260150 WH17E - CITY CLERK ((('''��� ■^�, PINK -.fFINANCE COl1I1C11 ��3.��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF� SAINT PALTL � �� 1 BLUE - MAYOR File NO. � ouncil Resolution � . ��,� � rresented Ey '`'1,� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHERFAS, The City of Sai.nt Paul acting through its Assistant Valua.tion Engineer has secured an agreement for the purchase of that certain easement for sewer purposes described as follaws: A permanent easement for utility purposes on, under, across, and through the follawing described tract of land; The West 37.0 feet of that paxt of the East half (E. 2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW ,�—�) of Section nineteen (19), Township twenty-nine (29), Range twenty-two (22), Southerly of the most southerly line of the right-of way of the Northern Pacific R�.ilway Company and Northerly of the North line of West Ivy Avenue as platted in Ha.ger's Subdivision of lots 1, 2, 3, 1+, 5, 6, 7, 1�+, 15, 16, 17, 18, of WalCOtts addition to � Cottage Homes, extended Easterly, except Sylvan Street. WHEREAS, The easement described therein is necessary for the Park-Ivy Storm Sewer Project, and the price at which the ease�►ent may be purchased. is at the total aa�ount of $160.00, a fair and reasonable price according to the appraisal obtained by the Assi�tari-� City Valua.tion Engineer; and WHEREAS, The Assistant City Valuation Engineer has recommended the purchase of said easement at the price stated above, as evidenced by his report submitted herewith; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to Administrative Order No. D-156, dated September 8, 1972, the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby authorize the purchase of the above described easemen�, a,nd be it RESOLVED FURTI�R, That the proper City officials axe hereby authorized and direct- ed to pay to Amoco Chemicals Corporation, apparent awner, the sum of $160.00, said sum to be paid to the aforesaid vendor from PIR Fund Code 6000-745 (L-7542-1), to be re- imbursed from 1972 Local Improvement Fund, Code 0920-461, upon its flzrnishing evidence of good maxketable title in the aforesaid vendor, and the total payment to be made upon tender by said party of appropriate deeds conveyir�g title to said easement to the City COUNCILMEIV � Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt FINANCE AI�TD MAI4AGEMENT SERVICES Konopatzki In Favor �� �1 d Against BY � Tedesco •.�,� President �nt�r �A✓� ViCQ� ({,�J(hR- NOV 1? 1972 Form Approved by Cit At rne Adopted by Council: Date Certif' ed by Cou '1 S ry BY By Approv by Ma Date Approved or for Submission to Council By BY PUBLISHED N_OV 2 519T2 � J. WILLIAM DONOVAN 223-8317 �oluotion Enyine�r ROY E. BREGAHL, �.. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass•f v"i�ofia� En9i"�'� BUREAU OF VALUATIONS ��a�.50 286 Cify Hdl Sainf ►aul, Mine�to4� 56102 ��O Ta the Honorable Mayor, Council President, and Members of the City Council Ladies and Gentlemen: The Mayor of the City of Saint Pa.ul by Administra.tive Order No. D-156, dated September 8, 1972, authorized and directed the acquisition of certain easements necessary for the Park-Ivy Storm Sewer Project No. s—i245. Pursuant to such authorization and direction, I, in �y capacity of Assistant Valua.tion E�gineer, have secured an agreement with Amoco Chemicals Corporation, owner of the la.nd involved, for the purchase of an easement for sewer purposes on their land for compensation in the amount of $160.00. Therefore, it is recom¢nended to the Council that it authorize .the purchase of this eas�ment i.n lieu of condemnation at the price of $160.00 as negotiated with the owner. The easement herein recommended to be acquired is more paxticularly de- scribed in the resolution submitted herewith for your consideration and action. Respectfully submitted, -, %,-�, � ;�,�2.t�? . Roy�. Bredahl, J'r. Assistant Valuation Engineer REB:REF:dm ec; Robert Trudeau . Da.niel Dunford