263391 WHI7E - CITV CLERK COUIICll 2s339� �
_ � ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
RESOLVED, That the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed
to execute, on behalf of the City of St. Paul , an agreement, hereby approved,
(a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference)
between the City of St. Paul and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paui and
Pacific Raiiroad Company, providing for the reconstruction of the CLEVELAND
AVENUE Bridge over the Milwaukee Road's tracks (City ProJect No. B-1033) ,
including the disposition of costs involved therewith; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVEp, That the City's share of the construction, engineering
and inspection costs incurred under the terms of this agreement, estimated
as a sum of $255,800.00 (to be determined more accurately upon award of a
contract) , shall be paid from P. I .R. Fund Code 60000, said fund to be reim-
bursed from 1973 County Aid Funds. The City will duly receive, upon comple-
tion of construction, an amount estimated at $126,000.00 from the Milwaukee
Road, which sum shall be credited to P. I .R. Fund Code 60000, Public Works
Project No. B-)033. The total cost of this pro,ject is estimated at $381 ,800.00,
and ati costs shail be accounted for under Public Works Project No. 8-1033-
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
�XU!# Butler Publ ic Works
Konopatzki � In Favor
Meredith Against BY ' `
�3f�1( Rcedler Daniel J. D ford, Dire tor DOL)
dktMme.President ���(r Hunt •— 1
APR 1 6 1974 Form Approved by ity torne ���,- J
Adopted by Council: Date 'T�
Certified P y Council Secreta�y BY
Approv d by Maxor: Date � 7� Approved by ay f Submission to uncil
� • . , , .
THIS AGREEMENT, ma.d.e and entered into this day of ,
1973, by and between the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation, actin� by
and thxough its City Council, hereinafter called the "City", a.nd the CHICAGO,
hereinafter called the "Railroa.d",
WI�REAS, Cleveland Avenue in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County,
Minnesota, as now established, crosses the tracks of the Railroad by means of.
s.n overhead bridge between Yorkshire Avenue and Hampshire Avenue, and
WI�REAS, the present bridge and approaches axe in need of' reconstruction in
order to insure the safety of the travelling public, both pedestrian and vehicular,
a.nd �
WF�REAS, the par'ties hereto desire that the present bridge be reconstructed
in substantial accordance with the plan, which is attached hereto and made a
part hereof and ma.rked, Exhibit "A", and that the work and cost incurred in
connection therewith be borne by the parties as set forth in the following
l. The City will make all engineering surveys; prepare plans a,nd specifi-
cations for the removal of the existing Cleveland Avenue Bridge and construction
pf a new bridge (including, but not lim3.ted to, the embanl�nent and approaches,
drainage, paving and all highway facilities incident thereto, lighting and
temporary pedestria.n bridge and walkway a11 necessitated by construction of the
new bridge and new gra.de of Cleveland Avenue); advertise and receive bids for
�the work; award a contract on a unit price basis, to a coanpeterrt contractor or
contractors experienced in such work, for the work as above outlined; administrate
and inspect the construction contract; and provide temporary li�hting for the
pedestrian bridge and signs and controls for all detours required.
Said plans and specifications sha7.l be approved by the Chief Engineer oP
the Railroa.d before bids axe received Yor the work and neither party shall
make a.ny changes in the approved plans and specifications without the approval . - . .
of the other paxty.
.The award of a contract Yor the work sha11 be subject to the approval of
the Chief Engineer of the Ra3lroad.
Payments to the contractor will be made by the City.
2. The City agrees to acquire and fl3rnish the right-of-way for slopes and
fills aecessary for the approaches to the new Cleveland Avenue Bridge arid the
temporary pedestrian bridge. Said ri�ht-of-way is shown in green on the plan
which is attached hereto and made a part hereof and maxked, Exhibit "B".
3. The City will require its contractor to carry insurance protecting the
Railroad in accordance with Paragraph 1708 of the Minnesota Department of
Highways' "Standaxd Specifications for Highway Construction", dated Ja.nuary 1,
1972, except that the contractor sha11 make his own arrangements and secure a11
necessary easements to permit hauling of ma.terials or equip�►ent across the traeks
of the Ra3lroad, over pr3vate crossings, o� for storage of material or equip�►ent.
