263406 WHITE - CITY CLERK �((y''��(1(� PINK � FINANCE COl1flC11 ���A�� BLUERV-�MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PATTL File NO. `# � ouncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Dr. Oscar Victor Rachetti, Governor of Montevideo, Uraguay, is visiting the United States and is now in the Twin Cities area en route to Montevideo, Minnesota, studying local government and meeting with local government officials along the way; and WHEREAS� it is the desire of • the Council that Dr. Raehetti be extended all courtesies of offiee by our city officials and enployees , and made welcome during his visit to Saint Paul , therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Gouncil of the City of Saint Paul , on behalf of its members� city officials and employees� and on behalf of the citizens of Saint Paul, welcomes Governor Rachetti and his wife, who is accompanying him on this trip� to the City of Saint Paul, and by this resolution expresses our wish that their visit here will be both pleasant and rewarding. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �t Butler Konopatzki In Favor Levine ` Meredith v Against BY �cedler Tedesco Mme.President �t F�it APR 1 st 1974 Form pproved b �cy A Adopted by Council: Date ` Certified P , by ouncil Secretary BY Y Appro Maxor• Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By �ueus�� APR � '� 1��� ��\v y����T H.HU��HREY � M[NNESOTA • � . � .w� rywg�, i ��r. �, �` . ` . - . - � - ��dt�7�l.���..���.�san.��� !_ } � j � f � �' �:�::��r�;:� ,��cx��� .�3��c�-.�¢ �,�' • � Y,rASHiNCG�rON,D.C. 20510 � ��,: - 4-�, . l�C3l;i 1 . I�, . .�c, � . F;,,' . F°;:�: � � . < :r= ..�� «. April 11, 1974 ����r�f�� �. # f � �. �r3 � � , � . . �];.)1.� � V ��t�" � � 1 . �i^�.1CiGll ��'�,'SIC�G'C�.� � i�llbll H�(i� �ihe Honorable Lac•arence Cohen C�.ty Hall and Court House � 15 Sv°st ICellogg S�. Paul, Minnesota 55102 D�ar Larry: � J +�'4�. Oscar Victoz Rac'netti, -�4�ar af Mont�vid�o, �.ruguay, will be visiting the Twin City 11rea from Tuesday i�hrough Thursday of next week on his way t� rlontevideo, Minnesota . �.'.-�_�.1�:_• Rachetti i.s interested in studyi.ng lacal gov�rn- �r;��a;� ar.d me�ting goverr-n�nt officials. In the evc�n� • t:naz he calls your_ office, the Mayor should be welcomed � . . wiL-h nood, war_m M�nnesota hospitality and extended a11 L oss-iale courtesies . �C rne� �•,itn Niayor Rachetti today arid just ���anted to :t�t �;:_�u kno�� of his visit to Minnesoi:a . :L am send�ng , a1o��c� ar+. information shee� abou� T•Zayor Rac�ietti wha_ch � �r:ay N� oi interest to you. Z'ith best wishe�. � . Sincerely, ,�'°' �y� � � L � ����', '�,,.,'� Hubert H. F�Iumphr_ey � :� � �--�r- �� -y� f-. �� � � �1 � � �r`. � � �� ,-� ` C, '" � �; � ����� � . ���� � �� �" � �. ` ' ' . BTO - Rou�h D:aft- Uruguay ������ :' . � , , � . I�'arae Dr. Oscar Victor RACHETTI �lasanes Present i'osition Atayor of the City of hfontevideo LanQua�*cs Spanish, Freiich Escort-Interpreter: Anthony Starcevic Address Carlos F., Saez 6535, Monteviedo Personsl Data Born June 12, 1926; Montevideo _ Fam.ily �larried Afrs. Rachetti accompanying her husband. ., ��-���� c'' Dietar� Itestrictions Academic Fac�c�r.ound Law Degree, SchooT of Lati,r and Social Sciences, Uz�iversity • ;°t`'=` � of the Republic Courses on Cor.unercial Law, School of Law and Social Sciences, University of the Republic , ,\ � P�st4'i'ositions Mayor of the City of riontevideo, 1969-71 Lega1 Adviscr and member of the Board of Directors of private law firms, 1951-67 Attache, Uruguayan Embassy in the Netherlands, 1953 President of the Bank of the Republic, 1967-69 Travels t!broad ��'estern Europe, Rumania, Soviet Union, U.S. Hobb�es and Ir.terests 39e-���erships President, National CoUncil of Aiayors President, Association of Cailigrapnic Experts Fublications WHITE — CITY CLERK 1 PWK — FINANCE TT C011I1C11 �-. ?(" �/� CANARY — DEPARTMEIV�,T GITY OF SAINT YA V L s BLUE — MAYOR File NO. �������x�� , . -,, � ,�'ouncil Resolution �. . � ..��_� �,-. . ,r�° Presented By {.�''P'`�_ "7 .�.=;'t.'`'�"''-�� ... ,,� i,� Referred To V Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHER.EAS, Dr. Use�;r Vietor Rachetti, Governar o� Mantevideo, Uraguay, is visiting the United States anc3 is now in the Twin Citfes area en route to Montevideo, Minnesota, stuciying loeal government aad meetfng �+ith l+ocal guvern�ent offfcials siong the wsy; and idHEREAS, it fg the desire �►� the C�uncil that Dr. Rachetti. be e�tended ail courte:�iss of +affiae by +�ur city oiYlciels and employees, and made welcome durin� hi� vi�it to Saint Psul, therefQre be it RE�QLVED, that the Counail o� the City oY Saint Paul� on beh�li of its �embers, eity ofYicisls and e�ployees, snd on behal� of the citizens of Saint Paul, welco�es Governor 8achetti and his MiYe, who i� aceo�paayia.g h�im on thia trig, to ti�e City o� Saint Paul, and b�* this resol�xt ion eYprease� o�r �rish that their visit here �rill be both pleasant and re�rardin�. COUtVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: 7� ��"1' Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY {�Oe$1.��C Tedesco Mme.President �t�r �t �974 ' ' .✓ J;�` AP R 1 8 Form [Approved by-City AttoFne,�y / r + Adopted by Council: Date ,e' .��, �,yl f ' f,� '` ' � ,,. y � ¢ �' ,, t..1..:.,, {;� ,y''� � ;. r^;.. a c_>- Certified Passed by,.Council Secretary BY - � By j 1 ' ..^� Approved by•Mayor: Date ' APR 1 8 1974 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council�� By BY