263362 WHITE - CITY �RK + . �-�,�R��^^ PINK - FIf�ANCE , • CO1111C11 "�� ��°D CANliRY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. r v� B L�.1 E -M A'Y•.O R . � � � ��� � 0rdin�nce Ordinance N 0. �,��__ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 2. That said ordinance, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting in their proper alphabetical order the titles and specifications for - Chief of Public Systems �`Planning and Development City Planning Research Analyst I City Planning Research Analyst Ii City Planning Research Analyst III City Planning Research Analyst IV Community F'acilities Planner III Community Facilities Planner IV Deputy Coordinator for Comprehensive Policy Planning Economic Planner III Economic Planner IV Environmental Planner III Environmental Planner IV Housing Planner III Housing P�.anner IV Land Use Planner III - " Land Use Planner IV : � - � Public Syste�ns Planner III, � Public Systenzs Planzier IV :._ 6 COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Konopatzki In Favor Levine Meredith Against BY Sprafka Tedesco Mme.President Butler Form pr ved by C' y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approv y May ubmi sion uncil BY By , � , • � � �� y 1 ' � ' ' _ Y .. . � . � .• .. . • ' y Title of class: ' n CHIEF OF PUBLIC SYSTEM5-PLANTvING AND DEVELOPMEI`.T . , . nuties and respo�sibilities: Under administrative direction� to be responsible for the activities , of the Public Systems Planning and Development Division; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To perform high level professional and administrative functions in representing the City at hearings and meetings. To act as technical advisor to the Mayor, City Council, City Admin- istrator, Planning Coordinator, and City Planning Commission . on matters dealing with transportation, utilities, and community facilities. � To direct and manage the activities of the Public Systems Planning and Development Division. • To represent the City of St. Paul at hearings, meetings, and confer- ences on matters dealing with transportation, utilities, and � community facilities, where public presentation is necessary, To confer with other governmental eritities and agencies regarding je?nt interest, trar�sportation, L�tiiities, ancl cornmunity facilities. 1 o work closely vvith affected City departments and.agencies with ..a ..,. _'_ - --a - • - � , .� , .. ���_ _. .... t.�......, ........ Y� ..6: �..:.. --, ... ..,.....rv. �...�i.�,a� u�aii�i�.o� aiiu coxnmuniiy iaciiities, �o �,tnervise the developmec�t of ;:he p�rtions of the comprehensive 4 �,la;-� ro�rf ring trax�sportati�n, utilities, and commu.nity facili*ies. • To pr�pare studies, reports, and recommenc�ations relative to transporta±ion, utilities, and community facilities. �Vlin�mum qualificatiors: . Gol?ege graduation in Cit}= Planning or l.ivil Engineering, and eight y�a.1-s' professional experience in city planning or engineering, with at least four y,,ars' experienc:e in tra-zsportation and utilities planning; or a master's degree in City Planning or Civil �ngineer- ing, and six years' professional experience, four of which must be in transportation and utilities planning. (No substitution for education. ) . � � , ; � ' � � , Tir1e c�f class: - CIT1' PLANNING RESEARCH ANALYST I llu�ies and responsibilities: Uncler supervision, to be trained i.n and to perform beginning level ��rofessional work in the Research section of City Planning; and to perturm related work as assigned. r:xamples of work performed: To assist in preparing questionnaires and forms used in collecting and analyzin�; data for planning purposes, i.e. , migration studys, character of the city reports, Yiousing and economic studies. To assist in collecting ra�a d�ta from primary sources, records or reports for ��lanning purposes. . '1'0 •assist in pr�cessing and re✓iewing re�a data for planning purposes. To as�ist in constructing tables, maps, graphs and charts for use in presenting the results of planning studies. lu ��ssist in the prepar�:.tion of the simpler narrative and statistical ri:��orts ior planners use. Tc azs�,aer correspondence concerning reporrs and statistical information rac;uested by citizens, and city officials as directed. �Sinimum qualifications: � a Crllege gracuation �,�ith a major in urban planning, urban stud�es, :�tatistics, public administration or a closely related so�ial or physical science with courses in mathematics, research o?- scatistical analysis. (No subs, 'cution for education.) f , � i i 1 { . .. , ; ' ' � , � Title of Class: , . CITY }'L,INNING RESI:ARCti ANl1LYST Ii l�uties and resi�onsibilities: Under sul�ervisi.on, to ��erform di.fticult professional work in the researcIi division of Cit,� l'lanninF; and to perform related work as assif;ned. I?xamples of work Performed: To prepare-���estionnaires and forms used in collectin� and analyzin� data for plannin�; purposes, i.e. , migration studies, character of tlle city rei�orts, iiousin�; and economic studies. 'Po collect raw data from Primary sources, records or reports for plannin�; PurI�oses. , To i�roce:,:; and review raw data for planning purposes. 7'o plan and construct tables, maps, graPhs and charts for use in l�resenting ti►e re�;ults of Plannin� studies. 1'o prei>are the siml�ler narrat?.ve <3nc1 statistical reports for planners ucp� � � . . _-.�..._... ..... �:,..���..,......_. . . 'Co answer corresi�ondence concerning reports anci statistical informatioa by citizens and city officials as directed. riinir;un: qualificatipns: ' � 4 , Gollege graduation in urban planning or urhan studies �•ith courses in statistics and one year experie*-�ce as City Plannin� Research AnaZyst I �r equivalent; or college graduation i:� statistics, public adm�.ni-- stration or closely related physic3l or social scienses with coursea in matliematics research, or 5tatistical analysis, azd two vear; �f experience as a Research Analyst 7 �r equit�alent; or a Master's degree �_i urban plannin�;, urban studies, statis�ic.�;, public adtninistration or one of the closely related T�hysical or social sciences with courses in rese�3rch matliematics, or statistical analysis. (No substitution for • education.) _� � . � , ,, ' , . , . , " , � ' ' Title of Class: CITY PLANNING RESEARCH ANALYST III I)uties and res��ons.ibilities: Uiider 5ui�ervision, to Perform professional research work for planning includin� develot�ment and direction of major research projects related to I�hysical, economic and social develoPment of the City and its neighbortioods; and to Perform related work as assi�ned. I'.xarai�les of work performed: '�'o assist G�ith the desipn of research projects to meet plannin�; needs. '1'o supervise research assignments as assigned. To supervise, direct and train otlier analysts in the completion of r.esearch J�rojects. , '1'o write reports as rec�uired for effective communication of research _ f indin�;s. , To� assist with the develoPment of information systems and with data processin� tasks recuired by t:�e planning Program. 1'o work with staff of otiier departments and agencies for the cooperative use of available data and processin�; cdpability. 