260033 WH1�'E - GTV CLERK �������(� PINK - FINANCE ; CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL COUI1C11 1 BLUE -MAYOR File NO. � � • � Ordin�znce Ordinance N0. '5�J � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 14118, C. F. 242077 , APPROVED FEBRUARY 25, 1969, GRANTING PERMISSION TO F. H. BATHKE REALTY COMPANY TO KEEP AND MAINTAIN STEPS ON THE WEST SIDE OF CLEVELAND AVENUE ABUTTING ITS PROPERTY ON LOT 140, HEWITTS OUT LOTS FIRST DIVISION. N�►-. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. Tha.t Ordinance No. 14118, C. F. 242077, approved February 25, 1969, be and the same is hereby amended in the following particulars: I Section 1 of said ordina.nce is amended so as to provide tha.t the permission and authority granted in said ordina.nce is to run to . F. H. Bathke Realty Company, its successors and assigns. Section 2 of said ordina.nce is amended so as' to add "successors and assigns" after the word "permittee" wherever the same shall appear in sai;d Section 2 . ��;�7..��. Section 2 . This ordinance sha.11 take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt - , � Konopatzki � In Favor Le�ine �k �� Against BY Vi c� Te�co�lin� �e-.President�er Adopted by Council: Date �OV 1 ? 1972 Form Approved City torney � i Certi ' P sed by Cou '1 Secretary BY ; By Approv by M o Date NOV Approved by 11 r f • Su ission to Council By BY PUBLISHEU NOV 2 5 1972 CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY KENNETH J. FITZPATRICK November 1, 1972 Mr. Phil Lee Mayor' s Assistant City of Saint Paul 347 Building Dear Phil: Enclosed please find a copy of a letter from Michael T. McKim of Doherty, Rumble & Butler on beha.lf of their client, F. H. Ba.thke Realty Company. Also please find a copy of Ordina.nce No. 14118 granting permission to F. H. Bathke Realty Company to keep and ma.intain steps on the West side of their property on Cleveland Avenue north of Highway 94. The letter is self-explanatory. I have prepa.red the enclosed ordinance amending Ord. No. 14118 to comply with Mr. McKim' s request. I can see no objection to honoring his request, and would recommend tha.t the City Council adopt this ordina.nce amendment so as to make it possible for his clients to sell the building. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Yours ery ly, I ( JEROME . EG Assist � t ity Attorney JJS:er Encl. City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 612 223-5121 x.�...: :,, � ,.�:�N:..___. . _.:� :: _ _ � _ . - __ _ ____ - . _ _ , . -,� . _ _ . . _,; , . �J�' . ������� � �e�' MICMAELJ.DOHERTY DOHERTY. RUMBLE 6e BUTLER RALPMK.MORRIS WILFRID E.RUMBLE(1891-19�1! BRUCE E.HANSON FRANCIS O.BUTLER ATTORNEYS AT LAW DANIEL W.OBRIEN � J.C.FOOTE 1600 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDIN6 J.LAWRENCE McIN7ri7E � IRVINO CLARK RICMARD A.WILHOIT HAqOIOJORDAN � SAINT PAUL�MINNESOTA �J' rJIOI . JAMESS.LANELi THEOPHIL RUSTERHOl2 JAMES F.M400VERN FRANK CIAYBOURNE TELEPHONE �612 227'7821 JOMN O.HOESCHLER PIERCE BUTLER WILl1AM J.COSGRIFc � JOHN LMANNAPORD � VANCE K.OPPERMAN " ANOREW SCOTT , JOSEPH R.KERNAN,JR. JOSEPM M.FINLEY MICHAECT.M=KIM , HENRY D.FIASCH MINNEAPOL18 OFFICE �NDREww.HniNEs EUOENE M.WARLICH . RICHARD B�PETERSON - JOHN J.M40�RL.