263539 WH17E - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE COl1t1C11 BLUERY - MA1'ORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALIL File � NO. . � _ , . uncil Resolution `� ` Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS� The Council of the City of Saint Paul� by its Resolution C. F. 210357, approved December Y2� 1962� did vacate sections of streets and alleys in Block 2, Lindley Heights, and Block l, Joy' s East End, said vacations reserving to the City of Saint Paul and other public instrumentalities public utility easements contained therein and thereon; and WHEREAS, The affected City departments, Northern States Power Company and Northwestern Be11 Telephone Company ha.ve filed written certificates of intended non-use of reserved rights and easements, which certificates are attached hereto; and be it RESOLVED, Tha.t the Council of the City of Saint Paul� pursua.nt to Section 228.06 of the Saint Pata.l Legislative Code, as amended, does hereby waive the retained easements' contained in Resolution C. F. 210357, approved December 12, 1962, in the following described property: Wakefield Avenue from the extended West line of Lot 19, Block 2, Lindley Heights� to the extended West line of Lot 26, Block 2, Lindley Heights; English Street between the North line of Wakefield Avenue and the South line of Wilson Avenue; the East-West alley in Block 2, Lindley Heights, from English Street to the extended Westerly line of Lot 9� Block 2, Lindley Heights; the East-West alley in Block 1, Joy' s East End, from En�lish Street to the extended West line of Lot 8� Block 1� Joy s East End; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the above-mentioned waiver of said easements is for the City of Saint Paul and for those persons for whom the City ha.s reserved easements in said vacated property for the installation ma.intena.nce and operation of any sewer, water, gas or electrical main, pipe or conduit of public instrumentality. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Butler Konopatzki � In Favor �"� 4' Meredi th A gains t BY ����tx Roectler Tedesco Mme.President �'r �7rit Form Approved by C y At r ey Adopted by Council: Date �AV� n���- Certified Council Secretary • BY � � Y Approv by Maxor: Date � Approve�l, ' sio ouncil By BY PUBUSHGn 2 • �►Tr � • �y �� ' � � y 2b3��9 ' .x,.�. -' � �e ... CtTY OF SAINT PAUL Capitel of Minne�ota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Z34 Ci4�► Hap �C Court Ha+s� 55102 Daniel J. Dunford, P.E. Director March 21 , 1974 Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Engineer Room 286 City Hall BUILDING Dear Sir: Attached is the Certificate of Intended Non-Use for portions of Wake- field Ave. , English St. and certain alleys. This certificate has been executed. Yours very truly, �G�,�� - � Daniel J. unford V-� � Director of Public Works WAH/RAH/dkt Attachment r.,. � ::'..� _�����7,��`"j-� � THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMEBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CE�TIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUL It�TENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the following described realty: Wakefield Avenue from the extended west line of Lot lg, Block 2, Lindley Heights , to the extended west line of Lot 26, Block 2, Lindley Heights ; English Street between Wakefield Avenue and L�Ji ison Avenue ; the east-west al ley in Block 2, Lindley Heights , from English Street to the extended westerly line of Lot 9, Block 2 , Lindley Heights ; the east-west alley in Btock l , Joy's East End, from English Street to the extended east line of Lot 8, Block 1 , Joy's East End. Dated �� '° �O , 19� � ` r � `i Di rector of Pu c 4Jor s City of Saint aul . CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � 2������ ,� . eLiFPORD W.HAMBLIN B�.JARQ Q � � � �rrVfV11�I� � � �TN�MAS D. MO'GREN General Manager I °' i �, � ��'"�� upt. of DisxributiQrt ; �,.:� l.EO � !!