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WHITE - CITV CLERK 1 �I�� PINK - FINANCE TT COUIICll BLIi�,RY=�DnEPAOR�TMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PA V L File N O. - � 'l Resolution ► Presented B Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, 'I'hat Erickson Motor and Oil Company be and hereby is granted a permit to install a 34-car parking lot to be used in conjunction with a restaurant on property located on the southeast corner of Como and Stella, more particularly described as follows: COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by MaXor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gY By WHI7E - CITV CLERK � � i PINK - FINANCE COl1IIC11 2� 4�� BLUERY-�Fv1AYbR�SMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � • ` Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date 3 all in accordance with plans dated Received November 16, 1972; subject to the condition that said applicant-permittee, and its successors and assigns, shall make due compliance with all applicable provisions of municipal ordinances, state statutes - and rules and regulations of public authorities having cognizance. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki _� In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco �AN 4 ��� a Mme.President Butler Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certi e sed by C etary By By Appr e by Ma r. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By By PRBLISHED JAN 13 1973 BOARD OF ZONING, CITY OF ST. PAI����� 1010 COMMERCE BUILDING • ST. PAUL,MINNESOTA 55101 • PHONE: 223-4151 2�'��� : 6 December 12, 1972 Mr. Harry E. Marshall • City Clerk Room 386 City Hall Dear Sir: This is written in response to the application of Erickson Motor and Oil Company for a permit to install a 34-car parking 1ot to be used in conjunction with a restaurant on property located on the southeast corner of Como and Stella. This property is further described by the legal description on file. This matter was heard at the November 16, 1972, public hearing of the Zoning Board. The staff said they had requested revised plans which only needed to indicate a curb along the south border. A representative of the application produced revised plans which he said provided for the change the staff requested and also indicated a wider driveway. The Board heard a motion to recommend approval subject to meeting staff suggestions. The motion was seconded and carried by a vote of 4 to 0. The plans received at the meeting, dated received November 16, 1972, meet design standards and the Traffic Engineer verbally approved the wider curb cut. Very truly yours, . 1 ;� �-��.�/(J _`° //��.•t-f/t���'�J � PETER J. MAIETTA Secretary, Board of Zoning �.��)�4B PJM:PLR:mb Z. F. 7417 � ('� � �� P � J �� f BOAl2D OF ZONING REPORT AND ACTION November 16, 1972 ` Plat Map ��29 • • , Acting under Legislative Code Chapter 60 thru 64 passed August 22, 1922, as amended to January 27, 1971. 7417 1. APPLICANT'S NAME . Erickson Motor and Oil Company 2. CLASSIFICATION . � Amendment � Appeal � PermiC � Other X-1283 3. PURPOSE . Install 34-car parking lot 4. LOCATION . Southeast corner of Como and Stella 5. LEGAL DESCRIPTION : See File 6. PRESENT ZONING: Light and Heavy Industrial 7 . PURSUANT TO Zoning Code Chapter: 60 Section: ,23 Paragraph: 4b 8. