260085 �R161NAL TO CITY CLBRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOE NCIL NO. ����� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � Y '� C U CIL RESOWTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATF WHEREAS, In the matter of gradi.ng and surfacing with bituminous material and constructing concrete curb and gutter on IVY AVENUE from Farrington Street to Matilda Street, (G-1924), under Preliminary Order C.F. 246962 and C.F. 246963, approved January 13, 1970 and Intermediary Orders C.F. 249420 and C.F. 249421, approved June 23, 1970, RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, an�ulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such ma�,tter ,(�� be discontinued. G� � ��rs;, r. -;1 �k f'; � �- � �+::. I .em---^�'°-, /� �. �<< pt orne�i /^.J:1� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council N�V 8 147�19_ Yeas Nays utle N OV 9 1972 C on Approve 19�. L i e Hunt !� �n Favor eredi Kanopatzki Sprafka Levine � yor M�redith Against Tedesco Sbrafka . President, McCa �� Mme. President, Butler � �BLISHEU NOU � � I9�2 �yDUlLiCATB TO NtiN7lR ' � CITY OF ST. PAUL �uNCa N��y���. '' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � i ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM � PRES9rTED�Y COMMISSIONEo �ATF ,I Wi�.REAS, Ia the matter of gradiag and surfacing with bituaiinow mat�risl aud coastructing coricrete curb and gutter on IVY AVEIQUE frnm Farringtoa Street to Matilda Street, (G-1924), under Prelfminarq Order ���T. 2�i6962 and C.F. 246963, appraved J�uary 13, 1970 and Intermediary Orders C.F. 249420 and C.F. 249421, approved June 23, 1970, RESOLVED, That all orders in th� above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded sud all proceediugs in auch ma�nas be discontinued. - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co�ancil N�v 8 �7�_. Yeas Nays ut� N OV 9 1972 C n APPron� - 19— L Hunt �n .�avor eredi Konopatzk� � Levine Y� Sprafka Meredith b Aa►Ainat Tedeaco Sprafka . President, McC '��°' Mme. President, Butle�° �� October 19, 1972 Mr. Kenneth Fitzpatrick City Attorney Dear Sir: The City Council today receivec� �he abpached letters of the County Auditor transmitting applications 83928, 8�►767, and ' 8k9�+3 requesting abatement of asaessments as listed therein. The City Council requeats that prior to preparation of a resoiution granting the applications, that you investigate whether there is aome other way possible to e.ccomplish the purpose of the request without adoption of a resolution and publication coat. Very truly yours, City Clerk ml