02-1207 I \. � Council File # �Z�,��O� Resolution # Green sheet # �o y3 3� CITY QIF) $�/�INT Presented By Referred To 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 � a► . Date RESOLUTTON APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A MEMORANDUM OF LINLIERSTANDING WITH ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM, THE CHII,DRENS HOSPITAL AND THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF'THE CTTY OF SA.INT PAUL WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota (the "Authority"), has the power to engage in development or redevelopment activities under Minnesota law and the Authority is authorized to engage in activities relating to (a) housing projects and development, (b) removal and prevention of the spread of conditions of blight or deterioration, (c) bringing substandard buildings and improvements into compliance with public standards, (d) disposition of land for private redevelopment, and (e) improving the tas base and the financial stability of the community, and to engage in the aforementioned activities when these needs cannot be met through reliance solely upon private initzarive and which can also be undertaken in targeted neighborhoods; and 15 WHEREAS, it is being proposed that the City enter into a Memorandum o£ 16 Understanding with Allina Health System dba United Hospital, The Children's Hospital, and the 17 Authority ("Memorandum") with respect to the conshuction and operation of the Smith Avenue 18 Transit Center and Parking Ramp by the Authority (the 'Parking Raznp"), and the future 19 development of the United/Children's campus; and 20 WHEREAS, the Memorandum contemplates, among other things, the issuance of parking 21 revenue bonds by the Authority (the "Revenue Bonds") to finance, among other things, the 22 acquisition and construction of the Pazking Ramp; and 23 WIIEREAS, the Memarandum provides, among other things, that, if and to the extent 24 necessary to obtain an investment grade rating for the Revenue Bonds, the City will provide 25 some form of credit support for the Revenue Bonds; and 26 «�FIEREAS, Yhe public purpose being served by this project is tk�e conYinued campus 27 development of a major hospital, the development of a multi-modal parking facility for the City 28 and hospital, and increased event parking spaces; and 29 WF3EREAS, the staff of the Authority and City have negotiated the Memarandum and are 30 submitting such agreement to the City Council for its approval; and 31 WHEREAS, the forxn of the Memorandum is on file in the office of the City Clerk. 32 NOW THEREFORE, IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE 33 CTI'Y OF SAINT PALTL, NIlNNESOTA AS FOLLOWS: 34 1. The City Council hereby approves the Memorandum and authorizes the Mayor, 35 Clerk and Director, Office of Financial Services (the "Authorized Officers") to execute the 1453469v1 o �.-��0'1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Memorandum in substantially the form submitted. The approval hereby given to the Memorandum includes approval of such additional details therein as may be necessary and appropriate and such modifications thereof, deletions therefrom and additions thereto as may be necessary and appropriate and approved by the City Attorney, the appropriate staff person or by the Authorized Officers; and said Authorized Officers or staff inembers aze hereby authorized to approve said changes on behalf of the City. The execurion of the Memorandum by the Authorized Officers of the City shall be conclusive evidence of the approval of the Memorandum in accordance with the terms hereof. 9 2. The staff of the City is directed to proceed with all other action necessary to 10 implement the agreements of the City contained in the Memorandum including, but not lunited 11 to, the preparation of tl�e final Development Agreement. Adopted by CounciL Date �,�_1C a � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Requested by Department of: Plannina & Economic Develonment By: Approved by Financial Services / � � f1'- \ �i ^(�� � . ��� n � Form Approved by City Attorney Approved by By: ° r� Date � By: ,�: � By: 1453469v1 2 ; DEP,IRTME\TTOFFICE�CO[INCIL: DATE INITIATED. GREEN SHFET vo.• 204334 �� \ � O ` P�D 12104/2002 ' CO\TACT PERSOti & PHO�E. � ��i7'�a7./oa7'E ti�ITf.aUDw7'E Martin Schieckel, 26G-658G t DEPARTMENT DIR.