'T�� i��-esent rej�orts to the l�lar.ning staff, the Plann�ng Commission, �-arious committees, elected officials, and citizen groups as required. Pxinimt��n c�ualifications: � � Co?lcge graduation in urban F�lanning or urban Gtudies •aith cours.es in ' st.atistics and three years' exPerience in research and planning at least two years of which mu�t have been as a City Planning Researcli A��alyst II cr equivalent; or cvl.le;;e g�-aduation in statistics or I�ublic administration or closely related physical or social sciences winc �ourses in sta�tistics and folir years' experience in plannin� and research, two years of which raust have been as a t;ity Plar.ning I:Fr,�c�a�-ch A�alyst II or e<luivalent; or a master degree in t�-ban 1�larin�.ng, urban studies, statistics, ��ublic aclmin- stration or one of the closely related �hysical or social s.�iences w-_',�h courses in statistics and two years' Professional exPerie:nce in planning and research. (No substitution for education.) ' ,� • i i .� p • . ' � . � Title of class: � CITY PL[1NNING itESEARCH ANALYST IV Uuties and responsibilities: Under direction, to perform difficult and highly responsible supervisory professional research work in City Planning and to be in charge of the department 's research section; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To carry out professional research work for planning, including development and direction of major research projects related to physical, economic and social development of the City and its neighborhoods. To develop information systems and coordinate data processing tasks required by the planning program. To supervise, direct and train other analysts in the completion of research projects. T� write rep•�rts as requi:-ed for effective conununication of research findings. 1'o d�velop and maintain a relationship with other �epartments .:►iu a�e[1c:1PS L'_�: t!2? cooper�tive LtSQ O� availSu%F udta 3T1C� processing capability. � To pr�sent reports to the planning staff, the Planning Commission, � vari_ous commitcees, elected officials, and citizen groups as tequired. P:inim�im qualificatians: College graduation in urban plann:.nJ or urban studies with course work in statistics and four years ' experience in r.esearch and pl�n:ting at least two years' of which must have been as a City Pl.;zining Research Analyst III. or equivalent; or college graduation :in statistics or public ac�ministration or closely related physical ot social science coith courses in statistics and six years' experience in plauning and research, two years ' of which must have been as a City Planning Researcti Analyst III or equivalent; or a masters degree in urban planning, urban studies, statistics, Public Administration or one of the closely related social or �hrsi.cal sciences with courses in statistics and four years' professional e�perience in planning and research. (No substitution for education.) � . . � . .� P Z ltlE: Uf C13SS: COMMUNITY FACILITIES PLANI�I:R III l�uties and responsibilities: � Under supervision to perform supervisory professional «�ork in connection with community facilities planning in libraries, police, fire, parks, sctiools; and to perform related �,•ork as assigned. Examples of work performed: � To assign, review, supervise, and train planners and planning technicians. To conduct field surveys, collect data regarding planning for parks, recreation, open space, and community facilities. To prepare maps, ch�:rts, graphs, displays and exhibit designs for those projects assigned. To,collect and record data, to db research work, and to compile statistics in connection with stuc�ies ancl surveys in community facilitics. - To plan anc lay out developments in connection witr parks, recreation, open space, and community facilities. 'I o assist in studies and preparation of community facilities reports and articies for publication. TD I71�Kf� C)T'�� T1'P4Pn1-�f-.nr+e� -,� .�... ..a"" _'_ ' ' �• . _ . - - ---.._ ..b.. ...�,.� ..�.�g r�a��..�, V�CIl space, _ anc� commu:.ity Facilitie�. � Minimam qtialificaticns: ' College gra.duation in urban �lanning, urban studies, engineering, landscape architecture, or architecture and three years' profess�.onal planning ex��rience at least t�:o years of which must have beer. as a parks, open space, or Carnmunity Facilities Planner II or �ryi-.iraler.t; ox a master degree in urban planniilg, urban studies, ��ngineering, architectuz•e, or landscape architecture and two years' professional plannin, experience in parks, c�pen space, or community facilities; or :ollege graduation and four years' professional planning experience at least twr� years of which must have been as a parks, open space, or Community Facilities Planner II or equivalent. (No substitution for education. ) � . - .. ., 4 . . , . - . '� ' ' , ' Titie of class: COMMUI�ITY FACILITIES �LANNER IV I)iiti��5 ancl responsibilities: (_Jnder direction, to perform difficult and highly responsible supervisory professional w�ork in connection v��ith community facilities planning, such as libraries, police, fire, parks and schools; to be responsible for administration and operation of a section in the Division of Public Systems Planning and Development; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To direct the Comrnunity Facilities Section in the division of Public Systems Planning and Development. To plan and lay out parks, recreation, open space, and community - facilities developmer,ts. To make oral presentations at meetings regarding parks, open space, � and community facilities. To organize and direct field sur`�eys, collect data for use in planning �arks, recreation, open spacc�; and community facilities. Tc� determine the sources of data, develop data col.lection systems, conduct resea.rch, and evaluate the results of studies and surveys. To direct the preparation of maps, charts, graphs, displays, and e;;r.ibit cesigns. �. o prepare community facilities reports and articles for publication. : I�iinirnum qualifications: � ��o;'��;e gradnation in urban planr.ing, urban studies, en��neering, land- �e�ape architecture, or architect�:re and four years' professional �,lanni.ng experience, at least tw� years of which must have been as a Community Facilities Plann�;r III or equivalent; or a masrer's degree in urban planning, urban studies, engineering, architecture, or )andscape architecture and t',iree yea�s' professional planning experience in parks, open space, or community facilities; or college graduation and six years' profc�ssional planning experience, at least two years of which must have been as a Community Facili- ties Ylanner III or equivalent. (No substitution for education. ) . � f . i i „�,.r * ' . . - ;� , T _ . , ' � ' - � � Title of class: . �� � . � , DEPUTY COORDINATOR FOR COMPREHENSIVE POLICY PLANNING Duties and responsibilities: � -• � Under administrative direction; to be responsible for the develop- ment of the City's comprehensive plan, including all policy ' � analysis and proposals related to physical, economic, and social � � development of the City; and to perform related work as assigned. - Examples of work performed: . To direct development of the City's comprehensive plan. To supervise the professional staff engaged in policy analysis and ' j planning. • To work with the Planning Commission in the development of all • recommendations and plans as may constitute the Comprehensive Plan. . . 