�R. 730 8ECOND AVENUE SOUTH - TMOMA$E.ROHRICMT � � PERRYM.WILSON,JR. � MINNEAPOLIS,MINNESOTA 58402 R E C E I �! E a � BOYD N.17ATCM7E � BURTON 3.ROSS TELEPHONE�:612 1 33 3-8 42a � October 26, 1972 OCT 3� t972 Jerome J. Segal, Esq. e��p�R�'��5��`1 CdUf�lS�!. � Assistant Corporaticn Cou.nsel ' � City cf Saint Pa.u1 316 City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 _ Re: Council File No. 242077 Ordinance No. I1i.118 ' Approved: February 25, 1969 � Dear r;ir. Segal.: As we indicated in our telephone conversation of r,�onday, Octoher 23, 1972, our client, F. H. Bathke Realty Compa�y, obtained permission in 1969 to keep and maintain steps a�utting-its property on Lot 1�0, Hewitts Out Lots First Division, loeated on the vrest side of north Cleveland Avenue, St. Pau1. 5aid pex�issicn vra.s granted by the � � Honorable Thcmas R. Byrne, �,�.yor, after passage by tile City Council of � the above-cited ordinance on�'ebruary 25, 1969. A �erox copy of Ordinance � No. 1l�118 is enclosed herevri�th. 5 � F. H Bathke Realty Company is now negotiating for the sale of its property on north Cleveland Avenue, Unfortunately, when the permission was obtained by F. H. Ba-t��ke Realty Cempany in the form of the described 5 ordinance, the language tn.erein siras drafted in such a wa.y so as to make the ' . permit run to F. H. Bat��e Realty Compan;� but not to the "successors and ass�igns" of F. H. Bathke Realty Company. The proposed purchaser of the pro�erty in question has called our attention to this problem and he has � reque�ted tnat vre take tirhatever steps are necessary to have Ordinance No. . 141�g modified so as to allctir the permit to include the "successors and � assigns" of F. H. Bathke Realty Compa.ny. a We therefore request that you cause the necessary steps to be taken to mcdify the language in Section 1 of Ordinance No. 11,118 so as _ .._.__ ...�.- ,�.;�.: ,, . _ _ __ .. ..._ _ .__ ,- ,�. . _. _: . _ ..... ____ _�_...��.. _.._._� . ... __ . . . __ . �� � . .. . . F�.:� .. . � �� .�j . - �.a DOHERTY, RUMBLE b� BUTLER , Jerome J. Segal . October 26, 1972 . ' Pag� Two grant permission and authority to "F. H. Bathke Realty Company, its suc- cessors and assigns, to keep and ma.intain ste�s on the west side of Cl�veland Avenue abutting its property on Lot I40, Hewitts Out Lots First Divisiqn." . f In addition, you �ill please not� at subparagraphs a, b, c, d and e Sec�ion 2 Ordinance No. 1l�118,� the F. H. Bathke Realty Company, as the permit�ee, is obliga.ted to (a) furnish a bcnd �to the City conditioned to comply tivith the terms of the ordinance; (b) to mainta�.n public liability insurance upon the property; (c) to maintain the steps in question; (d) to restore the public sidewa.lk area in tne event of the r�mcval of the steps in question; and (e) to file �r-i.th the City Clerk a written acceptance of tlze obliga.tions set forth in the ord�rance vri.thin twenty days after the passage thereof. If permission to keep and maintain the steps in question is modified so as to run to the "successors and assigns" cf the F. H. Bathke Realty Company, we �rould make the further request that v�rherever tY��e term "permittee" appears in subpa.ragraphs a through e of S°ction 2, Ordinance No. 11t11�, a change be made in the new per:nit by enlarging t;ne texr,� "permittee" so as to read �+permittee, its successors and assigns." The term "permittee° appears in Section 2 in eight different pZaces, each of which is underlined in pencil � on the enclosed copy