� 5 crrv cou�vc�� � �IL*ST BE O\ CULICIL AGE\D.a BY (DATE) �I�''v ? CTIY ATIORivEY {:� _ CIIY CLERK � J� NUMBER 3 FINANCIAL SERV DIR � j FIYANCL4L SERVlACCTG - ` + � �S�r FOR 4MAYOR(QRASST.j '�— _CMLSERVICECOMMISSION ROUTI�G To be sponsored by Chris Coleman axn�c Disirict 9 �� Please place on Consent Agenda , TOTAL # OF SiG\ATGRE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCAT[ONS FORSIGNATtiRE) " ncrrov xeQuesreu: Resolution approvin� and authorizing execution of a Memorandum of Understanding with Alliaa Health System, the Children's Hospital, and the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint ' Paul. ' RECOMMLNDATIONS: Approve (A) or Reject �) PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS DNST ANSNER THE FOLLOK'IYG QUESTIONS: P1.ANNMG COMMICSION L Has this personfficm ever worked under a contract for this deparvnrnt? GI3 COMMifi'E8 Yes No �, CN[LSERViCECOb(L�tISS10N 2. Has[hispe!son/fimeverbeenacityemployee? " _ _ Yes ho , � _._ ___ _ 3. Does this person/firtr pcssess a skill not normally possessed by any wrzeni ciry employee' _ _________ Yes No . __ _ Expfain ail yes a�swers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet . IYITIATI\G PROBLE�[, ISSUE, OPPORTGNITY (Nho, What, When, Where, Why): „. Memoraiidum of Understanding sets forth basic business points between City, the HRA, Allina/United, and Children's Hoapit�l r;;gardi;�g the construction and operatior. of the Smith Avenue Transit Lenter and the firture ', deveiopn:ent of the UniTecL'Children's campus. ThP City will agree to provide some form of credit support, to the �, extent necessary to obtain investment grade rating, for Revenue Bonds issued by the HI2A for the Smith Avenue 4 Transil Ce�,ter. AllVA.ryTAGES IF APPRO i�EU. Alloa>s potei7tial deeelopment of Smith Avenue Transit Center and continued hospital cam�ui deyelop�nent to move foi�vard. REC V ��� � ' DISADVAVTACES IF APPRO�'ED. " N°"e. CITY ATTORNEY _ DISADVA�ITAGES IF \OT APPROVED_ Smith Avenue Transit Center development will not move fonvard. .,_.....,�..� . TO?ALA9�IOUN'IOFTRA�SACTION:$ COST/REVEVUEBUDGETED: � , FG�DING SOORCE: ACTNiTY NUMBER: FI\A\CIAL INFORMATION: (EAPLAIN) � I. , K\h!(SCPROJF.C'f�IS.Y,ITHl'RMSIiM;'3\'.;nkedAesoluti�ngmshewpd � O �--�a MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING This Memorandum of Understanding is dated as of this �� day of 2002 (the "Memorandum") and is entered into by and among the Housing and Rede elopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a body corporate and politic (the "Authority"'), Allina Aealth System d/b/a United Hospital, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ("United"), The Children's Hospital, Incorporated, a Minnesota nonprofit corporation ("Children's') and the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City"). The Authority, the City, United and Children's aze hereinafter collectively refened to as the "Parties"). This Memorandum relates to future developments to be constructed by the Authority, United and Cfiildren's in the azea depicted on Exhibit A attached hereto (the "United/Children's Campus"). The Authority, the City and United have heretofore entered into a Development Ao eement dated November 23, 1993 (the "Prior Development Agreement") with respect to the development of the United/Children's Campus. The Parties desire that the development of the United/Children's Campus continue over the next ten yeazs, and that the future development include the provision of inedical and parking facilities. As more fully defined and described in Section 1.02 hereof, the Authority desires to acquire the Transit Center Site from United and construct thereon a parking ramp (the "Raxnp") in order to provide a multi-modal transit center, a public bus layover facility and event pazking for downtown St. Paul events, while preserving opportunities and providing incentives for future expansion by United and Children's on the United/Children's Campus. The Authority intends to finance the acquisition and construction of the Ramp in part by leasing parking spaces in the Ramp to United. United is willing to sell the Transit Center 5ite to the Authority and lease parking spaces from the Authority, provided the Authority replaces the 325 existing sur£ace parking spaces on the Transit Center Site that the Ramp will displace (a) with 325 pazking spaces in another location during construction and (b) with 325 parking spaces in the Ramp after construction, at discounted rates that reflect the loss of low-cost surface pazking spaces and the quantity of spaces to be leased by United. Some of the benefits of the proposed future development for the Parties to this Memorandum are listed on E�ibit B: "Benefits of a Continued Develapment tlgreement between the City/HRA and A11ina/tTnited." It is the intent of the Parties that this Memorandum will outline the general understanding of the Parties with respect to the future development of portions of the UnitedlChildren's Campus and the construction of the Ramp by the Authority, and will provide a framework for and will be superceded in its entirety by a final development agreement (the "Development AgreemenY') to be entered into by the Parties at a later date as contemplated in Article V hereof. Now therefore, the Parties hereby aa ee that the following sets forth an outline of their general understanding of the general plan for the development and a framework of the matters to be covered in the Development Agreement. ?