'ro assist the Planning Coordinator with presentation to the Mayor - ,and Cit� Council of goals and'objectives, policy alternatives, spatial plans, and program rec or;zmendations such as constitute � or are necessary to implement the Comprehensive Plan. To write reports and supervise writing and the preparation of graphic materials as required to carry out these responsibilities. To direct the research required for the devel�pment of sound planni•�g proposals and to assist the PlanninQ Coordinat�r ;r +hA r�r n..:�. _c _ i+ . .-==== �_ �.�� .;cu.u�rapn�c, , ecnnomic, and s�ci�.i daia required by the Planning Commission,. the Mayor, and the City Council, � for their evaluation of plan proposals. � - To maintain a working relationship with staff inembers of other City departments and agencies. - • , Te direct each planning chief or other staff inember v�-ith primary responsibility ior a portion of the comprehensive plan. , _ Minimum qualifications: ~ _ � A master's d.egree in city planning and six }�ears of professional - + planning experie�ice, at least two years of which i�volve super- visory expzriEnce as a City Planner I�T or equivalent; or a master's • degree in public administration or urban studies with an emphasis ' in planning and/or policy analysis, and seven years of professional _ planning experience, at least two years of which ixa�olve supervisory experience as a City Planner IV or equivalent; or �ollege graduation and eight years of professional planning experience, at least two years of which involved supervisory experience as a City Planner � ' IV or equivalent. (No substitution for education. ) . • - , . � . , . . � � -� � - _ e - � _ Title of class: ECONOMIC PLANAIER III li��Lies and responsibilities: � L'nder supervision, to perform supervisory professional �aork in developi_ng the commercial and industrial base of the City; and its economic structure in orc3er to establish goals, and to perform related worl: as assigned. Examples of work performed: To monitor economic development planning of private and government agencies. To assist in the research and analysis of the commercial and industrial base of the City. To assist in £orm►.tlating goals and objectives of economic development. To analyze economic development� policies and to assist in developing alternate p�licies to meet City goals. To assist in develoF�ino and implementing land use controls for orderly development of commer%:ial and indu::trial districts. To assist with the preparation oi reports. Tc� supervise and train planners and technicians. To raeet ��ith citizen snd inter�st gr.oups tu ensure br.o4d community �.�__�`�' � � - �.waLVUii�, Ntau1l11tY� ctl:LlVlCleS� 2L1.Q present prop�sed __�r..�_,... �.. p7.ans and strategies to such �roups, to the Pl�nning Commission, � and to elected official^. + '•Iin.imum qualifications: C�.-�lle�e graduation in iirbari plannir:g, u,-ban studies, �r economic geography, ,aith course work in econom�cs and three years' pro- fessional experier.ce at ?.east two ;•ears must have been as a City Plariner II involved in economic planning or equivalent; or a m3ster's in urban p:annin€, ur}�an studies, business administration, r.�ublic administration or a close;.y related social or physical science with course work in economics and t�oo years ' professional planning experience involved with economic planning; or college graduation and four years' professional planning experience at least two years which must have been as a City Pianner II or equivalent involved in economic planning. (No substitution for education.) • � , . . - „ � o • , • � � . . - Title of class: ECONOMIC PLEINNER IV Uuties and respunsibilities: � - Under direction, to perform difficult and highly responsible supervisory professional �vork in developing the co�nercial and industrial base of the City, and its economic structure; in order to establish goals, objectives, policies, and implemen- tation actions, and to perform related worlc as assigned. Er.amples of work performed: To direct and coordinate economic development planning of private and government agencies. 1'o direct research for analyzing ttie commercial and industri.al base of the City upon wriich development needs can be established. , To formulate goals and objectives of economic development. To supervise analyzing economic development policies and to clevel�p alt�rnate polici�s to :�eet City goals. To develop and implement land use controls for orderly development of cocr�nercial and in�iustrial districts. To p_e�are reports for stu�:ie� pertainino to economic development. T,. .� -- � -��-, �� - -- - s _�_� __�—_- r-�r��...�..:.::_ r;_.:...::...� ...,...� . tPChn:.c ians. T� meet with citizen and interest groups to ensure broad community � rr�rticipation in e�onom�_c planning activities, and present • proposed plans and strategies to such groups, to Lhe Planning Commission, and to elected ofzicir.ls. Minimum qualifications: Coll.ege graduation in urban plan�ing, urban studies, or economic geodraphy caiCh course work in �coriomics and four years' pro- fessional p?anning experi.e:zce at Least two years of which r.lust have been as a City Planner II c-r equiva�ent involved in economic planning; or a masters in urban planning, urban _ studies, business administration, public administration or a closely related social or nhysical science with course work in economics and three years professional planning experience involved with economic planning; or college graduation and six years' � professional planning experience at least two years of which must have been as a Economic Planner III or equivalent. (No substitution for education. � - . , , � - � � . . Title of class: ENVIRONIv1ENTAL YLANNER !II Dutie.s and responsibilities: � Under supervision, to perform sizpervisory professional �t•ork in connection with coordinating environmental quality planning activities at the municipal level and developing the City's cnvironmental impact assessments; and to perform relatecl work as assigned. - Examples of work performed: To monitor present activities related to the maintenance of environ- mental quality in St. Paul. To monitor metropolitan, state, and national policy developments related tu environmental quality control and to assist in coordina- ting activities at the municipal level. To assist in developing environmental impact assessment procedures 'and methodology for the City. To assist in developing and implementing land use controls based upon maintenance of environmental quality. To assist in developing and implementing open space Planning for the City. To undertake research work and reports and tc assis� with the preparation of reports. ic, S11PP.I'V]SP..