260135 WHI7E - CITY CLERK PINK" - FINANCE �7� COUIICll C1lTJARY �.SEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAI.I.L A BLUE - MAVOR File NO. ���� �� . - Council Resolution � y Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Foiey Brothers, Inc. , 450 Endicott Building, St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 , has indicated to the Department of Public Works its i�tent to quarry stone and operate a stone-crushing machine on Trunk Highway right-of-way in co�nection with the construction of l-94 from Plum Street to Kennard Street, knawn as State Project No. 6283-45 �9�+=392) ; and WHEREAS, The City Cou�cil has previously approved plans and special provisions for said Project by Resolution, C.F. No. 259538, dated August 24, 1972; NOW, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 462 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, the Department of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue to Foley Brothers, Inc. , a permit to quarry stone and operate a stone-crushing machine within the Trunk Highway right-of-way of I-94 within the corporate timits of the City of St. Paul ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the above authorization and permission is granted and made expressly subject to the fotlowing provisions, terms and conditions : i . Permittee shall comply with all the provisions of said Chapter 462 of the Legislative Code. Permittee shalt deliver the $5,000 surety bond required under Section 462.03 to the Office Engineer of the Department of Public Works for transmittal to and approval by the City Attorney and the fi�ance Department. No permit shall be issued unless and until an approved bond is on fite in the Finance ,Department. 2. Permittee shall pay the costs of publication of this Resolution. 3. Pe�mittee shall place and operate its stone-crushing machinery in strict accordance with the following described locations, dates and times: COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: ��� Yeas Nays Hunt Publ ic Works Konopatzl�i In Favor Levine Meredith Against By Daniel J Dunford Sprafka Acting Director of Public Works Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved ity A rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Ma�or: Date Approved or r Submission to Council By BY QUBLISHED (110V 18 �972 WH17F_ - CITY CLERK [[["""��� CPCNARY -DEP RTMENT COIIIIC11 J����� BLUE - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PATIL File NO. ti �r 4 � � - '� Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 2 a. Locatian No. 1 (Southwest of Old Hudson Rd. - Etna St. intersection) : Northerly site limit - 60 feet south of south curb of Oid Hudson Rd. Easterly site limit - 50 feet west of centerline of Etna St. b. Location No. 2 (Northwest of Earl St. - Pacific St. inter- section) : Easterly site limit - 75 feet west of west line of Earl St. Southerly site limit - 75 fcet north of north line of Pacific St. Permittee shall confine its stone-crushing operations to the time of day between 8:00 A.M. and 5;00 P.M. The stone-crushing operatior+,s may begin no sooner than November 15, 1972 and shall cease by no later than December 31 , 1972, at which ttme said permission shall te nr�inate. 4. Permtttee shail� within 10 days after the passage and approval of this Resolution� file its written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Publ.ic Works Konopatzki In Favor Levine Dan i e 1 J. Dun ford Meredith � Against BY Sprafka c ng rec or �R Mme.President Butler �OV 15 1972 Form Approve y y At ney Adopted by Council: Date Certifi ed by Co Se ry BY By Appro by r: Date 1 Approved by Mayor or Submission to Council By BY �. 1�Bt.1SHED �OV �. � � 8�int Paul, �tinuesota 1Wv�ber 15, 197' To the ��rable� the �ity Ebvn��.7. Ss�int Patal� Mi�t�ait�ta Lsd3e� 8c (ieat�.e�n t We� the w�der�3gned, d,o ltiereb�y ac�ept aad a�gree to abid� by all tbe terms arr�d conditic�s of Gbw�cil File �c�. �6(�13g� a8c�pted bq the �o�Eil. c�a �tcve�ber 15, 19T2. F�I�B'3f BBt�R�, IHC. � � � ��� � � � y , � � �- Novemt�er 17, 1972 Faley BrotY�rs, Inc. �+50 Endieott B3.dg. St. Pauly Mitsn. Gent].emen: Enclased is a print�d copy of Council File No. 260135� adopted November 15� 1972, published Nove:mber 1$, 1972, authorizin� i�euartce o�' � permit to you to que,rry atone and operate a stone-cruahin� machine within the Trunk Highwmy right-af-way og T-��+. Aiso �nclo+eed 3s a bili in t2�e sum of $13.95 to cover the cost of publieation of the re�olu�ion, as required by Par�graph 2 of the reeol.ution. Ve ry truly yours? City Clerk ng