263546 ► :j , City of St.Paul COLJNGI'L 'k'ILE NO. � �w ,/r-�� !� .� rrr RESOLUTION RATIFYING ASSESSMENT By '� '� � = ' -#�,�, �`�,,�� ��'�_��� ��' ' .__tk M.._. t File No. 1�� In the matter of the assessment of benefits, cost and expenses for ___, , ' Construction of a public stonn sewer in POINT DOUGLAS_ROAD f�an Warne� �} Road to Joh�son Parkway, in JOHNSON PARKWAY from Pt. Douglas Road to , Griffith St. at Wakefield Ave. , in. GRIFFITH ST. from Wakefield Ave. to Hancock St. , in HANCOCK ST, from Griff�th St. to Margaret St. , in EARL � SI.f�FEI., from Sixth St. to Reaney Ave. , in CYPRESS ST. from Beech St. to � ! , Reaney Ave. , in MII�IJEHAHA .AVE. from Cypress St. to Earl 5t. , in !� MARGARET AVE. from Ear) St. to Gotzian St. , in FOURTH ST. from Earl to 220° easterly, in FREMONT AVE. from EarL St. to vacated Tell St. , in an EASEMENT to be obtained in the SW� of the NE� Sec. 33, Township 29N, Range 22W in vacated Teli St. from fremont Ave. to Third St. , in GOTZIAN � ' ST, from Fifth St. to Third St. , fin ATLANTIC ST. from Margaret Ave. to Minnehaha Ave. , in ATLANTIC ST.- from Fourth St. to Third St. , in THIRD �' ST, from Atlantic St. to G�iffith St. ,. in EUCLID ST, from Frank St. to under� Grifflth St. , in FRANK ST. fror►� Wakefield Ave. to Hudsen Road, in FRANK ', — ST. from Mclean Ave. to Pacific St. , in GRIFFITH ST. from McLean Ave. � Preliminar; to Pacific St. , in FRANK ST. from Thorn St. to Burns Ave. , in BURNS AVE.� ;- from Frank St. to Johnson St. , in JOHNSON ST. from Burns Ave. to Pt. FinalOrdr pouglas Road at McLean Ave. , :and in an EASEMENT to be o�talned in the — . �.� ,,r�.__ _ _,..N1�� of-Lhe NW,� of Section 3, Township 28N, Ra�ge 22W f�vm ,Marne� Road 750' to Southeast; all to be knavn as the GRIFFITH-POINT DOUGLAS RELIEF ' SYSTEM, S-o984. � �' - _.� �--- . _ ,�,. __�.� �_.�__ . . --- -�- ._ _ . _- --= �; . A public hearing having been had upor► the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, xherefore,by it ��,. RESOLVED, That th� said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ra�i€ied, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation.`.:"', RESOLVED FURTHER,That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable�,n / � equal installments. � ,'�'+ ,. �, , . �; ". .� . . . � � V � + �.. '•, COUNCILMEN ' Adopted by the Council: Date MAY 2 2 19.�� Yeas Nays 3utlet' Certifi Council Secretary MAY 2 4 197� � +tonopatski � �r` �In Favor ^.` �reditti ..�dler _�Against ��:;esct� Mayor _:t�t PUBLISHED �� 11�74= + . , , City of St.Paul COUNCIL FILE NO. ������ � Office of The Director of Finance . By REPORT OF COMPLETION OF ASSESSMENT File No. ��� ` .-.�,��'. _ __.,.___ _ _- -- : __ ._._.._..._ _ ._ _____�_. _ - .. __,.,, .... _ . _ _ , ___ _ 'Construction of a � � pub i i c s torm sewe r i n PO I t�iiT DOIIGLAS ROAD .f�om Marne r � Road to Johnson Parkway� in JOHNSON PARKWAY fran Pt. Dougias Road to Griffith St. at Wakefield Ave. , in_GRIFFITH ST. from wakefield Ave. to � , � Hancock St. , i�, .H�lNCO,�.�CK ST, from Griffith St. to Margaret St. , �n EARL jS,LREEI. from Sixth St. to Reaney Ave. , in CYPRESS ST, from Beech St. to Reaney Ave. , in,. _M ' ..11_�1NEHAHA_AVE, from Cypress St. fo Earl St. , tn MARGARET AVE, from Earl St. to Gotzian St. , in FOURTH ST. from Ear1 to 220' easterly, in FREMONT AVE, from Ear1 St. to vacated Tell St. , in an EASEMENT to be obtained in the SW� of the NE� Sec. 33 Townshl 2 N Range 22W tn vacated Tell St. from Fremont Ave, to Third�St. , in GOTZIAN� ; ST. from Fifth St. to Third St. , in ATLANTIC ST, f rom Margaret Ave. to Mtnnehaha Ave. , in ATLANTIC ST. from Fourth St. to Third St. , in THIRD - ST. from Atiantic St. to Griff�th St. , in EUCLID ST. from Frank St. to Grtffith St. , in FRANK ST. from Wakefield Ave. to Hudson Road, in FRANK ' ST. from Mclean Ave. to Pacific St. � in GRIFFITH ST. from McLean Ave. � g°'!to Paclftc St. , in FRANK ST. from Thorn St. to Burns Ave. , tn BURNS AVE.