260141 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK �- FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAZIL Council � ,� CANARY -DEPARTMENT r BLUfi� - MAYOR• File NO. ,. . Y ` , r. • • , • Ordin�znce Ordinance N0. ��� _ Presented By • _ Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled: "An ordinance fixi.ng the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qualifications for the various classes of positions in the Classified Service of the City, " approved February 13, 1935, as amended. • THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by stri.king out the titles and specifications for Shelter Management Officer and for 5helter Supply Officer. • Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out the titles and specifications for J � Civil Defense Educatiori Officer I Civi.l Defense Education Officer II Civil Defense Supply Inspector and by substituting in lieu thereof, respec�ively, the following titles and specifications for , Emergency Preparedness Education Officer I Emergency Preparedness Education.Officer II Emergency Preparedness Supply Inspector -1- COU[VCILMEN ' Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor " Levine - Meredith Agaltlst ` BY Sprafka Tedesco ' � Mme.President Butler Form Ap ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved b ubmission to Council By BY . . • ��� �/ �/ �. iCIC� t3i :1�1.�5;; �'.�7I:3:.ZGE��'�i P'�=`�:?.A;.�E�`..�;IJ'��: .0�".J�;�'ii,ICiN t�x��,C �._.�'. :� ��.if:ic: a.zcl r��s�on� i'�i1it°:z�° !�11CiL-'I' .�U�Di:P'�':�S't711, �;� 7y_'�t=:t:i01'%Y: �T?'��a��^Sl.OY?i?�. �.VOi:G SIl CclI3.'�7L21�T C9�': tt2C; lri¢OI TY:��Ii:'.Ori 3i1"� ��:�'11�.<t'.:0.� ?r2'r iz'�.I21 O� f.ilt, �YY11:1��GriC� �'re�a.r���n�:ss �i.�r' Wion; ��-�.;{ '��� ^�::r�c,�-o-� i•�l.atsd zv�rl;. a� assi���.�c3,. -�'�-.i�t?��)ZCS O� �7lOI'�� p�2'f0':'P?��Li, To orf;�.n�.uc an�i cc���clil�t :,c�cLc<t�0.i:,>,-z1 _�n:;�:.;';nrs and �con��r�nceG �':rTiii �V:T1T:^,i:i"'.1�yr ni�C��;?�.S �1.17.i: OS's;r�tI?1:'c�':101'];;,, TO �')Y'i:��<<tX'i: �-i7iC�l Cilatl.' .i.'.Ll°i'�:' i:G!i.G'c?':'`,!`iSlii�. "tT3�t�C :."3:i�.5� J. O �?�i-`.�%.iS'C; TYici� u^ lilt'',4��': liliG: ._7.'1'Lii'ri7=?: s?1c1.LY':C�i.1S 5l,tC�3 'cs5 I1r,1.WS TL'�l:riSC^� I't�C7:('l ia,Y_:C� CL'l.t=:'V:E%$u'l a.rS3�' c!:1C� �tY't WO]'�:,. TCJ I7Y'C:s��t'�; C'i.;L1�r=lMi011rl� �lll<''; ti'�:'1l5xa�;�:��1 P���,2'l.iii:?1"2C;11'� TY'�a.�El'�r�.i5 SL4�ll ;�S �3�2:i7':�3i�?`�S, �;i0?�[]_��Y'E:t^, f:;:i7��31,1:5� a"�f�S�GTS, v�.t��?S arid ��tt��z' :�Lar�z��z�istt�,l �.:��:. � �sa ���>i:,t o?-�?� r �°t,r��;.f�:� -,�F��-:�r:i��,} s:�. ��r •,r%,�� au'� �;.i�it� �;c3t�,�a��c�n«1 c�.�i�� �'c pse�nr�, and c�dit �'�visi�_il c,c�°.>>:�It����rs ax�c� z•L�aoi�.:� f.cr p�.bli� ��SCA.��LiLXOI'..- iO TTl<ilLi; FC;�3G�:"!:u �`t11� Tc:..C)Y.'�1f;i<:Il:ltii=?OYl�, �`,ain�srur�� qu�?