260083 WHI7E CITV CLERK COl1I1C11 P��• ? FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL ���83 CAN RY - DEPARTMENT BL E - MAYOR File NO. � Co ncil Res uti _ � Presen�ed By . Referred To • Committe : Date � . . Out of Committee By Date � � � � H EAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul has pr vi usly recorded its opposition to the further construc ion of Trunk Highway 212 within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Development Guide for Transportation as proposed by the Metropolitan Council does not indicate any extension of Trunk Highway 212 to the west of the present route ending at Century Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Village of Maplewood Comprehensive Plan does propose the extension of Trunk Highway 212 to the Saint Paul city limits at McKnight Road; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul reaffirms its aforesaid position and supports the position of the Metropolitan Council in opposing any further construction on Trunk Highway 212 through the City of Saint Paul and wishes to go on record as making a request for a public hearing before the Metropolitan Council if and when its present position on the Trunk Highway 212 question should be changed; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Chairma.n of the Metropolitan Council. COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith V Against BY Sprafka ,T��-a���_ Mme.President Butler N�V 8 1972 For pprove Ci tt ey Adopted by Council: Date �. Certif' ssed b cretary� B By ` _ Approv b yor: te - Approv�d by Mayor for Submission to ouncil By BY PUBLISHED N OV 11 1�7� �r,�, 00 � 3 Nov+ember 9, 1972 Nlstropalitan. Caunc�.1 300 Metro Square Bailding Seventh exid Ro'bert ��s. St. Pau],, Mir�e4�a 55101 Attention: Mr. Aib�rt Hofsterde H�onorabl� �Me�mbex�e► of tl� Cc�unail: &�alased �'or your int'ara�tian is n reaclution, o�' the 3t. Pe►u1 City Cauncil, C.F. No. 26tm$3, �'herein the Crnu�ail reaffirm� ita position and euppc�r�t� the posltio�► ot' th� A�etrapol3ta�n Council in c�pp�ein� a�,y t1�rt2�er con�tractio� on Trunk High�r�,y 21.2 tharc�gh tha City af St. Pe� e►nd requt�oting a public� hearing besforea t�� l�trapolit,an Cc�un�il i! and xhan the Irktrapolita,n Caun�il shauld change ita position on this mettter. Yaura very truly, City Clerk AHO:��mnr ESna. r �+'� Nov�ss,b�r 7, 1972 Mr. Albert J. Hofstede, Ch�irr�a�n Metzyopoli�tan Council 300 Hatro Square �3uildin� 7th � Ftov�rt Strc�et S�. F'aui, I:ir,nesota 5�],t?3 D�i�X' i'�T'. �iU�a'Ct?L:E:: I �u�� �,ritij�t; t�ii<� .L�;tt��° ixc x�e��panse te yaur ttq�"ICE OF R�:VIEW �or �he Vi11ag� oF P�aplp�rood C�Cr��r�t��nsiv� �1.�z� c3at+�d October 27, 1972.A�tar revi�wing Maple� wooct's 1'Iaii anci �an;ultin�; vrith sr�v�ral c3e�partmental staf�s of �hee aity, I da nat feel tl�at it i:� n�c��ss�r�► �ar the City af St. Pa�l to r�que�it a hearin� oii tY�r� .��ore�n�ntianc:u p�.�n a�.t t�Yi� tim�+. It �houlcl be notec! th�rt the C3.t�� 03' St. Pas.l. �ioas not r�c�u��t � �i��.ri.n�; at thts tiYne �nly b�c�u�r� �� ���1� that its past �oaitiox� wit}i r�:s�7��t to t2°le r:3�joir �ssu� of 'TI-! 21.? i� known �.nd we�Il establish¢d anc? Lc�caus� th� �i�2tro�olitan Develovmant C3uid� for Transport�tion does not apecizic�l.ly �.z�t3.fcat+� an� extenai�n o� T11 212 to t2i� wc�st of ttr� prms- ent ratite� ensizi� at C;r�ntury �,�r�;nu�. i�ot+esver, i� tPie r4e�ranali�an Ccaaixic�'l. doe� s�ek to �?�odity it� M�t���s�olitan �e�v�lapment Guide for Tr.