�I �,, � � �. ..., ,�' DEA� E !Y �1 ,l. ME f� ra p anatg =�� �� upt.of�N ater � � �._ „ � t ` ` �.�; b,3����r at P�.. til� F ,� .. �,. � _., . . : - : < ��s:A , €� ,,�. ,:. ., ;��� I �s f r ��, � .�� �J l.� � � ' F�F��§ , ^�' .;� �;�� An�(� � ,a � e y,'•;..a 3N � �nc,�44�a,� � ��'. �y ;�: .. �t � � � . � l� � �� ,�� � ""�6 4��wi�as ^az tt&q '°"'�.�. ,,�'j'�' �.a �tiss� ` .��. � �; .�. _��'� _ ��° ` �uMr�r�� � , �" �...�.� ,.���� : � February 27, 197� Mr. J. William Donovan Valuation Ilzgineer City of Saa.nt Paul Bureau of Valuations 286 City xall Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Donovan: Re: Certificate of Intended Non-Use -- Portions of WakePield, Ehglish and Certain Alleys Reference is ma.de to your letter of February 22, 197�+, regaxding the sub�ect Certificate. An executed copy is enclosed. Yours very truly, yi-n�.�'� Elmer A. Huset Ass't. General Manager EAH/sa� Ehcl. , , - -, , .. r,., ...�. .k.. , %„ f � ��r;,��-.,�.x...:.�,. �, . ��' �. �; L^, t-: 9 � f� W ���� � ��•��Y-���.. .!� � � U V � ♦ ��lo� 44.f�J ,�_.�- .. 26���,9 .�� � THE HONORABI,E MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUPdCIL OF THE CERTIFICATE OF CITY OF SAINT PAUI, INTENDED NON-USE The undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the following described realty: Wsketield Av�nu� t�cm t�e axtended lnat lin�e of Lot 19, Block 2, I,indl+ey H�ights� to th� �ct�aded �est line of ?,ot 26, Bloek 2, Liridley Heights; 8ngl,iah 8treet bet�n Wa1c�!'i�ld Av�enue snd �lilscw Avenue; tl� esst-�re�t s11ey sn aloak 2, Li�dley s.ights, h� Sng].ish stra�t to t2�e e�ct�nd�d n�esterly liae of Lot 9, Bioek 2, Lindls�yr ARights; the esrt�rt a11ey in Block l, Jay•a Eaat and, l��om English straet to the eatended �ast iine o! Lot 8, Biock 1, Joy'a �sst �ad. nated � ��i , 19� r / Director of Public Works City of Se.int Paul l-� �ss'-f General Manager Wa er De rtmc�nt City of Saint Paul Northern States Power Compa.r�y By ���+) Rorthwestern Bell Telephone Company BY �5�� j Y`�y -�. .� .. . � ; . �6��-� ,� THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CERTTFICATE Ok' CITY OF SATNT PAUL INTENDED NON-USE The _undersigned hereby certify that they do not intend to exercise their utility easement rights in the follawing described � realty: � Wakefield Avenue from the extended west line of Lot 19, Block 2, Lindley Heights, to the extended west line of Lot 26, Block 2, Lindley Heights; English Street between Wakefield Avenue and Wilson Avenue; the east west alley in Block 2, I,indley Heights, fram English Street to the extended westerly line of Lot 9, Block 2, Lindley Heights; the east-west alley in Block 1, Joy's Ea.st End, from English Street to the extended east line of Lot 8, Block 1, Joy's East End. Dated , 19 Director, Departrnent ot Public Works City of Saint Paul General Manager, Water Depa.rtment City of Saint Paul Northern ates Power Campany By � (SEAL) Northwestern B 1 elephone Company � By (SEAL) Vice Preside�t and Chief Executive Offic Minnesota . . r� � , . . � . . . ,.. . �„ - �� j ' ` vCl�+�� STATE OF MINNESOTA ss . COUNTY OF RAMSEY On this day of ,. 1�� 11, before me, a nota public t ' and r sai County, per ona y appeared . to me personal known, w o e � u y sworn i say t at he is the , ; of NORTHERN STATES WE C , a cor oration, name in t e oregoing instrument, and that t e seal aff ixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in behalf of said co porat' n autho 'ty of its Board of Directors and said , acknowledged said instrum nt to e t e ree act n ee o said corporation. A Notary Fublic Co ty, Minn. � My commission expires � � U�)���%i�U :�c .i_,f+l.?� . . Worary �.