02-1203COI;?�CiL FII.E �: /D1 \�3 GREEN SHEET #: 203325 < Presented By: Referred to: RESOLUTIO�' CITY OF SAINT PAUL, �VNESOTA ,� 1 ? 3 4 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 li 14 15 I6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 Committee Date: WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council, by its resolurion 95-76 approved submission of the Como Bikeway Pxoject for funding under tl�e federal ISTEA program, said fundin� to require a riventy percent local match for construcrion costs; and ��HERE9S, Parks and Recrearion has mcluded �42�,000 for project matching funds in its requesi for Regional Parks System grant program funding; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Pazks and Open Space Commission and the Mefropolitan Council have a�reed with the City's fiindin� request and have included a portion in The 2002-2003 biennium allocation; with the remainder to be included in fuhue yeazs, and WHEREAS, in December of 2000, the Saint Paul City Council approved a loan m the amount of �425,000 from the Deparhnent of Pubhc Works to Parks and Recreation to expedite the project and meet the ISTEA deadline; and WHEREAS, this mternal loan will be used towaxds matching the federa] construchon funding and w�ll be repaid at the time at which the Metropolitan Council funding is available; and WHEREAS, flze federal ISTEA funding (TEA-21 funding) in the amount of $844,800 for the Como Bikeway Project has been approved, and will be administered by the Minnesota Department of Transportation with said funds reimbursed to the City upon City payment of contcacted work; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, and the positive advice of the Long Range Capital Improvement Budget Comsnittee, that $844,800 is ava�lable for appropnation m the 2001 Caprtal Improvement Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by Council, is hereby further amended as follows: CURRENT ANCENDED FINAI�TCIVG PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET COl - Parks Capital Projects 35041 - Como Bikeway Project � 199 - Other Federal Direct 0 844,800 844,800 7305 - Transfer from Special Rev. Fund 425,000 0 425,000 425,000 844,800 1,269,800 SPENDING PLAN: COl - Parks Capital Projects 35041 - Como Bikeway Pioject 0885 - Architect Fees - Land 0894 - Consh�uction - Geneial 65,000 0 65,000 360,000 344,800 1,204,800 425,000 844,800 1,269,800 39 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the proper city officials aze hereby authorized to execute such agreements as 40 may be necessary to accept and unplement the project on behalf of the City. G�iFMIQTtJW3lResolutions, AOS, Green SheetslReso/utionslComo Ped-T�nrrel ResoluGOn x/s Paqe i ol2 co��ci� FiLE n. o�..� aa3 GREEN SHEET #: 203325 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL, �'NESOTA Presented By : Referred to: Committee Date: Adopted by Council: Date: D �� -s ,� =--r Adopnon Certified by Council Secretary Requested by: Division of Parks and R�crearion ,/� �� � � I Bv. D I��Z�,.� r �'J �L��., ��-e �.� Approval Recommended by Financial Services Director: Form Approved by City Attorney 42� &. Paut Loog•�(� ��,; Besdgei �ittae tao�ived �ia requeat oa tdateJ � ����-�.and�ecomm�n<.. --``PP����1 s��ea: _�-� �/S � G9FMIQT1JW31Resolutions, AOs, G�een Sheets�ResoWhonslCOmo Ped-Tunnel Resoluhon x�s Page- 2 of 2 (��� C� � DEPARTMENLOFFICE/COUNGL �ATE INITIATED GREEN SHEET NUMBL�FT: �� 203325 Parks and Recreation �2/ai2oo2 �Z•��� CONTACTPERSONAN�PHONE � �fj� { INITIAVDATE ��� 1 DEPARSMENTDIRECTOR . I� 5 CINCAUNGL NUMBER Jason Wirka 266-6417 FORROIJ�ING 3 CITVATfORNEY _CIttCLERK MUSTBEONCOUNQLAGENDABY(DATE): ORDER 2 FINANCIALSERVICESD�R. 6 QF.S.