��:.��;�i,�:r±����rwg,:��; 3�.3�3K �7�98°�: �.�„ �.c����:��r cxp�.�sin�d �:ha� th� �naap gn �t2e ,�ge�r�a ����v_.���ti�acc�x��:e ��-z same ��" �I�� d�s��3c� bou�.-�c�a��es� �ie �i�ese p�ssed c�u� a CV'l..�f.arL�y� V�,C,�.l.�.:.i�2/LS L'� 4.F.Zi� 1LLG1�0 �iro �'.o�ct���� r,�a�ec� cYaat �t��s �.s �a d�ive-�,rx 1�Qr»�:ing �ac�,�.z�:� Z�ca:�� in a �x�F�� �.ndu���:�a� �is�:�i.c�� �:��ex� tta� 3�afZ h�3 se�c t�u� notic:�s fc�x �E�� r��ercf�ag;§ a ge�.�.�.c-.��z� f�am t:�a� �y�r�izwesc�xr� b�nkitag ��ci��.E�y bx�e��ht tt� �.P�ex.�° �tt�ntie��. a ����iic ..a�:o�s�:ed ���a a�: t�.� e:�st �end r�� �tx� ��.�.�y on t.h�s blc�cic, ii�ro RQSe�tea� sai�3 t�ey s�rexe ra�� a�:a�are o� this u��i:il �h�at: �:i.rnc�o C�i i�3�.s3�,y, ����er�.b�r �5��.� �ro Bflb �.o��c�$��� t�ue '�'��xf�c �,'�s�;�nGera ���1 t�.�� Ys�:yrr�;�� �ait�a�c� ���.� ei�L�.�aL-ian :���d f�aund i.�ae �,�:��ry i��-��Jlya1 �aa tsF. � �s�Ic-�sg� �i�, t�is��:c:l�staz ����:�r f;��ra �ne Er:s�: 7i.h �����:t �i�.zal ��gtt�, :C� L,�;._�� �.n� v�:�rn.�s� €:s� Rean�y �v�xs��� c'tu��.n�; g��k ��.a�tl t�r�uz s�a�;_�:�i�3s� ?'h3�� b�c��I::�r ���a� ��.�.ey Us3 �.���.� b��ct� �,r�c� �i�Ee �cs��h�.T.c�t:�r�c� G�°a.�e-��.aa �1c�.�.��:,}r i,�;� tQ exit to i:�:� ��.;t��y�. �����cy !�,>•ire� �h� ]���.�Cfn.� .r�tca.�.7��.es cv�z� �.9a e�ai �r�n:�ph�i�� p�r.d ccs�� �sz�� �p�a t:�:..� �fi��y�� �'i�.. P°���.�M�t�r s�a�.�d riz�y �!hs��ueci �h.at- �a.�:ua��t+:r�; �nel Qi� �a ���ulr e��zn�i�c� r��+ ���:c= �, v�rr:,�: �.00k, r�r �:h� ��.s_°;;t T�1��ch�n�:s �pg�?�c:��:i�r� E�.#.r� ��t� a.�i�� �iz�t ��xe}� ur3��.�;�:�;� i:� �void w����h�ng bi��t 43Qt1.�.� �7'±•�n� s�at�.� �u,cs�c �:�r?��:ic �;�a�:r�raYd �,rt that al���y ,sa��l �rt:a��:l�. �,�c���,�.�i a�ar�?�e �h�� co��;.�itic:� �:tt�� r�a�ct� ���r�s�o '�'�ie "���f��,c �;�.�;ins9c�z �s1t�,� ���r, ��,� �3�.��ra a:zP3 �a�rfi a �.�tr�� �a� 2�ik-m �as�t;���� it� z�3spcns� �e. Ch.z.s-, '�:n �is �.���e�, @�� €:�r����'�n�� �u� •� �eca ct��r�g�s �r�. �:h� ��r.�:i�ag l�+to l�x� �.c�s���e� �p�r� �.E�e �.eti:�=:x c:�;�� ;�p�c-uztnx Z�3a �.972, �s `�+1s.�c•��; ����F�a�Ls-;� d���-�e ez:.3zkin� �athE� t:ha�. c�e�U�.e p��tc�zg ��.�r�s; t�a� taes� .}i�� o� tiie '�c�e £vt�,��it'�x:f� tb tl�e A�c.�c3� ���_��t p�re����y ��n.r cyoEi�� rxat: F:FCqL3.iC� t�.�� a::�. q���ti�.c�.�s ess�.ag ���� Za* ��zit v�.s� th� ��.��ya 6t :Niro ?�c�setter sh.s�ca�ca ��,� sub;nit��d p3.sn �n�3 �e�in.�ed rxsat [t�a �s�rtc#.rsg ��.��ls ���r�g �rc�de S��e��, �-ie CEi��a ���d f�czther �a "�'h�s w�au�.a �� �.eas� gav� �h�s� �ar�Ice�:s cal�e�. ex�tt3ng �the c�tie�n af us�'��g a�.� o£ �:�►� o�t��:� S:wo d;.f.t,re4;�ysu `�t-�e dr���wr�y E:o Axcade S�:r°eei-� sinee it is �.e�c�i+�d cy_�sa��: clos� �e► Ch� sx�.a�,�zed i.nt�er��c��c�s�z a� �'��cz�de and P�I�n�raP�i�tx� ���.a���.c� be de�i�a�ed �-3.g�t ��r-Rz mn�.yo ��� si�ns ric�:�ts�ed csn �tte �S�.an f.crr 2:h�s d�i�,7eway and tt�e O�6�IEL dri�vcuray s�eau�.d be fe�rn:�shed znd �k�s�a3.1�d by �c:�ae �11s�Z3car.