>i�TiGLE I. GEN�RAL D�SCRIPTiON OF THE DEVELOr'NiENT 1.01 Future Development of United/Children's Campus. The future development to be constructed on the United/Children's Campus is proposed to include medical facilities, R__f���i 0 L _�i�oR additional capital equipment, and ancillary pazking facilities having a capital cost of at least $70,000,000 (the "United/Children's Improvements"). At least $15,000,000 of capital costs related to the United/Children's Improvements will be on the property east of the wallc�vay depicted on Exhibit A and desi�ated as the Future Development Site(s). The construction of the UnitedlChildren's Improvements must be completed within 10 years from the date of execution of the Development A�eement. A vision concept of what these United/Children's Improvements might entail is depicted on Exhibit C: "United/Children's Campus Plan." In determining whether the minimum capital cost requirements for the United/Children's Improvements have been satisfied, the Authority will include all capital expenditures for new construction, improvement of existing construction on the United/Children's Campus and the Future Development Site(s), and installation of fixtures and capital equipment in either new construction or existing construction, by United, Children's or by any other entity, other than the Authority or the City, pursuant to agreements with United or Children's. 1.02 Smith Avenue Transit Center. The future develapment by the Authority is proposed to consist of the acquisition and construction of a new parkin� ramp and a bus layover facility for the Smith Avenue Transit Center to be leased by the Authority to the MTC (as defined in Section 2.01 hereo fl(collectivety, the "Ramp"). The Ramp will be constructed on �he property depicted on Exhibit A as Parcel E— the "Transit Center Site." The number of parking spaces included in the Ramp will be a minimum of 925 garking spaces, of �vhich 325 spaces wili be leased to United. If Smith Avenue Realty_ Associates, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership ("S.A.R.A.") enters into an agreement with United committin� to construct an approximately 125,000 square foot medical office building on Parcel C(as shown on Exhibit A) and a�rees to lease approximately 400 additional parkin� spaces in the Ramp, the Ramp will contain approximately 1325 parking spaces. The parking spaces to be leased to S.A.R.A. will, at United's option, either be subleased by S.A.R.A. from United or leased directly from the Authority. In the event the S.A.R.A. parking spaces are leased directly by S.A.R.A. from the Authority, United will enter into a guaranty agreement, in form and substance acceptable to tlie Authority and the Underwriter (as defined in Section 2.03(e) hereo fl, guarantying S.A.R.A.'s obligations under the lease. ARTICLE II. OBLIGATIONS OF THE AUTHORITY 2.01 Ramo Costs Description, and Timin�. The Authority will agree to pay all of the costs of the acquisition, construction and equipping of the Ramp. The Ramp will be designed to include a bus layover facility for the Metropolitan Transit Commission (the "MTC") on the ground floor, with multiple levels of parking above (see Exhibit D—"Smith Avenue Transit Center Concept Rendering" and Exhibit E—"Smith Avenue Transit Center Plans and Elevation"). The Authority will use its best efforts to complete the construction of the Ramp �vithin 24 months after the issuance of the revenue bonds referred to in Section 3.01 hereof. 2.02 Additional Parkin¢ Capacit�f Ramp. The Authority will design and construct the Ramp to accommodate the construction of up to 1000 additional parking spaces (the "Additional Parking Spaces"). Subject to existing law at the time, the Authority will add taaazzz�s 2 os��ac'1 the Additional Parking Spaces to the Ramp at a future date provided that ali costs of constructing the Additional Pazking Spaces aze paid ar financeable on terms and conditions reasonably acceptable to the Authority by revenues contributed by United. 