02-1168CouncilFile# OZ.��I.Q� Presented bv �-/ � Referred To / RESOLUTION SAINT RAL1L. M NESOTA Green Sheet # aoa'13 Committee Date 1 WHEREAS, Murali Balaji has covered the City Hall beat for the Saint Paul PioneerPress for over two years; and 2 WHEREAS, most of us still call him Moe because we can't pronounce his given name; and 3 WHEREAS, Moe is also the bartender on the Simpsons; and 4 WHEREAS, it is suspected that this is more than just a coincidence; and 5 WHEREAS, Murali Baiaji has been actively evaluating his career options, considering application to law school, which is 6 clearly based on some quaint notion of what being a lawyer is actually like, and the option of seeking elective office, which 7 we consider either a compliment or a sign of insanity; and 8 WHEREAS, Murali Balaji has accepted a position with the Wlmington News Joumal and will, therefore, be returning to his 9 beloved Philadefphia where, he says, he will be glad to be closer to his family, a motive that should be considered suspect 10 since most people usually move to be farther away from their family; and 11 WHEREAS, Murali Bala}i leaves us with the distinction of having written more cofumn inches about ethanol than any other 12 reporter in America; and 13 WHEREAS, he has to leave because we have discovered that Moe's diligence at sniffing for news and confiirming facts 14 was, aIl along, o�ly a cover for finding dark chocolate; 15 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul extends its gratitude to Murali Balaji 16 for his professional contribution to the work of City government and wishes him well with his new beat; and 17 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Council notes that his resignation from the Pioneer Press and his impending move 18 release Moe from any ethicai prohibition against bringing home-cooked Indian meais to the members. Requested by Department of: � Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Mayor:, Date /��� Form Approved by City Attorney � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � �� �� Adopted by Council: Date �� �� 20 0�_ �5� ui V