02-117�'o � { � s :;. i �ei�:�1,��i':� Council File # �Z���� Resolution # Green Sheet # ����`S Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Resolurion Authorizing and Amending the Mul4-year Budget for Ftind 149 for MPR and Other Projects WHEREAS, the Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development {PED) is the activity manager for Fund 149 Downtown Capital Projects Fund; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish a project in the Ciry's Capital Improvement Budget called "Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) Expansion Project"; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the City to assist the HRA in the MPR Expansion Project; and WHEREAS, the HRA has requested the City to provide $33 million over three yeazs for MPR as follows: $1,575,000 February200� 750,000 September 2002 425,000 March 2003 300,000 September 2003 125,000 March 2004 125,000 September 2004 WHEREAS, there are number of adjushnents for the mulri yeaz Budget for 2001 and 2002 on Schedule A for other Projects and addirional revenues that will be received from the Tmstee from the Downtown TTF Bonds during 2002; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.01, certifies that there aze available for appropriarion $4,942,664 monies in excess of those estimated in total for 200] and 2002 budget; and , in accordance with Section 10.07.01 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the followmg changes to the 2001 and 2002 Budget attached on E�ubit A. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in E�ibit A to the City's mulri-year Fund 149 budget by $4,943,664 to $21,261,766. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by By: Plannin & ��conomic Develo ment By. �' ��� Approve3 by Financial Servx es B `�J��� /�Y�'�✓+� "� Form Approved by Cit� ttorney f ; �1 � / by Mayor f r mi sion to Council 3Y /Ll�'�� _ v / % Adopted by Council: Date �e9o.\:S � aao� Budget Amendment Fund # 149 The City Council of Saint Paul approves the following changes to the multi-year budget FROM PED AdminisVation Capital Fund: Su6ordinate Note Year2001 Butlget FINANCING PLAN 749-76900 i7F Eligible ProjeCtS 749-76900E604-00000 PaymentfinmHR4onNOtelnteres[ 149-76900-6922-00000 Payment from HR4 on Note Prinupal 149-76907 Non TIF Eligible Projeds �49-76907-G922-00000 PaymentfinmHR4onNOtePrintipal Total Finan<ing SPENDING PLAN 749-76900 TIF Eligible ProjeC[5 7476900-0899-69728 Wabasha West 149-76900-0739-68036 SkywayVisitorSigna9e 749-76900-0299-68016 ProfessionalforDOwMOwn 149-76900-0739-68078 Dayton's Skyway '149-06900-0547-68076 Dayton'S Store ProjeCbRenovation '149-76900-0547-68077 Dayton's Store Projec[-Environmental Cleanup 149-76900-�565-69732 T2nsfer to HRA for Wabasha Court Demolifion �49-76900-0565-68080 TrensfertoHRAforMinnesotaPubiicRadio Sub-TOtai 749-76901 Non TIF Eligi6le Projecfs 749-76901-0547-68088 '149-76907-0558-6H706 149-76901-0299-680'I6 i as-�sso i -ossa-saoa s '149-76901-0566-69'132 Personnel Decisions intemational (PDI) Pro�ect Administration-PED Professional ServiCes Transfer to HR4 for US Bank Project Transferto HR4for Wabasha Court Demolition Sub-Total '14976902 Pending Projects 149-76902-0547-fi8002 Total Spentling Year 2007 Year 2002 Bud9et Financing Plan 149-76900 TIF Eliqible Pro�ects 149-76900-6922-00000 149-76901 Non TIF Eligible Projects 149-7690'I-6922-00000 Spentling Plan '149-76900 TIF Eligible Prqec4s 149-76900-0565-69132 '149-76900-0565-68080 t49-76907 Non TIF Eligible Pro�ects 749-76907-0558-69706 tas-�ssoi-osso-saosi 74976902 Pending Projects 749-769�2-0547-68002 Total Spending Year 2002 Pentl�ng pro�ecis Payment from HRA on Note Prinapal Payment from HRA on Note Principal ToWI Financing Transfer to HR4for Wabasha Court Demolition Trensfer to HR4 for Minnesota Publw Ratlio Pro�ec[ Administrahon-PED City Debt PaymeM-Transfer Pending projects 7oWi Vear 2001 antl 2002 Butlget Oa--11 7 Exhibit A CurreM Butlget Approved Changes Amended BudgM 3,538,737 3,538,737 '10,379,365 (7,200,000) 9,779,365 2,400,000 A,200,000 3,600,000 t6,378,702 0 16,3t8,'102 2,325,000 2,325,000 450,000 450,000 260,000 260,000 �.208,702 (208,102) 0 6,300,000 6,300,000 i,soo,000 i,soo,000 '0 375,000 375,000 0 1,508,102 7,508,702 71,043�102 1,675,000 12,778,102 0 0 900,000 0 zoo,000 zoa,oao 2,300,000 0 375,0�0 (375,000) 0 0 3,775,000 (175,000) 1,500,000 (7,500,000) 16,378,702 U 0 900,000 aao,aoo 2,300,000 0 0 3,600,000 � 16,318,702 Current Butlget Approvetl Changes Amentletl Budget 792,000 2,143,664 2,935,664 2,008,000 0 2,800,000 2,143,664 o zeo,000 0 7.791.898 o �,00s,oao 0 7,000,000 2,800,000 (1,906,234) 2,800,000 2,143,664 2,008,000 4,943,664 250,000 '1,797,898 i,00a,000 1,000,000 893,766 4,943,664 19,116,102 2,143,664 27.26�,7fi6 nErait�rrrio�zcEicomvcn.: DATE INI'rtnT�n GREEN SHEET No.• 101865 � — 1\r Planning & Economic Dev. 02/OS/02 ' CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: � R�ITTni.mA1'E . iNiTTAI✓DA1'E Bob Geurs, 6-6653, Jeff Nelson , 3 PED DIRECTO� � crrY covxcn. 6-6560 ASSIGN 5_CITYATTORNEY� CITYCL 4 FIlJANCIAL SERVlAC 1_B. GEURS MIJST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E� Fpg BER 6 MAYOR (OR ASST,) _2_T. MEYER ' 2/�/� ROUTING � ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNA'CURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) ACTION REQUF,S'1'ED: � Approval of attached Council Resolufion amending the spending and financing plans for Fund 149, Downtown Capital Projects for the MPR Expansion Projects per the HRA Boazd request of O1-12/12-8 and other projects. RECObf�IENDpTTONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER'CHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANMNG COMIvIISSION 1. Has tius person/fim� ever worked under a contract for this depazfinent? CIB COMIvIIT1'EE Yes No � CIVIL SERVICE COMIvfISSION 2. Has this person/fum ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not no[mally possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, 7SSUE, OPPORTIJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): To ensure that funds are available for the payments to MPR of $3.3 million over three years to retain MPR in Saint Paul as defined in the attached resolution. The 2002 Budget attached on Schedule A also adjusts for City Debt, Fund 126, Wabasha Court Demolition, Professional Services, and Unspecified Projects since there are additional funds released from the Trustee on the Downtown TIF bonds. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: MPR will expand in Saint Paul. - DISADVAN'PAGESIFAPPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: " Insufficient funds for IIRA to execute contract with MPR. TOTAL AMOiIN'P OF TRANSACTION: $4,943,664 COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED: FUNDINGSOURCE: Fund149 ACTIVITYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORNIATION: (EXPI.AIN) K �Shared�PN�PULVER�nsht t01865.gdus mpr dtOfidt_wpd �", �'o � { � s :;. i �ei�:�1,��i':� Council File # �Z���� Resolution # Green Sheet # ����`S Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Resolurion Authorizing and Amending the Mul4-year Budget for Ftind 149 for MPR and Other Projects WHEREAS, the Deparhnent of Planning and Economic Development {PED) is the activity manager for Fund 149 Downtown Capital Projects Fund; and WHEREAS, it is necessary to establish a project in the Ciry's Capital Improvement Budget called "Minnesota Public Radio (MPR) Expansion Project"; and WHEREAS, it is in the interest of the City to assist the HRA in the MPR Expansion Project; and WHEREAS, the HRA has requested the City to provide $33 million over three yeazs for MPR as follows: $1,575,000 February200� 750,000 September 2002 425,000 March 2003 300,000 September 2003 125,000 March 2004 125,000 September 2004 WHEREAS, there are number of adjushnents for the mulri yeaz Budget for 2001 and 2002 on Schedule A for other Projects and addirional revenues that will be received from the Tmstee from the Downtown TTF Bonds during 2002; and WHEREAS, the Mayor, in accordance with Section 10.07.01, certifies that there aze available for appropriarion $4,942,664 monies in excess of those estimated in total for 200] and 2002 budget; and , in accordance with Section 10.07.01 and 10.07.4 of the City Charter, recommends the followmg changes to the 2001 and 2002 Budget attached on E�ubit A. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves these changes in E�ibit A to the City's mulri-year Fund 149 budget by $4,943,664 to $21,261,766. Requested by Department of: Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Approved by By: Plannin & ��conomic Develo ment By. �' ��� Approve3 by Financial Servx es B `�J��� /�Y�'�✓+� "� Form Approved by Cit� ttorney f ; �1 � / by Mayor f r mi sion to Council 3Y /Ll�'�� _ v / % Adopted by Council: Date �e9o.\:S � aao� Budget Amendment Fund # 149 The City Council of Saint Paul approves the following changes to the multi-year budget FROM PED AdminisVation Capital Fund: Su6ordinate Note Year2001 Butlget FINANCING PLAN 749-76900 i7F Eligible ProjeCtS 749-76900E604-00000 PaymentfinmHR4onNOtelnteres[ 149-76900-6922-00000 Payment from HR4 on Note Prinupal 149-76907 Non TIF Eligible Projeds �49-76907-G922-00000 PaymentfinmHR4onNOtePrintipal Total Finan<ing SPENDING PLAN 749-76900 TIF Eligible ProjeC[5 7476900-0899-69728 Wabasha West 149-76900-0739-68036 SkywayVisitorSigna9e 749-76900-0299-68016 ProfessionalforDOwMOwn 149-76900-0739-68078 Dayton's Skyway '149-06900-0547-68076 Dayton'S Store ProjeCbRenovation '149-76900-0547-68077 Dayton's Store Projec[-Environmental Cleanup 149-76900-�565-69732 T2nsfer to HRA for Wabasha Court Demolifion �49-76900-0565-68080 TrensfertoHRAforMinnesotaPubiicRadio Sub-TOtai 749-76901 Non TIF Eligi6le Projecfs 749-76901-0547-68088 '149-76907-0558-6H706 149-76901-0299-680'I6 i as-�sso i -ossa-saoa s '149-76901-0566-69'132 Personnel Decisions intemational (PDI) Pro�ect Administration-PED Professional ServiCes Transfer to HR4 for US Bank Project Transferto HR4for Wabasha Court Demolition Sub-Total '14976902 Pending Projects 149-76902-0547-fi8002 Total Spentling Year 2007 Year 2002 Bud9et Financing Plan 149-76900 TIF Eliqible Pro�ects 149-76900-6922-00000 149-76901 Non TIF Eligible Projects 149-7690'I-6922-00000 Spentling Plan '149-76900 TIF Eligible Prqec4s 