02-1183COUNCIL FILE #: 6a, � ' `a'3 GREEN SHEET#: 203323 RESOLUTION OF SAINT PAUL, NIIlVNESOTA Presented By: Referred to: Committee Date: �3_ 1 2�VHERE aS. \4innesota Laws of 1998, Chapter 404, Section 7, Subdivision 19 contains an appropriation to the VImnesota 3 D\12 for die Vletro Greenways Pro�ram; and 5 WHEREAS, said 1998 Meh�o Ctteenways program has allocated �775,000 toward the purchase of conservation easements 6 over parts of the Lower Phalen Creek properiy wluch was acquired by the City of Saint Paul from the Burlington Northem 7 Santa Fe Railroad accordin� to the terms auThorized under CF 02-1059; and s 9 WHEREAS, sazd conservation easement will assure that the Lower Phalen Creek site remains undeveloped and is restored 10 over nme to a natural condirion; and 11 12 WHEREAS, the Ciry has utilized said Meho Greenways funds for land acquisition costs for the Lower Phalen Creek BNSF 13 site; and 14 15 WHEREAS, flie City Council has by xesolutions CF O1-777 and CF O1-1333 established a pioject m the 2001 Capital 16 Improvements Budget to receive and expend said Meho Greenways funds; and 17 18 WHEREAS, the Metro Greenways Program allocarion has been increased by $35,000 based upon the appraised value of the 19 easement area, necessitating an amendment to the Capital Impxovement Budget to receive and expend said Metro Gxeenways 20 funds; and 21 22 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by Uze Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon the recommendation of the Mayor, 23 that $35,000.00 is available fox appiopciahon in the 2001 CapitalImprovements Budget, and said 2001 budget, as heretofore 24 heretofore adopted and amended by the Council, is hereby further amended as follows: 25 Z� CURRENT AD'iENDED 27 FINA1�iCING PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDG 28 COl - 2001 Capital Pro�ects 29 3D030 - Phalen Cxeek Easements 30 3409 - Other State Gxants 31 32 SPENDING PLAN: 33 C01 - 2001 Capital Projects 34 3D030 - Phalen Creek Easements 775,000.00 35,000.00 810,000.00 775,000.00 35,000.00 810,000.00 35 OS81 - Land Acquisition & Restoration 775,000.00 35,000.00 810,000.00 36 775,000.00 35,000.00 510,000.00 37 38 FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul authorizes the proper city officials to enter into 39 the necessary agreements to accept and expend the anticipated $35,000 from the Metro Greenways Program and approves 40 these changes to the 2001 Capital Impiovement Budget. G.IFMIQi1JW31Resolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResoluhonslPhalen Creek State 5'$ ResoWtlon.xls Page' 7 of 2 _t COUNCIL FILE #: � �"` ``a3 GREEN SHEET p: 203323 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAIIVT PAUL, NII��'ESOTA Presented Bv: Referred to: Committee Date: Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date: � � �� , . `�:T oo � Division of Parks and Recreation B ���a'� � � " �Z fe� By proval RgFo�nancial S� sector: \ �// { �� G:IFM1471JW31Resolutions, AOS, Green SheetslResoNtionslPha/en Creek State $$ Resolution.xls Page: 2 0(2 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Form Approved by City Attorney fi;`; ; ( � s � ,-� DEPARTMENT/OFFICE/COONC�L DATE INRIATED GREEN SHEET NUMBER: �' 203323 �� �`�, �� Parks and Recreation �v25�2o02 CONTACTPERSONANDPHONE ,� INITIALIDATE � INI"IIAUDA"fE ASSIGN 1 DEPARTMENTDIRECTOR '1'?� 5 CITYCOUNCIL NUMBER JasonWirka 266-6417 FORROUTIN6 2 cmnrrowaEV a�rvc�ERK MUSTBEONCOUNQLAGENDABY(DA7E): pqp� . 3 FINANCIAISERVICESDIR. 6 O.F.S.-ACCAUNTING / 4 MAYOR(02ASS�STAN'� 7 OTHER:PafksandRecreatian ASAP — — TOTALNUMBEROFSIGNATUREPAGES: 1 CLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNATURE ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of attached b�dget resolution authorizing acceptance of an additional $35,000 in Metro Greenways funds to be used towards the acquisition and restoration of parts of the Lower Phalen Creek. RECOMMENDATIONS: (Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSiANSWERTHEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: PLANNINGGOMMISSION CIVILSERVICECOMMISSION 1. HasNepersonlfi(meverworketlundercontractforihistleparlmenfl CB COMMITfEE OTHER� ❑ YPS ❑ No A STAFF OTHER: 2. Has ihe person/fi`m ever been a city employee? DISTRICT COUNCIL OTHER' ❑ YPS ❑ No 3. DoesNeperson/firmpossessaskillnotnormalPQSSESSEDbyacurtentciryemployee? ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, What, When, Where, Whyy The Metro Greenways Program allocation has been increasetl by $35,000 based upon the appraised value of the Lower Phalen Creek easement area, necessitating an amendment to the Capital Improvement Budget to receive and expend said Metro Greenways funds. ADVANTAGESIFAPPftOVED: ' Additional spending authority will be used towards the purchase and restoretion of the Lower Phalen Creek. REC�ivE� DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: �IA� � � IM�1� None 711y WW V�� /'11 1 o�NG I DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVEO: The Lower Phalen Creek acquisition prqect will not maintain su�cient spending authority. TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACTION: $3S,OOO COST/REVENUE BUDGETED (Check One) ❑ Yg ❑O NO FUNDINGSOl1RCE: M2IfOGf0BI1W8yS ACTIVfIYNUMBER: COl-$DO3O FINANqAL INFORMATION: (EXPLAIN) ViAeFPY�d (1'���r{:P't i r Pl9�G! ( �! n n h, u G9FfvnQT V W3V2eso/WOns, AOS, Green SheefsiGreen SheetslPha/en Creek Shte $8 GreenSheeLx/s Page 4 of 1