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: Date: November 10, 1972 By: PLR A. HISTORY: There is no zoning history for this site. B. A�tEA ZONING: That area north of Como Avenue which is in St. Paul is zoned "A" Residential as is the area west of Fifield Street. The area south of Como Avenue and east of Fifield Street is zoned Light Industry for a depth of 100 feet beyond which is Heavy Industry. C. DESIGN STANDARD: Revised plans meet design standards. D. FRONTAGE AND AREA: This irregularly shaped parcel has a frontage along Stella Avenue of 99.25 f�et and along Como of 221.9 feet and an area of 29,334.5 sq. ft. E. REFERRALS : Responses from the Traffic Engineer, Sewers and Fire Department indicate approval. F, SITE CONDITIONS : The site is being developed with the proposed restaurant. The foundation is in and gradin� �s being done. G, AREA CONDITIONS : The general area along the south side of Como Avenue is developed with industrial uses. The area north of Como is occupied by the State Fair Grounds, a small patch of wild land and University student housing. 9. BOAP.D ACTION: To Recommend � Approval � Denial Council Letter � Dated: Yeas Nays December 12,197 Moved by . McPartlin X Quast Date of X" Bens'hoof S� �onded by: Quast X McPartlin Hearing: X Cochrane December 14 197 Secretary's remarks : ' � Council �ction: . Date. `,,,� 'C A R M / 1}A•l ' , � � E-- , . Z �3 a .,-` _. • � J � � ' .� � Q , A _ � t �o P .o A K � N s � a � y , O � J 4 � b � 1 � k � SW/NE BA: J ltJ � � Z Q U �� C/TY LlMITS _____,______ CANF/E D � - . - - -- - -� -- -.� 8 O � 8 8 O �� �� � � L 8o A R E SoI p � E N � � � , _ 80 >> 0 8 0 - �%'_ � 8 J�v ' ; O 8 � Q� • - ' 8 �G r �/ f-- i � � � ... /'`` �- � _ � �''��- d v �'` °—� ' � N �p \ � ��� L� IG H T � � ' �'` ��' ��� L_L_�.__� — — � � � � ' -�--�-,--.: � �Q � : , � , .. � . .�/ ~-� I Z � ' � '� � � � � �'� � �i �� � � � � N QU� R � � �_�_�R / � H E A�/ , ,� ; � z �_r_T_ -- _ �1 1 11 . , , , _ �i7Al�I`�'FS t3F TtIE PUftL�C fIEARI�TG BE�'OFE 'I'HE BOARD �F ZONyNG UP1 2"HUR�'13�'�Y4 I��V�'IB�R �.6, i972, AT 2:0(3 PoMo �?P,�SErf'�". i+�c_��a C�chran� aaad t�sa�st; M�ssrso B+�nsh�af �nd �icPartlin of the Board; �.� �.�� ��:�.c.?�sc�cos I4ra Roseute� and Mrs, BarLiault of �he Staff, 1:�.�Ct�S�2� '��i�`�fi�<?w ��i�� £��'t. CQx•:�1"ANY (1k.�7�: �n �gplic�ti�n for a per�r_it to ins�al.2. a j�?.»(:2:T' ?T<.:C:�';2xD�s.t�i 01:?. �Cl� 50tRt�'f.GcA56: CGT'L12� O'� �'iOTd14 ��3C� .^7�E`'��30 l�r� Zc����4i�er .s�:��ecr �:his F�as a �sa�lci�.g Io� �oz � res�aurant a�rmss from the S�a�.:e �"�i� �'roECrrJ��, I�;=_ s;.;<.��d �hey h;�ve re�ues�:ed r�vis�d plan� wh�c� shauld meet +��esi.n� stanci�:��:ss c�ri'r.ii simg3.y gt2� indicatf.on c�f a curb a�an� the ��tt�h�a-n propertiy �;��E„ ��P s��i.0 �.�� Fz�ac?n't r.ece�v�d �.��.Lni ye�, bta�c 3.�id;.c�Ced �hat �he 4p�licant n2i�h� n�ve �h�;:3, mlt� r�p��e�ci�►�::�t_s.�� a� �,zxck�on t��+tc� �xxd Oi� Co?n��ny �tated tt�at they have �he �ts�i�:��t �x��a�.x:.as c-:it:ta tt�e ��2�.Ti:;F_^t� �3ZaLl5' c�;i�ict� iiYCle�de ttae add��ion �of a curta �712tC�'1 W3:i �:a".�� �R'1;,.t I1f.3��L �:i1.i1� lJe3S 1."£:c'jt2P^otCao Is�sa �;�r..h.��,n� �s?�c:_c? i��� �,d;��t��,� �� z� meets rles�gn s�:an�lar�s� �`�iic� �.��+a�t:��� :+.Faclic�f,:r�d L-I�Fa� it di.tla '�hr� �r-r�a��s�rs�:4,�}.ve ������ci t�Z�� I�� mac�� onr-: r��he;- 41���,�, cahicEz was �a widen �he ��.���rce �a �:�.�� �::'TP�e�° abe�o �e �aid a tgcack couZdn3t �ake tha� swin.g the way 3.� G�*t�;,:, ��_� J��.c3 t�z��t l:r��' Ua�n�y �.t� tvould be a�t i�m�x'av�met�.t o c�1�e� . i;ac1°����s� ;�a<ic�d 5� y.a� s.,�as goi�a�; �c� �e a ��s st�ation� 7�is°� ?3uu�i::te;:- :;:?