� ' from Frank St. to Johnson St. , in JOHNSON ST. f�om Burns Ave. to Pt. Dougias Road at Mc�ean Ave. , and in an EASEMENT to be obtalned in the FNW��of the NW� of Section 3, Townshtp 2$N, Range 22K f�an Warner Road 150 to Southeast; ail to be knam as the GRIFFITH-POINT DOUGLAS RELIEF ' 'SYSTEM, 5-0984. ,� __ __ , - , _._ _ _ .. _= To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Director of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expenditures necessarily incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improvement, viz: Total construction costs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,253,352.63 Engineering and Inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 127.429.71 ' Valuation and Assessment Services . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3,100.00 Postal Cards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 24 5.34 ���' ^ Finance Accounting Costs : : : : : : : : : : . :: : : : : :: : : : . . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : $ 1.363.00 � Publications. $ 1,363.00 Collection Costs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2.726.00 Court costs for confirmation . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 204.45 TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,389,784.13 Charge to. . . . W.P.A•.F...F1��4�. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1,056,861.16 �0 QQO. Q '�3t��R�#���'��$��t..................................... $ -z, ;���- Net Assessment . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ , . Said Director further reports that he has assessed and levied the total a�nount as above ascertained, to-wit: the sum of $ 16��,999�,7 upan each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improve- ment, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the signature of the said Director, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action � thereon as may be cansidered proper. . Dated April 16, 1974 � I,t/.� �i ,r�- Director of Finance �� PARKWAY LITTLE LEAC;UE, INC. • PARKWAY PONY LEAt3UE ,��Q3��� t180 e. Thl�d iMee! • Salnt raul d, Minn. May 17, 1974 : Mr. Victor Tedesco City Council St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Tedesco: Enclosed is a proposed assessment to be levied against Parkway Little League for the GRIFFITH-POINT DOUGLAS RELIEF SYSTEM. As you know, we are a non-profit organization whose main source of income is the fee which is charged the children who play ball in our program. If this assess- ment were levied against our property, it wou3.d seriously jeopardize our program because we could. not possibly raise sufficient funds to pa.y the assessment. We are appealing to you and to the other members of the City Council not to levy this assessment against our property. Thank you for any consideration that you might give this appeal and for the effort which I am sure you will make to help us in this situation. Si erely, � � i -�- , Vern J. Ricci Director, Parkway Little League Enclosure �ry�, .�, 3 . i R�F�„ ,/,.�Y 1�'�.`.A y�y B,F� . ��k�,Y��i":.,y r ��'p 3f,"'J^x �' p�. � T�'� %( �'g"�k � +��;h .9` r '' .. �a�.r� r { ., �. . . t w 1 f � �� , t '� .. ; ��' � �,� ` :.� � �«� ^.�� . � . � ; �.�� _ %'�' �' ,��'.�'t `g��s� '�� �,� �'`f �r'�'&�x� �' ��'r,�W. � �' . . y.�. ������� :.:.,� � : z� � � `� �� . <����������',�� ��"„ n �,� #"� � i� '� � � � � : �.� �' j �� - r ,�`" `'� "�,t � f �, . � y � �+ �'-�k � �� 4 i - � � �MM���W N•���� �+t � '��t M (�. �b� 9 Sy� � � L �� K � y��. [ .�. May 10, 1974 ; y� ,_�� , ��% � �� �� � ; �,� '� � ����� �r� � � � � �,�����4� �����' �� i � r, � . , 1 � . . ... + � �,� Y1 b{'���� # . . . � ' .., ,fr. ��C� �� �'"��; w�� ��_, Paxkway Little I.eague, Inc. . � ,. �,� =�4� �. � �� ;��� ��� �' 113t3 Sast 3rd Street ' . � "�' ,�.X�.L �' . . � �r p� � �, ''"" St. :'Pdul, Minnesota 55106 Fila 17584,' Pag4 175 � '� ��� <.. �,:r; >� . �< ° ' r_ , ,_.4 �Yoer are hereby notified that the Council of the City of $t. Paul will hold a ps�b�.