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WHITE - CITY CLERK � � - 1 PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 f1(((��� BLUERY+ D:<�R�TMENT GITY OF �AINT PALTL File NO. .�"`-��� . Co ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The United States of America, actir�g through its Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, has notified the City of Saint Paul that i�s Comprehensive Program will not be e�ended beyond f�uzding for the Second Action Year, and that the City has revised and. approved Model Cities' Projects and Budget so as to extend the expenditure of the City's Model Cities Supplemental Funds through June 30, 1974, as approved by City Council Resolution 261221; and WHEREAS, The Senior Citizens Project and the Youth Efnployment Project require additional funds to successfully pha.se into other funding sources, and slippage funds ar�a,vailable from certain budget categories, which transfers have been previously approved by Model Neighborhood. Planning Council motion on April 22, 1974; now, therefore, be it RESOLUED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul tha.t the Model Cities Second Action Year be extended through December 31, 1974, for the purpose of imple- menting the successful transition of the Model Cities Program, that this successfLil transition is contingent upon approval by the Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment of the additional $250,000 Model Cities Allocation, and be it f'urther RESOLUED, That the budget revision which is attached hereto and mar�.e a part hereof is hereby approved, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to tpansmit the revised Comprehensive Program Budget to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, and the proper City officers be and are hereby authorized to accept and execute on behalf of the City of Saint Paul revised Grant Budget as approved by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Develop- ment. Approved as to flzndir�g: APPROVED �—�{-�� � Roger A. Mattson - ;. ;a ; - >a � Budget ' or. :�� �D ector, Departm�}nt of Finance and Management Services BY COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas �,er Nays Model i i Konopatzki In Favor � � 4 Meredith � Against BY � � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�K HUri't p y MAY �_1 1Q��_ Form Approved City Attom Ado ted b Council: Date Certifie ed Council retary By By Approv by Ma�or Date Approve by Su i Council By `�� BY PUBLISh£D MAY 2 � 197� �—___ . .. ..__ . __._. ...___ ... __�__ ......... .. �... . _..._ ..._.....n.. �._.. _.... . n�} �i� , � . . . i 1 i!i _. . __ _. ._i� _ ...___..._. ,. ..�..... ..._ . _..__....... _..__..._ �..: � � � ., •- . �- �; � , . � i. h-: ,,: It . :!i(, ,.I:,: �..r/:,��J I ' i1 { (- /, F 1 I) � 1 , � . . , � i ' ' r . � - - , ._c _ .i ,- � S l, 1 t�ill 5 l l�_fln��J7 _C7. r :. � � ; ,�i i: l�::+� - i I_`;� At f��,�. .Y !iU :(�F.l � � �1 r. I I .:l t J'..:. �- ---`..i tl �.-- `--�_...-----_—__- ! � ' 'sL`1Z,4 ± ��7;;�?t.%,r,Y _ ;�I P 22 OC13 � l�pril 24� 1974 ; , � ��� • _._, __ _._.