260431 Orislnsl to City Clerk - ORDINANCE ���r � COUNCIL FILE NO 2 ,��.�. PRESENTED BY � ORDINANCE NO An ordinance amending Ordi.nance No. 3250, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil Service Bureau of the City of Saint Pau1, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor, " approved August 20, 1914, as amended. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIlVT PAUL DOES ORDAIlV: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 3254-, agprove���xs� at}, 1g14, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by insertin.g in Section 6, under the h.eading Professional Group, iii �he i.ndicated grades, the following titles: Title Grade Program Developer I 34 Program Developer II 38 Program Developer III 41 Program Developer IV 45 Fiscal and Operations Coordinator 45 Planni.ng C.eo,��r �v��r ✓�5 p r- `�� Section 2, This ordinance shall take effect and be i.n force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. .� -,,.___ -_�; _ _ ,_ _. .. . •_ _ > _�.�� __� .. �r.... �: . r _ _. .�.,....�,..__-...�. Approved: , airman Civil Service Commissi - Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Co ncil .IAN 18197= � � -I��t... k�r,s�� ��e1..L��-----� , me - In Favor �Meredith � � � Against Sprafka T���° �A N 2 2 1973 Mme. D�� P ppro A est: ty Clerk Mayor � � �� " , Form approved Corporation Counse �UBLI�HED JAN 2 7 �i� Pua�tsH�o JAN 2 7 191� . �Civil Service Commission � �� " Director of Personnel Mrs.Ruth D. Schwarzwalder,Chairman $A � , UL ° s-� *� John S. Haider Mr. Harry H. Gaston � � � � � �e� ���� M�.n. R.(Dick) Zangs CIVIL SE � � OFFICE Assistant Director ' `� �' Thomas D. Gleason � e� � a a � � � i �tr� ST. PAUL, MI N SO 02 � , October 31, 1972 , Mr. Lawrence D. Cohen Mayor, City of St. Paul Room 347 City Hall Re: Amendments to Ord.No. 3250 and Ord. No. 7607, creating six new Model Cities title5 Dear Sir: , The attached two ordinances, approved by the Civil Service Commission at the meeting of October 18, 1972, create six new Model Cities titles as set forth in the attached explanation. We respectfully request that you submit this ordinance t� the City Council for approval. r Very truly yours, f�-.. . . Haider Director of Personnel Att. MEMBER . publk P�noned wsroeiation January 4, 1973 Mr. John Haider Civil Service Bureau Building Dear Sir: The City Cauneil� at ite �veaing meeting of Janu�ry 3rd, gave First Reading to the following two ardinances which w311 cflme up for Third Reading on Jatsuary 1,1� 1973: C.F. 260�t31 � aa�nding Ord, No. 3250� with referer�c� to Program Develapere I, II, III aad TV and Fiscai €�nct flperations Coordinator and Planning Sup�rvisor; C.�'. 260432 e,mending Ord. No. '7�607� with reference to Fi�cal and Op+aration� Coordinator� Pleanning Su,pervier�r, Program Dev�lopers I� II, �xz, and ZV. Very tru�y yours� City Clerk ng a..a�a�.s�r�.� . � ' C3R � INANCE 2s���� COUNCIL Flt� NO PRESE�ITED BY ' ORDINANCE NCa._.L 3� ° As ordiasnc� sm�ading Ordiaasea No. 3Z50, e�►titled: �'Aa sdmisi�ra�i�e ordinaace rslstfsg to the C�ril ' S�rvice Bas�esu of the City of Ssiat Paal; spproriag aad a�dap#iag rales and reg�tion� �Cherefor." sppror+d Augest 24, 1914, ss smaadeel. ?HE,COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SA1NT PAUL DOES ORDAII�t: � � , Sectiou 1. Tbst Ordia�ace No. 3250, �ppreArsd A�gnst 20� 1914, �.s smended. be aad the �une is hareby farther ameaded by insarting ia Sectioa b, uader th� headiag ProrEs��ioaal Gro�tp, ia the i�dfe�ted gsades, the toliawing ti�tles s � Title Gssd� Progr� l.lehtlopsr I 34 Pro�ram De�reloper II 38 P�agram Develo�por III 41 P=ogrsrr� Dewlop�r IV 45 Fisca.l and Operations Coorclisatsr 45 ' Planaf�►g 6ev�l�ss�ler S v��Y- ✓�S o r 4� Section 2. Thi� ordina�ce shall tsk� eff�t aadd b�r is fosca thisty = dsys aftsr its passs�e. �PProvsl, aad pnblicstioa. ApProved: hsirman . Civil SesTice Co�miasioa JAN1a � - Yeaa Councilmen Nays Paeeed by the Co '� �t Hnnt ' � ����~ a Favor Meredith C� A��r� Sprafka, -� u�• �T�� �pp�v�: � "JA N 2 Z 1973 Atteat: City Clerk Mayor �� Form a��roved Cor�orat�on Counsel By .. . A , lst � � 2rd ' � 1 / � 3rd -- -�- ��_____�_ Adopted�� � _ � Yeas IJays , HtTiV'T t.,.� ������. � . ���17�E� I�iERIsDITH �J SPRAF'KA `i �� , TEDESCO � _ • ����� � The attached ordinances create six new titles that are necessary to implement the Model Cities Program, and concern themselves only with this program. Please do not remove this attached explanation so that the City Council also receives the explanation.