263389 WH17E - �ITY CLERK PIIv'!4 - FINANCE TT COU11C11 263389 BLUERY-MAVORTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAIlL File NO. ` � cil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby accept conveyance of certain tax-forfeited lands to the City of Saint Paul to be used by the City exclusively for pa.rk and recreation purposes only, and the proper City officers are authorized and directed to record the said deed in the proper office of recordation. COUI�TCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays �c Butler Konopatzki _� In Favor Levine Meredith � Against BY xi�n�c Roedler Tedesco Mme.President�rFiurit Adopted by Council: Date APR 1 6 1974 Form Approved y C'ty At rney Certified Pa by Council Se�retary By B Approv by Maxor: Date Approve b "Su 'on to il By By PllBItsHFn �pp � 7 �a�� � � w ! J. WILtJ,AM DONOVAN 29H—�31`7 Valuation Engineer ROY E. BREDAHL, Jr. C I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L a55�� vai„a��o� Engineer BUREAU OF VALUATIONS 286 Ciiy Hall Saint Paul, Minn�sota 55102 �'63389 April 5, 1974 Mr. FreB. Fischd!r Office oY the l�yor Roan 347 BUILDIpG Re: Comeyance by the State of �Iinnesota to the City of St. Paul of certain tax forfeited lands for the Sirede Hollc�rr Park program. Dear Sir: The City of Sa.int Paul snbmitted. an application to the Land Co�aissioaer per C.F. 263074, for the conveyanee by the State of Miane�ota to the C3.ty of Saint Paul of certain tax forfeited lands as �hrnm on the attached deed. Sub�equently, the application was approved a� a deed. has been executed by tbe State ia favor of the City of Saint Paul. The attached resolution authorizes the acceptance of said conveyance and the rec�clation of same. I recammend that the attaahed resolution be approv�ed by the M�yor �'or �ubnission to Council., as being in thd best interests of the City of St. Paul. If yaa. have ar�,q questioas, please call me. VeTy y out's, � �:� �d�-�------. ��t. wiui.ag► nonovan 9alua.tion Engi.neer JWD:RJR:dm Attach. , . . • . � . � �� F �, v , ` . �� - : ', " �. � i ;,' � }� . � STATE OF MINNESOTA �; ,y . - D��� aF �� 263389 �-� `4 r A .X `: OONVEYANCE OF FORF�,ITID LANDS , k�` � � Issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision l� �{:'. . p�� ' . . . . . . ,J, � Tf�g IND�NT[TRE. made this 15th d�y of March, 19?4� between the State of Minnesota, as party of the first part� and the City of St. Paul, a Municipal Corporation, as party of the " second part. WITNFSSETH: ' � . �: . _ _ _ � �E.4EAS, the land hereinafter described was du�y forfeited to the State of Minnesota } for the nonpayment of taxes, and, � WHEttTA�S, pursuant to Minnesota Sta,tutes, Section 282.01, Subdivision 1, the party of the second part has applied to the Commissioner of Revenue for the conveyance of la.nds hereinaft,er described to be used by it exclusive],y for pa.rk and recreation purp�ses only� and� . ` Wf�REAS, the Board of County Co�i.ssioners of the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota� has reco�nended to the Conanissioner of Revenue by resolution adopted on the 25th day of February, 1974, tha.t such conveyance be made� NOW� THE.REFORE� The State of Minnesota., pursua.nt to said laws and in consideration of the premises, does hereby grant, bargain� sell and convey unto the party of the second pa.rt� forever, all the tracts or parcels of land ],ying and being in the County of Ramsey� State of Minnesota, described as follows, to-wit: Ward 1 . Irvine's Second Addition to St. Paul (bc. St.) That part of Lot 10, S],y of 'a line drawn from a point on the E. line 11.74 ft. from the NE corner to a point on the W. line 20.1 ft. from the NW corner of said I�ot 10. Lot 10, Block 3. Brunsons Addition to the Town of St. Paul in the Count�y of Ramsey and Territorv of Minnesota. (F,�ccept the west 120 feet), part west of the Northern Pacific Railway right-of- way of Lots 5 and 6� Block 6. � Ward 2 � . . NO DEqNQt1ENT TAXE$ Auditor's Subdivision No. 7�, St. Paul Minnt ANp fRAt�gfE�EfVY�REO. LOt 3 �OCIt 1• MQt'f !