--- --- .�_: � ;...� . . r�,.�r� , r ,i;� ---- -- -_ � �. c, � . .. , � �rc> �: �.: • i � �?:-I 7(0� J, 1 IIS'�.ii:�: �r ,� I • � " � ; , .,c� 1 0• .3 �ctobe�- 1. 1972 � ecrm�,e 3 -i�;r� i_ _ _ _._ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _..__ - �--_ _ . 1� , ______ _ __._ ____ j � �/�,l f � � _ "_ '_' � ;1 _, 1 i 1 HC�I Atl -.; V r �iI�JC�� C /�I�( � . ,_�.,ri .r. .__._ ._.___ . . . TO I_�I�ii' Nt�. . . .��_ ... . _1 �(7� j � � �UF< � �.-. ..�—� �<�.� � f_ —� r - . 1 .. 1�'ifCl:.f!/�f� (�.li,i �'�.t:;�)I�t\� 'i t hi�`� A I �<(_ i .i,.y . _._ . _ .. __ ( C1tJ-_ ' "'__"' �C ��-! { . 1 l l ii�.��(. '�� L���rl S� n� !1 : f . E �.Ii, .�.I' n�c c ....�!T � . � 1, t� ) r ' , � , ,•.. � .. III1L . _ ! ll �� , (�. • , .�_.. '_' . -. . _`. ' i . ' �' .. � _ j { . .. 1 M1 l !( ��,7 I � _ _. . . .._. . . . .__._ _.__'_. . . .__�. .�. �_�i.+ � i�i.i.i[�. 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(b��! l C� (GI --------_.- -----._----'-------------------- ------------ -------- -----------'---._.----------.. -__---- --- — --'�--- ---- I COI11�'rC.'lle!1S 1V�_' Senicr Citizens 43 263 +61 7� 324. 606 Se'_by Drop-In Center - 0 - 27 - 0 - 5 27 —_____ --- ---------------------------------------------,-------_.. ------�------------._--__-- __—.______ P.IM 5 - 0 - - 0 - - 0 - - 0 � , . ; , _v t_ — - --- � , . ; i � ., ' �;� �. , �r.i,t:o 1o�r:i ------- 48 -- ^ 290 — --+61____� . �.�_'_'_80 --- 351 �Capitol f�iojccts n,u�,t ;,c idr.�ti(icd !;y in-.dcrlh.ir.; 1h� I'r�j•�ct �litic. 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'L�i l;~.{� . - ' . . r'<��:e,t n��i�i:�.v��.n . • . . I � 11Ui,r�. � n�il�ll nV t2��r y.'1_i.:'. :t � �...�...�.��.._�.�....�--.��-_ -,...�..�,. `'Ii.1.�_'..� . . �.��► '_��_ . _ ._ .�__. �..�....�-�.--�...-.,�.. .�.��-......_�� .� • i 1...,. !)f!'l,f:TItCNT Oi� H(`� I�G 11+i) U!2I,4�: I�! Vf.l_i)I'A1,.'r!1 �j � ci�Y o�t,lo�as�,�;:�i:>hr,f:.ra,�� �t�,;r,r� St_ Pau,l� rlinnesota _`��e� � ____. ..�- - - _.-- �r�'�._, .. PI�iiGV:l�t.� Cqlt--GUtrY �'�GvR/'�;�� �ll� EG��� - PROGt�.,';f,1 !3iJ��GC`{� P�L�n ower - Job Develo ,n�nt � � - - , ��_ .__._...�_�__` ,— -�----._ _ �p � ..___ _ � " Ini_i. F'i',�.rtF.:S int -r�+nusnr:L�S I<c>iu:[�i t� ro 7rtt: rtCr,r:!'�,7 ri c, � ; r o) _..._ _ _�___..—_� __. ._ _ __.._- ----- _. HUD PRUJ[iCT r.i;Ult I i iii�2f�:iil "T--'�___�..__._. f2L'�lii�;TL-i.) i'UNC'; �..._.._._ _. .�.�_� � q t r f t :V I'L` _�_ - _____�.�� .- LSE Til"LE� YGAf'S ! iD<�Ll, LZ2.V1S10�(. NON tA C RnN (' I`UNI� .7. , - ONLY MC GE;ni�l I .._.__..__._ _ ___ _� _ __.____..__ t�'���� FUNI:��, � �,�?rt�.r f.+c. c i+r r:r � � F [:i��-iini_ f .7 nrF_ t c��:ni 1'LINf.iS �. _._ _.�._.�`c._�._... - ». . .---- -._'-_,_._..--._._�__. . ..__.... �... ..�.. - —— -- � .._ . --- 111 (2) 13) l41_ _15�t1 ` (rb) .�. _��5`f�.'- -__.ti>�--- Model Neighborhood^ ��___.�__ - � Emplcyment Center 194 117 -44 - 0 - �� � I � _ _.