of the ordinance, The requested enlargement of the term "permittee" rrould simply allow F. H. Bathke Realty Cc�mpar�y to transfer .not only title to the property in ' question but also the obligations which will run with the Permit gran-P,ed in ' the ordinance, assuming our �equest is approved. We contemplate that upon � completion of the impending sale, the purchaser, as successor to F. H. Bathke ftealty Company, srculd file with the City of St. Pa.ul its bond in the sum of � $1,000 conditioned to comply with all the terms and obligations set forth in � the ordinance, would also purchase the necessary public liability insurance 3 for the property, would ma�ntain the steps in proper condition and would restore ' the public side�ralk area in the event of their removal. VVe would also hoioe that �he prospective purchaser vrill, after closing, file tivith the City Clerk its in- tention to succeed to the interests and obligations of F. H. Bathke Realty , Compa�y with respect to the ordinance in question. From our telephone conversation, ti�re understand that upon receipt of this letter you will cause tne necessary steps to be taken to have the requisite proceedings commenced. �'Je 4°rish to thank you for your cooperation and counsel, and ive also confirm our �.uzdersta.nding that the entire proceedings will �ot be finalized for between four to six weeks follo�ing the first reading of �e lease desired changes. If, in the interim, we can be of any assistance to you p tlo not hesitate to conta.ct us. Also, we should like to be kept abreast of the . . _ .... .. .. . .. . . 5�:-° . . ,... . ... . .. . . -,.�. . � .��' �P' . _ � �>.�. .._.._�.._.._._. .-__. � _ ._.,.._ ._ .... __ .. _ _ ; ...� .: �.,.�:.�..."__�___ ;_.._.� _: ,._ . _ . - . . ..* . , � , � • , - DOHERTY, RUMBLE S� BUTLER j Jerome J. Sebal . October 26, 1972 page Three � . proceedings and rvould, therefore, request that you advise the proper City Officials of our inte:est and address. Thank Jou again for your assis�ance. Very truly yours, DOHF�i.TY, RUP:'�LE �: BUTLER �-� �" ''�1���- � Michael T. ,��'�Kim NlIluIcK:cb � ( . f j i ' � i ' � CITY OF ST.PAUL • � DEPAR'fbiENT OF RECORDS—CITY CLERK - ` PUBLIGATIfl�t NOTICE � � • N:ar. 3� , �s 69 • Date � The attention of the F. H $athke Realty Co. ' is respectfully called to the folto�zng resolution, or ordina.nce which has been adopted by the �' City Counci! and approved by the �lnyor. ' � _ _ _ _ � ; Council File �Io. 2420i7—Ordinance 1V'o.� - 14118—By- James J. Dal�lish, by re� " quest by Robert F. Peterson— - An nrdinance grantin� nermission to � F. H. Bati�F:e Reatfr• Cornpany to }:eep and maintain s:eps or. the we;t side of . " C:evel:ind Aver.ue �butting i!s pro�erty on Lot 140, Hewi[ts Out Lots First Di- vision. The Council of the City of Saint Paul Dces O:dain: � SF.�TLOD± 1 r That pe:-missioa and autaori`.�- a;e . ' - herebp granced to F. H. Bat�:;e Realty Company to l:�ep and maintain steps� on the �ce�t sicie of Ciecelard �.venue� abuttir.g its pro�°rty on Lo[ 14U, He-i wttts Out Lots Pirst Divis:on. SECTT_ON ^ That the Commissioner of Pt�blic� ��'orl:s is hereby autnorized ±o issue a� perm:t to F. H. flathi:n Realt;- Com-� pany for the keeoin, and mai^tainins� I of said steps upon its comaliance �sith I the following terms and conditions,� � viz: , a. That s:iid,pFrmir_ee shall furnishl a bond to the City o: Saint Pa!il in I the si:m o: One Thoi:sir.ci Dollars ($1;'�'0.001,condi'ioned ta cor.inl�cvith' ; . � ali the te:n2s ni Ihis nr�linancc. Saidi r .1:�L1'•L?c_e�press(p aE�rees an : ur:- �_.._.