�� TEte d�:tve �a� P1�.�ii�.��mz�ha s�taEi'�d he ��i<i�nec' ta 32 ��et ao �:��t �tws��w�y t����ic can be ar.eomm�dr�ted o �� ���� �r�es�r�� ttme„ par�ic�la��v on �'��day afY:er�.zoox� �rbc� ea��-w�3� a�.3.ey YV9T�I.a�LTi.b tsetweera Ar.cad� and Mer.�dota �x�rt�. �iE Mi�Ehsha ��xri�s �a ca��.s�.����bl� �r.rps�n� a� t���fic, The preds��.nan� s��a��:es o� thi� tr.��f�.r are �he N�,.�t?a�a�st�.rn S°.:��e Bsnk �.aca�ed ore c:h� northwes� co�e� of I�Eends�t� �nd Mi.xaneh�h� and 3Y4 p�rking �.at �.cscs�ed a?�ong thr� ent�.re north sxde of t'�e �lleya �he �M ��t� does uot xne�� current design standards �snd scxne of �F�e aZ1eY t�af�i� generated k�y ��ai� parkin� �.c�� c�n be rsduied if Ct�� �a�rkix�g lU� �.s ct�g��tI�d� rr ' �irst �erchan�a Sr.ate �anl� - Pag� ? - September 2iA 197� Mro Rase�ter said �h�t af�er naviYig vieTaad �(re �r�ffic situations �hey went Lo the records snd c�:��d �ind no �ark�n� app�ic�ti�n o� perm�t Far �he 3I�i p�ricin� Iots �� they wra�e � letter tn Gienn Erick�on ask.ing h�m to inv�s�ig��e to see ?f ti;.ere fs a zaning vi9Zation, This may giue the City tne o�portunity to review th�� pa�Icing lot and maybe tielp a1lev�ate th� co�gestiono He then contin�ed �eading -- "Som� eonges�i�n does oec��r at the gre�pnt �i�e in the ��le� a�d is niai_nty c�nfined ta ��e east tnd o� �h� slley whe�e it i�te�secLs �endota Str.ee�� �r�ffic on P�i�ndo�a �r�qu�ntly backs up frora the i��ff�c ,+gna� acrass the aliey opening which �r�ventis �lley traffic f��m en�er�ng Me�do�a, � s�zght ticning a�j�stm�nt ai the sfgnal at th� inte�sec��o� of Sev�n�hs �innehaha �nd Me�doL-a tias b�en �ade which s��ul� irnp��ve tt�a �ra�fic situata.on a�n Aien�io��, t° �tae Traf:�'ic Engf.iaeere l�ir� Rosee��� i�c3i.cPt�e�� reported tiiatc he had lengthened the greei� light nn l�iendot� s�a� cut down ��e time of the East 7t�� Street g�eer. li.gtat somewhato ' "We feel thafi t�e �lley exc�r�� fo� per�taps short duxati.a�s caiZ3 be ab�� �o hand�.e t�ae cxuffi.c ��ner�t,�c� �y� th� prop4sed develog�n�rst �� A;'��de �nd I�innettaha p�ovide� t�at access L�tw��n �:he 3M p�rking lat and ttie �l�ey i� re�luced and ��at ar_ress bet�een the 3I�i lot and tl�e ad�r�cent s�reets is impraved�" Mx� Rosetter sta�ecl Liast �:ne 'Traffyc �,�rt�%n��r made a fec�r su�;gesic�cs+_�s aU �z� ichP s�.t�e arrr�:��em�nt� �F�„ Roset�er w�,�nL- a 1.attle bit fu�ther wii:h this �ncl drea� up � site plsr. wlzich hp fih.aught caould disco�?��ag< or �� least no� farce �'ree }�eop�e using the f�c�.lity t� use the �lley� He t�o��, the d��,ve up units �r�aich h�ve direc� use of tfne a�.ley �nd s��itcher3 �hera #:o face c•res�w��:d a �S�i3ea:wise the featur�� on �h� plrn are pre�Ly mae� E:h� sarae� His �risn �.7csu�.d �ave 1� stacking spaces as�d S r.zo:�e �� �t�e te�le�s, for a �otal af 2�e The sut��i��e�' p?a�. 