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R�esolution Appmoving Assessment —
and Figing Time af Hearing� Thereon � _
In the matter of the assessment o� benefits, cost and expenses for construction or recon-
etruction of sidewalks and Work incidental thereto: Contract 71-I�h0526, Levy No. 7,
Diatrict �io. 3,
.. �-�wy� ���y�r�� . • -.�,..,_ . w..., .__ .. . . _ _ . . . .__..- .� �
``tt�.�.....N�'ii. .�eilr+��w,'w^'wC'"`��.�„f .._'.Iw'�'� . . ,.. . � .�
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1. �', . �G ., �� +�iir '�!� s�dt !� �1�ss1pN1 J1�re. to Montana Ave.
l�.��: �" � ;�!�{�fi`��Y�ri t: .South � of P+�rt between Cottage Ave.
.� v'�,� .�� �����,�,,�,��;;gA� �� � 2, gillcrest Terrace of West 650.1
^���"-�:'�':,:.x �.��+a '��'-,' e�e� eore or lea�lt oi 1�I�,-�..,� +�f Sec.. 23, Tnsp. 29, R. 22, also
� � knam as 2079 Clenr Ave.
FaO. �254716 - Clear Ave. , north side from the west property line of Lot 6, Blk. l, _
Hillcrest Terrace to the West approximately 80 feet.
F.O. #253634 - Sherwood Ave. , both aides from Walsh St. to Greenbrier St.
F.O. #255513 • Foreat St. , both sides fran Hawthorne Ave. to Orange Ave.
F.O.' #�55515-:�> �ndnta 9t. , boCh s�idea frca� Rose Ava. to Marylaad Ave.
F.O. �255517 - Frank St., both sidea fran Hawthorne Ave. to Orange Ave.
' F.O� #25551k� � Dulutfi 9t., eest si� fa�oo Orss,ga Ava. to the south apprcx. 150 ft.
F.O. �255516 - Sims Ave. , south side fram Arcade St. to Weide St.
F.�. #2555°�� - R�s$ M►e., bath sid�s -from D4iluth St. to Frank St.
Nt1N�ASS$SSASI$• , ;
F.O. �253634 -�Sherwood Ave. , both sides from Walsh St. to Greenbsier St.
F.O. #�2�5513 ++ ��r��t St:., bo�h aides fra+a Hawthorse Ave. to Ot�}� Ave. ,
F.O. �255515 - M�endota St., both sides from Bose Ave. to Maryland Ave.
F.O. #�33�'14 - Daluth St., esat sidr from Orange Ave. to the aouth approx. 150 ft.
. -
_ � - .V � �,�� � ���,:�r�y m aii respects approved. ___
RESOLVE�D FURTHER, Tha.t a public hearing be had. an said assessment on the �Z$'�
day of .7anuary� 1973 , , at the hour of 10 o'cicek A. M., in the Council Chamber of
the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner af Finance
give natice of said meetinga, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of
hearing, the nature of the improvement, and the amount aasessed against the lot or lots of the pax�icular
owner to whom the notice ia directed.
Yeas � Nays ,AN '� ��
, , .;PATZKI Adogted by the Councii .
�.���EDITH � $ ��
S�'R�.�KA AAProvec�
� _ Mayor
� Against PU�UBFJ�p JAN 6197�
Fo:m x-z znt ie-sa s.