263597 WH17E♦ - CITY CLERK y"y/
PINK , - - FINANCE COl1I1C11 �s��5� . •
' u cil Resolution
_ ,
'�resented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, The Holcomb-Henry Funeral Home, 536 N. Snelling Avenue, St. Paul ,
Minnesota, has requested the Director of Public Works to issue a permit
for the construction of new public sidewalk at the above address, said
construction to include the instaltation of electrtcat heating units for
snow melting purposes, and further, has indicated willingness to pay all
expenses incurred by the Public Works Department as a result of this proj-
ect; Now, therefore, be �t
RESOLVED, That pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 207 and 208 of the
Saint Paul Legislative Code, the Department of Public Works is hereby
authorized to issue to the Holcomb-Henry Funeral Home a permit for the
construction of the public sidewalk at 536 N. Snelling and incorporate in
said sidewalk construction electrical heating units for snow-melting pur-
poses, subJect to said permittee's compliance with the following terms
and conditions :
l . That said permittee shall , at its own cost and expense,
and in accordance with all applicable Ordinances of the
City of Saint Paul and Statutes of the State of Minnesota,
construct the sidewaik abutting said permittee's property
at 536 N. Snelling;
2. That, before construction is started, the permittee shall
acquire, from the Public Works Department, a permit for
reconstruction of public sidewalk and shall comply with
any additional requirements specified therein;
3. That said sidewalk construction shall be accomplished to
the satisfaction of the Departments of Public Works and
Community Services, in accordance with the plans and
specifications prepared by the permittee and approved by
and on file in the Department of Public Works, marked
and identified as Public Works ProJect No. E-1185, and
in strict compliance with the Uniform Building Code,
further authorized under a building permit to be issued
by the Department of Community Services, Division of
Housin and Buildin '
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
l�it�(�( Butler Publ ic Works
Konopatzki In Favor
Meredith Against BY �
�D�l@f�9@ Roedler Daniel J. ford, Dir tor (MJE;
Mme.President�Xi�l( Hun t
Form Approved by Cit tto n y
dkt Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by MaXor; Date Approved ayor or �o C '1
•_ .
" �' " �f�59"7
. . -2-
4. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administration,
engineeri�g and inspection incurred by the Department of
Pubiic Works because of this undertaking, said costs to
be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project
No. E-1185;
5. That said permittee shall pay the costs of publication of.
this resolution;
6. That said permittee shali forthwith fu rnish and deliver
to the City of Saint Paul a Surety bond in the amount of
55,000.00 made and executed by said permittee as principal
and a Corporate Surety Company duly authorized to transact
business in the State of Minnesota, as Surety, to and in
favor of the City of Saint Paul as obligee, ca�ditioned
that said permittee shall indemnify and hold harmless said
City of Saint Paul against all expense and liability on
account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of
or connected with the construction, maintenance, and/or
operation of the aforementioned sidewalk and electrical
heating units, which Surety bond shail be in such form as
shall be approved by the City Attorney;
7. That said permittee, its assigns and/or successors in
interest shali take out and maintain during the pe.riod of
this permit a comprehensive protecti�e public liability
insurance which shall remain in force and effect as long
as said electrical heating units of any portion thereof is
maintained and located on the public sidewalks of Snelling
Avenue. This liability insurance shalt fully indemnify,
hold harmless, and defend the City of Saint Paul, its
agents� off�cers and employees from any and all damages,
claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses on account
of all claims of whatever nature arising out of or connected
with the construction, maintenance, operation and/or subse-
quent removal of said electrically heated sidewalk;
The liability insurance shall be issued by an insurance
company licensed to do busi�ess in the State of Minnesota
and the premi�n and all expenses incidental thereto shall
be paid promptly by the permittee initially and upon re-
newal. A certificate of this insurance policy shall be sub-
- mitted to the Office Engineer, Department of Public Works,
and must be of a form acceptable to the City Attorney. Be-
fore any expiration, said p�rmittee shall deposit with the
City of Saint Paul a new certificate to replace any expiring
insurance. The permittee and the City shall be named as
jointly insured with limits of liability indicated as follows:
Bodily inju ry insurance (including death) in an
amount of not less than $2$0,000.00 for all damages
arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one
person, and, subject to the same limit for each
person, in a total amount of not less than
fcAN�Y L j��PARTMENT File NO. ����- •�
a o . cil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
$500,000.00 on account of any one accident.
Property damage insurance in an amount of not
less than $150,000.00 for all damages to or
destruction of property in any one accident,
and subject to that limit per accident, further
subject to a total of not less than $200,000.00
for all damages to or destruction of property
during the poltcy period.
The insurance coverage shall automatically be
restored i�nediately after the occurance of any
accident or loss from which liability may there-
after accrue and the City of St. Paul shali be
notified at least 30 days in advance of the
cancellation of the insurance coverage by the
issuing insurance company.
8, That said permittee and its successors or assigns shall
fully indemnif�c__ the City of Saint Paul against all liability
on account of injury to persons and/or property, arising
from or connected with the construction, erection, mainte-
nance, operation and/or removal of said sidewalk and said
electrical heating units installation;
9. That said permittee shall , within a period of 15 days after
the effective date of this resolution, file with the City
Cierk written acceptance of the terms, provisions and
conditions of this resolution.