'nad �! stackin� spacesfl c�itih 5 mo�.e ,�r Che te:�.iezsa ��x• u �.c�ta? c:f l.fl� i�iro �tt�sEt_Ce� shes�crt �*h;.s �o the �,p�slie�n� and his ��s:h�.t.:e�t �hat aft�xnoc�n ..�sncl �ch�y ah�je�c��l �ca �he �lan on i:n� ;���;Fads +tha� �Eicy h.��E had ba� expe��er,.ees �cr�,th the curvi:�� appro�sch �4��y �av� aC �ttei.� ��reser�t fa�ilxty�, Th�y said �hat a pe�sr�n en.�.eri.ri� a s�:a�l w�a��.c� �-un int� the is�.and ��acl �{�� ��rson going inta the a�e:ct ,��I3. «�LZI� rc�n ir��e� tl�e i:�land to t:fse r�,g�it� �nd so an, Mb o Rosect�r �aint�� s�;1L- �ha� i��.�y �ave �.t:e �s�.�:rc�s c'.r�sPr zr�e�.he;^ �rt�.r_ i� %�he� WpY2�Cj be stand��d par�i�g 4n� :,tn7 �so `�h�sc� ��r�tin� s�:z�1Zs are 9 6y `�g w�ae�e tk2�.s c•ras ha��aly 8 feet nee��en �h� �slanuso This is ane oi"` ti�� �ar�b�e�a.s tF�ey .��v� �n �;�tz�r�g into the st�13. maxd �his 3.s e71iy �tte �g�I�.een�: :banied j�st � sr?^�irh� stao� at it aff i�Iinx��hah�o Ano�her objbc�iQn �t�.Qy� �CSd �a�s �ott��. L-[?ey t�a�re �an ��:iri�i� tc the pari.t�n� are�; on �:h� wes�, the?-E 4a3.Z� be � c��.slir� u�ith �,c�og�I.e �arrcingti Th� advanta,es af �hi� wocald �e tha� ttaey would t�av� the altarn��ive oi c��in� €:he �lAey �oing e{���r wayf but rhey wou?.d� sl.so �e ��Ie �s, �o rla���n thraugia the par[cin� �,ot �nd oa o�.�3-. o��o �ixtnel�a�a� azxcl Arcade i.f thc�� f�re wts�bound� T•tt�.s cac�ulcl discdur��e use of L`he ,.��.�.�ym 'rhE?:e are a few t�ther adv�n.tag4�E on� of c�l�ich is tha� L-he iandscaping� r�E:4:��^ i:han �e�ng o�scured by the building� wati.�3.� be 4�t�ere �ost of t�e c��s L70i.tl.f� �'l� fac�.ng as t�hey en��ro 4�r� �toW�tte� s��z�e� ��.at �he maz.� zssu� i.s azce c�t traf�i� h.sndiin� tand safetyo Iie comm�ntetl that if z� as ver.; di�f:icul�- �ca m4k� �he turr! in�o the 'seZler seallse E:hen �n �lley �s rea�.Iy to€� r��row a1sQ to ex3.� peopl.e an�l �xpect �hera �a �urr� ire eith�r dixer.Y:£on� H� �azd �:�a� he La�c3 che �p��.ican� zat�at� the sraff wr�u3.d xequire �s �o revdsien:s o�� the a�p�f.c�nt°g p�.s� Lh�� �-a�s o�igin�liy suumi�t�d if [he Board accepted thzat oue, �nis a�n.fluni;�d �o rnaking 9a'� g�rking in thE pa�king �re� rand raai�ing the cha�nge� wYaicEa the 2r��fzc E�aginee�c ses,�gested a3 to widenf.ng �he cur� cuts A snd �atcing the Arcade St�eeL exit ribnL- tura only� ThereforeP there �re �wo alt�r�atives - t[a� r�visions o� ti�� sc�i��nit�ed p��n or �d�e adopt3.rn of a mor� drastic�I7y x�vised plano • First Mezchants Stat:e Bank - �age 3 - 3ep�emb�r �1� 1972 A1r, I�iet�a as'�ec] ca�►�� hours people would be se��.r�d �y ����':, f_acila.�yo Mro �irthu� ?�t���.and�ra a represen�a�i��e of l�irst �be�ch��n�s �a�.�i, stated tha� presently the hours are fram 8 �a 6, Mxa Maiet�a �Aid ths� �h�e reasbn he aske�l wss becac�se o� �iz� b�asy �r.aff�c perfad� Because it is ax� th�e west end o� �he �ra�'ficr [le didn'ic �tI3�W hc�w much of a �saffic 'PZ'Oti�.eIA j.t GTC3l1l.tl �3�'0 Mro Rosetter inciicateci that tE�e� s,rere c�oL cnncerned �bou+� ��t� �.