263409 WH17E - CITY CLERK CO13I1C11 2631.a�_^� PINK - FINANCE BLUERY,� MAYORTfENT GITY OF SAINT PATTL File NO. �� ��" �� -- � C nci Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby continue its Assessment Policy for sidewalks as approved by C.F. No. 261310, May 22, 1973, the policy is as follows: ASSESSMENT POLICY i . SIDEWALKS: All street classtfications in Residential Dtstricts. Current PolicY - Sidewaiks are currently assessed at fuil actual costs. City aid funds are granted for 50� of tree removai and 50� of the assessment for Longstde A � B Itesidential property. Costs for street intersections and alley crossings are also borne by the Ctty. The average sidewalk rate anticipated for 1972 amounts to $4.50 per assessable foot for 5 foot wide sidewalk. Adopted Policy A. Establish the sidewalk rate for A and B Residential properties at a $4.�00 per assessable foot maximum rate for all 5 foot wide walks constructed after January 1 , 1973• Other width walks to be prorated accordingly. Commercial , industrial or multt-resi- dence properttes to be assessed at actual cost. B. Assume that the sidewalk construction and/or reconstruction program will continue at approximately 20 mites of new sidewalk per year. C. Review the costs and assessments for the walk constructed in 1973 and consider establishing fixed rates for all types of walks for 1975• D. The intersection walk construction, alley crossings, longside aid, etc. , tree removal aid will contlnue to exist as under the current policy. These costs to be borne by the City. �m COUNCILMEI�1 Requested by Department of: Yeas Bu tl er Nays � Public Works Konopatzki In Favo[ Levine /� ., ' Meredith �/ Against BY ' �t�t#+ks� Roedler Daniel J. ford, Dlrec r (JFS) Tedesco Mme.President ��g� Hunt Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 9 1974 Form Approved b City ttor e Certified Pa by Counci Secretary BY f Y Approved Maxor• Date 4 Approv 's on to Council By BY pq$ItSHED AP R � . c�t t o. 4,` � . � - , - e �n:�� �y ��34n9 - .., __ �� .:. . . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capita) of Minnesota DEPA�T�'lEAlT O� PU31lC ti^JO�iKS � Z34 City Hell & Court House 55102 Dantel J. Dunford, P.E. Di rector Aprit 17, 1974 Mr. Frank D. Ma�zi tel 1 i � � City Administrator Room 365, City Hall BUILDING Dear M�. Marzitelli : We have recently opened bids.on sidewatk contracts for 1974 and ftnd that average cost per front foot will be approximately S5.30. Last year, the average cost per front foot was 5�.50. The subsidy last year was $.50 per front foot for Class A ard B residential wwa ♦i+ie �•e�r �.�i �� �'ua C� . Zn nPr fr�►nt fAAf ItR�P.SG rflP. rf1UflC1 � Ifl� creases the maxi���ur� assess�ent �f $4.0^ ger front foot. In order that a sidewalk program comparable in size to last year's be accomplished, the Public Improvement Aid Fund will have to be �eallocated as follows: --. _,..._ ___ _.� --. ----- _.- - -- 1974 Pub 1 i c 1 mp rovemen t A i d , � . 197�Longside Subsidy $ 64,000.00 1973 Longside Subsidy 67.000.00 1974 General Subsidy 15 miles of residential to be 18 mi le program; �p2,960.00 '"�- "-- subsidized at $1.3�/front foot. 1974 Longside Subsidy (Would allow 25 ,000 ft. of longside) 50,000.00 '— '- Total Sidewalk Need 5283,960.00 . • � Grading and Curb Longside Subsidy Nee.d 40._•�� Total Sidewalk and Grading • S3z3,960.00 Burgess-Chatsworth Relief Sewet 22,000.00 Kent-Charles Relief Sewer 231 ,000.00 �. . Mr. Frank D. Marzi tel l i -2- �►Pri � ��. �9�� . . ,. � � � . .. � ' S Curtice St.-Woodbury St.-Andrew St. 100,000.00 ���9 (Remove deteriorated wall) Jefferson-Wheeler Storm System ]4,600.00 Westminster-York Relief System 72,000.00 Total Program 5823,560.00 $800,000.00 is available and since the above are estimates , we wilt adjust the program as bids are received. If you concur in the above, I will present it to the Public Works Commi ttee for thei r approval. � Yours very truly, � � �' LL�LL� , ��' Da niel J. Du ford � Di rector of Publ i c Works JFS/dah cc: Roge� Mattson Robert Trudeau 1 ' Richard L. 4Jheeler .. .. , . V• ��V/IV .i�r��VII�Ib.� y�.� .. .. ._ _. . ., . . . . � . .. . � .. . . ' � .. Walter A. Hurtley � Henry W. Jackson , . John J. Eichinger J. William Donovan . Kenneth C. Newcomb James F. Schwartz . � -� , �;, ._,� �