2.03 Authorit s Continsent Obli ation. The Authority's obligation to construct the 12amp will be contingent on satisfaction of the following conditions: (a) United and the Authority enter into a binding purchase a�reement (the "Purchase Agreement") pursuant to which United a�rees to sell the Transit Center Site to the Authority for fair mazket value, such fair market value to be determined in a manner acceptable to United and the Authority (the "Purchase Price"). (bj The Authority receives a binding a�reement from the United States Govemment and MTC to make grants for the construction of the Ramp, in the approximate amounts of $6,400,000 and $3,500,000 respectively (collectively, the "Grants"); (c) The City executes the pledge agreement referred to in Section 3.01 hereof; (d) The Authority obtains a market study concluding that the construction and operation of the Ramp is economically feasible; (e) The Authority executes a binding bond purchase a�eement �vith an investment banking firm acceptable to the Authority (the "Underwriter") pursuant to which the Under�vriter agrees to purchase the Revenue Bonds refened to in Section 3.01 hereof; and (� The Authority receives favorable results from a traffic study and obtains any environmental assessments and indirect source permits required for the Ramp. 2.04 Eminent Domain. (a) The staff of the Authority will, promptly upon receipt of any applications submitted by United or Children's, submit a request to the Board of Commissioners of the Authority to schedule a public hearing on the adoption of a resolution by the Authority authorizing the Authority to exercise its power of eminent domain in accordance �vith a redevelopment plan in order to assist in the acquisition of any of the parcels depicted on Exhibit A as Parcels A, B, and C, and which are needed for specific, committed United/Children's Improvements, provided that United enters into an Acquisition and Indemnity Agreement with the Authority, and that United a�rees to pay for all costs and awards related to the eminent domain action. (b) The staff of the Authority will consider other similar requests submitted by United or Children's with respect to the acquisition by the Authority of property contiguous to the United/Children's Cainpus. 1444222v5 p �.. • �y�'t 2.05 O�tion to Purchase and Risht of First Refusal. (a) Subject to any restrictions imposed by the a�eements relating to the Grants, the Authority will grant United the following non-assi�able rights: (i) a one-time right of first refusal if the Authority elects at any time to sell the Transfer Center Site, (ii) an option to purchase the Transit Center Site if the Authority fails to construct the Ramp or ceases to use the Transit Center Site as a parkin� ramp, and (iii) an option to purchase the Transit Center Site at the end of the 10` ZO 07 3O yeaz of the term of the Lease. (b) If the Authority has constructed the Ramp, United's purchase of the Transit Center Site �vill be contin�ent on United entering into the follo�ving agreements: (i) a Non Disturbance Agreement with the MTC, (ii) an agreement with the City or the Authority to make the Ramp available for event parkin� on evenin�s and weekends, and (iii) an a�reement assuming any and ail requirements imposed in connection with the Grants. (c) The purchase price will be (i) fair market value at the time the option is exercised if the option is exercisable because of the failure of the Authority to construct the Ramp, or if after the construction of the Ramp ceases to use the Transit Center Site as a parkin� ramp, or (ii) the amount specified in clause (i) hereof plus the amount of any grants that are required to be repaid if the option is exercised under any other condition. ARTICLE III. OBLIGATIONS OF THE CITY 3.01 Additional City Credit. The City acknowledges that the Authority will issue parking revenue bonds (the "Revenue Bonds") upon satisfaction of the conditions in Section 2.03 hereof in an amount sufficient, together with the Grants, to finance (a) the costs of acquisition and construction of the Ramp, (b) the Public Infrastructure (as defined in Section 3.03 below), (c) the costs of issuance of the Revenue Bonds, (d) any required reserves and capitalized interest, and (e) the costs of repaying the Authority for the relocation and stabilization of the Armstrong-Quinlan House. In the event the estimated parking revenues to be derived from the Ramp are not sufficient to allow the Authority to issue Revenue Bonds with a rating of [BBB+] or better from a national rating agency, the City agrees to enter into a pledge agreement pursuant to which the City will provide additional revenues from parking fines and parkin� meters (estimated to be in the range of $700,000 —$800,000 per year), or some form of credit enhancement sufficient to allow the Revenue Bonds to be issued at a[BBB+] or better rating by a national rating agency. 