-- ii t Summit-University ' Recreation Training Project 81 46 - 0 - - 0 - 46 + ____ I Resident Trai_ning I'rogram - 0 - 45 -15 9 30 � ._--_------� Metro�olitan Teache I �ducation Progranl - G - 26 - 0 - 3' � ��' � I Summer routl� � Employment - 0 - � 100 +15 - 0 - 115 GRAND TOTAL 275 334 -44 46 290 �� �Capital Projcc�s must be identi(ieci by underlir.ing tLa °rojecl Title. Prior to start o( construction� the CDP. must novr�in lile lor pos,>ible HUJ ' revl�w o detailcd cnpital oequisitic,ri nnd cnnstr��cricn co�,t !udgc� for eoch projee4 su��,o��ed by .,pecifieotions and droWing: �one� any •.uF�%e• qucM chanqc ordcrs) wl�ich musl hovc bn��n r<�vi��wrd ond o�prov<•d by Ihe City�s E:nginecr, a quulificd encin�cring con�.�.�l�ont or th�• Opera'i::�; � Aqenr,y's �rcehinlcal Stalf. AI Iho tin�e nf subrnis;iyn _f 11�i�. budqel :chi•dule� it I5 nrcr•t._,pty t;r hove l�ud��ct estlmntr.ti �Icvr�npeJ in uccui::�"ce � wifh locul capi�ol budgeting procticc, ond these estin,o�rs :.hali ho reloined on (ile by thr. Cily l��r possible IIUD review. 2/1ny proposr,�� u�.c In cuntruc� and con�.ullnnt soro•iccr, in uii uctivily :I�all �:•c ju�.li(loc! hy o nnrru�ivr •.tnt;7n��n� ^rtNny Icirth Illl' '.CfVlfl' I!1 Lc r�nAcr�d undc�r thc con�ract mid ih�• bo�.i�, (or Ilic co�,l �r,limot�•. Thc �.to1�•mcnt �.htiU !�c in�ludcd os pnrl oi Ih�� ui�preprint� w��rl� prc�,��,����M . ^_ HUU•7040 (?'!0) �'�cvinus edilioii is ubs�icic _� 11'111i�N'a:h.� O.(..� 74i�i;? .F~ - ' • ' � � ' I't�V�;A1 nl'i'I;�)Y .1> ' r . . Illll�'�,4 1 1��•1+1_ l��_�. •11 �.....--..-....... . _�..-� --•_.___�"_ .�_ ...._�.._. �t.I I 1' _.�.. `_ � �.._... U.S. UI.f'Af.'Tt.!I'tv O `{J ' I �:; .1t.i) Uii�'np+ �� \ i I (i!',\{i.NT' S`j;. ]?�U1.� r'iinnesota c {� CiTY i)FI.'J..SC��A'iliilv AG: NC1 :.��i:,A � ------ -----._.—._ �C,�-- � f�'I.U'.�!�i.f.+ :.l l'.(•i)171'� FROvP.�:i,4 CATLGO�Y — P.RCGf�:'�'r4 f�l1GGL`-� �valuati.on and In�ormation -----------.__ __ .______----__-------------- _ . � i IAI..I. FI(;Vi1C-S !`J THOU::I.�JtJS 1��2O��Nl?1_U '1"'� �ttil- !JlLl�RL.:ST TI�iC?IiSAr�l?'r -- ---- — —�-- ---•----'------»___._—___ _-----•---__ __.._._�.i IiUO PF�o�t'c'r r�Hi„ra �u�z� r��i t�i �lut ��[_o r iitic� � `°--- _ N� F �t�,v I.U �..�.. .,._ ._� —_.. _ USC T17LF� �f'r�i< . . ONLY ��c c,r:�i�� �,� rx ..i ReV�_6�,o r�ard � c �[�nr i i ur�us i���� i �,�c �,i,���r �,�c �;�inr�r�. _ - - _ .__ .._ __ _ ��X�,�`:XY rurr�,�s F-E-i � i�ai_ �,i nrr t c�cn� & + � FL�tvC�: - J..�. _.__._ . _.___._..__ _ ... ..... _. ___ . _ ...-----"-- ---- .._..... ._....�.�..._._.._.�.. .�.._.___...___ . � lil l21 131 (41 (:,cl (561 �LL`_,p_._ _.�` �____. _ — __a�_._ _ __.___�. — __ Evaulation 137 126 -17 8 109 i � � � / . , GRANDT07AL � 13� 126 -1� 8 1�9 _ -------1 , ' �Capital Prnjects must be identi(ird Ly �%11tICflllllll� fI1C Project 7itle. Prior to >tort o4 construclion� Ihe CDC� must hovr on file (or p��.s�hi:: HUD � revfcw a dc�tai�^.d cnpital acquisitic,n nnd cn�istructi�n co�.,t ��udgct for cach pro;cU supporl!•u by ����c�i(ication�. �nd drowi�'�gs (ancl cny '�;�!=�'- quent chanqe orders) which must hovc: be��•� r��vicwed ond o�pro�rd by the City�s Cn�ineer, o quulified enqin�•erinp con .;Itnn1 ��� 'ho Op�r,'�: '.I Aqcn�:y's �tcchinicnl ;,lolf. At thc timc ui suhrnis�ion o( t!