02-1185PreSentetl By: Refertetl To: i z a a s fi ] a 9 io n �z 13 ia �s i6 1] ia ta 20 z� � 23 24 zs 26 2] 28 29 30 31 32 33 3a 35 36 3l 38 39 40 41 42 43 � as 66 4] � � 50 51 sz 53 54 55 56 WHEREAS, The 2002 Butlgets of the General Funtl and are projec[etl to be out of balance; and WHEREAS, The Mayor, according [o Cily Charter, Sec. 10.07.3, must recommend atljustments to bring the budgets into balance; and WHEREAS, the departments and o�ces of the CiTy have recommended that the following budgets be adjusted; and CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 260,925 260,925 WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.1, certifies that there are available for appropriation $353,240 in General Fund monies and $131,117 in special fund monies in ezcess of those estimated in the 2002 budget; and, in accordance with Section 10.01.1 and 10.01.4 of the City Charter, recommends the following changes to the 2002 budget: GENERALFUND Fund Activiry Object Description FINANCING Use of Gene21 Fund resources antl funtl baiance to finance various spending items 00� - 00000 • 9830 Use ofFund Balanceforyearentl resolution Citizen Services Office Marketing and Promotions, transfer ot marketing program from Parks to CSO 001 - 00252 • 7305 Transferfrom Special Revenue Funtl Citv Attarnev's O�te CiTy Attomey, General Operations 00� - 00200 - 6936 CounTy Cantribution GENERAL FUND FINANCMG CHANGE SPENDING Affirma�ive Action Decrease spending to reFlect fransfer of staN to PED 00� - 00156 • 0114 Fulitimeappointetl 001 - 00156 - 0439 F�inge Benefits Geneal Govemment Accounts Close out Specifietl Contingent Reserve appropriation, reieasing contingencies 001 - 09061 - 0548 Contingency General Government Accounts, release security tertnination pay from contingency 001 - 09005 - 0433 Tertnination Pay ' - 09170 - 0219 CH and CH Security Generel Government Accounts, reduce appropriations and transfer to Attomey 007 - 09070 - 0512 Settiements 001 • 09073 • 02'18 Attorney Fees CiN Attornev's Office CiTy Attorney, General Operations 001 - 00200 - ooa - oozoo - 0207 Civil Litigation 0439 Fringe Benefirts CouncilFile# ��.�`�,gs Green Sheet# 774029 � Committee Date: 0 50,000 50,000 0 54,974 SM1�974 365,899 99,506 (27,687) 59,135 (8,430) ae�,oao �as�,000> Page 7 of 3 71.819 50,705 0 0 45,397 45,397 0 300,OU0 300,000 soqooa (sa,000) aa�,oao ��s,00a {so,000� as,oao 9,000 93,000 t02,000 959,059 %,914 7,016,033 Council File # Q�.+�\�S RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referretl TO: Page 2 of 3 s� 58 59 � 61 fi2 sa cn 65 6fi 6] 68 69 �o �t ]2 ]a ]4 �5 ]6 n �a 79 80 81 � ea ea � 86 8] 88 89 90 81 92 93 94 95 96 9] es 99 100 ioi 102 iW 104 �os 106 IOT �os 109 im t11 N2 Green Sheet # 'I'14A29 Committee Date: CURRENT AMENDED BUDGET CHANGES BU�GET C.ItiiEO $2NICC5 Offte Marketing and Promotions, transfer of marketing program from Parks to CSO and additional funds forsummary nuisance abatement 001 - 00252 - 0�14 Fuil-TimeAppointed 94,09� 29,614 123,705 007 • 00252 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 55,537 8,884 fi4,427 001 - 00252 - 0228 CellularPhones 2,40U 700 3,100 001 - 00252 - 0299 Othe�� MiSG. 101,728 '10,802 712,530 001 - 00258 - 0273 Grounds Maintenance Service 99,760 92,091 191,851 Parks 8 Recreation Rice/Arlington SpoRS Dome Subsitly and funding for Greening the Great River match 001 • 03�07 - 0566 Transter to Enterprise Fund • Dome subsidy 179,082 '145,000 324,082 001 - 03108 • 0545 Greening the G�eat River • River Stewartl Prog 34,500 35,437 69,937 Plannina and Economic Develonment Increase spentling to reFled tansfer of staff to PED 001 - 06000 - 0558 Tansfer to Special Fund GENERALFUNDSPENDING CHANGE SPECIAL FUNDS 954,813 36,117 990,930 365,899 Parks and Recreation Adtlitional subsidy for Rice/Arlington SpoRS Dome FINANCING 326 - 23133 - 7299 Tansfer from General Funtl 179,�82 145,000 324,0ffi 326 • 23133 - Ali Other Financing 215,487 0 215,487 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 394,569 165,000 539,569 SPENDING 326 - 23133 • 0279 Othef Pfofessional ServiCes 24,026 70�000 94,026 326 - 23133 - 0373 Gasincluding bottle 41,600 75,000 176,600 326 - 23933 - All other Spentling 328,943 0 328,943 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 394,569 745,000 539,569 Transferthe marketing prog2m from Parks to CSO Marketing and Promotions FINANCING 325 • 23747 • 1401 NortnalServices 85,000 (50,000) 35,000 325 - 2374 - Ail Other Financing 138,589 0 738,589 FUND FINANCING TOTAL 223,589 (50,000) 773,589 SPENDING 325 - 23741 • 0117 Full Time Permanent empioyee 54,414 (27,420) 26,994 325 - 23741 - 0439 Fringe BeneFts 77,534 (8,226) 9,308 325 - 23141 - 0228 Cellularphone 2,OU0 (700) t,300 325 • 23741 - 0286 Rental-OtherEquipment 12,000 (3,977) 8,029 325 - 23747 • 0219 Othel ProfessiOnal Services 56,500 (9,683) 46,817 325 - 23741 - AllotherSpending 81,741 0 8t,747 FUNO SPENDING TOTAL 223,589 (50,000) 173,589 Council File # 0 w.