- 2 -
4. All work provided to be done under the contract or contracts for the
construction of the bridge project, which may afPect the tracks or train
operation of the Raa.lroad, sha11 be performed in such manner and at such time
as shall be satisfactory to the Chief En�ineer of the Railroad. so as to minimize
interference with the operation of traa.ns on the tracks of the Railroad. The
Railroad will permit the contractor to use portions of its right-oY-way as may
be required for storage of materials and equipmerrt in caxrying on the construction
operation, provided that no interference with tra3n movement results Prom such
use or storage.
5. The City will �ive the Railroad's Chief Engineer or his designated
representative at least ten (10) days' written notice oP the City's intention
to order its contractor to enter upon the premises and right-of-way of the
Railroad for the purpose of constructing the grade sepaxation. Upon completion,
the premises shall be cleaned up in a condition satisfactory to the Chief
Engineer of the Railroad.
6. The City will install, mainta3n and remove lights required by the
temporary pedestrian bridge.
7. The Raa.lroad herein �rants to the City a temporary construction easement
Yor the axea on its right-of-way requi.red for the construction of a temporary
pedestrian bridge ma.de necessary by reason of the construction of said Cleveland
Avenue Bridge. The land to be flirnished for said temporary construction purpose
for the construction of the temporary pedestrian brid�e is shown in red on Exhibit
. "B". Said easement to terminate upon completion of the construction project or
on July l, 1975, whichever occurs first. Upon completion of the Cleveland Avenue
Bridge and the removal of the temporary pedestrian bridge, the City will grade
and restore the right-of-way areas, upon which the temporary pedestrian bridge
has been constructed, to a level and condition satisfactory to the auth�rized
representative of the Chief Engineer of the Railroa.d.
_ 3 _ ,
8. The Railroad will dedicate to the City at no cost to the City, three
permanent easements on the Railroad's right-of-way, for slope and embanlQnent
purposes necessitated by the change in grade of Cleveland Avenue, widening of
the roa.dway on the new bridge a,nd shortening of the new bridge length. Said
s�ope easements are shown in blue on Exhibit "B". The Railroad.'s dedication
oP the permanent slope easements sha.11 be in a form and manner approved by the
City Attorney of the City. ,:.
9. The Rai.lroad will dedicate to the City, at no cost to the City, two
permanent easements across the Ra3lroa.d.'s ri�ht-of-way for highway, bridge and
utility purposes. One easement to be 15 feet in width, ad�acent to and east of
the east property line oP Clevela.nd Aveuue to be available and used for access
Por f�iture bridge maintena�ace. One easement to be 20 feet in width, adjacent
to and west of the west property line of Cleveland to be ava.i?able and used for
installation of utilities which are required to be maved by the reconstruction
of the bridge and for access for fl.iture bridge and utility maintenance. Said
permanerrt easem�ents axe shown in yellow on Exhibit "B". The Railroad's
dedication of the permarient highway, bridge and utility easements shall be in
the form and ma,nner approved by the City Attorney of the City.
10. The Railroad will provide fla�nen, at the cost oP the City's construction
contractor, during construction of the Cleveland Avenue Bridge and the temporary
pedestrian bridge. The Ra3lroa.d. will provide flagmen service reasonably required
by the City in fliture inspections or for maa.ntenance of the Cleveland Av�enue
Bridge by City forces at no cost to the City.
- 4 -
11. All ma,terials removed from the existing Cleveland Avenue Bridge and
all materials removed from the temporary pedestrian bridge other than li�hting
materials erected by the City in accordance with Paxagraph 6 shall become the
property of the City's contractor, and will be disposed o� by him. Any salvage
value of the materials will be included in the contractor's bid prices.
12. All costs of the pro�ect shall be defined as the work and services to
be done and performed in accordance with Paxagraphs 1 and 6, but shall not
include the costs of additional right-of-way acquired by the City in accordance
with Paragraph 2 or ar�y costs of water main changes which might be necessitated
by widening of the existing bridge roadway.