➢ a�re;�t anr trai_n_ ��c�::I�Prs ar,d ts�hr.icia.ns. To me�t with citizens and special interest groups as required to + ensure broad community participation in environmental planning , activities, and present proposed plans and strategies to such groups, to the Planning Commission, and to elected officials as required. Minimum qualifications: College graduati�n with a major in urban planning, environmental planiiing, forestry and parks management, geography, or urban studies, and thrae years' professional planning experience, at leas� two years' of which must have been as a City Planner II or equival.ent, involving environmental plar..ning; or a master's degree in urban �lanning, environmental planning, forestry and parks management, geography, urban studies, or public administration, and two years' professional planning experience involving environ- mental planning; or college graduation and four years' professional L�lann;ng experience, at least tw�o years of which must have been involved with environmental planning. (No substitution for education. ) � � . . . . .. , , ' ,. �_ � _ - � �� ' � . . � . Titic of rlass: � El�VIRONMENTAL PLANNEIt IV , T�utics and rFSponsit�ilities: Under direction, to perform difficult and highly responsible super- visory work relating to environmental planning activities at the municipal level and to develop the City's environmental impact assessments; and to perform related work as assigned. � Examples of work performed: To direct present activities related to planning the maintenan :e of � environmental quality in St. PauL To supervi:-e monitoring of inetropolitan, state and national policy developrYlents related to environmental quaiity control and to coordinate activities at the municipal level. �To direct the development of environmental im,�act assessment .procedures and methodology for the City. To supervise the development and implementation of land use controls based upon mainter.ance of environmental quality. To direct the development and implementation of open space planning . for the City. To supervise research work and to prepare reports in environmental planning. T" °.,r"" _-�, u�=��� w..� �1���� �,�uiC�siunal pianners and technicians. To meet with citizens and speci�.l interest groups as required to � ensure broad community participation in environmental planning � activities, and present proposed plans and strategies to such ' groups, to the Planning Commission, and to elected officials as required. Minimurr. 4ualifications: College graduation with a major in urban planning, urban studies, environmental planning, geography, or forestry and parks manage- ment, and four years' professional planning experience, at least � two years of •,�hich must have been as an Environme �tal Planner III or c:quivalent; or a master's degree in urban planning, urban studies, public administration, forestry and parks management, or geography, and three years' professional planning experience, at least two years of which must have been as an Environmental Planner III or equivalent; or college graduation and six years' professional planning ex�.;rience, at least two years of which must have been as an Environmental Planner III or equivalent. (No substitution for education. ) � � � Title �f rlass: � FiOL'SI\'G PLA,i\'EI: III I�uti�•s an�l respon5ibiliiies: � Under supervision, to p��rfoi•m supervisoc•y professional �vork in pl�►nning for continued development and maintenance of housin� in the City; and to perfoi•m related work as assigned. F:�.�iY�ples of �.�ork performed: To assist in the development of goals and objectives for the housing plan of the City. To assist in analyring City policies as they relate to housing supply. To assist in developing and maintaining a housing inventory system ` and regular assessment of housin� problems and opportunities. To assist with the development of strategies for meeting housing problems and opportunities. . To work closely w•ith planners to coordinate housing policies v��ith City �oals and policies in other functional areas. To•assign, supervise and train planners as required. 'ro undertake research and write :-eports as required to carry out ; these planning responsiLilities. Tu assist in presenting studies and plan proposals to the Planning Commission and to elected officials as requii-ed. To meet with citizen and special interest grouNs as required to ensure broad community participation in planning. '.v'iinimum qualifications: i College graduation in urban planning, urb�n studies or geo�raphy, and three years' professional planning experience, at least tw�o �rears of which must have been as a City Planner II or equivalent, involved �,vith housing planning; or a master's degree in urban � planning, urban studies, geography or public administration, and tvvo years' professional planning experience in housing; or college graduation an:: four y�ars' professional planning e}_perience, at least t��o years of which must have been as a City Planner II or equivalent, involved with housing planning. (No substitution for education. ) � -�� , �: ' * , . _ , t " '� � . , � ?it1E• of class: HOUSING PLANi�1ER iV - ' Dutius and responsibilities: � Un�lc:r direction to perform difficult and highly responsible supervisory professional work in the planning for continued develupment and maint.�nance of housing in the City; and to perform related worl: as assigned. Examples of work performed: � To direct the coordination and development of goals and objectives - for the City's housing plan. To analyze City policies as they relate to housing supply. To coordinate development and maintenance of a housing inventory system and regular assessment of housing problems and oppor- ` . ., : tunitie s. To de�,�elop strategies for �neeting housing problems and opportunities. To work closely with other planners to coordinate housing policies . with City goals and policies in other functional areas. . T� assign, direct, supervise and train professional planners as required. To direct research and �vrite reports as required to carry out these planning responsibilities. To direct the pr��sentatiun of studies and plan preposals to the ,-�,- - - - r . . , . . . , �� _. ............� � ...�,..,��.,�v:. u�i.. �v cici.�cu V111L1d.1D d� 1"C(.iLL1tCG. � To meet wit'r? ciiizen and special interest groups as required to ensure broad commun.ity participation in planning. + Minimurn qualific�.tions: Ccllege graduation ir. iirban planning, urban studies, and four years of . professional planning experieiice, at least two years of which must have been as a Housing Plan:.er III or equivalent; or a master's 3egree in urban plann:ng, urb�n s�udies, geography or public a��minis- tration, and three years prcfessional planning e�erience, at least two ye��rs of which must have been as a Housing Planner III or equivalent; or college graduation and six years p�ofessional planning exgerience, at least two years of which must have been as a Housing Planner III or equivalent. (No substituti.on for education. ) ' � � � � .. +, f - - r ' ` . . � .. � .. Title of class: LAND USE PLANNER III 1)utics an�i responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform supervisory professional «��rk in develop- ing and administering zoning, subdivision, official map, and other land use regulatory codes. Examples of work performed: - To supervise and perform the writing and preparation of zoning, sub- division, official map, and other regulatory ordinances. To supervise and perform the preparation and presentation of reports on -r.oning and subdivision requests to review bodies and the City Council. � To assist in reviewing the design of development proposals for con- formance to existing regulations. To meet with citizens and developers and present and discuss the plans � and issues of land development proposals. - To �indertake research work and reports and to assist with the prepara- tion of reports. To supervise and train planners and technicians. Minimum qualifications: � College graduation in urban planning, urban studies or geograohy, � and three years' professional planning experience, at least two . years of which must have been as a City Planner II or equivalent, involved with land use regulation planni�zg; or a master�s degree in urban planning, geography, urban studies, or public administra- tion, and two years' professional planning experience; or college � gra�uation and four years' professional planning experience, at . least two years of which must have been a� a Planner II or equiva- lent, involved in land use regulations planning. (No substitution for education. ) � _ _ , . � .