260179 WhFidCE — CITV CLERK .COl1IIC11 2����g PINK — FINANCE B�UER� — M�4YORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � � �' ncil Resolution � , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That Concordia College be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 54-car parking lot on property located on the east side of Hamline between Concordia and Marshall, more particularly described as follows : That part of Lot A, Concordia College Campus, lying within the foliowing des- cribed boundaries : Beginning at a point on the East 1'ine of Hamline Avenue 124 feet more or less South of the �outhern line of ConcOrd�a Ave�ue3 ther�c�e L�ste�ly - in a direction 4Qs.d.egrees with the East line of Hamline Avenue, 131 feet more or less, to a point; thence Southerly parallel to the East line of Hamline Avenue 290 feet more or less to a point; thence Westerly in a direction 90 degrees with the East line of Hamline Avenue a distance of 131 feet more or less to the East line of Hamline Avenue; thence Northerly along the East line . of Hamline Avenue to the point of beginning; all in accordance with plans dated Received October 3, 1972; COUKCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved yor for Submission to Council gY By WH17E - CITV CLERK PINK - FINANCE COUI1C11 � BLUER� - MAYORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO.� ��� � � �`� Council Resolution . Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 2 subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. • COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki � In Favor Levine !t �J "�'�-'�'�' Against By Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler NOV 2 2 1972 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Cer ' ' P sed by c� S r ary By By Appr ed by or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PUBLI�HED �i(; `� �97Z . . BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAUL 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING � ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 �:� 't�� �� October 19, 1972 Mr. Harry E. Marshall City Clerk 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is in response to the application of Concordia College for a permit to install a 54-car parking lot on the east side of Hamline between Concordia and Marshall. This property is further described by the legal description on file. The Zoning Board considered this matter at its September 21, 1972, public hearing at which time the staff reported that revised plans have been requested which should meet design standards. The Board heard a motion to recommend approval subject to staff recommendations. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 4 to 0. Revised plans dated received October 3, 1972, meet design standards. Very truly yours, R J. MA TA Secretary, oard of Zoning PJM:PLR:mb Z. F. 7408 � F�. C�;t:�_ �� 1 � . _ _ •� ' City of Saint Paul, Mtnaesots AP'PLICATION FOIi SPECIAL COUI�ICIL USS P�RMIT . (Please print or type) TO T� H�1�OaABLS �lAYOit AND CITY OOIII�CIL , yG the City Clerk ' , City of Saint Paul, I�ia�tesots � Application is bereby made to �������� (cross one out) install and operate a aew � � FILLING STATION No. of isiands and pumps : � No. of tanks aad capacity: Q PARKING IAT �or (�jt�� ��D�j�j� (private use) �(���j/�) (indi,cate type) Capacity of parking lot : � �r� To be used �a connection arith:_��}f and stud�,� us�s� ' � MI3CELLANEOU3: indicste type snch as Drive-in Re re�bment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Ciesuiag Pick-up Statioa, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parhi�g area: *Location : i�w!i n� 11var►w bstween hlsrsha{{ Av�. and �-94 Legal Descripti+o� : Lot -- Block �- Addition ��"�Fa Cc>�F�e Applicant's Name : Cof�C�rdla Co1l�g� Ca�pus Home or Office Address; 275 Noe�th Syndicat� Str�et, St�. F'sul, Mt�sots � Phone Number t 6�i-61 S7 FOR,/BY TA8 APPLICAl�'T, .�� �� . -/ - . 'a Signature (date « � Address : Z75 � y ��� Stre�t , St. Psul, Minrwsote Pbone No.: �-6157 Whea completed: file �bree copies oY this application form aad tbree prints of the preliminary lay-o�it pisa� of the proposed facility �vitb tbe City Clerk, Raom 386, City Hall and Court House, 3afnt Pavl, Minnesota �Z-3 6/11/56 *EXA�PLE: 1. S.E. coxner of II[[ain St. aud First 3t. 2. 3outb side of Ma3a 3t. betweea Firat aad Secoad 3t. Z��/�� ������ ' ' . 