13. It is agreed hereto that all costs of the project are to be shared
equal�jr by the City and the Railroad with a 50/5o apportionment to each based
on the replacement cost of a bridge with the same roadway and sidewatk width
� as the existing bridge and with allocation of such actual costs oP the project
to be:
50°b of 40/58 or 34.48� . . . . . . . . to the Railroad
50�6 0� 40/58 plus 100� of 18/58 or 65.52� to the City.
14. The estimate of cost of the vaxious items of work and service as ,
outlined for the cost of the project is as follows:
a. Removal of existing bridge $ 5,000.00
b. Fedestrian Detour 7��'�
c. Construction of new bridge 240,400•00
d. Construction of bridge approaches 76,�•�
e. Installation and removal of temporary lighting 5�•00
Y. Traffic Controls ����'�
g. Engineering, inspection and contract administration 34,500.00
�1.�.�j�p O� I't.@InS 'r 8�� .t�lY'll ��dn\
Tota1 Pro�ect Cost $ 365,4�•00
_ 5 _
It is understood that the above estima.te of cost of pro�ect is an estima.te
Por information only and upon completion of the work, the unit prices set forth
in the contract with the successful bidder and the final quantities as mea.sured
by the City's Engineer shall �overn in computing the final total cost. That
portion of the work which is performed by the City with its own forces will be
based on the rates established by the City at the time the work is performed,
plus a labor add.itive of 25 per cent of those rates to cover costs of vacation,
hol.idays and health, welfaxe and retirement benefits. Rental for City owned equip-
merrt will be based on the rates established by the City and currently in effect
and in use by the City in�its own operations at the time the work is performed.
Costs of materials used in connection with work performed by the City will be
based on the actual cost thereof to the City where such ma.terials are purchased
solely for the project. Where ma.terials used are taken from City stores or obtained
under existing bla.nket contracts, cost will be based on the current rates charged
by the City to City street i.mprovement projects.
Upon completion of the work, the actual costs thereof shall be ascerta3ned,
and an itemized statement of such costs presented to the Railroad in quadruplicate.
The Railroad shall within 30 days of receigt of such bill, pay to the City 3�+•�+$
per cent of the actual cost of the project. Tt is estimated that the aforesaid
34.48 per cent project costs incurred by the City in connection therewith will
be approxima.tely $125,99�•�•
1§. This Agreement, among other things, sha11 be contingerit for its operative
effect upon the approval of the Minnesota Public Service Co�runi.ssion of its
provisions pertaining to the apportionment of construction and maintenance costs
of said bridge. The City will petition the Minnesota Public Service Corrnnission
for approval of this Agreement and the plans and specifications for the pro�ect.
- 6 -
16. Upon completion of the pro�ect, the City will, at its own expense,
mairitain the entire bridge structure; the entire approaches to the bridge,
including roadway, curbs, sidewalks, fences and grassed areas on the street
right-of-way; and will control all dxainage on its right-oY-way so as not �o
damage the right-of-way or property of the Ra3lroad. Upon completion of the
pra3ect, the Railroa.d. will, at its own expense, maintain any drainage structures
installed to control the drainage from the Railroa.d right-of-way. Nothing
herein contained sha.11 be construed to relieve either the City or the Ra3lroad
o�' common law or statutory liability, if ax�y, �or ar�r dama.ges to the bridge
structure resulting from the operations of the Railroad or resulting Prom
operations of the City. The obligation to so maintain said brid�e and bridge
approaches shall continue in accordance with the law of the State of Minnesota,
as it shall be from time to time in the future.
17. Upon completion of the pro�ect, the Railroa.d will at its expense
corrtrol the drainage on its track bed and ma3ntain the culvert installed with
this pro�ect. In the event the Ra3lroad desires to add tracks or shiPt existing •
���ck�.to acco�nodate additional tracks, any costs involved therein shall be
entirely at its own expense.
18. This Agreemerrt is executed by the City of Saint Paul, a municipal
corporation of the State of Minnesota, pursuant to authority granted by
Resolution C.F. No. of the City Council of the City of Saint
Paul, a.dopted , 197�, a certified copy of which is
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
IN WITI�SS WI�REC�', the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be
executed by their proper officers thereunto duly authorized the day and year
first above written.
Recommended for Execution:
Director of Public Works Mayor
Appraved as to form:
Assistant City Attorney Director of Finaace & Ma.na,gement Services
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