� ��,� Green Sheet# 774029 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: Referted To: Committee Date: »3 Page 3 of 3 �ta tt5 CURRENT AMENOEO tts BLIOGET CHANGES BUDGET 11� Plannina and Economic Develooment 11a Tansfer salary cos4s from RiverPrint (PED) to Real Estate Design Group tts FINANCING tzo 127 - 16002 - 4333 GrsPhics 40,674 (6,63� 34,779 tz1 PUND FINANQNG TOTAL 40,6'14 (fi,435) 34,779 t22 SPENDING 123 127 • 16002 - 0121 ParttimeGertified 38,974 (4,950) 34,024 124 127 - 16002 - 0439 Fringe Beneits 112,902 (1,485) N7,477 1P5 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 151,876 (6,435) 145,447 126 12] Increase financing and spending to refled transfer of Affirmative Action staRto PED 128 FINANCING t25 126 - 36000 - 7299 Tansferfrom GeneralFuntl 778,713 36,717 876,230 130 � FUND FINANCING TOTAL 778,113 36,117 814,230 131 SPENDING 132 126 - 36075 • 0114 Full time appointed 95,728 27,687 123,415 13a 126 • 36075 - 0439 Fringe Benefits 7,657,887 8,430 1,660,317 13a FUNDSPENDINGTOTAL 1,747,6'IS 36,tt7 '1,783,732 135 136 Technoloav and Manaqement Services �a� Transfer salary costs from RiverPrint (PED) to Real Estate Design Gwup 13a FINANCING 139 160 - 11040 - 4301 NormalactivityserviCes 388,722 6,435 394,557 14o FUND FINANCING TOTAL 388,122 6,435 394,557 tat SPENDING �42 160 - 11040 - 0121 PaRtimecertifed 0 4,950 4,950 143 160 - �1040 • 0439 Fringe Bene£ts 93,292 1,485 94,777 144 FUND SPENDING TOTAL 93,292 6,435 99,727 145 �as Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council approves the amentletl butlgets as intlicatetl above, antl atlopts the revisions to the 2002 bud9et. ta7 tas tas Requested by Department of: Adopted by Council: Date Atloption CertiFed by Council Se�retary: e Approvetl ey: V s-� .��6' t 3-a a�_ Executive Administration - Financial Services By: Malt Smith Approval Recom ntletl Director of Financial ay: ° Form Appr�d�y City AHOmey: � Nqyor for Submissi S�� 2 - ��- A1.\�,YS DEPARTMENT/OFF[CF/CAUNCII. . . DATE.ARTTAiED . . . — " �— 6cecu[iveAdministration �voaioz GREEN SHEET NO. 114029 CONTACTPERSON&PHONE � DEPARTMENIDlltECTOR � CITYCAUNCII. Matt Smith 266-8796 crrr n�rro�w�r �s crrr ('1 F'�K MUSi BE ON COUNCIL AGENDABY (DATE) �t OFS DIl2E(.TOR � 12/1$/O�L ' �3 MAYOR(ORASSISTAN'n �6 OFS-ACCOUNI7NG TOTAL # OF SIGNAT[7RE PAGES (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACf[ON REQUESLED Approval of the attached 2002 year2nd budget adjustmeM resolution. tumnAa-amanoNSn�a.e(n)mnyxs(n) PERSONALSERV[CECONTRACTSMUSTANSR'ERTHEFYILLOWDVGQUESTIONS: � ' (EryisnaLyesansweisovseparareshm[anGaRachrogreeosbeek) ' _vwnvmcmw.uss�o� _avusmnceconawss�or 1.HactLispersod5.meverwmkeduvderacovtrectforttisdepaztmeM! Cmms¢,¢n'EE Yk:S � NU _n_srntr _ 2. }Ias tltis persod5rm ever beeu a city employee? DLSI'x�CfCOUxT Yt�S NU S[mmxrsw[rtCHNUxC¢oereCrrvea 3. Wes Uus persodtirm possess a sl�ll no[ volmally possesseM1 by avy c�urevt ciry empfoyeel YES NO IMI7ATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPOR7'[SNITY (WLO, What, When, Wher; Why): The Mayor must recommend adjustments to bring the budget into balance. h Ce����� ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � . The 2002 budget fo: the City of Saint Paul will be balanced. ' � Q�� "� � . DISADVANTAGESIFAYPROVED: ' None R�CEfVED DEC U DISADVANTAGESIFNOTAPPROVED: C� ��� The 2002 budget will not balance. / TOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACLION COST/REVENOEBUDGETED(CIl2CLEONE) YES NO General Fund 365,899 Special Funds $131,117 acTTV�xvxamaEe Various � Capital Projects Funds $0 . TOTAL $497,016 � FuunmcsouxcE Vari us � ,.���.�,,,�n..,�.w„����„��u.�„�.�wa .,,,R�,e„�.,�.,,..,,,k...�..��K�.�.,,�„