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., ... , , . _ . , _ � t; , � r� t. � ���.1��J COUNGiL FILE NO. CITY O�F ST. PAUL 1'utian Ratif ' By,— �esd 3'ing Assessment . , � In the matter of the assessment of �pt:�jf � � � � ���ti� ��� s�wrMMrt�'w���► �! �f.�lt� +�M rrwe'k 3se#.i�� �� � Tl�i� '�45, � �. �„ �st� �, !�, -� .__ -. ___. _ �- �� ti:���'' �t .. ��t � d a . ,�4 d ` � e�r.' ;,� �iyT�TS' •� �'�+., ., A; , � . � � �x � � �+ , :a, ' �k.. "' ''`''_a z .� �e .;�',h x.� ..,£ . • � , ,. �. ,. � . . . ... .. ._ .'. � . . .. . ,:. ._: ,-, , .'�.;�. , . .v . , .: .... _ . . , '- . .` . "... _ Y �..�. , . �'�i�`.� :t � . . � .�,. x '.�. " � �-� . :'.�. ...� r *T p�� �*� . �� � . r -�r� .i.''�R�, - � ;� ` �-�tidq ��I�+� �..�tl►��?t� it. � ,�''' ,.�:, ;� " �, ����. . �� �� . : -- �`ei!lt�r°Jh!.�� `gi�nt Mrs. l.0. #2 94 - �arseat Aw., north sida �rc■� S�rdicate st. to 8as11� Avs. �.0. #252759 • St. Clair A`rt., narth side froa Gri�s St. to iyndi��at� $t. F.O. #252951 • Alb�rt St., ea�t side troa Wellasl�� A�re. to strksl� �w. and oa b�h sid�s of Albert St. frc� BerMisy Aw. to �t. Clair Aw. �.0. #2S37i6 - Nellssl�� Mn. . north aid� frc� Alb�rt 3t. to laacal it. P.O. �253112 • Palace Avs. , north side fraa Saratoga St. to Sn�llin,� A�re. _. -T":0:`i�31'!�'�'� 'fi"i�lllet=`Qcv�.;� �rtst`sf�e`lriE�i'._'�olph 1�w.' 'Ce J`lNwNli"llii�:< , �_ ___ . aad oo the �aat sid� of Snelling Avs. tro� Raudolph Mrs. to �_.. .� .:.. _, . ..� , . .. ,.. .... �.. - � - - . _. _ . . . �l+�c`s`�iri�. . . .... ._ .; _ .. . y . ?.0. #�52948 • Tsla�cs Aw., both aid�a frc� Hasline Aw. to taacai St. �... ... : ��►:i�:�`��2�'�b`�-Ja�rss�Ilvt:, 'iwrttt side iriii`�i�llia�e` Airs: :to�Al�ei� ��: . . a.0. �Z5.3425 • Palue Aw., touth sids froo Syndicat� St. to 8avliqe Aw. .. : �':O. i2S�� i `CYig�s�'a�. , `botlr si�es 'itda �andolph Aw. to�Jaies Av�s. . . ;. _, _ " '110�A-1�SSESSASIZ e _ ., . _ l:b� #232956 - �lb�ert St., �tst side fror St. Clair Ave. to Sarsant �w. F.O. �252759 • St. Clair Aw., aorth sids fra� Gri�s St. to 8yadicat• St. l.0. �252951 - 111b�rt St. � east sid� fros 'Well�sle� Ave. to Berkel�� Mrs. . _ _ add' at bc�th �#�s of /4'li��tt it. 3�ra� l�rkr-lh 4�. �A �C�. Clai;r �ve. ; Z.O. #253112 - Palac• �i►s., �orth si�de trc� 8arstosa St. ta Su111u� Avs. , . F.O. ii2�294a - Palaca Am:, bath sid�s fraa �a�lin�s Ave. to P�tit�ai 8�. ...�..�.._.�.II.��232i70 + JaaM� AvAe;.;,` naacth ��d4 iroa:jia��ia� Av�. to:Albsst Sx,�:. . :. l.0. #252760 - Griggs St. , both sidea frod Randolph Ave. to 3ases Ave... . . - COUNGILMEN _ . Yeas Nays S _ Adopted by the Couneil N�V 1 5 �9�2 _ f..----�-�-�.-�-�- `� � ' �972 T�: NOV 15 Approv �3 J � , � Tn FaVOr � Mayor A gainst Farm x,z z� iasa a� ') �)J PUBLISHED N�V 1 � 1�7� � .� ' � � �+ CITY OF ST. PAUL �,��12 V OFFICE OF THE COM,NIISSIONER OF FINANGE Report of Completi,on of As�sme�t �� _ F In the matter of th�assessment of �,�i �� ,� �,� � y�� ��� ��r� rr� r��l�rwt'�t r�M r�!! �rl�MrNt�t �rt 4riR�[wrrE �'��,r �M�'! Mlr. +IE, �1�'� M�. *, . - - ---_�___ - --- -- __----- -,- - - -- , r � -- z _ . 