� • T i'�r ..n 'I c�v � vY' � " �i77. � s • �lir .. . . . ' � / ' • � . . � .. ' . � . � • . . ' ' � ' . Title of class: � LAND USE PLANNER IV Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to perform difficult and highly responsible supervisory professional «ork in developing and administering zoning, subdivision, official map, and other land use regulatory codes. Examples of work performed: To direct and perform the writing and pr�paration of zoning, subdivision, official map, and other regulatory ordinances. To prepare and present reports on zoning and subdivision requests to review bodies and the City Council. T.o review the design of developrnent proposals for conformance to exist- ing regulations. � To meet with citizens and developers and present and discuss the plans and issues of land development proposals. To undertake research work and prepare reports. To supervise, direct and train professional planners and technicians. Tii;,,; -.t:r: ..�c_ ---- z-----___._..�..._�. College graduation in urban planning, urban studies, or geography, and 1 four years' professional planning experience, at least two years' of ' �>°..;, which must have been as a Land Use Planner III or equiva- lent; or a master's degree in urban planning, urban studies, geography, or public administration and thi•ee years' professional planning e�;perience; or college graduation and six years' professional planning experience, at least two years of which must have been as a Land Use Planner III. (No substitution for education. ) � _ • r . �� ,� p . � � , ._ ' •. � 'Titic of class: PUBI.IC SYSTEMS PLANtiER III , Uuties and responsibilities: ' �.'nder supervision, to perform supervisory professional v�•ork in connection ��itli transportation and/or utilities plannii��;; �ind to perform related work as assigned. E;camples of work performed: To assi�n� supervise and Crain planners and planning technicians. To plan and lay out transportation and/or utilities systems for development in the City. To make oral presentations at meetings regarding transportation and uti litie s s ystem planning. To conduct field surveys and collect da'a regarding transportation and/or utilities planning. To prepare maps, charts, grapns, displays and design exhibits of transportation an�/or utilitie� systems. Ta collect and record data; do research work, and compile statistics in connection with studies, surveys and research related to transportation anc]/or utilities systems. .�o assist. in studies and in the �reparation of reporta and articles for publication. I�linimuzr. ,r.�'uaZ121Ca�iGiiS: 1 C;�?lege graduation ��ith a degree in urban planning, urban studiPs, ' or civil engineering, and three years' prefessional planning experience, at least two years of which must have been as a City Planner II or equivalent, in��olving transportation and utilities � planning; or a mast:,r's degree irL urban planning, urban studies, or civil eng=neering, and at lPas*.. tw� years of planning experience involving transportation or utilities; or college graduation and iour years' prc,fessiot,al planning experience at least two years of v�hich must have been involved in transportation and/or utility planning. (No substitution for education. ) � . � - . • o • - • , . - .. � � � . ' 2 Title of cl.�ss: PUI3I.IC SYSTEMS PI.Ati'NER IV T�uties ancl responsibilities: tlnder direction, to perform difficult and highly responsible supervisory professional work in connection with transportation and/or utilities planning; to be responsible for the administration and o�r ration of a bureau or section in the Division of Public Systems Planning and Development; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To �lirect the section of transpi�rtation and/or utilities in the Division of Public Systems Planning and Development. To plan and lay out transportation and/or utilities systems for develop- ment. To schedule oral presentations at meetin�s regarding transportation and/or utilities systems plar.ni.ng. To organize and direct field surveys ��nd collect data for use in trans- portation ancl/or utilities planning. To determine the source of data, develop data collection systems, conduct research, and evalunte the results of studies, surveys and research. TC? t�ire�t thP r�rar.arn�;r.r. �C ..... ..L.... _-.- � ,• • • � - ---^�r--r _......_ .,�, b_.,.r,,,�� �..:,YLa,yJ at�u exhibit des:gns. ' � To direct the preparation of report.s and articles for publication. i Minirnum qualifications: College gracluation with a degree in urban planning, urban studies or . �iv�l engineering and at least fo�zr years' professio�.al planning ' experience, at least two years of ���hich must have been as a I'ablic 5ystems Planner III or equivalent; or a master's degree in urban �lanr_ing, urban studies or civil engineering and three y��ars' E�rofessional plax,ning experience, at least two years of which must have been as a Public Systems F'lanner III or equivalent; or college � graduation and six years' professional planning experience, at least two years of which must have been as a Public Systems Planner III, or equivalent. (No substitution for education. ) � P N'KE - FINANC�RK � ' . , LL CITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANA�f�f,1j�E�epRTMENT File NO.����„�„�-�� BL`LE -I�AdYOR y f �. , +�rdin�nce Ordinance N�. ' S�D , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. ti� - 25 - COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas � Nays � Konopatzki � In Favor Levine � Meredith Against BY �cac Roedler �ai�er. Mme.President SKlB! I�l1YP1'. �� 1 �C��4 Form A ro ed b 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified by Council Secretary BY Y , Appr by Mayor• Date Approved May n ncil By By PuBUS+�o AY 4 1974 . �6��62 The att�,ched ordina�ce cha�►gea the c].ass specif`leations fvr City Planner I, II, III and N to m4re accarately deacribe the duties and responeibil- ities of the actual positioss. It also eatablishes class specifYcatioas for the variaus netir Cit� Planning titles. Do not detach this memorandum fr�m the ordinance so that this informatian will be avai6able to the City CounciL . y. k M b� fi�1!r.� ,• /;+ro l.Y���,k��i Nn/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR FRANK D. MARZITELLI Apri19, 1974 To: Hon. Lawrence D. Cohen, Mayor 347 City Hall From: Frank D. Marzitelli �- City Administrator rr/ 365 City Hall � Subject: Ordinance establishing specifications for various . new City Planning titles and changing specifications for the titles City Planner I, II, III and IV We respect.fully request that the attached ordinance be submitted to the City Council. /� _ ��-� .�:�� � r' ,�,dC�tr�� �� ... � � � � City Haal, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55�02 �`�' .,.r;ig`�•" '�`:..� �.-._7i�;�`s .:;,i�y�Fl�,� '�*. � ::l �' ��+.�. ���:-�4 £s+.