�nsnortati.vn �C�r �llo�r for aii r�xtension of `Tii �JL2 �a� n�apo��ci by t!,e Yillac�e of Ma�t�s�ooc3 ia�i it�c °.,'.om-- �,r.eh�:r�:�iva Plan w� F�e,ul�.i �.il.� '�t+ ����rv� th� ri�;t��t ta rQqu��t a Faul�lic h��rinZ� on tt�at partieuJ.ar is�ua (t,l�{�s� not� th�: �ttachec3 Council Rn�olu�ian). I would like to talce thi� c�r�pnr�tuni�� ��o Yreaeilt to thK '�etmapc�lita,r� Gai�sc�.1 some ?►as�.a o}a���ctiar�s te� th� r�1mn �nd �lsn areas of no4:�ible �c�nf�J.fct� wiiich are r��ianal in sconr� �xi���� th�r��c��^e, I ��el. fa11 s�itfi3.n th<� xle�pc��x�i�ili�tie� of your or�,;anizaticax� ta li�lp x�e�alv�. 7Che poir�ts that I fe�]. �hc�uld bra rew viexed by ttse ,��trhpol�,t�zr� Co;�n�il xi�h re�;arci. t� tha Vi11,:��e 4f '���al�c�aad Comprehens.ive Plan �nd it� r�;l�t.�Q�a:�hip to the C i.ty c�f St. Pr�ul w��� f�� !Eallow s 1. The �iapl�wcx�d �'�.an c�.31� for the r_ampletion of TS� 212 thr.saza;� tt�e ViILa.��;e a:t= t�l��nl.ewc�e►<t �.na �t b��t to tha city 1�unc��ry o� �t. �'aul (p�x�,e 64}. �lhile it is r�lize�d tta�t the �ro�oz���� i�etropolitan n�v��.op�n�n�C �uicle for Tr�ansr,drtatiara ��t�rl (}c;to�cr G, 1�72, inciic:at�c1 fik�ra� T}i 2�2 wi12 not f.ollow the rc>ute as shc��m in the Mapl�anrrc� Pl�n but ins�Cead is tca ?�e delet�d f�orn can- sicieration in th�t �•e� (fig;ure 3), a aoncept T enciore�, tkaer�s still exi�ts a elear-QU�t nr��d for this mattmr to be resAlv�cl and l.ai�l ta rest oMC� r�nd �vr.� a1�. by t'he l�fetrap�l�t�n Council sc► �Cti��C the� �:a�t Side co*n��n3.ti.es� ca�x "et �bout th�air bu4iness of pl.�nnf�f; to aclequately meet th� ne�cis o� th� people. A� I'� �ur� you ar� �rr�re, �tie City Council of St. F'au], �cio�at�� a resol�xtiQn an 17eac�nab,�� 3, 1�7p, stat3ng that th�y are "un�lt�r- ably oppn�ed" �tc� ths con�trua�tion o#� Til 212 xithi�i the Ci.ty af St. Fr�u1 {see �at�C�ched Council Resolution dated Uacer��er 3, 1�7Q). Zt i� apnar�nt cYz�t unl�rss� �heras i� a eomple�t�e and tatal rt�v�rsal of opinion on th3.� matt��, t�►e question of TH 212 within ��. ��,ul is a de�d isan�. t�owevar, �ven t2�a ex�ension of Ttt 112 th�ou�h Map2ewood tc� �th� �a�t�rn �acaundax�y of St. Paul at McKni�ht Ra�d could itself pose a ��rious threat to aur city. Without pr��- vidin� some �lt�r�ativ� ra��1 systeia or tx�ansit system �or f�lt�sr�.n� _�_ the incr���d t���f�c load sai�tly aad s�fel� thz�au�h the cit�,, such $� ext�nsion of Tft 212 �oul� not ��ly creste unsa�e trafffa conditions tYu�o��hout e�a�ern at. Paul but wauld al�a ,�atly tax �he c�paciti�s of �xi�tin� str��ts in t�e vicinity �o as to make travol extrern�l� ���fi�ult i.f not irnpossible. It is �e�aus� of th� �fnra��ntic�s� ra�aans a�� because it is the �x�re��ed abjectiv� of the �aple�oo3 P3�� ����t the v . .T���aportation-CiraulA�ion �y�te� far the Yi�la�e o� Ma�plewnoc3 wust b� canrdinated xith the �l�,ra� af ti�� c=�e�x�ppolit��x re�;iQn in wrhich t�e V'i11a�;� is Ia- c�.t�:u (�t,e 5�) ttx�t T �t.c,za��,3y ur�rc that the� r��c��s�r,y s�h�x��;�� bes n�.c3e fn thee ����l���ac! F'lan tc► r��1�ct �th� concsarns o� k�th th�e City o� �t. �'�cxl �r�J. th� tt�trc��olitas� CounGil i�r�r t:�� si�►l��icn o� a21 r���ra�.icc: to 1`� 21.2 withi.aa �h� :Lia�it� o�' t2�e Vi11aQc of r�an3.e.. �rat�c'. 2. :� ��conc4 n,F�jar �.r�� crF pa��s�.blrm crars�liet fih�t must b� cl�mlt with 1ay t'��s t!�etrannli�C�n C�a�xncil is t�iat oC re�icsn�7. c3r�ina�ea problema. �l�il� I am not a�Z� �►t �Ch3.±� tinca tr� ��rov3.c�e �ny �:i�;ur�s �as to �th�s arnount ar ul�is��a�t� ;��s��e a� �rater run-�off that wi`l3. ba fc�*ced into t�nc� t�arc,u�;h thE City of �t. �'�u�. S�y virtu�a o� r►atural draina�;e coursc�s ii-' th� rar�a :��auth af I.