�i��;�t��.o;��: �olle�<: �f��dL�aefoF�. w�'.i:ta n,�iJS.• yo�as� work �.n �:n�l�sh, c�la:���<,:iarR; io�.�rnal`s�m or 7•el.�.f<�c; �:%��iciU: �r10 sui�Gri2ution fot� ��:7�;,;.�`ian., ) .,Z.�. • . . '�itl� of �1:�.�s: E2viE.RGE�1C L i����Y.A1=ZE�r�iE�; �.L�CI`..TZ�N OFF�CER T:L �L1�:I�F� <1C1C1 .�F:��OI1i1�].�1�1C'!": L?n�ef su��7�visio�, to �ic res=�or!:�'�1:; {oz• the inforrnataon and eeluea�ion �ro�;�•anz of the .F=�ncrgen�y �ri:p�redi�ess TJivision; ar�:i to }�c�x�£o:�m i•e�a�;��c' woric as C1JJ��IZC:C1� �:=xam��l�� of woa•Iz p�=r£orrnr;d� To a�r,ncluct �orr_i7aunit;r��-ide �rr3�r�ency prcl�aredness edixcatzonal �.i�d :infarm�.fii.vc: pa•o;rarr�s. '�o con�ul* wi.th divissan sraff �.nd tlac �;m�z•��EZCy optrat�ng �ent�r serv�.z:e chi�:fs on eirl���;en�y inf��rnation ob,j�ctev�s and plan� an�-.I ?�o a.dvi�� t:llexn i.n p�oclk�in� matc;ri�is to implenzunt su�h �l��ns. Ao sel�ct, pa•e�ar�; a��d ;aistri.}�i_�?:� r-.dcz�ational matcri.als,: 7C'o pr�par�^ volun_'cc:��- r�c.z�uati�nczz'� m:��crial:=, sach ws pamphl�ts, �arochures, e::�aibi.ts; past�rs, sli�te� ancl ot��er �.udfo.-visual aids., Ta ��azi and �oncuct �urv<��:s anci �t�.��.�� i�i o��dcr to d��crmine t.i�� :o�nrnun;tysU neec;s fo3� em�r�;ene:y ��•c;Paredness cducation an� a,r..fcrmu�c:on, 'I o eoo��ci a�n in joint e�ucatYOna1 a��avaiics a� a�F��r local, s�ate �an:� {edi:�a.l em�.r�;en�.y pi•ej�arcdn��s a�;Lncies< :t'o assis¢ c��ii��• divi��ot� �taf� in ���pa�i.iz� audio�vi,s��.l mz�erials �or xh��ir .�1ass�� �:nc? presen�ar7,ans: 'Ta prcp�.i•e �.11C� C175TA;.}�L�tE ma�s rne�3�a infox•rrzational mateY��.Is� To pr���.rc and edit the d?vis;on n��vslett�r an�i �•epor�r fa1� publ�� di3tr�'uutaon: 'Io assisi in p-rF:p�,a•in� c��c ��viszonE� budgct, '.Co xnalte rcparts and r-�camrr_cnda�ion�e �.i11117TiU^:1 L;U�Lif RC�l�;I.G11.^�< Co'1��;� �radc:ation �.=r��� rr��,��r �o�;i�s� work in '�zigli.sh,, �d�z�atinn, ,�oux�n��li�m, or rel�Zed ficlds ��nd �wo y�ar�` prafesaicnal c�sp�srienc-� �n ?our.nali�rxi, oz• s°i:lat�ci fi�xc��. {'�10 �ubsti�u�ioii f�r eciu�:atio�. i �.3_ � , . . �. • Ti�lc of cla�s� e..:..lYV:.L..\l�..i.._r'.lyT�, 1 i�i�.\l�.�t^_Srf.}��iVJ�J�J` .�"�+J.C"i��+�'T .d.t`1JP�c'.�'.`. 1�+� 1�uties a.i7d r�:��u��sibi litie�i 1.Ti�.dr;r s�i�,�,rvisa.on, to be i•espons9.hle :for thc in��.��ct�,on� i•cce:pt �,nd :��6r<<�e of food, suprlies, an�l equi�ment in cannc�tion with t��e L�inr:r;ency Frc�par��n��7� pron�as_�; to sup�rvisc �iae storing of ELl�p�l��; and to �e�f�rrn r�i;�teci �=,�orlc as assignud� �xamples of work �crfoz•mLd� Te su�ervi.sc wor1; c��:;ws in t1n�: d'zs4riLution �nd 5tOY•�ng ofi supplies, To arrange iat- l:he st�ck:i.n� anc3 th� desi.;ockin� of fallout s�zel�:��s. To inspcct i,n�omin� �up�li�s to see t��at chey ar� in acco�dance witn s�ceifi�ations �.r_d ii�troi,�ce�� To ma?:. periodic insp�ctioi�.4� ta c3�t.