263407 WHI7E - CITV CLERK . 1 ^-)C PINK - FINANCE CO1111C11 /V���� BLUERY �MnEPQAR�TMENT GITY OF SAINT PATIL File NO. IVVV ����� uncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby grants permission to the St. Paul Indian community, through Elwin J. Benton, Executive Director of the State Indian Affairs Commis�sion, as Chairman of the parade� to hold a parade during Minnesota Indian Week eelebration� on _ May 10� 19'74 commencing at 10:00 A.M. over a route described as follows : Commencing on Columbus Street in f ront of the Veterans Building, east on. Golumbus to Gedar, south on Cedar to Sixth Street, west on Sixth to Wabasha, north on Wabasha to Columbus . ; t COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: �rButler Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY � Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�C I�R1rit APR 1 9 1974 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date �� � � . Cer ' 'ed Pa sed by Council Sec�tary BY ' s� By Approv Mayor• Date APR 2 2 � Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council gy � B PUBLISHED Q,QR 2 71974 , . .� ����p+► I :.,�. .�__.., �;��A� _ . . ��������� � ��� ..,.=� -:,a� � � ��7� State of Minnesota �u�1Cl{ �'r��i��Tl� R��hv �4r��;� t�lE71AN A�FAIRS C��v1AAISSIC,3� Room I10 — State Office Annex 117 University Avenue ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA:55155 Phone: (612) 295-3b11 April 10, 197� Councilman Ruuy Hunt 719 City Hall St. Paul , Minn�sota 55102 Daar hls. Hunt: T� is my understanding_ (after conversing alith Lt. Kaase, of the �'.:. Paul P�lice Departmznt} that in order to hold a narade prior �0 6:0o Fr� on week days , permission mus�c be obtain�d through the �i�j� Councii because of a local ordinance. The�refore, T am re- queszing that you introduce a resolution which ��ill hopefully grant us aermission to have a parade durinq T�innesota Zr�dian ;;a�?c c�lebration., Tra�+itionally, Indian Day has been observed on �lay 1Qth. As in pa;t ye�rs , �,ae �aoul d 1 i ke to have the parade on that �arti cul ar . da�. ientati vely, ti��e pl anned to have i t b�t��een the hours of �€i:�0-12:Oa A�1 and we are anticipating a�proximately 40 units , � �f��i ch U!oul d corzsi st of ho•rses , automa�i 1 es , fl oats, etc. Attached yoj.� L��i11 fincl a rough sketch of the proposed route. �s:;s annual event is sponsored by the St. Paul Indian community, in conjunction with various organizations. The planniny committee has �asignated me as their parade chairman. i hc��e that you avi 11 consi der sponsori ng thi s `"£S0�Ut1 Qi1 ar,d the c��:ncii acis favorabl;� on this request.- I rer�;a�n � SincerEly yours , �%, ,� ..�..- ccr�c.�.n'_ /�5.�)'f".�.:.^✓� E1�-�fi n J% Bentcn . Execut7ve Direct�r C. C. Lt. Kaase S�. Pa�l Po1ic� Genartment "AN EQUAL O°PORTUNITY EMPL.OYEr" - �� J , ,,�;� � ;�6�4�`�� , � H C� �i NOR H . U�IIVER.SITY ` 5.�:�.� ' ,��- .�,...,....�•.�...�.- CAPITOL � r3 srt`�''-�' 9 � �'•`.� �7 � - � �� � � �., � :�c��,�Y L:�; �?�:i � � £3TH S`_�'REET �. � ��, s�.,,,�.^�^"' p �-,.��.�—�__ � t�r1 � � � " Cn �3 ?7 � �� � � � _ ` � � U� H 'Z7 t� � i� �t� ��� � � �,,��� FED, � ��^. �'LLO� BL�,�. .�4 ,.. . "°•� ,�„�,�,,,�� .A«�.�c�.:�. ..,w_� � � � � � r. i April 19, 1974 Lt. Kaas St. Paul Police Department Public Safety Building 101 Last lOtti StrPet St. Paul, Minne.sota Re: Council File No. 263407, ?�innesota Indian Week Parad�� Dear Sir: Please be advised the attached resolut�on was adopted by the City Council at its April 13, 1974 meeting. Yours very truly, City Clerk ��s:�3 f Attach.