� v�974 i .. � . LOU MtKENNA, DIRECTOR o.'e. r. �en,R.�n+.r a.,Mn Brunson's Addition � 3 Lot l, Block 1. E�cept pa,rt within 50 ft of center line of most E],y N P Ry track and subject to Slope Easement in Document 774394, �ts 2 and 13, Block 1. Irvine's Second Addition to St. Pau1 �at part of premises designated as Water Power Reservation lying S of S line of Block 1 Irvine's 2nd Add. produced W to E7y line of St. Paul & Duluth Ry R/W except part N and E of a line described as fols Beginning at SW corner of lot 2, Block 8, � Irvine's 2nd Add., thence W to a pt. which is 300.26 ft. W of the W line of Bates � Ave. and 125 ft. N.` of N. line of Maury St. thence in a NEly direction at an angle of 45�50' with la,st described line a distance of �42.81 ft., thence on a line de- - 2� flecti.ng at an angle to the left of 170$2' a distance of 183.24 ft., th. on a line�� deflecting at an angle to the left of 5].� to the R�W of the Northern Pacific Ry. Block 8. Lots 3 and 4, Block 8. � �_ . ' '� . , � - . � D• . . . J;Z�J1 -��► ?. � . � � � S ' ttrn . • , ' . . . . . ., r . Wg2'd 2 Irvine•s Second Addition to St. Paul That part S of a line beginning at SW corner of Lot 2, B1ock 8, thence W to a , point which is 300.26' W of W line of Bates Ave. and 125' N of the N line of Maury St, of Lots 6, 7, 8 and 9� B1ock 8, Lots 5, 6, 7, 8� 9, 10� 11, 12� 13, 14 and 15, Block 9, Lots 1 and 18, Block 10, Lots 4, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18� B1oCk 11� Lots l� 2� 3� 4� 5� 14� 15,and 16� Block 12� Lots l� 2� 3� "jt $� 9� 10� 11 and 12, Block 13. Miscellaneous. Town 24�, Ra.n�e 22 Part northwesterly of the northeasterly extension of the southeaster7y line of Block 36, Kittson's Add., of the following: That part of the NE,�-� of the STn� of Section 32� Town 29, Range 22 lying N of 6th St. and F of a line 60 ft. �Ly from and parallel to a line drawn S 19010• E from the point on the N line of said STy 236 ft. W. from the center line of said section, also that pa.rt of SE� of the Pd4+� of Section 32, Town 29, Ra.nge 22 lying S],y of Wagner St. and Ely of a line commencing at a point on the 51,p line of Wagner St. 40 ft. IIy from the right of way of NP RR thence S�r 141 ft. more or less to a point on the S line of said N4� 63 ft. E],y from said R/W both of the above described tracts are subject to easement of City for sewer purposes through a strip 20 ft. wide in Section 32, Township 29, Range 22. (bccept that pa.rt lying ea.st of the east line of the sewer easement acquired ty the City of St. Paul under C. F. 104479, dated Jul,y 28, 1936, and recorded as Document 905542 in Book 50 of Plans, page 2 south of the extended center line of vacated h�.ghth Street and north of G�i.].vert Street) the followings subject to sewer easement to the �ty of St. Paul, commencing at the northeast corner of Wagener's Addition, thence north along the 1�4 section line to a point 16.80 cha.ins (1108.08 feet) north from the center of Section 32, thence west 3.16 chains (208.j6 feet) to an intersection with the east line of Ea,st Street, thence Southwester�y to an intersection with the easterly right-of-way line of the Northern Pacific Ra,ilway as established by 550 Deeds� page 51., thence southerly along said right-of way line to the north line of Wagener's Addition, thence northeasterly to beginning, part of Southeast 1/4 of Northwest 1�4 of Section 32, Township 29, Range 22. Wa�ener's Addition ' ?