�tixnir,e wrietner �tored sunplies are st�ll servicea�,le� Ta arraz��;� for non�sesviceablc s�,��'ics to l�e rLplace�� '�o mat;� per;.odic in�p�cri�n af �h.� �cndition of xaresen� �tora�e arc�s ir. fallou� shelt�rs nnd td re�er�: ar_y subs?:anda-rd condit��ns, �'a �ubmi.t re�u�sts for orderin� stoc�:� Tc Ice�;� znveiitorSr r�cords. �inirnum qt�ali£ir.ation�: �-Ii,�h �chool �raduation a�d �hr�p years° eK�p�r:�nce ail a stf�r�s ^lcxk, IV.ust Ue �.t least 21 y�a1�s cf �ge� Priust o���n a c�ar and posscss a �ralid clri.v�res li:�ense� _�t,. WH17Er - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 �s���� .CANq�2V - DEPAR?'MENT GITY OF SAINT PAi7L -�' �� BLUE -./MAYOR File NO. � � � f • � - Ordin�cnce Ordinance N 0. /-� �� Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in its proper alphabetical order the following title, and specifications for Emergency Preparedness Officer r, -5- COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hun t Konopatzki In Favor Levine � 1 ' Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler C�+ S 197G Adopted by Council: Date OL Form Approved by City Attorney U ' - Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY . '• . ' , , • 26��.��.. Tifilc: ��f ,:.?��s�� .���a:.�±::F.Gi';y�� _: �'�?:'I'AR'_.U1'!'.S� �.�'�'�;GE�t T�utic� a�a;l re�noi�e:i',:�i'.iti::,. � jJ11�C''i' El�.i.'ti;':i;1G1�� �"f: ��.r.!!1� CiC-�'i'�.Gi?f C�?1r+.:'�'Y72.:iC� �3it;�LYtG '._111Cj coordi.nati; tht� �i������;E�n��� ����p.�..�c;�r_css �_1�.z�^ ai�d pro�rams of �he Ci�y of 5a:r�� :�'aul� _in::i t�; 1��:•rf�rnz rc:�zi�c.�:' 1vor�; a�; assi�ned. �x�tr��le� uz �.J�iif ;�};.•�o:�•rt:�cl� To d�,elo� :�,nd c:szticute c�rr.ex•�en:�r �.�;�s���.•edness pl:tns far combatin� dis�s�.��,,,•; ii2ctt�.ui.t'1; nt��lear �::�c�;;_r.f�._^�-► in:.-i.�ent�, chcmi�al a�cidents, tor��rlr,c:s, F?.o�r�, ��:z_i t�a�tiz.��s,�.??�u�:� 'To c:ocr�.];.n�-1i� t��� e���L���:�ti�v �x•�:��,•edr��ti<s n�c:a�ur�s af fi�e several ci'i'y �1+:-���j:•��3-�::����:� ��zc. :�_?!�li.� anc� ,,;livro.t:: OT�c1ri1Z�.t1�215 in a�cord�nce W?l:[: $=i2�; C1Z�i" C',t?i�?�U�11'w� Q�21`;�'c:'C�17�' �;lan. To ra�c•y� c��.��` cit:v emer�r<ncv r�::ttic�rt^:�L�ili.tac�r_. for 'tt�.e mana�emen� cf :hflee resouf•ce� :�ncl serv=.��� ilnl�a• i�:,, c:r�r�;�ncy �ontrol, sueh as: ��t�c3, xnan�sot.�ver, �.a�fe:�•, zrr.lu:>'eraal anr� c�U;istrucl;cn matcrial:, m�,nui���°f.�xY����? �?1G�Ll�=ZS �it1� C'JY:Z�lOC�li:i.c3�� [�.OliB:IIo� �i1C,la� tY'ariS- �?o�tati.csr.., cleci:i•ic t o�:�fe.;, an.c p��l�.�cd ��-r�ciuciion and cistributi.nns tc'1.�:).7,ti.t'5. 'io rcv':.e�,v, rr�c�ra.:�;* �.r.cl a�r�nd ��i�F;, �ix��•_�cn4yr oger�t�.n� Plan as n�ce��ary: To c1;:v�:Iop �,rc; r.�s.�itztain � r�so�sz•c� c;.�ta i�;'G�;I'�t111 �vo:cli respect �o thas4 a-ewott_•�c� ur..�E�r �~�a�:r9�r_�.y c^�n��c1. �o d�v�lop �� em����.