260443 WHI7E - CITV CLERK [ [� // (� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl �Q� 'j/���1 CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAZTL ����_ � BLUE -MAVOR File NO. Council Resolu ion .,, Presented By LIC�TSr� C TF� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Rr;SOLV�D: That Applica.tion M 5181 for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License No, e199� expiring Januaxy 31, 1.973, issued to Vern.'s Incorporated at 111-15 W. Sixth Street, be ancl the sa.me is hereby transferred to Dona.ld J. Narrone at the same address. On Sale Liquor Lstablishment TRAIVSFLR (Corporation to Individua.l� COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � Konopatzki % [n Favor Levine Meredith a Agalnst BY � Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler JAN 5 �� ' Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Appr e by or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY �'UBLISHED JAN 13 1y�3 -,.�,,.ti,���t c.F z6o `�`�3 f�° r, 3-�j CITY OF ST. PAUL APPLICATIVN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE � Application No . ._,..., Name of Applicant_..._..I?�?.A,71f�,...al.�...�1�.�.Q1le.�__._..._. ....................._...._..._ ,_.........._.._........... A�e,.... a d ftesidence Addresa._......1744 Prosperity ..�......��.w.� ....................�...............�..... Teiephone No.....777-2767�.,�...�.....�� Areyou a citizen of the United States?__.�. Yes _._......____..._..........._............................_...._................_........---.................._.._........_........_ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe� soft drink parlor, or buainesa of similar naturei Yes................................_................._................_......_......._.......----__..._._.. _..........._.........__......._.__...._..._..........._..._....._..._..._...._...._......... ..._......._ When and where?.......�...months_. ago....-_Mounds View, Ms.nnesota If corporation� give name t}►�d general purpose of corporation....._..........__....._.none„_,,,_,,,,_...._...._...,,,.__._._._._�,__ Whenincorporated?........_._..._..............._... .___.._. ..._............................_............._._....__.._.........._..._...._...._.........._..._....__.__�_____.._...., If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?..........._....._........._...._...._.._....�...__._..........._..._._ Ho�v many members?.................._........._...._.._..._...._.._�.._.._.._..__._ Names and addresses of all officers of corporation, and name and addreas of general manag^er. . . .. . . . . .. . . . Nr�mes and �,ddressea of Stockholders: ...................................................._...._...._._._._..._._ ....................._.........._.........._..._.........._...... .................... . . ....... ............................... .. ._ .. ... ....._ Give name of surety company which wiU write bond, if known.......�„�:�„�'.�.n./.....��...��c...�t..��...._�'.................._.........._ Number Street Side Between What Croae Streeta Ward 111-115 ; W. Sixth �Corner � 6th � Washington How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along atreets) ?...........z to._ 3 miles ..... . . _.................................._........... How many feet from a church (measured along atreeta) ?.......�wntown 1 to 2 Blks. ,.�.�W, w How many feet from closest public or parcehial grade or high school (measured along atreets) ?...................................... Nameof closest school....._._.....:...�a.the�al.....__._------...._..._._..........................................................................._..._.........._...._..............�....._...._.__...... . . How are prem�ses classi8ed under Zoning Ordinance?..............CCtm�Rt.el�.�,��..............................._..._...._........__............._._....._................_ On v�hdt Hoor located?......First.Floor .._................_.._.__..........__._..._.............__..........................._....._................................... _.... Leased M ron �unian...................................... Are premises owned by you or leased?...__...._.........._...._. .If leased ive name of own ... g ...._........................................................................ Ifa restaurant give seating capacity?................130......................................_.........................................................._.........._...._..........................................__ Ifhotel, seating capacity of main dining room?....._...._..................................._.................................._.........._...._.........................................:...................... STAGE DOOR Givetrade name..................... .......... .--••---�-•---••--•----------.....-•------•---........................................................... ..._.........._.. Give below the name, or number, or other deacription of each additional room in which liquor salea are intended: ......... ............................................................_................_.....�np! ..._...........�.........._......_..�..........................................................»...«......................_........... (The intormatioa abo�e mnat be �iven for hotela and reatauranta which nae more than one room for liquor anlea). Howmanq guest ruoms in hotel7....._........._..._._._..._._.__.._-•-..�......_.__.__. ..__..�.....w..........._w......._..._..........__�._....._._._........_._.._. Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)_.�.........._...........__._...............,._.._...__...._ __......�.......�...._........_.. ' Give namea and addresaes of three business referencea:._.�.. _....... .._._.....�...._._..:.__.._.........._...__.._...............__.._........_ 1,E��.*ern_,H�ights. State__Bank._.-,_,,.,_Saint Paul!_�Minnesota __ ............................_.. ..............__. .............._..........._..._......................_ ZSummit-Southview State Bank - Bloomington, Minnesota .._.__..._.._....__._.._....._.........__._...._..._....._...._..____....._....._...._.........._......._...._.........._..._................_..---......................................._........................ g.Anthon�_.A�_�Danna, Attorney, 510 N.W. Nat'1 Bank Bldg. , Saint Paul, Minn. THIS APPLICATION MU$T BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF COKPOBATION, BY AN OFFICER OF T�iE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THLS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION BE ATTACHED: SEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINNE80TA, COUNTY OF R,AMBEY, �• „�g,�ld J� Marro}�� being IIrst duly swarn, deposes and says that he ha8 read the foregoin� applicstion and lmowa the contenta thereof, and that the eame is . true to the best of hia knowledge, information and belief. /� .��!�_�..�....�� - . ��,_,...�,.� . � Subecribed and aworn to before me ' thi .._. 3 rd . __.nuar�y..____M_19 �3 ... ... ..........._... ..._.. .-• , - •... _.��._ N P blic, Ramsey County. Mmn. x����nn,�,,�h�. ,nan.nns.;.,�.�; �ri�o. ANTHQNv ', My com �8810 87Cp�I'@8....._..._......._._......._.......__..._....__._ ss-s"hbf NOT4R`t i . . _ • `���' �,� Rr Pr• � - � �`'�."-f MyCemr;. _ .:_ � STATE OF MINNESOTA, x�r��r�GVVV�N> , ..;;�>,�v i��vx COUNTY OF RAMSEY, 8S' _..._.........._...._.._...._..._...._....__._..._..._..._._......__._..._..._... �...._—...:_._._...._............._._...._..___ ..._.._. �.being 8ret duly sworn, deposes and aaye tha�..........._..._.....___.._.._._the ..._....___ of....._...._...._. ..._...._. .............._...._...._._....__.._... .......__........._.._..._..._.._ ._ , a coxporation; that......................................................................._.....haa read the foregoing application and knowe the contenta thereol.and that the saine is true to the best of................._...._...........__...._...._..........lrnowledge, information and belief; that the seal afSxed to the foregoing inatrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was aigned� aealed and e:� cuted on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors,and said application and the execution Chereof ia the voluntary act and deed of aaid corporation. Subscribed and aworn to betore me thia......................._...........day of...__...._...___............._...._.._._..19 ....._...._...._...._...._...._..._.........._................_................................._____..___�. Notary Public, Ramsey C�unty, Minn. . . . commieaion expires....._...._...._._...__._._..._ f