263531 WH17E — CITV CLERK ^�A�� PINK — FINANCE • 1 �l BLUERY=�nEPOAR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL F1eci1N0• /� �� t � " . o cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, an examination for the position of "Economic Planner IV" is being scheduled, and WHEREAS, investigation makes it evident that a sufficient eligible list cannot be obtained from among the residents of the City, and WHEREAS, it is deemed in the best interests of the City to extend competition to persons living outside of the City; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the residence requirements for admission to the examination as provided in Section 10 D of the Civil Service Rules are hereby waived for the first examination for "Economic Planner IV" to be held following the passage of this resolution. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays !Tme. Pres.Hunt Konopatzki In Favor f Levine /�� Meredith � Against BY ��K"�� � '�—�� � Roedler Tedesco I�G�c� Butler Adopted by Council: Date MAY 1 6 1974 Form Ap ro d by Attorney Certrfied Pa ouncil Secretary BY ' Y Approv by Maxor: Date Approved Ma or u n to uncil � By BY p��R�rskEO MAY 2 5 1974 r ' ECONOMIC l"Lt1�R 1♦ 26�53� This resolution provides that the residence requirement be waived for Economic Planner IV in order to establish an adequate eligible list to meet the needs of the City. The miaim� qualification� for this position are as follows• Colle�e graduation in urban planning, urban studies, or economic geography with course Work in econom�ics and four years' professior�,l planning experience at lea.st two years' of which must have been as a City Planner II or equivalent involved in economic planning; or a m,asters in urban planning, urban studies, business administration, public administration or a closely related social or physice,l science with eourse work in econoa�ics and three years' professional planning experience involved �ith econoffiic planning; or college graduation and five years' profesaional planning e�cperience at least two years of which must have been asau Economic Planner III or equivalent. (I�o substitution far education.) Since there are few people available with this type of educational and experience background, it is deemed in the best interests of the City to extend c�petition to per�ons living outside of the City. Do not detach this memorandmm f'ro� the resolution so that this informatioa �rlll be available to the City Council 5-6-74 ' �������. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI May 8, 1974 To: Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor Room 347 City Hall From: Frank D. Ma.rzitelli � , City Administrator Room 365 City Hall � Subject: Resolutions to waive residence requirements for the examinations for Economic Planner IV, Deputy Coordinator For Comprehensive Policy Planning, and Land Use Planner IV. Attached herewith are the resolutions which we respectfully request that you present to the City Council for approval. Att. City Haal, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 • • ' y • • ' 26353� M.� a. i9��c ?o: I�o�. Lavr.ua. D. cob�sa, M.�o: �oo� �t7 City �Is1I T�roas Fsaok D. Masait�lli Cit� A+d�i�ai�trsto= � 365 City �all Sub�s�ts It�aaolatioa� to rai�ns xr�idau� r�quir�a�nt� fos th� s�wiaatioe�s !or Tcono�ic Plaa�r IV, D�puty Coosdinator Tos Coa�tsh�a�ui� pollcy Tlasnta;, asd Lamd Us�t plaonas I�i. Atta�tad lrswitb arir tba s��oluttoas tihich w z�spactlull� reqwat tbst yoa �susat to th�t CitY► Coueucil to�r appso�al. sct. . , .`.�,'; , �' � .�„_�' 1 ' • ' � . � 263531 ECONOMIC PLANNER N This reaolution provides that the residence requiranent be �+sived for - EconaQnic Planner IV in order to establish an adequate eligible liet to meet the neede of the City. The minimum qualiPications for this position are as followe: College graduation in urban planning, urban studies, or econamie geography with couree work in economics and four yesrs' profeesior�►1 planning experience at least two years' of which must hsve been s� a City Planner II or equivalent involved in econamic planning; or a maeters in urban planning, urban etudies, bueinesa ddminietrstion, public administration or a closely rele�ted eocisl or physical ecience with course work in economics and three yesrs' proPeesional planning experience involved with economic planning; or college graduation and Pive yeare' professional planning experience st lesat two years of which must have been as�ri Eeonomic Plsnner III or equivalent. (No aubstitution for education.) Since there are few people available with thie type oP educational snd experience back�round, it is deemed in the best interests of the City to extend competition to persons living outside of the City. Do not detach this memorandum Prom the resolution so that this information will be available to the City Council 5-6-74 � DEPUTY COORDINATOR FOR COMPREHENSIVE POLICY PLANNING . LAND USE PLANNER IV This resolution providea that the reaidence requirement be waived for the above mentioned positions. Both of theae positions require exteasive profeasional and supervieory city planning experience. Since there are few people available with the type of educational and experience background, it is deemed in the best interests of the City to extend competition to persona living outside the City. Do not detach thia memorandum from the resolution so that this information will be available to the City Council. ;5-8-74) _ . 26�5�31 �1� �T�-- . � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE MAYOR CITY PLANNING DEPARTMENT VINCENT M. COUGHLIN PLANNING COORDINATOR ` NEEDED EXAMS � .Deputy Planning Coordinator Isberg (provisional) * Chief of Public S.ystems Schnarr (provisional) P.O. Chief of Land Use Ryan (promotion) P.O. Land Use Plan.ner IV McGuire (provisional) * Human Resources Planner IV Murphy (provisional) Economic Planner IV Vacant * Housing Planner IV Ford (promotion) Administrative Assistant Senn P.O. Research Analyst III Bunnell (provisional) * Research Analyst II Emory (promotional) provisional I Housing Planner II Soderholm (promotional) provisional I City Planner II Aichinger (provisional) * Human Resources Planner II McNeally (provisional) Human Resources Planner I Schlesselman (provisional) 8esearch Analyst I Lindberg (provisional) * Planning Technician I Brau (promotion) * P.O. Planning Aide I Barriault (promotion) *P.O. Graphic Artist I Vacant Transfers of Title City Planner �V to Public Systems Planner IV - Butz City Planner III to Community Facilities Planner III--Bellus City Planner II to Housing Planner II - - Marker No Chan�e � - Civil Engineer IV - Hancock Civil Engineer III - Warn Planning Aide II . - Walek * Waive residency P.O. promotion only exam 421 Wabasha, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 (612) 298-4151