�c �� hearltig �n the Codncil Cha�b�r� of the City Hall and Court House at� -1Os00 a,�;. �-�. �_-� ti` �` �v ' '" � 1rlay 22, 1974 at Mhich the City of St. Paul propoass to aaacsa the benefits $ � ; � ar is ing fran tha conetruction of a public atorm ee�er all to be kno�m a• the �-: �� ��, ` GRIFFITH-POINT DOUGLAS ItELIEF SYSTEM, 3-0984, which �ork,has alre�dy been ca��� * ` � ���'�Y,, �r� at a total coat of $1,389,784.13. , �. ' �,� n�. ���°-� �� �� It le proposed that each of the following lots or parcel� be aeeessed as fo��(irt . jk �� �' ?� ; , �` � � . ¢ , Lot Block Addition Ass��r�� �� � " ' Y ;� . � � c � �y �r� �^� ���k�' � �� � �<� ; ���,�.° 2 2 Rifle Park $1,287.6�� '�� �.. � { � : �,�' ' ± ������ �,� � , �y 4 � � �r�, :t � � �"... ��rt' 11 . 2 -do- $1,28�.69�,f '?�'"�;� . ��� :� .- . : �� „� '�� � �, west.:'�/ f :Lots 1 and . �` : �Y- �+�- 1.�` 2 -do- $2�,427.9� �:,. ��� ��, �" �:.. � � _.�y,� ;�� �,, � � � � _�_ � � � - � ' �� a �z i�.�;,. =�,�., �`�.0 k' �.s"�e{�:�• ,� �, �� z ��. k ' ��' ' . � ... ' .. � � � .. .::. . . - � �� .. ,. Yoa are �nvited to meet with th� te�finiC� �faors ia iC+�raM �8t+ Ci�+j► Kall b�tweti:'. :6+�,�,;°� � .,.n ; :,and 9:3P ��m. the same day u th� l�as�i� f+i�-•ir�t d�l�lli� ip��fon. You w��r ��s�,;- a. ,�,� `��,, eelephone 298-52�+1 for seseeaatent in#ormttiott or 298-5421 for construction in�ctitmil�i�: � % 4 �dh'., f �� .�: �. ., - ;-.� �Ip T£ yc�µ have any questions, it is recomeiend�d `thst you attend ihis public hearing to , ��� �r ::• afford you the opportunity to make your viet�», both pro and con, knarn to the City Ctytmc, ' ��� ��r To caeply With the City Charter, the Depar�t�ent of Finat�ce 3s charged with infor�itt�;� � � > �' you of thie public hearing. � ; � � � THIS YS �f A BILL.�: Formal biliin,g can �be expecCed Mithin approximately 90 daya � �� a � afte�Yorisl�-o€ this aseessment by the City Council. ' � .:� .� f „�� *� , i ��_� ° �� ' • RO$�RT �W, TRUDEAU � � �f �� ��'�, DI'�OR �� �,�. � t,y �i� A,. �p+� �n��:', � ', � � � � t��a �r7'` . . � . . , - . � . � .. . _ '� �''�y � _ �� , ��4 �. , . . . . . . � . . . k } . '. 'I . . . . . y# � �� r* . [,, (6,.. � , . - .!� � � .Y �Pa '+R ' +ii� . . � . . . . .. , • .. -' . � ;`1ik Fr '. y V I . .. . . i �+ r � ,, ..s-, " ._ . . .� '.�.�� .. , . .:� xt�;..' > ... . .. . ....r.. . ,... ,.�m., a5 A s �.5. .t 4-:�. . .. . . �_ . , , .,. :,: ... .,. . � . ,... . �'�. ;: c . ' ..r.,. s,�ee..xrr.__��.�.:. ,..,1 ..� .. , . _�.. t ..�..,, . . ... �. ,.- . _.. � .. .m. -�.�, �� " ' r � ;�*� . � , .� ��.� � . ��� � � � a, �.��t �`� �`` ,� �,���.. y`�,� . . �� . . � - �-��. _ yr N,ir3L.. � ... ~'�'`� � ` � a FY 'u� e � _' . ._ � � .l� � `iK�. � F��� �� . .. � � � � . �'#�, �'y!+@ v"'''. . »�� `h'4'+SW��' �' •}Rl ( � L�' , y`� "`�;,.` �� �� . ... � �., � �'� � �� - ``. � ;. .. ��. � � �;�"� . 4 �� 4.ars .:� 't��. e .,.a f �� Y' .^� . . � ��� �.� i ..� �lAY� � . ��� � _;�' � „.�� �� �. � � ,,,�.,� ,� ',� , ����1�� a� � '# �f; �, �#}�: �°�:. 's� a� ����y�*� �� �•. :: �..,��..�.� �; : w � ',� "II�'� .. � �� � ` •=:� �y., '� , �'. ;��k{ � ��: � `�'< J,,� ��;,,.� ;�. � � ` ��, � _ `e� �'�' 2"_ . '�#E �mf� �y�'�� �t .�`r�.. � � ' —°�.'«� �` � �;�„�' _�. � � � '�� . 2 c�� ��� � Ma,r �2, 1�71+ l Mr. J. Wi1.l.iam 1)onovan Valuation Eng�neer Rocm 2�v� Cit y I�mll :>t. 1'�ul, T�!3.nraeso�a Uear Sir t The ,City Couneil today adopted a Resolution Ratifyin; Assessment for th� Griffith-Paint Dau�lc�.s RelieP aewer System. Prior to adoption of the resolution, a motion was a,ci�pted authorizing the assessment tn fi,he property owned by Parkway L�.tt1e T�a�ue be levied at the "A" �tesidential rate. , Yours v�ry trul,y� ; City Clerk t`�BO:imw