3.02 Grants. The City will convey Federal and Metro Transit jrants proceeds to the Authority, and will direct the Authority to use the proceeds in the construction of the Ramp. 3.03 Nccessary Public Infrastructure Improvements. The City agrees, in com�ection with the construction of the Ramp, and to the extent deemed necessary and desirable by the City and Authority, to construct or reconstruct any road improvements, including but not limited to a new street at Smith Avenue, between Kellogg Boulevard and Sixth Street taaazzz�s 4 O�-«� through Cleveland Circle (the "Public Infrastructure"). It is understood that the costs associated with these Public Infrastructure Improvements will be part of the Ramp financing. ARTICLE IV. OBLIGATIONS OF UNITED 4.01 Sellin¢ the Transit Center Site. Subject to the Authority granting Ilnited the option and Right of First Refusal described in Section 2.05 hereof, United a�rees to enter into the Purchase Agreement to sell the Transit Center Site to the Authority at its fair mazket value as of the date of the Purchase Agreement. 4.02 Obli¢ation to Construct United/Children's Improvements. United agrees the United/Children's Improvements (medical facilities, additional capital equipment, and ancillary parkin� located on the United/Children's Campus and havin� a capital cost of at least $70,000,000) will be constructed (by United, Children's or any other entity, other than the City or Authority, pursuant to a�reements with United or Children's) within 10 years after execution of the Development Agreement and at least $15,000,000 of the UnitedlChildren's Improvements wili be constructed on the Future Development Site(s). United will provide the Authority annual progress reports on the design and construction of the United/Children's Improvements. 4.03 Parkin� for S A R.A. Medical Office Buildin�. United will work in good faith with the S.A.R.A. to provide sufficient parking for the medical office buildin� proposed to be constructed by S.A.R.A. on the Future Development Site. 4.04 Desi�n Guidelines. The Authority will update the Design Control Guidelines attached to the Prior Development Agreement (the "Design Controls") subject to review and reasonable approval by United and Children's. United and Children's agree that all design and construction documents for the United/Children's Improvements will conform to the updated Design Controls as approved by United, Children's and the Authority. 4.05 United's Parkine Lease Rates and Term. (a) United will enter into a lease with the Authority for not less than approximately 325, nor more than approximately 725, parking spaces in the Ramp. United's right to use the parking spaces will be on weekdays for approximately a 12 hour period. The term of the lease and discounts from the projected parking rates shall be, at the option of United, either of the following: (i) if the lease term is twenty-five years, the discounts shall average twenty percent (20%) over the lease term; or (ii) if the lease term is thirty years, the discount shall be riventy-five percent (25%) over the lease term. (b) The parking spaces in the Ramp leased to LTnited will be undesignated and non- reserved parking spaces. taaazzz�s o'�•�'ao'1 (c) In no event shall United be required to pay more than the lowest mazket rate charged to other non-govemmental parking tenants in the Ramp. 4.06 S.A.R.A. ParkinQ Rates. The Parties acknowledge that if any parking spaces aze leased to S.A.R.A., it cvill require the issuance of ta�cable Revenue Bonds, resultin� in higher debt service costs. A premium will be assessed to the lease rates for the S.A.R.A. spaces in an amount necessary to cover these higher costs. 4.07 Business Subsidv. If the Authority determines that the discounts from the posted parkinj rates constitute a"business subsidy" within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes, Section 116J.993 to 116J.995, United will be required to enter into a business subsidy agreement with the Authority. 4.08 Failure to Comolv �Vith United Obli�ations. In the event the construction of United/Children's Improvements are not completed within the required ten year period, United will agree, as the Authority's exclusive remedy, to compensate the Authority in the following way: (a) United �vill pay the Authority, as liquidated damages, the followin� amounts, plus interest on all such amounts at the rate of six percent (6.00%) per annum, such interest to accrue from the dates the payments or discounts referred to below were made: (i) The amount of any discounts received by United on the parking rates at the Ramp to the extent those discounts exceed "fleet rates" or other volume discounts the Authority provides other non-governmental parking tenants in the Ramp; and (ii) All costs incurred by the Authority to oversize the Ramp to accommodate the Additional Parking Spaces. (b) In the event United fails to complete the United/Children's Istiprovements as provided above, if United reimburses the Authority for the amounts set forth in paragraph (a) clauses (i) and (ii) above, United shall have the right to require the Authority to construct the Additional Parking Spaces at United's expense, subject to and in accordance with Section 2.02 hereof. 