149-76900-0565-69132 '149-76900-0565-68080 t49-76907 Non TIF Eligible Pro�ects 749-76907-0558-69706 tas-�ssoi-osso-saosi 74976902 Pending Projects 749-769�2-0547-68002 Total Spending Year 2002 Pentl�ng pro�ecis Payment from HRA on Note Prinapal Payment from HRA on Note Principal ToWI Financing Transfer to HR4for Wabasha Court Demolition Trensfer to HR4 for Minnesota Publw Ratlio Pro�ec[ Administrahon-PED City Debt PaymeM-Transfer Pending projects 7oWi Vear 2001 antl 2002 Butlget Oa--11 7 Exhibit A CurreM Butlget Approved Changes Amended BudgM 3,538,737 3,538,737 '10,379,365 (7,200,000) 9,779,365 2,400,000 A,200,000 3,600,000 t6,378,702 0 16,3t8,'102 2,325,000 2,325,000 450,000 450,000 260,000 260,000 �.208,702 (208,102) 0 6,300,000 6,300,000 i,soo,000 i,soo,000 '0 375,000 375,000 0 1,508,102 7,508,702 71,043�102 1,675,000 12,778,102 0 0 900,000 0 zoo,000 zoa,oao 2,300,000 0 375,0�0 (375,000) 0 0 3,775,000 (175,000) 1,500,000 (7,500,000) 16,378,702 U 0 900,000 aao,aoo 2,300,000 0 0 3,600,000 � 16,318,702 Current Butlget Approvetl Changes Amentletl Budget 792,000 2,143,664 2,935,664 2,008,000 0 2,800,000 2,143,664 o zeo,000 0 7.791.898 o �,00s,oao 0 7,000,000 2,800,000 (1,906,234) 2,800,000 2,143,664 2,008,000 4,943,664 250,000 '1,797,898 i,00a,000 1,000,000 893,766 4,943,664 19,116,102 2,143,664 27.26�,7fi6 nErait�rrrio�zcEicomvcn.: DATE INI'rtnT�n GREEN SHEET No.• 101865 � — 1\r Planning & Economic Dev. 02/OS/02 ' CONTACl' PERSON & PHONE: � R�ITTni.mA1'E . iNiTTAI✓DA1'E Bob Geurs, 6-6653, Jeff Nelson , 3 PED DIRECTO� � crrY covxcn. 6-6560 ASSIGN 5_CITYATTORNEY� CITYCL 4 FIlJANCIAL SERVlAC 1_B. GEURS MIJST BE ON COUNCII. AGENDA BY (DA1'E� Fpg BER 6 MAYOR (OR ASST,) _2_T. MEYER ' 2/�/� ROUTING � ORDER TOTAL # OF SIGNA'CURE PAGES _(CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNAT[JRE) ACTION REQUF,S'1'ED: � Approval of attached Council Resolufion amending the spending and financing plans for Fund 149, Downtown Capital Projects for the MPR Expansion Projects per the HRA Boazd request of O1-12/12-8 and other projects. RECObf�IENDpTTONS: Approve (A) or Reject (R) PERSONAI. SERVICE CONTRACI'S MUST ANSWER'CHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: PLANMNG COMIvIISSION 1. Has tius person/fim� ever worked under a contract for this depazfinent? CIB COMIvIIT1'EE Yes No � CIVIL SERVICE COMIvfISSION 2. Has this person/fum ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not no[mally possessed by any current ciTy employee? Yes No � Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet INITIATING PROBLEM, 7SSUE, OPPORTIJNITY (Who, What, When, Where, Why): To ensure that funds are available for the payments to MPR of $3.3 million over three years to retain MPR in Saint Paul as defined in the attached resolution. The 2002 Budget attached on Schedule A also adjusts for City Debt, Fund 126, Wabasha Court Demolition, Professional Services, and Unspecified Projects since there are additional funds released from the Trustee on the Downtown TIF bonds. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: MPR will expand in Saint Paul. - DISADVAN'PAGESIFAPPROVED None DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: " Insufficient funds for IIRA to execute contract with MPR. TOTAL AMOiIN'P OF TRANSACTION: $4,943,664 COST/REVENIJE BUDGETED: FUNDINGSOURCE: Fund149 ACTIVITYNUMBER: FINANCIAL INFORNIATION: (EXPI.AIN) K �Shared�PN�PULVER�nsht t01865.gdus mpr dtOfidt_wpd �",