263520 WH17E - CITY CLERK 1 ��^���
� � Resolution �
Re erred To Committee: Date
Ou� of Committee By Date
In the ma.tter of hazardous
buildings being that two story ordinary
construction store and apartment build-
ing at 693-695 Selby Avenue in 'the City
of Saint Paul and situated upon those
premises legally described as Lot 27,
� Block 3, Holcombe' s Addition to Saint
Paul, according to the plat on file and
of record in the office of the Register
of Deeds in and for the County of Ramsey,
State of Minnesota.
WHEREAS, pursuant to resolution, C. F. No. 260102, approved
November 9, 1972, a public hearing was scheduled for 10:00 a.m.
on December 7, 1972 before the Council of the City of Saint Paul,
said hearing pertaining to the condition of the structure located
at 693-695 Selby Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota; and
� WHEREAS, .upon facts presented at said hearing consisting of
' photographs, znspection reports and the recommendation of the
Building Department, it is found and determined by the City Council
that according to the records and files in the office of the
Register of Deeds, the last record owner of the above described
property is Sidney T�.rshish and that there are no lien holders of
record; and that it is further determined that the above described
building constitutes a hazardous building within the definition
; of Minnesota Statutes Section 463. 15 for the following reasons:
a. The building is standing vacant, abandoned
and is subject to being entered by unauthor ized persons ;
Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of:
H�t `
Kdnopatzki J In Favor
.Le�vine �
Mdredith Against BY
Mme.President Butler
Form Approved by Cit Att ey
Adopted b�y Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY '
Approved �y Maxor: Date - Approved M or Sub 'ss' to Council
BY � — BY
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j b. The exterior condition of the building
is as follows: There have been three dama.ging fires
in the last 12 years and the building has been vacant
' since the first fire on July 11, 1971. The exterior
ma.sonry walls are bulging;
�' c. The interior condition of the building
is a� follows: Extensive fire damage has caused
complete destruction to a large area of the floor
system. Electrical wiring, waste and water piping
have been destroyed due to the fires and floor joists
�I have collapsed. There is a frame shed addition at the
� rear of the ma.in building 'which is in a state of
collapse due to its deteriorated condition;
�� d. The building in 'the above condition is
, beyond reasonable repair;
' e. The building is 'unfit for human habitation
in its present contlition and the above corrections
� must be made in compliance with the Building Code and
the Housing Code of the City of Saint Paul in order to
make the same habitable;
f. The building constitutes a nuisance and a
hazard to the public health, safety and welfare because
I of its physical dama.ge, dilapidation and inadequate
now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes S�ction
4163. 15 through 463. 26, and based upon the foregoing findings of the
City Council, the Council of the City of Saint �aul does hereby
n�ake the following Order:
� 1. The owner of the above described building shall ma.ke the
same safe and not detrimental to the public peace, health,
sl�afety and welfare by having the said building razed and the
materials therefrom removed from the premises within thirty (30)
ys from the date of the service of this Order;
CB��RY �ME�'o�MENT � � (�ITY OF SAINT PAUL F le ci1NO 263520
Council Resolution
Re erred To Committee: Date
Ou� of Committee By Date
2. Unless such corrective action is taken to comply with
this Order or an answer served upon the City of Saint Paul and
filed in the office of the Clerk of District Court of Ramsey
County, Minnesota within twenty (20) days from the date of the
iservice of this Order, a Motion for Summa.ry Enforcement of this
brder to raze and remove the said building will be made to the
�tamsey County District Court; '
3. In the event that the building is to be razed by the
ICity of Saint Paul pursuant to judgment of the District Court,
�.11 personal property or fixtures which may unreasonably inter-
Ifere with the razin and removal of this building shall be
removed within ten �10) days from the entry of judgment; and if not
so removed, the City of Saint Paul shall remove and dispose of
such personal property and fixtures as provided by law;
4. If the City of Saint Paul is compelled to take any
�corrective action herein, all necessary costs expended by the
iCity will be assessed against the above described real estate
jand collected as other taxes; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that a certified copy of this resolution
�nd incorporated Order herein be served upon the last record
owrier of the above described property in the manner provided
'by law.
Yeas $utLer Nays � Requested by Department of:
K�atzki �_ In Favor
Meredith `� Against BY
S�c Roedler
Mme.Presidpnt�P�C HUri't
I C �A� 1 5 �974 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by �ouncil: Date
Certifi se by Council Secretary BY
Approv y Maxor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council
�, pUBt{SHED MAY 18 1974
, . �
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Ma.y 8, 1974 R. SCOTT.DAVIES
Mr. Albert B. Olson
Council Recording Secretary
City Clerk' s Office
Re: 693-695 Selby Avenue
Dear Mr. Olson:
Attached hereto is resolution/order pertaining to the
above hazardous building.
Upon passage of the same by the City Council, please
forward 6 certified copies to me.
Yours truly,
..e.Q� / ,��
Assistant City Attorney
6 certified copies sent 5-16-7�+
� City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102
612 298-5121
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BUREAU OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 Cify Hall, 55102 223-4212
December 5, 1972
Madam President and
Members of the City Council
Re: 693-95 Selby Aven.