COUI�TCILMEN . Requested by Department of:
Yeas �� Butler ayS � Publ ic Wot"ks
Konopatzki In Favor
Levine � .
�f��oedler —� Against By an e J. for , Di r tor ( E)
dkt Tedesco .�/
Mme.President ffiK9[i� Nun t
Adopted by Council: Date �Y� �
��74 Form Approved by C y A o ne
Certified�-Pa` ss ed ouncil Secretary By
By -
Approve Maxor: D e � � 4 Approve b Mayor o to C cil
By By
.. . ^ ` G1TY OP
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Capitel of Minnesota
234 City Hall & Court House 55102
D i rec to r
May 14, 1974
The Honorable Lawrence D. Cohen
Mayor of the City of St. Paul
Room 347, City Hall
Re: Resolution for electrically
heated sidewalk for the
Holcomb-Henry Funeral Home.
Dear Mayor Cohen:
Attached is a proposed Resolution which will permit the Holcomb-
Henry Funeral Home, 536 North Snelltng Avenue, to construct an
electrically heated sidewalk on public property in f�ont of their
place of business.
If the Resolution is found to be satisfactory to you, please approve
it for submission to Council .
Yours very truly,
�,�,'�d'u'`'t' '� `
Daniel J. Dunford
Director of Public Works
rank D. arzi e 1
City Administrator
As ity orney DATE FILE
647 City Halt
Frank 0. Marzitel l i ` '� J(�a INFOR-
;�''" MAT
City Administrator �,�, �� NOTE AND
Room 365 City Hall �-� �� RETURN
Lawrence D, Cohen PER CON-
Mayor SEE
Room 347 City Hatl
REMARKS: R � C c � � � � •
c�A � '�.�� � l�A Y 2, 1 �974
ll �' ��;�� : CQRPORATIpN c�UNSE
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Daniel J. Dunfard, Director `S ��
4241 �
FORht 1009 (4-70)
. � � 2f��59'�
4. That said permittee shall pay the costs of administration,
engineering and inspection incurred by the Department of
Public Works because of this undertaking, said costs to
� be accounted for under Department of Public Works Project
No. E-1185;
5. That said permittee shalt pay the costs of publication of.
this resolution;
� 6. That said permittee shall forthwith fu rnish and deliver
to the City of Saint Paul a Surety bond in the amount of
$5,000.00 made and executed by said permittee as principal
a�d a Corporate Surety Company duly authorized to transact
business in the State of Minnesota, as Surety, to and in
favor of the City of Saint Paul as obligee, conditioned
that said permittee shail indemnify and hold harmless said
City of Saint Paul against all expense and liability on
account of all claims, suits and judgments arising out of
or connected with the construction, maintenance, and/or
o�eration of the aforementioned sidewalk and electri�al
heating units, which Surety bond shall be in such form as
shatl be approved by the City Attorney;
7. That said pertnittee, its assigns and/or successors in
interest shall take out and maintain during the period of
this permit a comprehensive protective p.ublic liability
If1SIJ1"q111.C. Willl.11 JIiCI l (-CIIWIfI Itl lUf(.0 d(1C1 CIICGI d5 IC�19 . :
as said electrical heating units ot any portion thereof is
, maintained and located o� the public sidewalks of Sneliing
Avenue. This liability insurance shall fully indemnify,
hotd harmless, and defend the City of Saint Paul, its
agents, officers and empioyees from a�y and all damages,
claims, losses, judgments, suits or expenses on account
of all claims of whatever nature arising out of or connected
with the construction, maintenance, operation and/or subse-
quent removal of said electrically heated sidewalk;
The liability insurance shall be issued by an insurance
company licensed to do business in the State of Minnesota
and the premium and all expenses incidental thereto shall
" be paid promptty by the permittee initially and upon re- "
newal . A certificate of this insurance policy shali be sub-
mitted to the Office Engineer, Depa rtment of Public Works,
and must be of a form acceptable to the City Attarney. Be-
fore any expiration, said permittee shall deposit with the
City of Saint Paul a new certificate to replace any expiring
insurance. The permittee and the City shatl be named as
jointly insured with limits of liability indicated as follows:
Bodily injury i�surance (including death) in an
amount of not tess than $250,000.00 for all damages
arising out of bodily injuries to or death of one
person, and, subject to the same limit for each
- person, in a total amount of not iess than
� � 3���
June 10, 1974 '
Holcomb-Henry Funeral Home
53b North Snelling Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota
We enclose a copy of Resolution No. 263597, granting you permission
� ' to construct a new public sidewalk abutting property at 536 N. Snelling
Avenue; also bill in the sum of $S1.84 to cover the cost of publication
of this resolution.
We call your special atCention to Paragraph 5, which reqiaires the fili�ig
of a bond in the amount apecified, and Paragraph 9, which requires the
filin� of an acceptance of the terms of ,thia resolution. The acceptance
must be filed in this office, Room 386, City fiall, cqithin 15 days. If
not so filed, the- resolution becomes void.
Yours very truly,
, City Clerk
mjf �