-ACCOUNTING 4 MAYOR(ORASSISTAN"� 7 OiHER_Pa�ksantlRecreation ASAP — — TOTALNUMBEROFSIGNANREPAGES: CLIPALLLOCATIONSWRSIGNATURE ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of attached budget resolution to amend project budget to include a Federal ISTEA (TEA-21) grant for the Como Bikeway Project. � RECOMMENDnTIONS: (ApProve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLOWMGQUESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CNILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. HaS�hePerson/firmeverworketlundercontractforthisdeparhnenC? A CB COMMITTEE OTHER: ❑ Ye5 ❑ No A STAFF �OTHER: 2. Hastl�eperso�rtneverbeenadtyemployee? DISTRICT COUNCIL OTHER: ❑ Ve5 ❑ NO 3. Dces fhe person/firm possess a skill wt normal POSSESSED by a carren[ city empioyee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Fsplain all yes answers on separaCe sheet and attach to g�een sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNIN (Who,VJhap When, Where, Why). ISTEA (TEA-21) funding for the Como Bikeway Project has been matle available, and wili be administered by the Minnesota Department of Traosportation and reimbursed to the City upon City payment of contracted work. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: - City will be reimbursed for City payment of contracted work. - , DEC 16 2Q�2 CITY Al`1'ORNEY DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: - None DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: � ' � Project will not proceed. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION $844,800 COST/REVENUE BUD6ETED (Check One) ❑ 1'es Q No FUNDING SOURCE: FBC18f21 - ISTEA ACTIVITY NUMBER: COl-3SO4� FINANCIALMFORMATION (EXPLAIN) G�FMiQ7WW31Reso2tims. AOS, Green SheetslGreen SheefsVCOmo Pe6Twnel Greensheet xls Page� 10/ l DEC-02-2002 07�19 STRTE RID 651 582 1368 � MINNESOTA FEDERAIrAID AUTHORIZATION/AGREEMENT FORM U.B. Department of Transportation/Federal Highway Administration � H(mergapcy 12eliek} ] D(emo) � C(onvenrional) Federal Pmject # (s): TEAX 6200(044) Statc Project # (s): � p � s �� sP � �a�o-os � B � S �� Totsl Cost: (Aem ootr) S 942,899 r eaerai r unas: �z n�m.i rm��) S 754,319.20 Prosect Lacation a¢d Descrin' P.02i02 �`P� S71Y ReferencelAmendment: {�' BL $GqAOA[t �5�} p i ��yo 1 FY2002, AMENDED 03/26(2002 L�e! �}ect Qversight N Full Oveni�t (NHS) X—Full Oversight (Non-NHS) Blank (Other) A�tato Administered RAMSEY ST. PAUL Area: Constrnefion Date: (14Il1f1YYY1� ALONG LEIflNGTON PKWY FROM ENERGY PARK DRTVE'f0 ] 80' NORTH OF IESSAMII�'E AVE IN ST. PAUL. CONST. PEDBIKE TUNNEL AND APPROACHES. h1�7e Point: Mile Point: Coogressional Divt(s): /HPP Projeet LD.: Rats Pereent: 80 % orLump S`nm: S,_ Desigu Staadards CertiGa6oc iLfn/Do� hereby ce�l�u lhat a!1 wor4 on ihLs p�ojecl wi!! mee� or ¢xceed �he standasds sef forth in 23 CFR Pwr 625.4, and Urat mry � desigrr umptians for the tonhvllingcrrrerlo esfablBhed 6y tfre FfliYd hwe been appropriarely daum¢nted approved ° ConstrucdonCertifia6ou :ldverriremeeto/thephysica(conrnuctionJorbedswillbebasedoncslaleappravedPS&E." Rig6t-ot-Way Certification ".fR righr-of-Way acqvisirion and reloca6on hax been xcomplirhed 'vr accardance wirh !he UniJorm Act and applicabfe FHWiI d'vec�ives "� ❑ ROW Pu6lic Interest kSndin¢ (Chcck ifnccdo� FHR'A Appvral lhte: (hIIN/DA/YYYl� � The State a�ees that as a condition to payment of the Federal fvnds ob]igaYed, it accepts and will comply with the agreement provisions set � forth in 23 CFR 630.1 l2 and 49 CFR 26.13; and iu signature constitutes the making of the certifications. i Federal Aid System: ❑ I — Intarstate ❑ N —I3H5 Non Interstate � O — Other fiederal-Aid Highway ❑ Z—Not On Any Federal-Aid System RuraWrban: Functionai S�stem: ❑R—Rura! ❑C—MajorColiecYor � I7—Urban � L—Local � M — Minor