� $""'��.��''��'i+r P�;, � �t--x r =� '� s'�a�• "'�'�(L" �' �'.. '{hs'-eL �c�++ s;�1. ��,+,v^ w`P -3?fi s � S; rt � y. �"r1k�. , � 4 t� �� v'""�, -.�` t� s�'�' �� y �'�$ 4 � ��, ��?� � �_ �, � -�r�,�., �,.: * N ,�`� � # F 4� ,.y� .,i.�fi �,N. ��,a '°�i '�" ,�,3 ,�.: � .�.�� ��. ., * ,.'s''�'3' a �� '�ty �k a �' p'"'��..,h c r�s � � ,��r r �`" �k rT�`�°� � �'� .�+� ,� �.. a�e , '`r 5�:i• y� 6 �,, yr"� ' .�-+$t a��. .�2n _.� � t53+ �,` +�' i�- :;t`i'' � . . .x,`�a'� �y 4�-'�'"'� � FA �y✓ �3�y'�"P. .� _� ��'4'�' � gg �- q� �, �",,r't�. 1 � .,'�"� '� ��� t a" t �i�- i..:. .�rr � �LR �-��'' _ ��'�'�' 'r �" °q' •, ;� �`� t� u� e ��� a .�y ,�,-_:` � '�'- ''� r . r �.` �, Ea * ` �; ��. _���� '� � �� x � � �� , t •+�,$t � $ ,�r.;c�, ''�w� "' * e;a�"J ���-r � : ,�'�^c• .w y 3��' i,� `a � -• t,� � s� � ,�b:+�, x �A+ } �� ; � { Mr � � ��' �. �'�� .,.�, , ''° ,��.�,� �-i l��' '�y`'� ���� : ��i!. '� .; ��"`L- vr t s���`� . .;�m eR,�� � ����..,�F�; , '� '9.a�H,,�; �S, y�:„'+- -�.•_ � �� �� s. ,,�"�" a ",�'k. 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E 'B"� sx'.a,'.yy t ' .� 5"'�Y �cy�,�C.�C .�..� : r � . �y�. :�'� s a.�`!y„,: "s �� a �z ��� `�1 � �: � r��' r �'�y � ^ "�^` a� .,, � 'P *_ � '" � ��.`�.' °� ,� 'a. '.,� . � &..�,� . r'�-�.�,�+��" ^°'� TM� ���'a . proY_'�^ �.w1��.,..� �L 1` :. � '`cri 1�:� �4 `^ t... �H4a°`�'^ ? .., r. `4 = .,* �y i�' �:� �"g �y� v °'.� k ��� �� ?x � �,� �0.+- � �t+���.1'",h.?.,,� �� ,+ .-� ���-�...e �� � � �,.y t �,� Wj�� x��'',�„��T'��" � ,t� �''� a����^,�� ' {C k - a�F- , �" .�'`�,'�'F .� y 3 �,, �`I��.�.+-✓ t `���� �c. 5��� .�.s x ca�q., :, t � `. � .� *Q r��'� t,� .`� ��i � '»�,�s 3 etf- k ;'���'i!� = �' .. ��1'� "'�` k � 3� ,�g��y,,,� �§.�..: �F$��" � �r��� " t . ` 1 �,, d�Ek."`+��_,3�+1�:�.>.i.. _..,���:ik. e�-c:�c°,.�.t.. ,..�. .�. �.�_-��.�c��fi".��.r.�..x 5�i.o.���_��3�1.+"?b�+.-�i..'iP:' �..v..1�.�:�w''.T.���-�+3k��'i n ,'� �� ::.t���� ..�. .... • 'L ► T"!'c OF C1a.�U: L'�1X 1�ri�`�'�1� 7 Dit�Li�,� �, re�pon�ib_+.1.�t•wes: �/ Ui2c�cr �upc�. °u:ion, �� Uc �;°a.ii�ccl ii� ..izc� to pe�Poa� taoxk of a, pra:CcN;,�,oii I.evc1. ii� �c,hc C'�ty Pl�nn:ita� DeP�t�(;nent; �ZC� t� pex�'oxm re1��;ec? t�ror� � � �����.�i7cd. E:�2.mples o� t;ork �c��. xr�cd: 'ro F osis� o'cl�ca• �?~ofc ^:�ou�,1 ��?.�.nne�•s in char�e of zonin,�, urban desi�rz, econa�aa.c �,».� _ „�.u, goptil.�'cxan forcc��ting, tra,aspor�F.tion, �eneru]_ lozi�^'t c ri�C P1w �.ng or otllc?• p�ogra.�ia o1 the Dep�r�ffient �s -ciley mwy ��^i.�e. � To assisL :�n �i��e co_llcc�c3 oix nd �cca�d:�.n�; oi dt ta and compilat3on oP s-t�-t;i��ics. �0 2 s�a�•t in �cl?e ��;�e;���r��i:�oiz o�' L��N, claarts� graphics, elchii�it c?cui�tl:, co1.o�.c�. zenc�e�_iz�N, ai1 �ex��ective dxa,T�rin�s. To �.us:is•c �i1 •clie c�e;�a�i� und '►ayou�; o � ��a�V�a.on�a seci:ions oi' the C:�.��y �nc� -i.he xcc2cvc].o�;-�:icnt o�' l�i.i�h-� d ��ew�. lo ���isc i�a -�he p��e�w,•�,�ion of i�rr:it�en r �o-r�� �,nd studies, szn@ on occasion �o �•�;re o�°a� pretien��-L-ions 4�c m �Ctin�s oi' i;he PJ.anning Ca�iisu:ion, o�� "� r�.ec�c��n�� o�' va.�iou� civi� �rnups a,nd govexnn�ent�l �.�enei.es. � �I:i.n7.m��?n, qt�lzx"�c�.�i;:i.oz�.,,: Col�e�c �;�wdua.�ion �e;:i��a �;z�jor couices :in ub�n p��nnin�, urb�,n stutlies� pu�3.:ic aiL�_in��s�v�^��cion, �eo�ra,��hy, rz�cY�itectw.�e o 7.�.ndseare axchitec•ttzre; or college �i�.c�u�;��:�o�� iri oiie a:r^ �L11e close?y re].wt- socia3. ox ��liys-�ca7. �ciex�cc� w��.c�. one yeax`s p1�.nnin� experaenc , {No subst�tutian �or edue��c:ion.) � _ 2 _ � �' , -- ' Ti'cle of c1a��: CT`f'lC PI�.r�7aER IJ Du��ies aixd reNpon�i��i3_i.�ics: L'nder st�pe?�zxis:ion, �t;o i�c�aorn �z~ofecsion�l Z�orls in connection vri.th c�ty �1�nnin�; wncl •co �crform a�c?�.�ed �,roxl; �.N cssigned. �xamples of �*orlt pex�"orraed.: To collec-t �nd reco_cci du�� �nd. ccz:ipile s�u�:is°cics. To p:�epa�c nza��, cizw��-�y, �:rwph;,, c:�h:ib:i.•� des:i.�iis, colored renderin��� �.nd �c�u,�ec�L-:ive c�?°�t13.tl�s. To wcciU'� trs.-�li tlie c1e�-��n ��ic-1 Z�xyot��c o� tuzdeY.eloped see��s.ai� o:P ��ie Cz�y cizd �the �cc3cve�.c�nlen'i; oi b1�.glrtecl axc�s. To �,s;is�t; otlzer p�o:�ecc�.onaJ. ��laiu�ea^U in ch�,r�c o� zonin�, urban dc�i��, econc�a:;.c wn�?y�u:i;, ;�o�u�.wtion loreca:�;ing, �Lx•�iisport�,tion, ��nc�a2 ].on�;-�4 n�e ,�1�nizing oz� otlier p��o�r�s of the Depar�t�en� �.s tliey� ui�� �x�se. To �usi�� •�ii �che Znep�.r��t�.on oi tr�i��en :��e�aor�cs r�nd ai;uc�.ie�, and on occa��?on �o �:i.ve or�:L presen.t�,�t;ion., ��c ���e c�in�s ot ilZe P1.3,nnin� Cai;u�iusioi�, �ir �� race�in�s o:t vari�u� civic grouns �nd governmen•t�]. a�enc•�es. ni3.i�imtm� r,,u3?:i��ic�-cioazy: CaJ i e�e g�wc�u�,t�.oi� }a1 u��Uan 1�1.a,nnii�a, w.��an s�;udie s, �co�raphy, eng�.neer3ng, lc�nclsc�pe �rcil�-�cc-�uy_e, o�^ �.�:�cil:�tec•tu�e �nd one ye�� �ro�e^sional. p?wzii�:ii�;� c;rpe.::�.cnce; �� a, Ir�.stcr�� de�xee in u.=ban p].anning, urb3n s��udi.es, �nubll.c a�:izi�.-�s�rL�i;_tan, or ;ec�;���.play or one o�' -L•hc closel.y :ce1�,'cec? �ocial ef �l�ys�lc�l �cicnces; ar coZlege ��ac.u.a.�lon and �cwo yew��` ex�er:l.cncc as a C:i-ty tlwnrzcr I o;.� equij;�len�. �I�To suUstitu��.on i0�.° CC�.UC�L�;1�1]•� - 3 - ' C , � � ' � Title of c��ss; CI�'X PT,�I�T�I� III Duties wnd respon�:LU1.�:��t1Cu: Under direct�.on, �o pc:�for� SupCiV�sozy pTOf'C��ion�.Z �rork in connectioa �ri.th City plerinin�; �ild to perlorm rel�.ted t�*orl, as �ssigned. Examplc� os^ worb perf'o�•��.eci.: �o �,ssi{�, direc-t, rev�ez•r, supexvisc, a.izd train professional pla.nners and pl.arinl.n�; technicians, To conr3uct :�ie1.d su:c�feys, ��o collect data re��xd:ing latld use, pa�ula-3;:ion c�isti:ibu��on, and physicul, ecanomic a�.d socioloBi.0 C 011(�:f.'i,J.Ol'13. To record ��a, -�o d.o re�carcl� work, �nd 'co compiJ.e statistics in canncctson tr�•i;h s-�t?dies anc� Ntu�vcys. To an�ly�� pol:ic:ies re1�ted to }�hys:i.cal, econon�ic o�• social develo�nnent and •�e �ssisi; t�ri-L-li i:l�e devcJ_opnent oi alte�•na�tive policy propos�Za. To ��rz z��e re�or�c: as �equ:i•red ��o c�rry out p}anning re�l�onsib3.li'cie�. �1y0 rre.SC21'L' s�uc�.:i.c: ��xa ������n:�r� n�o�os41; �i;c the P1ani�in� Comt�aission and �o elected. oii�1 ci�ls au required. To mec�c tirl�clz C].'C'�ZCil a��d spec;ial intc�.•c:�L- �roups ws z�equired to enuur� bz ow�. co�rnv��i��y pw;�Licapa,-�ion in p]�,nn:in�. b1in9.at�m qua�i�".ic�.c:ioz�s: � Colle�;e �rwdu�.�i,ion i�z t�a:baiz p'!unnin�, utbai� ;'cudics, geogr'aphy, eilgineorin�, erch��-cec�cure, or la�ndsc�,pe a�chi�t;ec-�ure and 'chree years' �a�o�.°cv^.^�1011a.� pl�iln3.n�; ex�ex�.ence a� le�s�l: toro ye���s of �ah3ch muet hWve �eei1 �s a City Plwnne� TI or eauivalent; or � Mas�er's degree Yn u?°b�,n pZwnni�ig, u-rb�n s�:udies, �eo�rap2iy, or puUlie ta.dm�.nistra�ion a�d two years oi' pro:c"eaaional plann�.ng experience; or college �raduu�.-�.ion a,nd fibu�^ yea��s' nro.ie�sio��l pl�,n�zin� eztneriexice, two yc�r� of ��TlZich u�ust havc bcen �s a Caty I'14nner �I or equ:�valent. �I�10 siib s•c�.-Eu�:ion :Coj^ educ�i.:icn.� _ 1� _ � y . � 5':i•�3 e o�' cla;.G: ��e���.� CTTY �:C1�.1�TN�'t� IV Ducicu �,ncl s°c s��oncibiJ.:��;:Le,: iJi�cle;� di�eci;�?on, uo pc�•��3•r•.i c1:�.:C:�:�cuiL �nd ?z_��hl_y �c�oz�ii�le superv3�ory 17.•o�'cNUJ.on��. S:Oi li '!1� CGi�11CC�:LU:� i:�i;11 C:i:cy rl�n��ing; �Lo auu�•Llze acl�:;.i�.i�•L-xwi;�.ve ca�c� o:•����.n:�.a�:��ot�� ��e.,a�enc�_b:i.1_:i.