`:;.,; ae�tot ,u _ My Cci�?7,i�.;;icn Expire:; lui� �. in 4� STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) . On this �,u•� day of � , 19�� , before me, a notary publi c w i t�iin and for sal Coun y, persona�.l y appeare d a. G. Schw rtz to me persona.11y knov�m., who, being y me duly swor�., did say t at he is the 11�raP t and Chi ef Ex cu i v 0 i of NORTHWESTERN BELL TELE� C PANY, a corporation, na.me in the foregoi.ng instrument, and tha.t the seal affixed to said instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and sealed in beha.lf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors and said B. G. Schwartz acknowledged said instrument to be t e ree ac� an ee o sai corporation. � JOYCE S . COOK otary Public, Ramsey Co�.nty, Minn. My commission expires September 2, 1976 .. ^ .. � s_ - � �. . ��„���''- EXHIBIT "A" ���,`��� , Parcel 1. Lot Nine (9) , Block One (1) in Lindley Heights, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles within and for said County. Parcel 2. Lots Two (2) , Three (3) , Four (4) , Five (5) , Six (6) , Seven (7) , Eight (8) , Ten (10) , Eleven (11) and that part of the South 1/2 of adjoining Wakefield Avenue, vacated, lying between the extensions across said avenue of the East line of said Lot 2, and the West line of said Lot 8, in Block One (1) in Lindley Heights, according to the plat thereof filed of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles within and for said County. Subject to the easement rights reserved by Section 228 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as to said portions of vacated street and alley, as set forth in the instrument filed as Document No. 451892. Parcel 3. Lots Four (4) , Five (5) , Six (6) , Seven (7) , Eight (8) , Seventeen (17) , Eighteen (18) , Nineteen (19) , T'wenty (20) , Twenty-one (21) , Twenty-two (22) , Twenty-three (23) , Twenty-four (24) , and Twenty-five (25) and that part of the North 1/2 of adjoining Wakefield Avenue, vacated, lying between the extensions across said avenue of the E ast line of said Lot 25 and the 1Vest line of said Lot 19, and that part of the South 1/2 of the adjoining alley, vacated, lying between the extensions across said alley of the East line of said Lot 25 and the Northwesterly line of said Lot 17, and th at part of the North 1/2 of the adjoining alley, vacated, lying between the extensions across said alley of the East line of said Lot 4 and the West line of said Lot 8, in Block Two (2) in Lindley Heights, according to the plat thereof filed of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles within and for said County. Subject tot3�e easements and rights reserved by Section 228 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code as to said portions of vacated street and alley, as set forth in�. the instrument filed as Document No. 451892. J. WIL•LIAM DONOVAN 29H—�j31� V'aluation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L Ass't Valuation Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 2635�9 286 City Hell Saint Paul, Minnsto+a 68102 �� To: Fred Fischer From: Roger J. Rottach , Date: MaY 9, 197�+ Re: Certificates of Intended Non-Use Portions of Wakefield, English and certa.in alleys Attached you will find executed Certificates of Intended Non-use for the subject streets and alleys along with a Council Resolution waiving re- tained easements. I recommend the resolution be approved by the Mayor for submission to Council. RJR:dm Attach. ) � �I !D I ` \ \ � � ' � \ -�► '~, I� ---�_._..___..�.__�1 ��, '\ _ �'� o ;�-� '2�� o �� �, ��? � �; .9 � ' i_---"—__._..._. -----'- -._-"---�_..- .'.... ,.__..� i O � L./�� I� " �• Q p��� :,�) � � ,. , I �� � ' --- ---- r ., � � � t __._�_.. _.._ ;j� ( � 1' � v �{� . ____- �—: ; , ; e � a� •f ) � �� ��` (\ /J y' � O 7FS ` � ' r V .f � ��'� � ' . �.� ���'��ll ___ .. 1 . � � t, ��� I��+ � ��51� � ' ��"�(.. ,. ('r., � `��R^. �d el � � . � � �:. � � � . sl i, � � �� ���.. ` .�. � . I 1 " � � � F�'� � � � 0 � ( �� � � e�.: . � . I ` �� � ��� '_ _—_ � � _' `__"._� '�� \ � .� !!, � � 1,_`y ��� ,� � .. 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