1 ;, . , _ : , . , � _ - =:. . _ . � . = •�• . : f , . . . , "f. . ' , � • Li�to� �ini., iolf� 'M�� �lwt°#�r�" �a�t. ti� i1�.�_.!t�. W,_. ts.�r �� � A1b�Y't ltt. �at1i- a�3�'s � 1�i� �w. ��rr��liNs.la�tb'Miire. • . l.O. �t �E., +�ett •id� tra� et. Cliis A�rs. to Ssrpat 11�. r.0. +R2S3394 • 8�x�ot Aw., taurt6 sid� tra� gyadia+it� �t. tv 8rlir �irs. � l.0. �Z527S9 - St. Clair Av�., north tid� tra� Cri�s St. to S�iaat� �t. F.O. #xS29S1 • Albert 3t.. eut sids lro� iTall�rle� Awe. to Dsrkels' /1w. aad on both •id�ea of It��tt lit. lra� 3�riih► �. to St. Clsir Aw. T.O. !�2!f9766 - W�llfaity Mr�t.� aorth aids troa Albirrc it. t. lsaeal !t. t.Q. �ZS3112 • lalat� Aw y, north •id+�c ira�.$asat a it. to iwllia� Anr!�, � ._ , . . _ . , _ .t:{3. �'l�1Sx'='I��ITias 7�iri.. �wst��si� l�ai �iedo j�xAw.�Tto Jiaiu�s /li�ra. . awd on tha �ast sida o! Sasllie� Ars. tro� Raadvl�h A�w. to :: , ..�., : �., ;; ,,.,... . .Y�.. _ . , :. _. . _. , : . r l�a2acs -Ave. ... ., ,. w,a. ; . _m ., T.O.� �2S294a • lala�ce Ar�.� botb aidt� lras �li�a�.Aw. .to hscal ,St.� _._, . ., .. . ` . !.!f. #?�#�7t�'� :tars Av�i.; eaith s idt �r'diri��iin� A�re. Eo Alliert �f. 1.0. i2�342�i • p�lrc�_Aw.� �oatl� side tras S�adicate 8t. to Ba�lias Mrs. l.0. I�S�'1�6e » Cri�s St., `boRh •id�s �raw R,wudol� Aw. to Jar� Aw. UOU-118�A�1.Zi " , „ _ _ . _ . . . . l.0: ���tf3� - Aise�� �t., wn�t sidt'f�ar �t. C�ait`�ir�: �o �srp�' Arr�. �.0. *2S2�S9 • St. Clsir Aw.. uorth sid�t trar G�ius Et. to 8�sdicat� St. t.0. �Z�2iIS1 - Albiert St., s+ut sid� frow w�li�aley Av�e. to �r#ale� Mne. and e�ol �I�otfs, sid�� o! A1D�rt 8t. firaw D�rkelt�► Aw. te �t. Clair AA. t.0. t�S�11Z - t�Lae Aw., �r�h si� ltaw �arato=�t �t. to Swlita� 11w. F.O. �''�`- Palaci Aw.; ►oth `sid�s :�ar �Zio� Aw. to l�uu�al St. 1.�. �2�#2�70` - `Ja�s Av�,, eorth •ida it� �lieia A�. to Alb�st l�t. 1�.0. ��53'1Q�4_•' t�i�s 8t:. bpth side� fro� lttt�ol� Aw. to Jws Aw... . comptroiter•s Costs _ _ zii 3v _ � TOTAL EXP�I�TDZTUKES . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. ... $ '�i,7 S��/ _ Charge to . .. ...R9�4-���. .. . . .. . . . .. . . .. .. . $ �,R�� �(,_ . .. .. .. .. . . .. ..JKo��4�s��s�k�e.. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . $ i n�3 � Net Assessment . .... .. .... . . .. . . . .... . .. .. ... $ 26..,Rn?`6�+ Said Commisaioner further reports that he has asaessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, tawit: the aum of � 26.802.64 upon each and every lot, part or parcel af land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca.se of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordance with the benef'its conferred thereon; that the said ass�sment hal�"been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Cammiasioner, and made a part hereof, ia the sa.id assesament as com�leted by him, and whieh is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon ag may be considered proper. DatecL bTamas�s�oom�ea�o�c�roae. Fo� a.z z� iasa s� ACPING HEAD - FINANCE DEPARTMENT