02-1206Council File # Oi1 1 �O` Green Sheet # z� 34 3q RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By Referred To Committee: Date 2 WHEREAS, the Councii of the City of Saint Paul, in Council File No. 00-436 during a public 3 hearing on May 3, 200� vacate certain rights-of-way described therein as: 4 5 Pazcel 1. 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Parcei 2. That part of Hawley Street lying southerly of the easterly extension of the north line of Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, WalcotYs Addition to Cottage Homes and northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of L.ot 28, said Block 5; and Alley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of L.ots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage Homes; and 0 WHEREAS, one of the abutting property owners to the said property described above apparently did not receive notification of the said public hearing; and WfIEREAS, this property owner did not desire to have vacated that portion of the said property abutting the owners land, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Council File 00-436 shall be amended as follows: The legal description of the property to be vacated shall be amended to read: Parcel 1. That part of Hawley Street lying southerly of the easterly extension of the north line of Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, Walcott's Addition to Cottage Aomes and northerly of the easterly extension of the south line of L,ot 28, said Block 5; and Pazcel 2. That part of the alley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of I.ots 1 through 7 and 14 through 18, WalcotYs Addition to Cottage Homes lying southerly of the north line of the said Block 5 and northerly of the westerly extension of the south line of Lot 28, said Block 5. o a.��ao � 2 AND, BE IT, FURTHER RESOLVED, that all other terms and conditions of the said Council File 00-436 shall remain in fuli force and effect. � T.M.S./REAL ESTATE DIVISION Date: November 12, 2002 Green Sheet Number: 203939 Confac[ Persop and Phoae Namber: _; 2 DEPARI'MENT DIBECl'oR 4 QTY COUNCII, d��` Peter Wlute �.�16-�J :>� : ��. 1 CTTYATTO CPPYCLEltB . �� � /�-t�+�"'^ y (2, - _";' ' ''���`�"� `� Bi1DGETDII2EClOR OFFICEOFFfNANCtALSVCS. _ `:; :. ?[: - ta"iis�i:<<"i;� Most be on Co�o7 Agenda by: �yOR (OR ASS75TANT) RRAL FSfATE D1VISiON ;>_ 3 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES 1�crar nra, tocATtoxs Fox sicxnTU�> ACl'ION REQUESTED: To amend CF# 00-436, reducing the area thereby vacated Ref: 1. Resolution for considerafion; 2. Copy of CF# 00-436; 3. Map �'TM�"TS�'`�O°B�"�°B�°'�> PERSONAL SERVICE CONTRACTS MUST ANSWER THE FOLLOWING. 1. Has tLe puson/t"itm ever worked mder a con4actfor tLis deparlment? YES NO PL4NIiINGCOMA9SSION (� STAFF 2. AastLispersoiJ6rmecerbeeaaCityempbyee? YES NO CIVIL SHRViCE COMMISSION 3. Does Utis person/Srm possess a skiD notnoin�a➢y posse.ssed by any YES NO current C5ty employee? cis CoMnni•r�: ]ain alf YES answers on a se ate sheet and attach. SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCIL OBJECTIVE? COUNCII. 5 DISTRICT PLANNING COUNCIL (� ARD(S) INIT7ATING PROBLEA�, ISSLJE, OPPORTUNITY (WLo, What, �Vhen, Where, Why?): One of the abutting property owners, who would lg lose alley access, did not receive notice of the public hearing. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: This amendment will exclude from the azea vacated that part of the alley needed to provide alley access. DISADVANTAGES IF APPBOVID: None N U V 1 4 20�2 DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: � The property owner would not have aliey access. TOTAL AMOUN'P OF TRANSACTION: $O.00 COST/REVCNUE BUDGETED (CIRCLE ONE) YES NO FONDING SOURCE: N�A ACTIVITYNIIMBER: N�A kixAxcrnr,�o�Tiox:(�r,� � f�8s�3tCh ��r;°�� ' N/A D�� � � 20�2 6l-�� c` Refnrn copy to: Real Eshate Division 14d CYty Hall �[���t���� Presented By °�, Refetred To RESOLf]T[ON OF SA1NT PAf1L, MINNESOTA �� Com�mt#ee: Bate i BE IT RESOLVID, that, upon the petition of Gerald Frisch, as documen#eci in Finance Depazlment 2 File Number 241499, public properties hereinafter described are hereby vacated and discontsnued as 3 public propeny: and, subject to the herein stated exceptions, the easements within those public properties 4 are hereby released 5 6 The property to be vacated is described as follows: 7 Parcell. That part of Hawley Street Iying southerly of the easterly extension of the north line of 8 Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and 14 throvgh 18, Wa2cott's Addition 9 to Cottage F3omes and noxtherly of the easterly extension of the south line flf Lot 28, said 10 Block 5; and I 1 Parcel2. Alley in Block 5, Hager's Subdivision of Lots 1 through 7 and I4 through 18, Walcott's 12 A.ddition to Cottage Homes. 