�:��o� inv-olved 3n the opei���.on o:� a.i�y C��J�.,:ir�r_� -cl��.t n?ay l�c c;•�eU3.:i.yhc@ �r�.�;h:i.n the C:ii;y P��;nnin� Dcpar�cLicil�c; �.r.3. �o Z�c:.•fioa�;i rc1a.��ecl �*o:rk as ausigned. �xwmples of ��r2� nc.rforlacd: To have cli4 t ge ai oi�e o� �.o:-�e ��c�t:i.ons of �lie Pl�nning Departmenl:. To or.g�n_i.2e and conduc'� s"ie�d surveys, coZlect data regt�,r.d.ing land uUes, populw-t:i.o� �.YS•tra.btcc_�.aii, and phy�zcal, ecoiicmic and sociologic c�izcliti.on;. Ta c�c�L-e:��i��e �ou��ccs o:C c�ata, develop da.��.-colleci:iiig systems, conduct :�c�ew�^elz, ���cl evulu�:-ce �lze zc�L�.��s o� s-cudies and su.rvey�. To 4,n�,'!yzc polic:i.cu te�a.tera �Lo �lzyc:ica7., ccoizont:ic or soc�wl developanen� ���d �o ws�i;,t sr.��cli �:l�.e cle�;c?o��.e�it o� wl�ez•r,w�L-:ive po].icy �roposals. 7'0 �d?'7.'LC xc��oliLs �s ?°eo�u:i�r.ecl �co c�r:ty out �la,nnang res�oizsibili�ties. T.o ��esen�c �-cuci:ie� �i�c� ��1un ra°onasals -L-o �;he Planr�in� Conunission and �co el.ectecl oJ:��.c:;.�Zs �s ren1tu.-r.e;d. To �.ce-t �ri��i1 c:i�l;izcn uaia? s7�ec:�a� in,�exes�c �.�.oups as requixed to ei�ctu e b�owd co�i�un_�.•cy pa,r�i;�.ci�at:ion ry n ��unni�is. rdin��uu qua.�:i f�.c�-i;;�ons: Co�1,e�e ��actuatici�. �n t��:bun p�al�nin�� uzbGn studies, or ge�gr�.phy, and �'eur Src�.�u' pro�estia.o��al p1.�.��nin,� �xpex�:i.ence ai lews•L- �;tyo years of ���l�:icl� r�us�� have 's�ec�a ^s � C5.4y F�.�,iine:c ��x or equiv�.len�t; or �, P�r�ster°s dc�;a�ee ii� urbar� �31w2�i�:i��,�, ur'aan stucl�?es, �cogr�.phy, or public �,c��:sa.i�ry v c��.-c3.oi� wz�.� c�i:��e yeuxs' n�o:CcU ciolz2l. p7_anning expexience; or coi_�c�e ga•ac�u^.�cion 4 i1�. :i:ive yea,rs` �ro:ics�icnal pZwnniz�g ex�exien,ce a�; ?eas�� �c��;o yea,i s z�rli��cl� r�u.�-i; have been a� �. Ci�y Planner III o� equivalei�.'c. (s7o Nl�vN�;:��;���cion ior eaucw-cioi�,.) - 5 - .� . •r• ;,, �,r� ,�,... 7�;.�: .; "i:.t....:�: t>%7 .�. E:t src��..`.... "'.j 2�,d ?' �u*w r.jr a; .,- r. t- . �. .`�r �1J F l.i�: k.fa�� 1'�i's:� t�o V���Yi�i".^���t� Dt;:;:.',::: ;.i:�,l ?��?�;?:��t:?!;i 3�i��'c:�. ..,: ��'fif<^'s" i.!i51'i C?'!ti<.i"c�':.'f b' ' Lf'1;"�?C �t3 �: "+z? <'F-::�i: ° '`�{'t� �3C�.`'f 1i'1�'t C.'S . 'C; ;:':t.. , '�:, : �'` 4't�'S��La 'fOl �i' e;�':�? ?'�;�'3;i 4: �,'�'��;.'ii:s , t i�i`:�'�'i€�C: .:i?t': �'it:::'!?s i:t��s's�'t3'� �'i�+'t S't�t1; sti'1t'� e.0 f?c'::i"s't;i"�ii 's"t?�i!�i•E:;r� `-':rGl"i: c,�: ii.":���i;.:f:�. .S �.3'�u£i;G i�'S C��" :v:`i"r. �r:'i'7�l'i;:t:�: �!t� �?�i"'f�^'Y'itl $�;��1 �f:;'t q �ii'J i c�.5.".��;�'ti;?: �'s'i� ut��3�'!rEi S'Gi'u�i1�L' �liI1C�:�OfSS 112 ':'��3:^GSE;13L'ii��.'� '�:t° �1"C•V 3'i Fr�c��'1:I�;.- ��i:: �:£?�L"�1lt�5. �c� ��:� �{s t��:l��;�.:�� ��a>:;�.��• �� �,�� :���y��, Ci�L•y �u�n�id , �,�y Ac�n-���s•,���i��:•. �i���}���� C�c��^�i�a�:��, ar�c� Czt�,r P�anr�ir�g C�Hrmissio� vr-. ��;:+:c��s r.����3;� ;�;;�; �c�a�s�a�::����n, ut�lit9es, as�d c�++�ntnity ic�C7E"s�'s^t. i� J��•A��� �f?� ;�:an�.;�;=ti •d�� �cr;�,�i cx i���� c�r '���e P!�bl ia: Sys��s �3anni�g �'ti'�' ��if�'�v�:�";c:i�L �%3j#i��C'+�i• �t) e"�E,"�.�`�S�BI�;. i,i2n �7 i:� ti's �'�. �'r��,d i it�; 1'3�i]�`7 t't�5' 1'fi2�,''�t t1�S s df1t� Cf3�'1�@P2i1C@S ^�a T's��:��1"S ��.:5:��i�,a t°t a�[? 'ir`�1S�5�G£'i`�;r��'t0�i' u�'i �1���.ri 3 a�d c�rni�cy �"ac�s�=;.��s Y.����r� ;��;t����: �+���tis����:����r �s n��essary. �0 €;�1F��':.�e" W':�.'�i C�,i;�Y' �:^.��:t''.►:iii3v:�'�c�l �E:'E`i y��S �i�C� �g��iC��S �'G�di^t�i TlCJ �07�t� -:a��e���;i:, �;:n�:�s��,���L�ia�a, i��;����;i�s, ��yd cor�:•�ur��i:;� fac���ic�les. �t1 bxdC1's"ft. Ci,�';��#V 'sti}`�: c?x'i���.�'.-� g'#�,1% t�E�;��'�:Fil�'Yd�:S r".a3t{� s'��8i��li2S �f���'1 1�@Q8Y'C� �� �%ur$s 4::�c� ,:r����.�r�s fin 4�u�s�c�t������a�y �a�.t�i�i�s, and carrer.ttr�'i�y ���7 1 2 i,i 4:?s � �v �n i�!r3y=i.��i�1��� 8�l� 4�aL ��.�.�4�����+7fiS:.if� di �`�}:���VIiA �� 4�� C.����'�It��.�f�T. i3�'�� �,�i�''::��a?L`j 6:'L�F1:i�������l,i'��� ���i���ft�y� �r� CG�i�'�iY���y f8.C71����5• 'i� �.�°�.;��:�e s����L�, rn����i�, �nc� t°���rr•��;����:3�r�s r�1��3�� �o �s��ras�o�a����? ��7�3�'i4:,7 s�ti€� d�iE::''r,ti�'.�'t';,J .='e��3��':'!�?s. ��!?ii?:;�u3?i �U:���9 i e�:3 i e{3�?S' t���'!�� g��c�c��z����i3 �� �•��y �3a��r��i�� Q, s�-;F�a'� �r�g•i��e�^Y�sg and eigh� year�s ����r�ss��Y.=�� �x�;rr��?��?c� �� ��t;,° �i�-z���:�ag �a�� �ngyr��e�^��g ktith a� 1eas� f��s�^ ;�e:d,�� r�:��,,7�a:�L� ��? -c!���s��ar�����:��► a?td ���+1 i��:��s pTans��nc�� ��r a �3c"!$t:�'Y'� t��?�'s"cL' 'a il �?tLjf i'�c�l:�"f i?3L� ;�" t..'.i't}t� �s:y'�!i�?P.�'a C!� s.'38it� Sl X ��dZ"S ptt.f�ti,+��.r�r-�.?lwff�i �':1:�:..gi^31:7fC.S�Q IiJ4ti �� 6:�[t•�`.� til��,{� jJ� ii➢ �lL�ei�J�i�'�Gy��6� C�I�i3 �.?i:'?3'f'��c?:� ���?,�:�'3':is. ��'� S��JS'���i:�F�-;�h �aY' �C��C3$7t�1'�.} — i — � . . . . . �; . ..;�. . _.. .i � _..'t�Yi'�,ii:,, :.f'.::.:'s.7.a.i'! Pt�;;^':.4�?� �: Ai����C�.°..+ C:t:� �I�'::��°�}tviii��tii�;��3. �'t"!�{s Pidt��''.a b'��:r3.�;, �:G3 �J:� . . .. ...,'ti i S: .. ...� ':L� ��1'i'."���'i�i �`r�."t��ir31�ilt� ��l€� ci�u��s.,?r����? t�i�s'� �r� �� :, .:��:_ .... `.� :> .�`��cy �:;� Ciicy F'�an�i�g; artd �� ��;�QS'':;! 1'i:���i.�%! �=�1�'t. ,.. `.t:..5'„i::i�. �.'so�li'�;iS�;: t�d t4'Qi�C �:;''M's"i�'r';�lis'?�t: 'ia �r:���: ��,�:s:.s�er�����ir��;� �:zc� •��r�,��.� �.ac:� yn c�liec�,#ng �ra:� a�iyz•irg �:;..��� ���� ��u�}��i�-�� �E;�=p�s�� a.e. F���o�:������,,j g��ys, char�tc�r of r�.1:1: W� c�`i �:.,.��.ti:i*�v3 p St�s W�J�l5�✓ �.ii� \—iW`dto�]�iJ` rJ 4rVVi7{iJ r T'�l �;:�f n:�t�.': t'k:•;; ;��`G� '�`L'Lbst� ��i'"ft,�!{J� S�?l��'a€��R Y'�?C�}�'QS C%t` b"��0�'+�5 $'DY' r��:ti's)'%"�tY ui;''tat.:''�w. s il �:.ry�it'`.�,.�..,':�'i '<�.�'c�,u �t�:°°•3��5•` �`i;'J i',i'2 ;�i" �i•l ijt�i,T?`�� �`��'¢,�35�.�..''��. �8�i,1 ��:t�`s� �.i"�� (:.•izi=��+:�"�s�4 �;f1��'�;�y i���;'S� Cjf";:: ``:�p �:'.� ��Eiei'�� iVG�' 11�� �l11 �.Jf},+NVi�+t+]31�j t.1�.'.� •���6�� 1fr3 ldi• �'��.i:7�il[��i� •S raA�i!� ~ ' -:.I v `� 3i°:����'� r_5, �"�i'','3`�:�.'' �?�:ie': ,;3 �ti°. �??� �,'"r< -� �, s,� '�l�Y. � � * � . :� . ,; ;i! �'�e�! sa..3��� �,.;e"9, >' �Fti::ioti�-.� ie.,^,,r..:� �:� i:Eiy�-.'".':~ �::Ji'��:���:'i.rii.•°C�'a�;°;2 ���ii1�:<;1,��;cefj ii:��U:'w.�. ;3�L�4 S'�'�'�s1:���i '�Y3i'AY'" :':�t'�Itai3 3":�;�;!'.;'�?:,'�,:� i��;r ��:'<,`.i;:�3�`=',, �i�t� 6:li:"�'y� �'t �� i'3�'.E.��. , . 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S1t..' , y 'Sif�73�'�7 �!'o���?�:.t,::�1'.1:9 . . _.�. . . ., , , � .. .. i � .�t:. .�. ?' i,, ,. E?...,.. ;?�. .,.. i t`, ,.» :��:C�C!t�`',;�.e p .. °P x � , � �.¢ l' 3 ,rj J 5 ... ... . ... ... ... ; .F. ..��t-.�_.4�♦ is4in .�'ta\.,ti�. �c4:��3��Sv' ,i•�ln ��.a1p.�ir�C'.' :f.Ii��ii ._ j� _ Ti�cle af c1.�^.uu: ETI�ILrOITh��i�?�'1�L t�LAI?i�,�R III �u�tics and reNpon�i.bili�ies: U=nder sup�rvi+�io�, �;o ncr:�oz� sti�ervi.soiy profiess•�oru�,l trork iri connec-cion t�ri�i:h C�G�C't:lll�'�112�.n, emt:ironr:tenta? yu�.lity p1.�nnirtg �,ctivi.ti�s at �;i�e munic:ip�Z l.cve7 :nd deve?_opin� ��he Cxtf's environmen��,l imnac-� a�ces�racir�s; �.nd �o �e�:Corm rel�-i,e& i•ro�•k as assigned. Exmrapl.es o�' trorlc pe.r:ioxm�d: To a�eviet�r �kese���c a�c•t:iv.�.tie� rcla•{;ed -�o �hc �naznten�,nce o� envi��o��eutal c�uW1:s•L-J 3�1 S•�. �',u].. 10 Y;lOri:i�,41' r.�e�cro��oli��tzz�, �•�a•ce and no,•L-IoaZa�. �olacy deTre].o�neat� x ela��;ed �o envi�o�,.r.�e;����. qu�lity cont�'o�. and to assss-� in coaret'sna�L-:i.n� �.c�s�r:���ies �.