�esi���oczn.d �r$ffic�, just the ones thA�t wAnt to go east� Irlro Maietta riidnrt ttt:�nk they wocalcl �o e�s�e he ehought they woECZc3 �.��n �fght c�n Aresde, Mr� 33errs��of aske� �f �hey �e�� tha.� woulc: �el�eve some c��: �h� p�e�sure fxrm: some nf the oc�t:�i�e �:e1Zer� ai: i�he p�esen� fac?ii�y on Mene3o�a, I�t�� Mel�n�e� sz:atec� i:ha.� thez�e is ure�en�S.y a �r�ffic gr.�i�l�m ai: the prr�sent �ntrar�ce af c�e bank, wht�h tihe;r huve heen tlyltl� �4 alleviaceo �Ie ��1.d �hey have a curb at the �Kesent d�ive-�.n t,Jhich is a big p�eob?em, '�hey have hael �o rasLO�e s�ne bricl� tha� was t�it by a ��� goi�g a�ound the b�flds.ngo Tcle �a9.d the }'.,egisia�ure now pexmiL� �hem to es��b��sh � de�ached drive�i� fac:tlity z,rhicP� i.s �a�.�.h�z� �i30Q feet of the ba�zk, F'e thought ��� r_�ta �aci�iL-y would r�l5.eve th� ��«f�ic �arobient �� 7ih and t�e►idqtao Mr� I3ensi�flof st��ed �ha� �srt af the tra£�:Cc on P�e�dota S�x�eet �s �;cam �he cars caming aut of F3.�s� Me�ehan�s having tca ��:i� onta Mendot�o �ir� Chas, TdTaExlbel�'gy tI-�e a�chitect fa� �he b�nlca s�ated that th� g�es�rst �hought is that there s€zould be js�s� straight ps��king in �he fa�i.litiyo Mxp Mafetta sug�esied ���t if t�e�e was left turns only con�ing arxL of the prog�se�i banking facil:tty gQ�t�� �a�st, �a�d r�3.ght �u�n only an Arcad�a then th�.s pra�sbly w�uldn't bother the cunges�i�n problesno Mrso Coch�atae asked iaow �hey wnuld g� south� Mr, WahLbeig s�id �t�ey could go sa�a�h af:� th�: aileyo Mr� i�aiett� �ai�l �h��e �.s another str�e� hsZf � block do��na, Th�y cousd go dowtz Reaney a�d daum Mendata, �a�Ice � lef� tur.n off tE�e alley or.to Mendntta aa�d ther► go southo Mro BenshcsQf ask.ed Mg� Rosett�r who bro�sgh� tha.� probl��n ta his �a�tentian, Mr� Raset�er sa�d fiha� �n officer of the Narrh�,res���n Bank DrivE-Sn called himo He told Mr, Rmsette�c tha�t they F�ere not opposed �aa �his, but they just wanted tEaem to be aware of tlYe prob�.eao Mr, riaie�ta noted. that there Frer� three �ame� �n be�weer. �his fcaci.li�y ar�d the Nor�hwest�z�. facilf�}r� Mrso Cochrane indicat�d i:hat stae w�s not p,�rticuiarly fond af �:he pl.an t;ha� E3as the turrnso She said that same peop�e fand ifi ditficult ta maneuver a�oursd some�hing 13.ke thato • ��ra� �e�chants StaL-e ��nk — P�ge 4 � S�gte��er 2�, 1972 t��co 2•?$tet�m s�id i:!c� a��.l�.c�n��'� �s�.,�k� seemed �o be tt�e saies�o Zi�:� B�:n��t�oi si�at.ed �h��. t��zs w�,1Z ���.�e�re � 7.ot o� rh.e psessurE on P1egYd�rta Sta�eeto F3}* �:hang�n� t�c amcz�.i.�y �o � :�ew �rar_��ior., he m��.w��ac�� �.�: �ou�.� n�lp rSc� away w�.�h sc�u:p of the ���ffic an �i�x�dota St�ee�ro H� didn°t i:hink i� �ad� ex�y ciiffe�ence wh�ch w�a� they wou�.€i car�e cs�t of the a'�leyo M1rs, C�r.f�rane Wc�ded i.�a�at: a.� tl3Q 3Pi pa�kisig 3.