3r yt`T[��.''w� i.l1.? �.'.'r,�'. L'�'�da$.�'a �3Li"7�.�3'a �ix�a.�'''�`��.�`'e 3`.�'it� ��Q.�,.?i �i� t`�.�;.���`�Ss �s?�F '�.'I�s.�?:'�$���, `�"�it�s���. �1!y �,���y �i��° �:� �QkS6 �,'�?���: ��r��� +�o+:l����.�� A�es��o a��ar.�:�:�� ���.��F:�:� �d :(i�,���a�aa� s�� �xie �3ca�rs3; _�� ��.;:��,s�.x� I�:�� Ro��#:��r_ �zsar� �'r�s� �...��.°��,uw�: a�.� ��z� ��L-�:.�£o �tl���}?�Z�� �C�sZ���L ������;�: �o Ii.�r������ ��:�.�ec� ��.��: ���� �^�.-a� :�:��a�a��:� �:�a��ra��� �S�.�s u��z:�x �:� y>��.� ��-::� �a�t��,� �es_ ����.�z� ���ad�::�3�� Z�� :s�:�.c� sc�aM;,* ��aa a �itf:�a c��.�';£f��t��� .�.�, s��c�c���g �a�� �k�� ����'� ;��€�c���a��.�+w-� ���- ���a�a �Y_�e ���:��� '��o '���a ��.��f�. ���L k.� ���� ��.Sdt� �1�G"}.�� C.°��.��.sx�i�j .��n"d. f.53�� 'd,��+L�.��� R�1.c�..�;i� ��.�:���'r c�.'�: ����w�lfl�'tr�..°'���.T �,c�ag �:c+��.a :�1��:��•���:.�� �d�.�� �ss��: ��:s� L�� e�n���x�c�:�.��. ��r�::�:s a€; ��•3�,�� c� �k� ��i., �+e s��� _�� ��.��� b� a ����r ¢���: s��� �ar����x�r� �.�. e;*�e :���.er�a �e w�.�� �r� a��-?�e� �.h� ���€���a�:��w ���.S�u�� �:t �Iz� a�.���.s.�:�a�1: �.£ ��: �.��;a� ��s���.�a�a���. :.r� ���. ?°i.�;'r��:� �ileo ��a�'�'3E°a"��$� �;'?6'D�e^.�i ��:>�1i�`.S�'d�^.� f7.s �1�5+ �S£:;:tY'�:�� `i3s'�3;��'«� `G€9 '��Y�' aa�..'i:L�r��,-~.7.i�i31:�pTFS Q.s �� �i'�`o���o .ai: L3^u� ;320^.��:sC..'� �3°,� k�'n �f�5�*�t�'S� Fw�i� ��3� �'.u°'A3.::C�".#5`+�r �.'c::`b2.�.°f� "s:??t�,:;.21�i,1tt��'i�To �'E3�ffiB'�.L`G$i� ''.,a'�T o .�L`j����3�7''E.'C! ��': �'Ea.o Sc��� 12'g��.'i.�i,�:� Z'f�:S o L��'���a' 's��EZ��13i�'..� • f� ' /�/� � • City of Saint Paul, l�innesota ,��� � APPLICATION FOA SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT � (Please print or type) �/ TO THE FBDNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL 96 the City Clerk �� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota � Application is hereby made to �'�����f��� (cross one out) install and operate a new � FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (�P1�fPp�1��I 1�1�1�1�1�p�'Fk,�) (pr�vate use) �(,�5�i�,i��/�i�§�,�/�(¢,��S��E) (indicate type) Capacity of parking lot � 54 cars To be used in connection with:�taff and student use. � MISCEI,I�ANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Kef reshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry Clesuing Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location . Hamline Avenue between Marshall Ave. and f'-94 Legal Description : Lot -- Block -- Addition Concordia College Applicant's Name . Concardia College Campus Home or Office Address: 275 North Syndicate Street, St. Paul , Minnesota Phone Number . 646-6157 FOR✓BY TI� APPLICANT, , �/ �ry _b ��O "s�r� (Signature (date) ��'-�� ,1�ycE'<'.�'�2e.���� Address . 275 Nort Syndicate Street, St. Paul , Minnesota Phoae No.: 646-6157 INhen completed: file three copies o� this application form and three prints of the preliminary lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE: 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side of Maia St. betweea First and Second St. . � City Clerk " CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA � DEPARTMENT O� FINANCE 113 Carrf Hovss 55102 October 13, 1972 Fiie X1261, Page You are hereb.y notified that a public heariag will be held in the Council Chambers of the City Hall and Court House at 10:00 a.m. on October 26, 19�2 on the application of Concordia College for a permit to install a 54-car parking lot on the property descrfbed as follows: That part of Lot A, Concordia College Campus, lying within the following described boundarfes: Beginning at a point on the East line of Hamline Avenue 124 feet more or less South of the Southern line of Concordia Avenue; thence Easterly in a direction 90 degrees with the East line of Hamline Avenue, 131 feet more or less, to a point; Chence Southerly parallel to the East line of Hamline Avenue 290 feet more or less to s point; thence Westerly in a direction 90 degrees with the East line of Hamline Avenue a dfstance of 131 feet more or less to the East line of Hamlfne Avenue; thence Northerly along the East line of Ramline Avenue to the point of beginning. The property is located on the East side of Hamline Avenue betwesn Concordia and Marshall Avenues. For 'further information, contact the Plannin� Board, Room 1010 Commerce Building or telephone 223-4151. To com'ply with the City Charter, the Department of Fiaance is charged with informing you of this public hearing. 