23 14 This vacation shall be subject to the terms and candition of Chapter 130, codi�ied Mazch 1, 1981, of the 15 Saint Paul Legislative Code as amended, and to the foIlowing conditions: 15 17 1. 18 19 20 2. 21 22 23 3. 24 25 26 4. 27 2$ That the petitioner's, their successors and assigns shall pay $500.00 as an administrative fee for this vacation which is due and payable within 60 days of the effective date of this reso2ution. That a permaneat utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of I3orthem States Power Company. That a permanent utility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protect the interest of U.S. West Communication, Inc. That a permanent urility easement shall be retained within the vacated area to protea the interest of NSediaOne, Saint Paul, Inc. 29 5. That, except for retained easements described above and with the accompanying Utility 30 Easement Certificates of Intended Non-Use, filed voluntarily on behaif of U.S. West 31 Communicaflons, Incorporated, Northern States Power Company, I}ishict Energy St Paul, 32 Incorporated, MCI Metro Incorporated, MediaOne, The Water Utiliry, and Tha Deparbnent of 33 Public Warks, made a part hereof by Uvs refezence and filed in the office of the City Clerk of 34 Saint Paul> ihe Ciry, for iLSelf and on behalf of these corporations and deputments> waives the 35 right to the utility easements in the vaeated azea described above_ Councii �te # °°-�t3p Green Sheet # 1 ��St9�, o1-�a-o v ORIGI�AL 1 6_ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ao.y�� That �e getitionets sheir successars and assigns agree to indemnify, c€efend and save harmiess the City of Saint Paul, its officers and empioyees from all suits, acSions or claims of any character brought as a resnit of injiuies or damages �eceived or stistained by any persoa, petsons or grop�rty on account of this vacazion or petitioners' use of tltis property> incIuding but not limited to, a ctaim brought beca.use of any act of omission, aeglect, or miscondttct of said petifioners or because af any claims or liabiliry arising from any violation of any law or regniation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioners or any of their agents or employees. 9 7. Thai the petitioners, their snccessors and assigns shall, within 60 days of the effective date of this 10 resolution, fila with tha City Clerk an acceptance in writing of the conditions of this resolution 11 and shall, within the period{s) specified in the terms and conditions of this resolution, comply in 12 a21 respects with these terms and wnditions. Requested by Deparfinent of: Technalogv & ManaQement Services By: � ���.L1.Z-- �-{,'t�f'bBirector Form Appz ed by City Attomey B y : •, � � � l. ✓�rn �---.. 1��J���J!�:�!_��� � . � . -. � . . . � �� . � . � � � � . . - � . � � . - _:i, .:•� : , ., ...�� �/a. � � � � .r. ���� .�.; � Adopted by Council: Date ao Adop 't�in Certified by Council Secre '-'�`� N °e . °� _ � .. .. N v j, �� �;' �I" ^ � � � w� � " -g � F �I � �' � � � � �� �,� ? s � • '` I � �Oy� a- �-� �r ��f •: � ; O _ _ _ _ _ _� � o �� .. .. , s . .4 O y �� n• �•_ � <� � `n, e 4 � — N m d� tn � • • ` N C a � ;fi7 � D� �� ., '..-� .. � .. � v � a, � `� � � � � � . * � . .. .. 1+ � �'. � � Q + ; �t � � -• ori � y- M d' � „ 'a � 03.-\i�0�t � `�� _ f! I n i � m' { � � � o I � I Q '\ U N �- - - - - -�! N � � 06 sz � "O � � N � # �� � M d �� � � � I (� 9Q�1 ` � � � „ �� sz � � � • . ° anuand:��� � � � ' __ 12b1 � iv v h � N � — N trT d' � s --�. �---- � `' o .� o o � �:. o � . <;e r a �� .� .. o 1 1 � �� � � � n � y m v y ° 4 �- - � � - . az s,5 �.,. ,� , � ' O � 1 — / �L»�� i�J�L � �7l`�r'�r� I � �� ,� � ,� � � � f � � L �I � �� � _ i 6=�� ' �� sr v � ; :. #� .. C O Q U V � � � � � � � Q� � � •'•• ; ',o ' � M � i � � ^w � W � '� , � � � ; o!+ 1 � � � , O 1 � i . r f� , ti t r � ;3� , ,� . � �,;_._. .