�?.:: �h�t i.4� ur�s a �est.^�u�^ane:� 5�:��� 2{c:�;��'`?�:�:. rn�v.�ci i:tt��: ��i�y rrMc�Lr;�;e�ac3 s�p�i�~c�,'�I sub�sct L-o th� .;u���s�suns �f ih� st:.�.if:, `�:�- �v�;� ���c��ci�u� hy I�Lr.s� C��r�st �nd z�_ ca�°ri.�d un.antm�sis?y� ri,a,hu�;:�tzsd by=R li��-r.'aveci �y; I�aa��. �,�, i,��r���:.y?� Zi�se Cr�?�o�yn �ochra�te , ` � City ot Saiat Paui, �inuesota AP'PLICATION FOR 3PECIAL COUNCIL U3S PS1�dIT (Please print or tqpe) TO THE AONORABLl� D�(AAYOR AND CITY QOUNiCIL 96 tbe City Clerk Citq of Saint Paul, I�inuesota Appiication is ber�b made to rearodel or recoastruct au ea3ating y install aad operate a new (cross one out) a FILLINiG STATION No. of islaads and pumpa : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKII� IAT for (customers) (employee�) (private use) (public us�) (other) indi,cate ype) Capacity of parking lot ¢ �.x.�, l / To be used ia conaection aritb; t�0 ��S��c �c rq�� �'�.s�'o�� � � ,Er,� �s�n hJ� ro,- -r o:� eo„�R„y , �.�c . [� �aisc�iaaxsous: (indicate type sucb aa Drive-in Refres �eat Staad, Used Car Lot, Dry Cleaniag Pick-up 3tstiou, Ice Veador, etc.) Capacity oP parking ares: *Locatioa : /�'8y ��".�- s� �v'y�� L�,�iu /j�ve `! S f r /��i �v�' . Legal Descriptioa : Lot �.7 ..f �� 3 �/ 5' glock �� Addition S�. N�'��w^y Applicaat'$ Name . `"- �: �� �j /�, // - 1,2 �a►-/� Home or Office Addrese: �U� sok��afe �.�.�Ce Q% �� ,/��uo�, ;n T�� ' � � � ///.�n , Phone Number • c�'�� - ,,�3 8 p S s"�37 FOR✓BY T� APPLICANT, � � �� 7� . Signa ure date Address : �1�� �� ��k�Y ryy S�.� /��� �S'.� �/�%1�� pbone xo.: �ae� - �3 y S When completed: file three copiea of tbis application foraa and three prints ot tbe prelimiaarp lay-out plans of tbe propoaed faCility witb tbe Citq Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court Houae, 3aiat Paul, A�inaesota Z-3 6/11/56 *SX_ANPLE: 1. S.Ts. corner of Maia St. aud First St. 2. South aide of �aia St. betareen Firat and 3ecoad 3t. C� � � � � �� l� D ���-�j ������ �'0�� ._�� SEP 2 2 1972 ; c�TY P��Ni�uG aaaRo �aint Paul, Minnes:;:a .. ,' � , V CITY OF SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i�� c«�+ N�.. ss�oa Decea�ber 1, 1972 City Clerk 386 City Hall File X1283, Page You pre hereby notified thot a publie hesring �ill be held ia the Council Chmnbere of the City Ball aud Court 8onse at 1Os00 a.m. on Decamber 14, 1972 on the application of tfie 8ri,c�csoa l�fotor and Oil Cospany for a pexmit to install a 34�car pai�lcing lot oa the property described oa tha atcached sheet: The property is locse�d on the SoutheaaC corn�r of Coma Avenue aad Stella Avenue. Por further iaformation, contaat the Planaing Bosrd, Room i010 Cane�erce Buildia� or Calephoae 223-4151. To comply with the City Charter, the D�par anent of Fiaance ia charged with iafotmiag you of this pubiic heariag. Yf you have aay questicas, it ia recaa�mended that po� attend this public he�sfmg to affard you the opportuaity to make yonr wieas, both pro actd can, tcaown to the City Couacil. �b�T W. Tat1D$AtT A�ting Read - Finauce Oept. . .: « File X1283 A�l of Lota 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 20, 11 and 12 and those portions of Lots 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 2$, 29 and 30 in Block 12 in St. Anthony Park, according to the plat thereof oa file and of record in the of�ice of the Register of Deeds in and for R�msey County, Minaesota, and of the vacated streeta, avenues and aZleys adjaining the above described land lyin� within the £ol2owing boundary Lines: Commencing at a point fn the SouthQrly line of Como Avenue distant 96 feet West, meaeured at right azg�es, fram a P3orthLrly ext�nsion of th� East line of Lot 2, �lock 6 of sair2 St. Aa:tk�ny P,jrk; thence South parallel with said Nartherly exten�io� o� t:�s �ast li,ne of said Lot 2 and pa.allel with Cr� East line of said LoC 2 a distan�e of 350 feet; ehence to the right turning an engl� of ninety d�gr.