Arterial ❑ F — Freeways � Expressways Environmeatat Gearsnce: ❑ ]—�TS/ROD 2— Categorica] Exclusion ❑ 2A-C.E. — Prog�ammatic � 2B-C.E. — State Documentafiott ❑ 2C— C.E. — FHWA Documentacion ❑ 3—Environmental Assessment! FONSI Enviroamenta] Clearance Date: ❑ N—No Func6onal Class ❑ P — Other Principal Arterial ❑ R — Minnr Collector oaly) 09/282001 Request authoriration to praceed with ADVERTiSE FOR BIDS in accordance with the p]an indicated above, contingent upon availability of funds. (PE/ROwiAd�ertise BidslF.4/orher) Nsme: Title: �� S A•�( �`...,r Date: // v Remarks: Ai7T'HORIZATION REQUEST INCLUDES CONSTRUCTION COS OF S882,899 (5706,31920 FEDERAT, F(7NDS) AND A FORCE ACOUNT OF $60,000 (48,000.00 FEDERAL FUNDS). FEDERAL FUNDS ARE CAPPED AT $644,800.00. TOTRL P.02 � ot- �.so�l^ — 3�t � �-- a�•ti�s City of Saint Paul Interdepartmental Loan Agreement Bet�veen the Department of Public Works and Division of Parks and Recreation Como Park Bike/Pedestrian Trail Tunnel This A�reement is made and entered into the 20 of ���?001, by and bet�veen the Department of Public �Vorks and the Division of Parks and Recreation, WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the City received approval in 1996 for federal (ISTEA) participation in the construction of a pedestrian-bicycle trail bridge over the BNSF railroad south of Como Park on the Hamline Avenue ali�nment, and WHEREAS, subseqiient studies detemiined the trail brid�e to be infeasible due to cost, access and aesthetic factors and the project scope �vas then revised tc a trail hinnel beneath the BNSF railroad, parallel to and west of Lexington Parkway, said scope revision approved on June 15, 2001, and WHEREAS, the federal fundinJ for constniction, in the amount of 5800,000.00, requires a construction match of �200,000.00, plus the cost of non-construction activities for a total project match of $425,000.00, and WHEREAS, the City, tluough its Division of Parks and Recreation, has included the $425,000.00 project matching fimds in its requests for Re�ional Parks System grant program funding, and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission and Metropolitan Council have a�reed �vith the City's fimding request and included it in the 2002-2003 biennium of the adopted Regional Parks System Capital Improvement Progranl, and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission and Metropolitan Councii have further agreed that if the City proceeds with the project in advance of Regional Parks System grant fundin�, the City will be reimbursed in the amount of 5425,000.00 at such time as the Re�ional Parks System �rant program fimds are available, and WHEREAS, meetin� the federal deadline for obligation of the federal ISTEA fimds necessitated that the City proceed with the project prior to availability of Re�ional Padcs System grant fimds, and WHEREAS, in December 2000, the Saint Paul City Council approved a loan in the amount of 5425,000.00 from the Department of Public Works to the Division of Parks a��d Recreation to enable the project to proceed, and 0�.-� �03 WHEREAS, the loaned funds are included in the adopted 2001 Capital Improvement Bud�et, pa�e 33, under the project entitled Como Area Bike/Pedestrian Tunnel, activity number 3�041. THEREFORE, the Division of Parks and Recreation a�rees to repay the 5425,000.00 loan to the Department of Public Works immediately upon receipt of a Regional Parks System grant for the Como Park Trail Tunnel project. IhT �VITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this A�reement to be esecuted the day and year first above written. Department of Public �Vorks t�� ' �+ "_ . - � �� of Parks �nd ��- f �2 L°✓ ` �` ��- U ��- a,cl� i Z U,/G� G �D3CNGRE['.�]SFfunncl.� pd