02-1182COUNCIL FILE #: C'�— ��g �. GREEN SHEET #: 203322 RESOLUTTON OF SAINT PAUL, vLIl��'ESOTA Presented Bv: Referred to: Committee Date: aa 1 2 3 4 � 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS. The City of Saint Paul, Pazks and Recreation collects revenues in relarion to ihe sales of permits for picnics and special e�-ents: and WHEREAS, hi�her than expected revenues from the sales of said permits were the result of a greater than expected number of picnics and special events; and WHEREAS, Parks and Recreahon Maintenance incurred increased staff costs from the preparation and clean-up of these picnics and special events; and WT-IEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to Secrion 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for appropnarion, funds of $15,000 in excess of those estimated in the 2002 bud�et; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addirions be made to the 2002 budget: CURRENT AMENDED FINANCI1�iG PLAN: BUDGET CHANGES BUDGET 001 - General Fund 03133 - Parks Permits 4301 - Normal Acrivity Services 17,000 15,000 32,000 17,000 15,000 32,000 SPENDING PLAN: 001 - Geneial Fund 03132 - Parks Maintenance 0131 - Cectified Temp/Seasonal 0439 - Pcnige 126,744 13,406 140,150 330,621 1,594 332,215 457,365 15,000 472,365 28 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul appxoves these changes to the 2002 budget G.IFMI471JW31Resolutions, AOs, Green SheetslResoWtwnslPicnic Pe�mrt Resolu6on xls Page. 1 of 2 COUNCIL F(LE #: O�. � �� p � GREEN SHEET �: 203322 RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, NIINNESOTA Presented Bv: Referred to� Committee Date: Requested by: Adopted by Council: Date: �$' ap O y Adoption Certified by Council Secretary Division of Parks and Recreation By: :��� � ��/'�'�-�. Y — v Approval Recot ded by Financial Services Dsector: B � � � Form Approved by City Attorney GIFMIQT1JW31Resoluhons, AOs, Green SheetslResolutionslPicnrc Permit ResoWt�on.xls Page. 2 of 2 ���� DEPARTMENT/OFPICE/COUNCIL DATE INITIA7ED GREEN SHEET NUMBER: " 203322 � Q�,, �,` W Parks and Recreation �v21/2002 CONTACT PERSON AND PHONE � I INITVWDA7E ASSIGN 'I DEPAR7MENTDIRECTOR /J � �� 5 CINCOUNQL RICFI LBIIIQf 632-LAO�I � NUMBER y CITVATfORNEY T— CtNCLERK FOR R011IING MUSTBEONCOUNqLAGENDABV(DATE): pgp� 3 FINANCIALSERVICESDIR. 6 O.F.S.-ACCOUNTING , 4 MAYOR(ORASSISTIW7j 7 OTHER:ParksantlRecreation ASAP TOTALNUMBEROFSIGNATUREPAGES: 1 GLIPALLLOCATIONSFORSIGNANRE ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the attached resolution increasing the spendi�g authority in General Fund Activity 03132 - Parks Maintenance by $'15,000. RECOMMENDATIONS. (Approve(A)orReject(R) PERSONALSERVICECONTRACTSMUSTANSWERTHEFOLLON7NGQUESTIONS: PLANNINGCOMMISSION CNILSERVICECOMMISSION t HasthepersoNfirtneverworketluntlerwntradforthistlepartrnent? q6 COMMITTEE OTHER: ❑ Yes ❑ No A STAFF OTHER: 2. Has ihe person/firtn everbeen a cityemployee? DISTRICT COUNGL OTHER: � ❑ y¢s ❑ No 3. Does the perso�rtn possess a skill not nortnal P0.SSESSED by a cunen[ city employee� ❑ Yes ❑ No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. ' INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNITV (Who, WMdq When, Where, VJhy). ' Higher than expected staff costs in Parks and Recreation General Fund Activity 03132 - Parks Maintenance were a result of increased preparation and ciean-up efforts in relation to the high volume of picnic rentalslpermit sales and special events. Parks and Recreation General Fund Activity 03133 - Parks Permits; experienced higher than expected revenues as a result of said heightened sales and special events. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED Parks and Recreation's Park Maintenance Activity will maintain su�cient spending authority. RECEIVED NOV � 7 2�02 DISADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: � C ITY ATTORNEY None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOTAPPROVED: Parks and Recreation's Park Maintenance Activity will not maintain sufficient spending authority. iOTALAMOUNTOFTRANSACTION: $15,000 C0.ST/REVENUEBUDGETEO�CheckOne) ❑Yes ONo FUNDMG SOURCE: P2fk P2fffllY S81BS ACTIVITY NUMBER: � O3'I3Z E O3] $S FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPL4IN) Co�x+�i9 F�es�arch C�nter DEG _ � 2002 G'IFMIQTlIW3lResnlut�ons, AOS, Green SheetslGBen SheetslPermit Resoluhon Green Sheet.x/s Page: f of 1 � �