4.09 Relief from Obli�ations. Nothing in this Memorandum or the Development Agreement shall be construed to relieve United or Children's of obligations (a) to receive the approval of the design or construction documents for the United/Children's Improvements from any City department if such approval is required by City ordinance, City licensing or permitting requirements or written City policies in connection with development, and to pay the standard fees associated therewith, and (b) to comply with the tetms and provisions of the Priox Development Agreeinent, and (cl to comply with the provisions of any applicable federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations. taaazzz�s DY -1��1 4.10 Renlacement Parking. (a) The Authority a�ees to provide United, until completion of construction of the Ramp, with 325 surface parking spaces at fair mazket rents to replace the pazking spaces lost as a result of the Authority's purchase of the Transit Center Site (the "Replacement ParkinD'). The Replacement Parking will be at a site in the City to be a�reed to by the Parties. The Authority acknowledges that United's preference is the existin� surface parking lot at Cleveland Circle. Any agreement by the Authority to provide Replacement Parkin� at a specific location will be subject to relocation if redevelopment activities commence at the site of the Replacement Parkin�; (b) The Authority shall provide the Replacement Parkin� upon the latter of (i) the date of the purchase of the Transit Center Site by the Authority (the "Real Estate Closin�'); or (ii) the date the Authority notifies United to vacate the Transit Center Site to accommodate the constnxction of the Parking Ramp. If the Authority allows United to park at the Transit Center Site after the Real Estate Closin�, United will lease the parking spaces at the Transit Center Site from the Authority on a month-to-month basis for fair market rents. ARTICLE V. DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT 5.01 Development Agreement. United, Children's, the City and the Authority will exercise good faith efforts to negotiate and enter into a bindin� Development Agreement, the provisions of which will supersede, but be consistent with the terms of this Memorandum. The Development A�reement wili contain such other terms and conditions as are customary in the industry and are otherwise a�reed to by United, Children's, the City and the Authority. ARTICLE VI. MISCELLANEOUS 6.01 Responsibility for Fees Costs and Exroenses. United, Children's, the City and the Authority shall each be responsible for their own le�al fees, costs and expenses in connection with this Memorandum and the Development Agreement. 6.02 Indemnification United and Children's, each for itself, releases from and covenants and agrees that the Authority and the City, their governing bodies, officers, agents, attomeys, servants and employees thereof (hereinafter, far purposes of this Section, collectively the "Indemnified Parties") shall not be liable for and agrees to indemnify, defend and hold hannless the Indemnified Parties from any claim, demand, suit, action or other proceeding whatsoever by any person or entity whatsoever arising or purportedly arising from the actions or inactions of United or Children's (or if other persons acting on its behalf or under its direction or control) under this Memorandum. ARTICLE VII. TERMINATION 7.01 Termination. Any of the parties shall have the right to terminate this Memorandum by giving written notice to the others if either (a) the finai Development Agreement iaaazzz�s 7 O � -��o�i. contemplated by Article V hereof is not approved and executed by the parties within I20 calendar days after execution of the Memorandum by all of the Parties, or (b) if all of the approvais referred to in Section 8.02 hereof are not received within 30 days of execution of this Memorandum. ARTICLE VIII. APPROVALS 8.01 Authori� and Citv Approvals. This Memorandum is subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners of the Authority and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul. The final Development Agreement will be subject to approval by the Authority's Board of Commissioners and the City Council of the City of Saint Paul. 8.02 United and Children's Approvals Contin�ency. United and Children's obligations under this Memorandum shall be cofltingent on each of them obtainin�, within 30 days after execution of this Memorandum by all Parties, approvals from their respective Boards of Directors and the Board of Directors of Allina Health System. United and Children's shall promptly provide the Authority with written evidence of such approvals. 