�� �•r�s �.p��:acled, it c�ou}.d hel�a the s atusti��i, Mx, F�aie�t� �a�eeci �.� �:hts p1��. c�ras ���pr.ov�d a.f z.t co�.'d hP st.�bj�c� c:c � �cft tutcn aitl.y a��a � ��Q�.� ��axn t�n.�.y si.�r�o �ir., RaRC��c¢� ;i.i�df�:�fA�J �t>�t ichey are request�n� these �s sug�estie� b� �he fira�fic E�a�:ine�r:, �e �?�.c��.°�: �,e7 i�ve r�hey c,�a�v.�.c3 have any a�i,ea:ti€�x3s �Q t�zes�: xev�.sions Af the a�sn�,ic�xx�s a y�laia� Mra M�i�:s.:ta m���c7 G;�;��c�ivr,I of L�e �a��.i.� sub�ec� t� t�og� r�vis�.�ns �nd s le�t ��.rn s�.gn a�c� � ra;'a� t�?� si�n, Ir w�s 3ec�3Y►.clGSl b� Pi�o $�TlS�1g/3� ��c1 c�s��i.�d szn.animnz�sLya Ssaht�it��:� ;�yA An�zoved hy: .�ac��. T�o R�s���ex M�so �d�x�2.yn CvchraE3e � City of Saint Paul, Minnesota / �� - APPLICATION FOB SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT �� _ � (Please print or type) S 0 IJ�Q TO THE IiDNORABLE MAYOR. AND CITY COUNCIL �1 qo the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Application is hereby made to install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PAFiKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot To be used in connection with; � MISCELI.ANEOUS: d�d �iqlt /�1V'!�A !{t�d M/�lt�{ip ��t�► (indicate type such as Drive-in Ref reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaning Pick-up 3tation, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: � a�= *Location : ��i! � Ot M�t�i �c Iid�il��i Legal Description : L� 17,�1���� �i Block � Additioa &1�� Applicant's Name : g�� ]���s � M�, Home or Office Address: S7S �, �Y'M1L�l $t�Nt 8t. Paal. Mtn� 55i0i Phone Number . 7?4��l�1 FOR,/BY T APPLICANT, �� , -� � �. ,., _ _ �� hi�-7� � � ��' � � u � U (signature) (date AUG 1 � �i972 � Address : CITY ►'��,��iPdlf`!#� L�;��D Phone No.: � Sai�-�t �_�.�!. ,";.,,,:,,,-'.� iNhen completed: fi.le three copies of this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Main St. between First and Second St. � .. _._ ._.__.__.._�v_...,�.�__,_ ���� ���� ����� �- �a c ' • City Clerk • . . � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL � MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 113 CouA Houss 55102 October 6, 1972 File X1266, Page You are hereby notified that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. oa October 19, i972 on the application of the First Merchants State Bank for a pern�it to construct a detached bank drive-in and an 8-car parking lot on the property described as follows: Part of Lot I6 and all of Lots 17, 18 and 19, Block 3, Hills Addition to St. Paul. The property is located on the Northeast corner of Arcade and Minnehaha Streets. For further information, contact the Planning Hoard, ltoan 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. To canply with the City Charter, the DeparCment of Finance is cherged with informing you of this public hearing. If you have any questions, it is recoa�nended that you attend this public hearing to afford;•you the opportunity to make your views, both pro and con, known to the City Council. ROBERT W. TRUDBAU Acting Aead - Finance DepC. �v _L`��1 � ...