�i�. L�ud-act :ch�•d�li, it is nrcr:.s.ory t,� hovc bud3rt ostimr���.s �Icv�•������u in � cc�.'�,. �c with lucal copi�ol buJ9�i��,�� pr��:fice, and thesc os�im�tcs ehall bc relained on lilc by tL-c City (or pos,il,lc iIIJU rev�cw. 2Any �,ropo��c,{ u:c to ton!ruct nnd �on�.ullonl s��rvicc�� in un u�tivity ;hull L�• ju�.ti(iod h� n narrutiv� •,lnlcmrnt �cfilny (oriL d��� �;�•r�icc Irr I;c iondcrod undct ;lic conlrr�.�t ord Ih�• bo�;i�, Inr thc cc�,t r.;li�nu��•. l�hc s�ct��monl �.h���l L�• in�ludrd as pnrt ot �I��r u��pn,ptir�to v:n�l� �,rc���������. � _�_.._._�.._._._..___._.__ -..._._�_.. _..�_. IiUU•%040 (2-/0) I'�cvir,u, cui�ion i5 ob;�ilcic -_~ �lilill•Vlasl�.� �)•(-. „ 74i 1.;_.: .. . ., .. . � � �������.� . - � ST, PAUL i�10Dl�L CTTIES �� � 2NU ACTIO�' YEAR @�e�� BUDGE`T P.�ViSTO� �f3 2r.d Action 2nd Action Year Budget Increase Year Budgei per nevisi.on or per Revision ��2 Decrease ��4 Comprehensive Senior Citizens '$263,1d6.00 $ 61,4:17.00 $324,523.00 Model Neighborhood Employment Cen�.er 117 ,625.00 (44,760:OU) 73,565.00 - rvaluatian 7.26,147 ,00 (17,357 .00) 108,790.00 Summer Youth Employment 100,000.00 14,728.00 1I4,728.U0 Resident Training Program 45,000.00 (14,728.00) 30,272.,00 Inner City Yo�ith League Cuitural Arts 63,QOU.00 2,9b4.00 65,964.Q4 Hallie Q, Bro�,m Cultu-ral Arts 26,954.00 (2,964.00 23,990.00 TOTALS $74J.,832.00 p $741,$32.00 , _ � ' . 2�3�54 a�� —� ,. � � �� �� ,� � �. � � � .. � ��� i �f i '. �` i ��, , �� {r ...��` '���l� ; � ,.,. { 421 Wabasha Street St. Paul, Minn. 55102 29$-5595 . , April 29, 1974 . Honorable Ma.yor Lawrence Cohen Mayor of Saint Paul � 347 City Ha11 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 RE: Model Cities Slippage Funds Dear Mayor Cohen: � � � � Please review the attached Model Cities Program Budget Revision Number Three which reassigns slippage fLinds into other project categories. Only one reallocation reflects a substantial change in the Work Pro- gram by transferring funds from the �nployment Center category (-$44,000) and the Evalua.tion category (-$17,000) to the Senior Citizens category ' (+$61,000) . These chariges will provide the ma.tching funds necessary to continue the Senior Citizens' Pro�ects with other federal f�Znding.,.. � • - • , . I�nediate approval of the slippage reallocations by yourself, the City ° Council and the Department of Housing and Urban Developrr�nt will allow us to quickly negotiate the necessary contracts for the smooth transi- tion of the Senior Citizens' Pro,jects. Attached is a letter of transmittal to HUD prepared for your si�ature and a City Council Resolution form prepared for submission to the City Council so that this budget revision, if approved, may quickly be imple- mented. Although I have not yet received a copy of the motion or the m�nutes of the rr�eeting it is my understanding that the Model Neighborhood Plannirig Council, at its meeting of April 22, 1974, approved these category cfianges for the use of slippage f�nds. Sincerely, � �°����C�� -�. - � William L. Collins, Jr. � Nbdel Cities Coordinator WLC:�eb •