File #2291
Honorable Council:
The Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement is hereby
submitting its report on the condition of the structure at the
location refe�red to above.
The owner of record is Sid Tarshish.
The legal description of the property is Lot 27, Block 3, Holcombe' s
The building is a two story ordinary construction store and apart-
ment building 40 ' x 100 ' .
This building has had three damaging fires in the last l� years
and has been vacant since the first fire, July 11, 1971. The ex-
terior masonry walls are bulging. Extensive fire damage has caused
complete destruction to a large area of the floor system. Elec-
trical wiring, waste and water piping have been destroyed due to
the fires and collapse of the floor joist.� There is a frame shed
addition at the rear of the main building, which is in a state of
collapse due to its deteriorated condition.
The Housing and Redevelopment Authority does not intend to acquire
this property.
The building has been boarded by the owner since June 23, 1972.
Inasmuch as the physical damage and dilapidated conditions outlined
above constitute a public hazard and the owner has made no attempt
to satisfactorily rep ir the damage despite our warnings, and the
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Madam President and
Members of the City Council December 5, 1972
continued vacant and boarded up condition contributes a blighting
influence on the neighborhood, it is the recommendation of this
bureau that this matter be referred to the City Attorney's office
for razing and removal through District Court proceedings.
Ve uly your
lenn A. Erickson
Asst. City Architect
cc: Messrs. Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor
P. McCloskey, City Attorney Office
W. Shimek, Fire Marshal
F. Staffenson, Housing Code
ow�oi�►� anr'o�� +�'` ' _ � M ` � , 2�V���
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Co�i� c� sAt�._�M?!M��' �;_1'�'��!
� WHEREAS, the Building Departmbnt h�a requested the City Council to
� hold a public hoaring to conaider the advieability and aeceeeity of the correction or
wreck n� and removal of the following describedbuildinga, said atructures having
been eported to conetitute a public hazard:
Addre e Legal bescrfptio� Type of Structure
i#3�# �►�► Lo�t ���' �3�� a�, �a�'�r �i�rM� ''�Mo►.� ea�'L�1� ,
�r��e►Ir�e� s�o�t +�d
�!�►t �ildla�
�1i�• �c l�l!'
WHEREAS, it appears that the laat laiowt� racord owners of sa�.d
buildi gs are as follows: ;� ��� ,
� THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that a public hearing be held by and
; befor the Council of the City of Saint Paul in the Council Chamber of the Court Houee
+ in e ai city at 10:00 a.m. on : < �
to con ider the advieability an neceeei y o or e ng the cerrection or wrecking and ;
, remo 1 of eaid structuree on the above deecribed property i�aemuch as eaid etructuree
are re rted to consti�ute a hazard to public heslth� safety snd we3fare; be it
, FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Building Departmeat, on beha�.f of
the Ci y Council, notify by mail the record owners of the property in queetion at the laet
knovcm address� ae well as other intere�ted pereans of record, of the date and time of .
the he ring.
` FOR APPROVED: (� (new)
-r— � --- N OV 9 1972
Ae s t. ity Attorney
, aa�a � t�. co N is
co c��x
Ye�s xay. A�"'' 19—
H nt in Fatror
K nopa�ki � �r
L vine
redith —A��t .
S rafka
T esco
Madam President. Hutler -
Dec. 7, 1972
Building Bureau
�+�+5 City Hall
�e City Couricil laid over to February 8th the m�tter
of the correction or wrecking and remc�val of the store
and apartment building at 693�5 Se1by Ave.
Very truly youre,
City Clerk
Februaryr 8, 1g73
Mr. Glenn Ericls�on
Assi,atr�n.t City Arch�.tect
Rao�n �+5, City' Ha7.1.
St. Paul, Minzsesat�
Dear Sir:
The City Caunail laid over to Me�Y l� a hea,ring oa th� adviea-
b�.lit�r nnd necessity of th� �orrection or ar�aking aa�d
x�emc�va7. of a haz.e�rdcnu stxveture at 6g3-g5 Selby Av�nue.
Yaura arary tru.1.Y,
City Cler�
� �o, ig73
Mr. Glenn briekson
Ae�i�rta�nt City Architeet
Room ��+5, City Hall '
St. Pe�u1, Minne+sca�a
Dear 3ir:
The City Counail laid aver to Augu�t 9, 1973 a hearing on the
advieability and nec�esfty af �1� corr�etion or xreaking �nd
reraova� ot' a ha�ardQUe structure at 693-95 selby Ave.
Youra very truly,
City Cla�xk
A�ust 9: 1973
A�r. R. Scott Davies
��.ty Attorney
Room 647, C�ty Hall
St. Paul, Mirlaesota
De�sr Sir;
The City Councii requests �bhat yau pa•�pare a resolution ordering
trhe correatiott ar r�aki�p�g a�rl,c! ramc�va2 af �, building at 693»9g
Selby Awnue.
Youre v+exy trul,y,
City Clerk
ABO s�naw