�— �}- ' � - : M__;, �� � � � o . � o� :� � : ; � - = � 8-- , r-o 1 -�- o -�- o -- � �� 1��.5lD1�t�i -t.�f o -�- a � �_-- - , � ; ' i � � - _ � ' � ---- �' ___ � c�� _-�- - , f- . o .� , �- - �; � � - - -� � � , ---- �::: Q- c�� _ T_ D E 8T� ------ �`� � --= �� , ——-� � -p- � o � - _ , - � ' ---{ O � � . ` ---- � �__ A �4 __ O C ___._ �`&' � S � o ---� O -O- �' ------ Qo� �.-' , `► �- '' � � � m ----1: � �;�.� � p < < , y�-�---.-j �� , � ���,�,�'�/� � �--� � � ����_� � 3�nond� � ---- � �� � �{� �� , ;, i ; � �� _p._ Q ; -� T F, �i � � � � � �� � + � � � � m �_�� � � ¢ .,�► o p I A� ...�� CO , '� � _ AR� > '� DE > , -• S -_ - - -- --- _ � -- -� �--- - {� V � ' � '• I �t � � v -- --1 �-- -- --- _� � -p- ,��J. -- a _ -- � ------ � � --� r � ��� ', � - . � - --� �-------. f � - � _� O � --�, t O�.� Q _ -- i i _ -- � �-_ - � o � �, -� - �,. o •,� �� � , � 3 � , . ...a. � a �� . � o � � i � � �. � _� -o- � � `�� - ��� D .� � �----- _ o ,� � �. � -a' s �' � AZ� � Q 1 ._� � • � • _ � - 'o- �' � � � � � �� _�! I O � `' � -O- ..a' � � ,, � I � , -- � O �O t �� i � � � � — MEN DOTA ST. . ""I __ -�- � -O' � , � ( y�,� � ---j i. - � O O � � Z , r � O 4 n1 _ p `� � � � '� � � A Q t11 O � . � �, Z' � � � � � � �� � � v � � O � ,� . 0 ' -O- � � � �( � � � D o , -�.' �" �� . � � -� ' � �a �° �: -�o- � �� � ------ � �a d� � a . -�. � �__ , . � -� �, < ------ . - -�. -o- • � -o- � ' I .� � -�- -�- � - ° � � � ;�o . � o o � � a . � ; � . . .{�.- -��- -�- �r �' O O � A � ' ' `� ' ;.�::� _ � '�' O ` � `� .� •�`""� � �. ' ; 0 �gT�� a� � � .� � , . ' .: - '" _ . J LEGEN D� �APPLICANT First Merchants State Bank P�RPOSE Detached bank drive-in and'8-car parking lot ��ND USE � � - `^. ,'1NE-�e��ii v PRES�NT Z�NING Light Industrial "C�"' TWO-FAMILY �'S THREE-FAMILY . PETITON SIGNERS o � �- FOUR-�AMILY � Ta MULTI-FAMILY z o • n COMNIERCIAL FF�LL.E No �39s = n � INQUSTRIAL � v VACANT . d , St Paui P�dnni 8oard, �ate� Sept�ber Zi, 19�2 � PropertY Under Catsid�'o�`iv� � - — -,..-,�:--,� _ _. _ � �;����j; � � � tl � 4, ,,� . � � ;�,,_ � ��� � . , � 1,.. . , . , , � , . ' � . , � ;� ;.. . . , . °_ ; .. : ,. ;. , . f. . , . <: , . .. , . . ; _;.. �. ,, _ , ; � . , . , �.. , . . � . . . . . ; . ':E e �, . :: -�.��- .; � ,,. '� ." . . _ _ , � . . , � . . . � .. . : . �. .. . . .. .'. , '. �.. . . .. . . ,. ... . ,i� ��� . . . . . . '. . . .. .;� . ..,r ,�� . . , .. .� .. . . . . .., ,„ � � �,� �� - , .� ,. . .. ..� , s,. . / , . ,,„ ,. �. _ . .� . . , . , e , . _ . . . . . .,� .. � ., � , . .: ��G� �� , ' � � �..'�'�:.� '� _ � � ""r �: ,�r��..� � � «+� �;, ,.�: : ��;��d ��.1 � � , , . .�a.� �. .� �,�,��► �� . ,� . � . �� � x�� .� .,. � , . .� ,. . . . . � ,�w�� � . 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