�ots 2 and 3, Block 1� Ely 26 feet of Lot 4, Block l, W1,y 24 feet of Lot 4, � Block 1, �Ly 24 feet of Lot 5, Block 1, Wly 26 feet of Lot 5, Block 1, Lots � ` 6 and 7� Block 1, bccept the NW1�r 14 ft., Lot 2, Block 2, bccept the NW�y ' '° 14 ft., Lot 3, Block 2, �ccept the NW1� 14 ft., Lot 4� Block 2, bccept the �1 NW],y 14 ft., F�,y 26 ft. of Lot 5, Block 2, Except the NW]y 14 ft., W]�y 24 ft. of Lot 5, Block 2, �cept the NW�y 14 ft., Lot 6, Block 2, FSccept the NWJ,y -s� 14 ft., Lot 7, Block 2, , . �'� : T� AAVS AND TO HOLD THE SAME� together with all the hereditaments and appurtenances �thereunto belonging or in ar�ywise appertaining, to the said party of the second part so long 'as it shall continue to use said land for the purpose aforesaid, and upon condition �that it such use shall cease said land shall revert to the party of the first pa.rt as �rovidad by 1a�r. Nc deed tax wi,v, be p�,yable on this conveyance. � �,��,�� � ',� ,�` �: ,IH TEST�+iONY.WHII�DOF, the Sta,te of Minnesota,, pa,rty of the first pa.rt, has ca.used. hthis deed.to be}eXecuted in its name in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County� Minnesota, the ' ,. x. .. da;y at'�d year first above written. � � � �� �� .� , . �"s: ,� �?:„3;,�,�i�•�; s '�` In prssence oft�„�:�T `' STATE OF MINNFSOTA �� ��� �""� ARTHIIR C. RUII�fER � Commissioner of Revenue � � ��: ��.� _ � .. � „ �- � � ._ , �, .. , . . r : - = - . :, , .. ,; . � . .. .._ . .. .� _ . � .� • a - .��� :�. � � k � �.= � �_ � '���.���"� ',��� . . �� ry MA�)d V �� TMf�i y ° . � ���� .��°f -. . �' v � (air � r�P �y�� �. , , �,^r ,�� � •�• � � �: � � f x.�,. ,V � „ � ,'r����^r+,�r�';�'d�.�k + �. [.1d'''' ,'�� 1 '"i,,.. �`��:..t 1G�=� �+�L+ r�h1' �i` g k ��- y . ' . ' . , . .. . � . , '}. . . . ' . . . . . ' .. � . . �� .. . � .. � „ . . .� . , , . . ' ,, . � � .: .:i. .�. '.. _ .. _ _ - _ _ '_ ' -_ . ., ,'''.' , t- ","'..�.. _ r:.y.,ri.--��.._.' ;.._ -__._ " A . . .- � .. ,., .�. _ -_. _._- -'_' 2a 1.: . . .,, . ., : .,.. ,. ...:';. . .�., � .. . . . . � . . . . . a V��' • ir ai �ry;'i'"--}:.. S�'AT� OF 3��tNE$OTA :��-` . � - � .,i"�- �sr� . � '.`:�#',Yx°. �01121t31 O� �31Il^�y �� � � "��� F�` ,y 0�^ +.,his 15th day �,� t` `',�'� , ��f�� �nr�.1y appeare�. : :'�.';�DR. C. ?�.Oi�tI�,ft, ��or , �� �P t� _,.s � ata.t.e of Mi.nnesota� �.c .. a known to ba thc�• , .;',.,w ex�::.;�',:�. : � ���°�going conveyance in k�o�a.lf' of thn 4�+:a�__ :. . �� �_razesotz, a���. �.,._ .:.,.ledged that he exe- c».tad the same as tlie r'.- �� .1ct and deed cf �< i_tl statA pursuant to th� �ta.tutes in �such f:.=.;.;�� i„auQ and prov��-ieci, � .i .� . _ _ . '. J ' w / __... , f._.�..�'. c_%J � _•,/ `��' THiS INS�'F241MENT WAS 0i?A;'="f�-:p �Y � - �^-',�i►� C. RGE!fER L�;3.'.�,,,,.:,��.;fa�R OF i?EV�NtJE ::: xA..��h1a�;,:;.��'a�r,:a.F..F.f"..:r.�.��,s:.,��:.���.,s�s:�.,��r. � ._-} r-� I n t r`, f� T ^C Pq7RlCIA ZENTZIS '='n^. ` ..)7, i��f�{,,,� {'ril�`�IY�•J�1,'�, �;`)�c+,J .. � .rt . . � . � +., p t�c,�am;=.�Co:r,ty �� y... < � Y y :XPts �S �' �- �N �� �,{ �,J ,�ti S,�p, a �ti+y`�fr tvi 9 �j1�i i ', . . 4yx y .i 'r����V��\t r, i�� .'�"�i��������+ , . . !l Y Y�� �Y� � � . •Y - ir_ ' . T.,_ . Q� -, e�� . � �, �. � .. . � � . . � Ya'. .. . � t . ' '! � �t'.� � - Jt� Y`,�; `� fi'. �� � y � . � �r� =a - . 1- �r - : � '�h ��:- �� �°�� t ' ' a �� < �sx � �� ;�, n ��' � W, p H . , . � . � �f � ' � �� �>� � �a�'f y�;� s� .. � . . ' �� ��,'�""'r v� �r�� r� •; � i y, � �,:� ��y� .�. �y � a � � � � d��s�k$'�.�: . � �. <:t��-�� , , � ,� . # >: t� ;�� ;'� .. . �t �: . . :- .. " .. ��. ; t�' �� p . � . -�,.. .. . . _. . .. ._... ._. .. . . .. .:. > >:'�..- ..... ..:.-.; -�.3.� �...'�'�._ . .. � w Sc Y '�.. � . . . . . . . � ..�f� . . � .