'If you have any questfons, it is reconttnended that you attend this public `hearing to afford you the opportunity to make pour views, both pro and con, kno�wn to the City Council. ROBERT W. TRUDEAU Acting Head - Finanee Dept. .. BOARD OF ZONING P.EPORT AND ACTTON September 21, 1972 • , • _ Plat Map ��11 , Acting under Tegislative Codc Chapter 60 thru G4 � passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7408 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Concordia College 5497 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal a PermiC � Other 3. PURPOSE . 54-car parking lot 4. LOCATION , East side Hamline between Concordia & Marshall 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File 6. PRESENT ZONING: "A" Residential 7. PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section• •23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: September 15, 1972 By: PLR A. HISTORY: In July, 1964, the City Council granted an appeal establishing a 30- foot setback from Hamline Avenue. B. AREA ZONING: Frontage along the west side of Hamline Avenue is zoned Light Industrial for a depth of 100 feet followed by Heavy Industrial. The southwest corner of Marshall Avenue and Hamline Avenue is zoned "C" Residential with a "B" Residential district to the east of it. C. DESIGN STANDARDS: The plan meets design standards. The Assistant City Architect has indicated that previous Council action in establishing setbacks along Marshall Avenue has made Hamline Avenue frontage a side yard requiring no setback. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: The legal description for this proposal describes the construction limits as indicated on the plan. This area has a frontage of 290 feet along Hamline Avenue with a depth of 131 feet for an area of 37,990 sq. ft, E. TRAFFIC ENGINEER'S REPORT: The Traffic Engineer recommended approval indicating he approves of one drive being 24 feet wide as opposed to the usual standard of 26 feet. This change was requested by the applicant to avoid the necessity of moving a power pole on the boulevard. F. SITE CONDITIONS: The site described by the construction limits shown on the plan is developed apparently according to the submitted plan except that the lot had not been surfaced when viewed by the staff and the northerly curb cut was not complete. G. AREA CONDITIONS: The lot is surrounded on three sides by the Concordia College Campus w�*h a building to either end and an auxiliary athletic field to the east. Across Hamline Avenue are ;ndustrial uses. I-94 exists less than one block north of the site. Residential uses exist east of Hamline Avenue south of Marshall Avenue. 9. B0�!.Ln ACTT�JI�'• To Reco?nriend � Approval � Denial Council Letter Dated: Yeas Nays Moved by : McPartlin X Cochrane Dctober 19,1972 X McPartlin Date of Seconded by: Benshoof X Maietta Hearing; X Benshoof - Secretary's remarks: October 26,1972 Council Actio;: , , Date: ___ -- - _ ____ _ �, ., � 0 „ �i4 � .' . . . . � . ��� '�',' - . � . . ,.* ..�. ,�a . . . . ��,��i� `� . . : .. . . . .. . . . . . �. .. � . - . . . . 'a , . . . : " . . �. .. . . �� . , � . i .. �. .: '.,. , .. . . . . . , . . , t � .�� . . . . . . . . � . �:k,. .k . ,- . . � . � . . .. . . . . 1 . - .. � �. '_ �� .�., . 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I ' � � � � .��. .X ..-. . �� � ..-. :.e• �.;� , (�•. ... jI� � � � /-������� C^.r.tir'��a Cc3liege � �t��� .PURPOSE s4-car parking lot �.AND USE O ONE-FAMILY PRESENT ZONING ��A" Residential - "Q" TWO-FAMILY_ : , PETITION SiGNERS � THREE-FAMILY � FOUR-FAMtLY ; . ` � � MULTI-FA�LY ` � - • • n COMMERCIAL ' � �.�tLE No. 74os �oRT►� n n INDUSTRtAL , x.k v YACANT , .�. : y�t� Qoui� Planninq Board, Dah: SepEember 2I, i9�2� Property u�der �ans�dsr�ol�on � � �.�_ _ _ - n^'�.nW M^M"�+L^.v« ��� p�r� �,�� Jt � �.._.,-.�...e..�,_ �. *e�9+�.srr��re���rn+o. `L�':¢ �p�#s�^�� �. Wi' � '�a �s '+, r� t� .�,�y.u,t�p,� t y �„' � .,. ��•� Y' {�� � � . �.-�.t.�J�k�,.r r� r. ; � � �.� 5 i r �t t :�Z„' �r .� �?'�h m �`"4.,��"��,� '"��,i.�: r�°''� v���i� :�� �ry��` S` �. .. . . ��.. w t+�...'l:i+�."' �. naa,h '� "� - 3��. �' r,. . � . �x"b k " 'I�° +,�� �i -ys�^4'��"`duY� 4 r,� y � ��4 L� fi-1+S7+�w„� �f �M�� .,,t N �y - . � . n+ H �+� T �� x��,.��'�,� t�a,r r ; � ' .. 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