8.03 Good Faith Efforts Toward Development A2reement. The City, the Authority, Children's and United agree to proceed diligently and in good faith toward the execution of a legally binding Development Agreement, but none of the parties shall be liable to any of the others by reason of any actual or alleged breach of this Memorandum. ARTICLE IX. EXHIBITS 9.01 The following are attached as exhibits to this Memorandum: Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E United/Childrens Campus Benefits of a Continued Development Ageement between the City/HRA and AllinalLTnited United/Children's Campus Plan Smith Avenue Transit Center Concept Rendering Smith Avenue Transit Center Plans and Elevation iaaazzz�s p � -\'�n`1 In Witness Whereof the Parties have signed their names as of the date first written above. HOUSIi�iG AND REDEVELOP�NT AUTHORITY OF THE CTTY OF SAINT PAUL Approved as to orm: By , Assistant City Attomey Its Executive Director CITY OF SAI1�iT PAUL, MINNESOTA By Its Mayor Approved as to form: By D'uector, Office ofFinancial Services Assistant City Attomey By Its C1erk ALLIIVA HEALTH SYSTEM d/b/a iJ1VITED HOSPITAL By: Its Signature Page of Memorandum ofUnderstanding by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paui, Allina Health System d/b/a United Hospital, The Children's Hospital, Incorporated and the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1444222v4 oa -�ao�1 THE CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL, IYi CORPORATED By Its Signature Page of Memorandum of Understanding by and between the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Allina Aealth System d/b/a United Hospital, The Children's Hospital, Incorporated and the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1444222v4 EXHIBITA � �u� ;. C� � ' U � I �J , � , ; i , , w , , w , � � n i � w• � i � F____ t i I 6LL m � J li U iU U� O ��'�� , __°L a'_ --�� LLg �° w=,€ uo� 1 y t� N 20 � 72 t 2 9 � U /^� C 1 l� W � � _ � �� � � �- ( a ❑ �i � � a� 0 � � 171MNM ...a � i � � � U Q� � �, 1 5 a � � a � � U y w � 0 2 V W r Z � SMITH AVENUE TRANSIT CEIVTER CITY OF ST. PAUL, MN a a� -�ao� .. :.. �_ .t. oa-��o1 ..:��: Benefits of a Continued Development Agreement between the Citv/HRA and Allina/fJnited To Allina, United Hospital, and Childrens Hospital: Continuation of the United/Childrens catnpus development in partnership with the City over the next ten yeazs on limited land. 2. Replacement of surface loYs 324 spaces with spaces in new ramp at amactive lease rates with options to renew. 3. Portion of parking for S.A.R.A expansion (new medical office building for private doctor group) satisfied by new Ramp. 4. Ramp will be oversized to accomodate future expansion of United's campus. Option to purchase Ramp to control campus asset subj ect to bus lease, event parking, and Federal Grant requirements. To City/HRA 1. Continued campus development of vital major corporate partner and private capital investment of $70 million over next 10 yeazs. Hospital provides land for multi-modai pazking facility. Development of multi-modal parking facility for the City and Hospital, including facilities for Metro Transit and additional pazking available for events. Utilizatian of $8M —$9.5 million of Federal and Met Council money for transit portion. 3. New Doctor Expansion [in next two years] brings new jobs and taxes. 4. Increased event pazking spaces. �a Z 5 a � w t- � ¢ � � J � W � � S11fiITt� AVE�1l1E TRANSIT CENTER CITI( OF ST. PP.UL, MN .. :. -. ,_ .� EXHIBIT C � r. EXHIBlT D 0 0 K w F- w c9 U Z F- d' N W Z � Z W F K wr �a Zw W U Z QO = U r � � i � s � ;{ , x SMITH AVENUE TRANSIT CENTER CITY OF ST. PAUL, MN - ^yQeAi :��- x r rd� rg •• :�' � � ..'. . .. , � EXHIBIT E ;�. _ � r_;� � �� _:�..._r _! z : t _., � Ty^. 1 _ � �`�'_9="iT- _* �6 - Z _ g' � -- — _' ai .s'.�niw �j �. �� O � ,-, ` , � _ ' �a ti , , z; �i O U ----- u' � / '� . _.. - J... �a . . .+'::F na.-�} � � I e ' -- � ���;� ; o. I c i I ' a33dE3; O O� C CI c Z� Z Z n g � I �� ,� a� �. a� w � ;� �y>W�y� � ¢! r� c m > �i""wiWi�F�i�z: <:-., �i o' �a' �� �' �❑ 0 r' g���� i C; W� al �I a! U; al �� c w � z U � F Q N > Z W K W F � W Z � Q Z � W Z Eg = a � � � gl l a wl � �I � �I O O� LLI N � LL SMITH AVENUE TRANSIT CENTER CITY OF ST. PAUL, MN _ ���a ? -4 .. �.-. . � �:•n.h •