��s, a di�tance of 245 f�eC; Chence Nartherly alang a straight line, hereina�fter referred to as Ii�e "A" to the Northeast coraer of said Lot 1, $lock 12 0� said 3t. AnChony F:�.rk, which poiat is the true point of begtnning of the land being described; thence Southwesterly along said Line "A" and said Line "A" produced 3outhweaterly to a Westerly production of the South line oE the vacated alley in Block 7 of said St. Anthony Park; thence Westerly along last mentioned Weseerly produced ].ine to a point in � liae parallel with and diatant 50 feet Southeasterly measured at right angles, from the Easterly line of Block 13 in said S�. Anthony �'ark and a Northerly production of said �asterly block line; thence No��heasterly along laat a�entioned parallel line to the Southerly line of seid Como Avcnue; th�nce Nflrtheasterly aloag the Southerlq line of eaid Como Avenue ta the true point of beginning; except all that part o� Che a�ore deacribed tract of land lying Southexly of a strai�h� Iine running fram a point on the eaaterly line of safd Cract distant 213.1 feet 3outherly fran the I3s�rCheast corn�er th�reof to e point on th� Westsrly �ine of said tract d3,stanC 99.25 feet Southerly from the Northwest corner thereof. � City of Saint Paul, �innesota �O AFPLICATION FOA SPECIAL COUNCIL USE PERMIT (Please print or type) � TO THE FBDNORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL qo tbe City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Min�esota f �� / � Application is hereby made to remodel or reconstruct an existing install and operate a new (cross one out) Q FILLING STATION No. of islands and pumps : No. of tanks and capacity: � PARKING LOT for (customers) (employees) (private use) (public use) (other) indicate ype) � Capacity of parking lot q� To be used in connection with: ���O S �eS�Cc r�r.Yan� d��d•s�an o� .�r,c 1�s6 n- /�o To r � �:/ G�a hP�t�y j �n c . � MISCELLANEOUS: (indicate type such as Drive-in Kefreshment Stand, Used Car Lot, Dry CLean3ng Pick-up Station, Ice Vendor, etc.) Capacity of parking area: *Location , ��`�y ��J �,t, .S� �� (.���10 �N2 9� .S/ �l��t. �v�' • Legal Description : Lot ��.>? o�' /��3� � s'' glock �� Addition S�. �n'���y Applicant's Name , �' �s p' �i��� �� ��O� �ay n Home or Office Address: ��� �a��Q-r�. Q,�,�,��.� �j� 7�--� �.S�oo,� ,�� �o� „�j� � � Phone Number . %�Q _ , /� �,O � / ���'�n 7 S�S�`/3 '7 FOR✓BY THE APPLICANT, � �� �� (Signa ure date Address . `7111� ���II�-�' /�I' ��'•, /,%/� /�'� "�"�N r`� Pbone No.: �'a� _ �� �� When completed: file three copies of this application form and three prints of tbe preliminarq lay-out plans of the proposed facility with the City Clerk, Room 386� City Hall and Court House, Saint Paul, Minnesota Z-3 6/11/56 *EXAMPLE; 1. S.E. corner of Main St. and First St. 2. South side o� Main St. between First and Second St. �anua:y 3, i 97� To: f�ayo�- Lawren ,e D. Coh��n and f�ir. Ph�J_ Lee F1: Fr.ar�k D. Plarz_ize:'�yi `��� /� �<.e: Far=.in; Permit - Erici:son Moco� and Oii Company Res�aurani: - Counci:;. ;=tPso�u .ion I hrve rev_ewed the above matte and recomnend approva�. o� same. FDf°i:m� AL-cacne�J � � � 26(i436 2 A31 af Lots I, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, lI and 12 and those portions of Lots 13, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 2a, 29 and 30 in Block 22 in St. Aat2iony Park, according to the plat thereof on file and af record in th� of�ice of the Register o£ Deeds in and for Ra�sey Couatq, Minnasata, a�d of the vacated straets, avenues a:sd aZlcys a�j�iniz�g ti:e __ abave describe� 2and ly%ng withia the following �oundary �ines; Cflma��nciag at a point ia thar Scuth�rly line o� Cotao 4ve�ue di.staa� 95 feet West, meaaured at righ�. a:.g�es, fr� a r,ort.�:�rly ext�asiaa of t�:e East Iing oz Lot 2, �rt ock 6 af s�i3 St. Az:tr�ng PLrI;; thencn South parall�l �ra�th said N3rthzrl� ezste�io� of t�ze �ast liae of said L�t 2 �d p3�aIZe1 wxtli t�:e East li�e of sa�-Lot 2 a d�staace of 350 fest; theacs to the rign� turaing an angle of nins�yr deg-e�s, a di�taace of 245 f�eC; theuce Nartheriy aloag a straight lias,. hareinaftez referred to as Ii�e "A" to the Northeast corner of said Lot. 1, fllock 12 of said St. 9ntY:oay P:-:lc, which Qoint is the true poiat of besi�aing of the 3aad being described; thersce Southwesterly along said Lias "A'" and said Line "A" produced South�aesterly to a Westerly production of tks Sout2i Iiae of the vacated alleq in Block 7 of said St. Anthonq Pask; thes�ce Westerly along last m�ntioned Westerly produced l.in� to a poiat iA.� lin� parallel with aad distant 50 fest Southeaster�y measuzed at righ�. aagles, fsou� the Easteriy 3ine of Bloc� I3 in said S�. - - An�r.ony �'ark aad a I3ortherly Qrodectioa of said Easte_iy �io�� ii��; thence NoFthe�st�riy aior,g last mentioned parallel Iiz� to t!�e Southerly line of said C� Av�nue; th�nce N�rthcast�zly 21oRg the Southe:ly iine of said Como Aveeus te the t�e Qoint of beginaing; e�ccept all trat part of the a�ore das�cxibed tract of Iaad ly�a Soather].y of a str3i�at i��e running frc3at a pofnt on the ea�terly line of said tr2ct distant 213.1 feet Sout�eriy froa� the Piartheast cora�r th�reof tv a point on th� Westerly lize of said trae� d�stanC 99.25 feet S�utherly from the Nor�h*,zest r�crn�r thQzeof. � - � '� \ � _ �� � ,, .. , ` , ._ � , ,� �� � �;s� ; . �. : , , . �, ' ��� \ � . � "6� C j t �h �A - _ � � �� �� � , �_ '. �,\ J , .. �} - �: '�i , �; ,�c ��\. � � � . ,� . , . . � - '-�:��`�> \\, �U �, , �`y�, ` _� \ ', .�\ �� � N `; �4 '. �� � �\"\�`�` �,�v� _� ��,� � . �:� � �;,` ��`. ;�` N , =�'i�� 1� ii' 0 - 1-' _ . � �\ � v`' �. -6 i o , - � - � -,�� � - �� � ,� � � � � . r � � � � �� , ��� �� �� i � , .,� , .�, � � � � � , � �' , _ ��..r \\\'� ~�� �� II , j - � \ . � � . � . ,_�\ � -�� � ; Ij� �! j � , �, 'y � �.f�,` ti . . \ � , � `, � ; � � '. `t \�'', `.:: ' % Ii '.` � �Y I. _ ` �\ ` �. . � i ._., _ _ �i._.. �� �, �`_ �_ � � �'- /` _ :� . � � \ • \\`` � � `\ ' �-O o ��//�—�_..r�._..�� �� �`�- _t��ti_ t�� \'� \ \ � �� I$ �N i \\ \ \�� � �; ' � \ � � � �\ �`� �' ,' S \ "\� \ � \i,ry, \� �', ` \ , �' l�.'� / �, � . ,,, � = / \ , ,, � � '�, y �\\ ``�� ' - `l y,, �------ ---- / '.\ �� ' '. � i i: �� \ , \�� � �/ '� - �� . �. � `� _ \ �� \` pl ' /\ ;i ,_. `� ` ,. , . � �/ -i/ ,, 2 �� \\ ;�`\ �� �" �t`�� �� / / �� . � �;,, �, �� /_ �, �! � ��� �`, ,,,� � .�', � i;� �i� � ,� �'' �� ;� j j � � �`, �; . . �= /; ' �, �� . � � >:, -i \\ , ;i' -i� , � �� . 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