��t�ax��ta�tc� �34 w�.thir� t�apl�swooc� i� cieve�lap��i �s pr�s�r:��f�>�ci in t4sr� P9apls�v�caoc �'lr�r�, Y�au �csu b� �ssureci tha'G the a�ount wflZ ba s*,re�t. If tt�e ��.ter ruz°��o�� �orc�ct fnto �i�plewaod '�y it� s��i�;h�carss on the ez�st is ac3�c��1 ta tha abcava �snount th� res��lt� cr�uld b� a����atrc��a��ic ��r l�th �ia�2ewoo3 anci St. Paul. At �r���exrt t��r+� 3�s ��o overa2l �r.ui:�a fvr �r�i.r��c;� irn the �retror�csl�t�►n a��a, az�d �there�ores� a c3�tY ��s�h a� .�t, Paul is i�sarcc�d ta ccanten� �rit�r eir:�.irss��t� nr.abl�ms cxent�d f.n autYyin�; �res� �ahil� at �h+� �.�r�� timc� ;,e s�tdc�.led wftM th� ���r�:t�ss a:� trvir�� to wc�ri� rrut �► seri�� o!` a�rc�en,�r�t�s �ri�a� of�esr� can�z�ary �;ov�rnment3� unit�. � r��1,i��+ tha� thi� rrroblem is not unicau� to �t. �'a�u� ,�nd th�:L• '����l.e�rc���l s�°�st c�ntend �rith t�a��;�.].� �:ni� f��kciale Wit'rt soan� other �rovernment�l uzyit �zsci so e,�. If t;�c� cl�ve�.s��m;�r►t o#� t�F� �r�tir� e:�!st �i�.� caf th� :��t�o�olitas� ar��r� 3s ta :a� c����arly, r���13- timr�34 arid r�ell-»lt►aed, �.t iu n�c�s��mry �or th� �t�tropolitan Cotiincil ar�d .�t� �t��f tv r�tuc�y re�ional �irr�ina�r� pr�c>�r�,�ar�� in �Ghis aar�a �n� ta recamr�end �nd impl�ent a pra�,ra�a ai�+�d �t ec�c�rdinatin� �uch acTiviti�s. Yowr cansl.�term�ir�n of the abnv� �n�sn�C�an��i i`a.ct� and statar�ent� will b� �rs�tly a�pr��sciate�7 �nd I hoF�e �h�t tl�ey will t�� af he�i�r tn the Cor�rc�3.l ia c�eter�:aining a caur�e a� act3on re�ar�.in�3 the YilY�a�;� �� Maple�wcaa�3 Co��?rc�taensive Y2an. 5inaer�ly, J�nes� J. Fs��.I:u�, �Jr. Ci�Cy &'lan3ie�r III JJl3:�mf Enc1. S� WHl7E -LITY CLERK C011ilCll � (rt�Q�(�l � . PINFC�"j' -�'FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL. \�`(��) � � BL'U EY,- Mqy�pRTMENT � Flle NO. ����+4J�/� ' Co ncil Res uti _ Present�d By . Referred To '` Committe : Date �� . ,. o � Out of Committee By � Date �'� � , �� � � \ y�1H EAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul has pr�,vi usly recorded its opposition to the further construc ion of Trunk Highway 212 within the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, the Metropolitan Development Guide for Transportation as proposed by the Metropolitan Council does not indicate any extension of Trunk Highway 212 to the west of the present route ending at Century Avenue; and WHEREAS, the Village of Ma.plewood Comprehensive Plan does propose the extension of Trunk Highway 212 to the Saint Paul city limits at McKnight Road; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul reaffirms its aforesaid position and supports the position of the Metropolitan Counci� in opposing any further construction on Trunk Highway 212 through the City of Saint Paul and wishes to go on record as making a request for a public hearing before the Metropolitan Council if and when its present position on the Trunk Highway 212 question should be changed; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED� That the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this resolution to the Chai_rman of the 1Ketropolitan Council. COliNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays • Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine � Meredith Against BY Sprafka .Z.e�e�ses- Mme.President Butler N�V 8 1972 For pprove Ci tt ey Adopted by Council: Date �, Certif' ssed b cretary;% B � � By � Approv b yor: te Approv.�d by Mayor for Submission to ouncil By By