�n�;r syC�r-_-�zz f�r �::�a� ��:��.unr�z�nt an�l �'sstr. ibutiay7 r�� i'(?^a04�'i�i`.:� '['G ��:t10I'lt� �'L;"'.fC`�I".1'i�5� 'To d�a,�;1Gp t:7'c-cai:�<<ste:� ��l�.ns rxn�' �zovide ?uidan:.c �nd ti;z;nin� f�r "si�nt:i�y„ cr�;�r.;..�::lY.ios.is r�;s�3�ns;��1e �ob t��� pos`t- c�i:•asi�er.: �Q �)I'CiVIGC: ��ti.i�°.�.r�.,TI��c: 2I1c�'�l.'1c?.�� �:C� �0�3� li.laLlw't.2"}.C�S� li�.11ltl��.``>� ban��:in�; iklufs:au.�;.on�-� �3YtC� ��T'7V�:rt`'� ('J1'?�.111'Z,.�l;:f)Y1S Oi1 continu�.�y 'J.f TY2el21e3�/L''LY](�11� �3TlC� G�3C'7'3�1DT1,5, '�o dcvelo�; tho�e aspc�ct� of �r.,�.�-�?., r,�;.:«c �n�l fedrral d7sasYer exe�c4ses ��i:S..�I2t;G �'O t`,:'.^:t �ti:? <'1.`r;tj�8 f'�!�<i:`�.att'y �:Q cfC�Y17;,I1:c:+�:;:t' C:IYi21'�('IIi::� �,'Tl?-� ��ar�dt�e�s ��ana�er.�er...t ;�r��;�-�+ms, To d�k�rt:�:.n� thc ei.vil �r�er�;en.�}r `su�pl-Y rc:7uircr�aei�ts� To br•: r��pons�Lle sor t�.zc- �•c�r�sekr::�n:tn�; r<.cexpt, sto�a�e, m�'sntenane�, ���is>ribut`sria ai�u inv��ntc��•, ;7� .;uF�1�c:s and c�Gu;.pm�>�t in custody af or ���4oun��,i�I�: t� t.zL '.�.r.�es•�;�r,�;y .'.'i•,�Fared�ie�s 7itir.�kc�n, -3- _ o pr�Iz�.x c- s±�r:ci�.J. t;rr�e�r�;enc�sa r�,��-xa2�ons tr_�.in%nE; nA��Erkal and Eirr�ula� �''fOf� N.�'_C-i�t.��L i7�` r�..L1 i;','Zy (�c?j;;al�i"!IC:Yit:? �L;:C� �11��i� r��tC� pP:�'�i���. ix�G-11(l�'.S, rCa sp��z?c L�efor� c�vic, c;r�u�<;zic.i-���.1. =�ni3 ��u.air±ess org:�nr�a�ians Fo explain , ana �rrs�na�e E�an��•��ncy �re�;a���c;2.e�s xx7e�wixre� �n S���it Pa�.I.. �.�G C�C'Vl:lO�� 3i2G °}:::Ct3.�:e �:! C�i2"i7�31'<_.R�GIi:;iiT:: S'�.3CICC'%' P]'E3�Ic1TY1 �Nkwh feder�l -1TZC� �T3?";? �1�;.:,#RIl���•, ��r:tinir�um tau�.lifi�.a,tio�is: .�ipi�.��e �1'�.C�.,LI"'f1023 �:�2tY1 � i1'e<ijOP TTl t�t.i.`%"lI1C'�s or put��i� �?C3:71LI1�,S�P$�20Y1� i i.Y]cZ7'A:L''�3.12? G:K' 1't'l":�t�'� �2t'L�15 r�.11'� 'L11iC�c! 4„rF3,,-7.:C.4� TPYO1��?�b30I13.1 eyperxcnG� '_fl �:YY)i;l�?'C2?y°�..yT i:?:i.'g�32'C�Y1C'BS Di�YlE1i.P.�: ,�'J .�^>11�3ut�iU�1.�11 �OI educaiiora,. j _�� i A/'� WH1� - CITY CLERK -`J,�/.�! � FIN - FINANGE TT COU11C11 /�v ��_�;. CANR�2Yw�DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAl1L t ' BLUE - MAYOR � Fll@ NO. ^ ♦ . f � rdin�znce Ordinance N 0._� � � Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force on the first day of the first payroll period following thirty days after its passage, approval, and publicati.nn. -7- COUtVCILMEN ^ Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine �-' �_ Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler QEC 6 �97Z . Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P sed by Counci Secretary BY By Approved b Mayor: a Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy By aueusN� pEe 91�72 . . � lst ` \ � � � 2nd_ I � / , 3rd ���� Adopted _��2.� Yeas Nr�.ys HUNT KONOPATZKI ��� LEVINE ��� . / � N�R�B�;fi SPRAFKA � TEDESCO Mme PRESIDENT (BUTLER)