260131 � .
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Resolution Appmoving Aassessment By—
and Fixing Time of Hearing 7.`hereon ��
In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for construction or recon-
struction of sidewalks and work incidental thereto: Co�rracC 71-M-0524, Levy No. 2,
District No. 1,
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l�1CO�r Iia�kubin St, to th� ve�t apprc�cimat,�
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"'�"�f� '�• ,�,�,,, � °�`c�ni '�estern Ave. to Arundel St.
F.O. �k252984 - Ha :`., " �ide from Farrington St. to Western Ave. and on
the souCh side of Hatch Ave. from Farrington St. to Virginia St.
F.O. �253023 - Siencoe St. , east side fran Atsater St. to north approximately 130 feet
abutting 179 Atwater Street.
F.O. �253024 - Wayzata St., south side from Woodbridge St. to the east approxtmately
133 feet abutting 918 Woodbridge St.
_ '�:0: �'2�33�`l�,-_ Sy�van'st.; �iest` side £�om-L�itchfield Ave: to Front Ave, . .
F.O. �252868 - Jackson St., east side from Granite St, to Cayuga St.
_``1�':�'. �'2528GT`+� Jack�' 3t. , east side'��`rbin C��e�°Mte. to Jenks lcve. _ . . .
F.O. #252865 - Jackson St. , east side from J@nlcs Ave. to E. Lawson Ave.
�` F:O. �2S'�$6��+ '�� 3��'kson`s,r:� �a�t• si�tt�• firoba 'E:'`Loak �v�e.:. t� E;. Magnolia AvE . . --
F.O. �253025 - Abell St.,,both sides from Geranium Ave. to Rose Ave.
F.O. #2'S28&6 - 'Wbcrdbridge 3t., bbth sides' frotn W. Jessamine Ave', to K. Ge�`anium Ave.
, . r. , . , , , ,
NON-AS`SESSABLE:`. ; . .. .
F,U., �253.475 .- Frnn� Ave., ,nort� s�de. from Mackubin St. to the west approximately
65 feet. .
F.4�� $2531�.9• - Fr.ont Ave., bo�h $:idss Erae�, W�s�,�r.t� �ve.. to A�u�td�� St.
F.O....�252984 - Hatch Ave., north side from Farrington St. to {iestern Ave. and on
,. . ,
= ` tiie south side oE Hatch Ave. from=�arrington St, to i�irg�nie"�.
F.O. ��253Q25 - Abe11 ;St. , both sides from Geranium Ave. to Rose Ave.
1�.0. #25286fr ���ood�riclge St. , boCh aides 'from �+T. Jessae�irte Ave'. to W. Qeran�u� Ave.
trre Lon� tiause-arid L�ty FIaII Bu�d�ng, in tne t,'ny ar at. raur; tirraz zne ar-�nance
give natice of said meetings, as required by the Chaxter, sta.ting in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount asaeased against the lat or lots of the particular
owner to whom the notice is directed.
Yeas Nays NOV 15 �9]2
Adopted by the Councit
_.. . _ �tOV 15 ���2
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BUTLER � Tn Favor
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