�., dertai:e; to iul;� i^c'.em.^.ii•; ar.�l hold harn:l�s; the City of S2ir.t Patit, i;s. • a�;en?s, �fftcers and Fmp;o}•ees irom any- an:i a!: dz:r.a;es. ciai�r:s, de-; T•;s^�';. a.c:ior.s or cri,�.•,�•; or •,ns. � • of n�natsc�cer n�turc arisin�o�atro:or' by reason of this oermission and au-� thur.:y 2nc'. by ree�snn of the con-; tinued presence ar.ci esfster,ce or� removal of saiei ;teps: i ' b. S:�id rr,r,-,:• ,e sha11 Provide'e pub-� � �3._. : ]ic ]iahi!ity ins�:rance and shall pro-� i tect tt�e gern�sift.�� an�i tite City of 1 Saint Paul from all clair.s or ;iam-j a�es for personol in,�ury, inciudingi accir.lental death, which may arise i , from the operation, r.lair;[e.^.ance, contieued p:esence ancl exis�.nce or � removal af the afotesaid stens or arisin� oirt of the s�me, which pub- Idc iiabilii: ins�ance sha�l re in � amount rot less tnan a�0,ft'D.DO per ' person for injuries ir.Nudi.^,� acci- dental d�ath, ar,d sub;ect to .he '� same limita:ions ior e�ch person in t an amoun[ uf noc less tran S30p.- OCO.r,O on accaunt of any sine;e ac- HARRY E. MARSHALL cicient or i�cident, which sald poli- , cies of insura.^.ce or ceriifica,es re- FORMG � ]a:in,: thereunto shall be n:ad with Ct7Y CLERK � � t'r.e Compiroller of the Cit;; o: Saint � � Paul; � c. Said ^erm°ttee expressl.p a�rees� t and und�rtan�-'es E-o main.ain the ,tens in proper condition and to kee� thel same free and c.ear of any oLstacles� . ` or snorr, , d. That �c•henecer the Coimcil of{ ' - ' the City cf Sair.[ Paul, by it; rc>o�u-� .' tion. shalt !'er�rmir.e the ciiscor.tin-� uar.ce anri retnoval uf s:.iicl steps n..c-� , . ' essary in the oub!ic interest and ac-� � � ' . cordir.et}• orde: the 'c'.isconsinuar.ce I ar.d r�movai of the s;ime inmi saici j • 7oeation, the saici srens shall be cii�-� _ contini:ed and re�rno�er! frr;r. ?i�e, � subject public sid^a•air areat, �vhich� � p_ibiic s:de,.vaii; arca s;;a]L be re-� stored by- the �cr:��it:ee at the,�ec-1 m;ttee's so:e cost anQ exrense.: � e. The said,�r:mit!�c shall. �vit`:un I twenty (2i)! c!a ws a;ter'ttia p?ssage of: - this orciinance, filc 1 �.vrit[er. ac- ceptance thereof wich the Cit. C;erE;.� SECT:ON 3 ' This ordinance stial: take effect ar.d i - be in force ihirtv E30i d��:s irom ar,3� � a[;er its neu;_v;e, a�prn;;ai and publi-� � � r�i�':�'r ---_._ . � . ', Yasse�t by ,he Caunci! Fei�r�a:; 25, , �ISr��. Yeas--Cnu.^.c;imen Cars�r., ?.ie:ed::h, �Feto ,n.• :prai'-:a, Tedc�co, .. P;es- „ ir•�nt R��:r.e7-�'. . ! IA•r�ro;c�d� Feb::iary _'S. 190:�. c` � - 'I'F?'J:i:'�S �. E:i_` : I., HARRY F.. .`.L-�RSH:II,I.. � . . _ <:�c4 Cit:•ric. ! . � . . . ! {:.Ia:ch 1. 1909) j _ � 4 _., _ b�. 4..:,:y S.��t.� . .y...,�:, i'Y ,.'%s 4. �' ....- _,y . . �. . . .. .. _ .._. ..._ _... .._ �. ... �..�_ ' ' ' ' , ..� ... �. ,:. ..._ ..., ... - 1 ; _.,` _. -�,�,��... . .r _' " '.::_ .. . _- _".;� _�. , -v. ,..,-.�:.,.« .._..-. _r.--.�-. .�.s_.._.�."- --•-. �F.!'_ _ , - .. ...�a �, x. .,; , ....:. ,.3. . �.� �.-... , ..�. . . . ..��_ lst � 2nd 3rd` � Adopted `t�, T Yeas Nays � HLJNT �������„:;t� KONOPATZKI LEVINE • � � . . � C!II-�"�; 1 I V TEDESCO YfG2 I.QY!Yl�. -3dass PRESIDENT (�SLTT.LF&) e � �