� �;l�e �un��.c?p��. level� To �ss•�s�; �n devel.o�in� ezzviro��.cnta.l xrnp�ct �,s:essi�en�E procedtzres Dllt� Y;1C�:Y16C�.O�.O�;y :�"or tl�e C����. Tc ass:i�t in devc�_or,�n� ai�d axa�l.eraen�iiZ� 3.�,nd use con�rols b�.sed �.z�on ma.ir�tenwr�ce oF enV•?r.ori�icnt�� quality. 'rn assist ii� c�eveZop:�n� and. ir�l�?craeatin� ogen spa�e p�.annin� for �he City. To unde?^t�l�e resce.::C�1 'tNOY'�i �,nc� re�ox�;s aud to assist �r3.th �he p.r.epax a.-L--�on ox" rera.c•L-^. To uupexvi�e, d_i�ec-L- enc? txaial nrofessi.on�l px��.nc�s �,nd technicic�ns. To �iee� wi-L•h c-�°�.izcns ��ad specia.�. inte�est �roups r�.� requ.ired to ci3�u3 e bz,oa.d co;�u;iw.z:�.ty Pa��t�c�il���ion in enviror�uenta,J. planning �ctivii;ies, �nc� presc�.t pa,��oyed pl�.nu wi�.d s�crate�?es �CO such �s�oups, -L-o -L-lie P13.���.r�n� C��;xn�uyiou �nc� io clec'ced �fi'�ialals e s requix�ed. Min�iiu�a qu��.ific�.-L-ions: Co�L7_e�e g.raclu���:ion s•rs•L-'L� u ma�or :�n. Lubun pl�,�.ni�, environraen-�al �lannii��, �o�cs�t.ry �i�d �3rks �.ana,emcnt,. oeogr�phys or uxbGn s�ucUl.eb anc�. -chi ee Jew.rs' p�oi eswiona? �Iannialg e�es ien:ce, a� 1.ea�-'c �wo ye�.rs o:� ti91zic1� mus�r h�ve becn a:. a, Cy-��r Pl�r�nex XI cr equival.en-L- involviag ezav��:�or.ment�,l rs���niz�; ox a Ai��ste�`s dc��ec ir. ur3�an plaiu�.ir�, e��viror�men-�a�. p1�i�nin�, fores�I;ry� an�. pa.x��s ra2na�emen�t, �eo�r��hy, tub�,n s-L-i.zc�:ies, o.r �ublic �,�.�zn:istra-�io� �.nd t�ro ye�rs� prnfession�l p�.annin� c;��s�:cience inJO�vin� cnv:iro��raer.i;tzl p1�,nr�;i.n�; or co�.Ze�e �rwduatio��. ai�d fcur ye���st ��ro:�r_�s�.onz� '�l�nnin� experience, a,� leas�t twa year� o�' t��h-�ch must h�,�re been involved tir.i.�h er�vironmen�al p�_ani�in�. ��to subu�i�cu��_ton �'as eciucat:iaz�. ) - 17 - Tit1e of c�..�:^,,. I'.�.s�xiZ.t�li'�.':1��� ��i,��`:�� �� l3;it:i�s and re�ponsibilitie�: Uur�c�r d:i:e�c�ion, �e �Pxform difxi.cu2v ancl hiahly ra�pansible supervisozq uo.�.;. r��t�n� to ac��v:L2:��s at �:'�� �:au..:icipa�. ?_��,�l gnd devalop the City's er�v3.ros�+�s2t::�3 :Ln�ac� a:3:es�:annL•�; :?�zd Lo per£csrm reZated wark av a�s:i.;ned. E��1es af wnxic �Erfior�ds To clixec� �sa•eaent �cL•i•�r�t�.es r:elat�d Co the u�.inCenr�nee af em►irotu�nta�. �c�a11Cy in Sic. P�ul, Ta szlpnrTrl.rse n�ora�.tor.in� of s�tro�ol:i.��na s�ate and naC�.ona3, po�,icq �e�te?o��ents r��.a�e<� to En�rironmeat���. qi�a�.i�y contxal and to coordina�e ac[:;.ti3.L•ie.: at t:t±e s:�L�ra-�c•ipa.l 1eve1. �o c:i�:cr_�: tZie c'sc�•e�.op�thnt a7C Q�v:i.xota���nta1 i��act as�eg�ment procedure� and ��t��oap�.��y �o� �r.c e�.�:�. �o €��e;:•;rise tlis c�ev�?o��ne�� Afic3 iu}plent�ntation of ]�and use eontrols based u;uon mai:'a�G"T43Ili�'� o� e�.�viron�enCn1 �uali�y. To �irect �he de�a�.a��e�� a�zGl iu�pZem�nta�3.o� of open apace plann3t�� tox t[3e City. To eupe�nvise x�esea�ch wo�rk ngu} Co pz�ax� ie�arts. To .up�:r��.�a, cdi.ke�� a7ci *_ra:�.n p�:csfe�sion�Z planne�s anct technic�ns. To n��� Gri�h c3.i:�.ze�ts and. spc:c3al �.nicer�sL- �-r.oupt; as rc�qu�.red co �nsure l�road c.omt�ceuify �artl.cinat�.oz� 3n env3.roru�eizta3. planning activities, and prti�e���z�: propo�Wc p�.�rsa and ���ate�;ie� to such nroup�, Co the I'lannix� Cou�is�ion anci �n e�.ec�csd o�f3.cials as rFqu:Lred. �iin�mu� quaZ�.£3ca�ic��sa Co1.Z��e �iadu��,.ti.on t�vth �:� s��.�o� in urhzn plann�ngf u�ban s�udies, environsn�nta3. g��ann��.,, �;eog?:��flhy, or. �or��txy and park u�ana��anent and foux years� prafeasional �s�.ann.:�,��, expex�:Ler.c�, �� leas� twa years o� wnich �st have been as at� rravirn�..ueu{.:a1 t iunr_er I:CZ or equivalenC; or a P;aa��r°s de�;ree in urban planttir�, uxbax� s�ud-�esg pu�u�.a.c �.�ra3��sC�atia�a, fores�zy and pnxks mana�em�nt, ox �;eogxaphp a�c� �.l�:�e ye•�r s' �rafess tan�.2 pla�ax�.n; e�pexi��ce, �t leas� ttao years of which �:�.z:�t ��vE bee�. a��_z3 L�clvi�or�ientaZ P��nner Z��: or equival��; or College gradua�ion �tn-�' z�.ve �rear�° profes��.on�.? plarsnin� e�-p�xie�zce, at least tt�o years ot cihi�h r��.z�� li=�vc �eeax �.s ��� Fr�v:irc�n��nt11. P].an�ter III or equivalenC. (Ylo subatitution fox edt3caf:io�.) - 18 - . � � : �t�"e��j'r � .1_:L,l.y^ r):�' C,.'.�_'.�!�: -n �Tfi;.fii.1.�.!:.� °�ahi::iT1..�. .�_i Du�::�es an3 responaibilit3.ea: U�=le� �ua�x�v:�s�.�ny �o p�r�axn,. ;;�.��c��v:�.;oxy nio::����.c�1 work in p1r�a��.n� �o^ co�L•�.:.zu�d devel.o�ment :��;i::. �.�:w�.;:L��na_�ic.e o£ <a�z:sin� in the �ity; aad �0 1?�r.f��:3 XC.'.�.5�@c� T9Q�i:�t as a�:��.,;�1�d, 'x�'.`CL?I?T��. '�'3 Cf:i: i•70�:�: j��rrO��S Tv �i��:i,sL i.z r.flox;��.n�i:•j�ag dri�=e�cr�nt�r.�: of Eaal� and a��ect3.ve9 �or haus:Lng. 'i•o a�;�ist i.�� r=i�].;z:.tn,r�, C,�.t�� �:o:�:s.c:,i.e� �a thep r�].ate �a hous�ng �upply. �o ass:�st 3zi ci��r���opI*�t; nzarl F�,�c�x�tL�.:�:�in� a I�cza•ing inventorq system and re��x��.r �e:��:,�W.�u� o�.' ha;s�3 n; proble�!� and oppezCunitiea. 1"o as��LsL- ���th tl�.e clevc-_��.ap,�ilt oi �t��.���:��s �oz ma�L-ing hous3.n� pzobl.ems �n�k oppos:���r�:?t::�e�. 7Co eroik cloe��y ��*:�,s:h ��:�:cr. p1.a�zners L:o cooxd�izaLe haus3.n� po1�c�.es w3th C.�.c:y �0��3.� �nc'! g�3.3cies �ra of:her tunGtional �x'eas. To as�i�r:�, si1Q[.S:v�.::e and L'�^�_i.� profe,��.nnal nZnnners as requirecl. To unde�tak� xeseazclz an3 cr���e xepo�:�s a� rec�u�.red to carry out these plan.zz�.n�; re���n�3.ba.Z��ies. `t'o assi�� 1.�. presextt�r� studies and �Z�.n }�xoposal.s to the Planrz3ng Coamaissi.ou and �o E3.ectecl os�:l.c�als a� requi.�esi. To meet �ritla c3t�Geris �.xid sgec�.a1 �nte�est graugs as requir�d �o ensure br.oact eor�uni�y pa���.c�.pa��.o�z i� �laaning. I�U.nimt�.ni q��1.if:ic�t:iott�r Co13.e�e �ta�ivai�o�g i.� u�:`oan p�annin�, urban stud3es or �eo�xaphy and Chrae SrE�7.'9� pr.oi��siaua?. p�.aa�.�.n.; �:�c�wx•:tenc�, �t least twa years of wh9.ct� must h�ve been as � �ii:y P:�arnc� �7: o;; equ��aleni� involved wi.�h housing plann�.t�; or a .�fa3•t�e�'s c�c;r�� 3n �:rb�*x� p1au�3.�9 uxban s�udieg, �ao��aphp oz pub�.iC ac��x�i�trai3.on a�cl �t�� ,�����;�' pxa£esQ3.og�a1. planning experience 3.n housing, ox� co�1ei:e ���^cEu��I.�n ar�cl "ozar qea�s' �roi:essiaxtal p2anning �pe�ience, at laasi: �wo yea�� o�: tti�hlclz a.a�i: li_ve been as �z C�.ty Planner II or equivalent 3.nvo�.v.�:�1 ��.r�x l�,ou^:;,u, glanAzir�g. (n?o s�b��itut�.os� �or eclucat�.o�.) - 19 - , ' '+ . , . .�:_ :':. ;� ...._..._. r ::.(...,.._.. - ...•�.��.i;i:.�?Z. ",.�I .�_ .�.C: .�i �, r> .}:-°-�--..J, __ . ��� n -�nr. � • ,i� T 7 --(J•- '1 n n�.... L:�',.:Cti.:.t. .._._ . .�..�.. , �:1_ .. ..' �J:.t_l ...,._. .._. .._._ %l'iE�J ,�1._�;:::l�j" s�tii- i_S:Lt7-. Sll��._ .3�7L:iil.C�J' r.t.�....,.(:t�i .�1_..:a... ., .%l:I: .___ i..li_ .. �-''�__:L�. �. � .. ('._L�Z�.SiF�f.,:C� l�:;`r��� T�.'�' 5..•�• � .C}TGtl"i:il'�. c3Y1C� :�.il 1�l".'� P i,. ._.r..�,..� .I.:.,_ ._... l.._.r.. i;.,_1;; � � ... ._ t.:!1 ... �--._(�:.-... ,:i?._ .:C'. t'i�i::. f].�., _1`i..r'i1�Ti1?L�.. �:�:i':'�?,_���s i>L 1-i,...... , ��2.LC!'..._:-r�.- ?.'O C�.�.i.:C�: :.:it^.. C.�'�V.�.+_ii.,..3`t-."..JT? ..`.ii:�. GC,liL'_'•_O'i?:'.2nI].". O.n :�"Ji��S i:n':! C1U�1�:`.i�j.VC'..`: .iS:IF: �:�'.i::L'�:t':' . `r'Ci d3:�?�.�.;7`:Y '`-'.r ��'-1'•'E�: ; . �::`�`% 7':��St:`_` �O � ��1 1rJ_*'r, uL�Ti + . ...!��.Y �J..�._�...��..v. .... .. t_/41J w�,.) L��.�v .�:) _ �J . 7.._a. �^_ <}.?. c7w __�"'.::�� ..::'.•:� .":``'3.L_1..�., .�.C+.�. C�r ..� �7,Cii3�.`:s�; ��.r��r�Y��.ar.3'' 4��f:C;(1 �:lll:� . " .. ... �.;::�.. �. ...:_... !��i�. . . ...,.il.,. t'!'„�'J"":�; i i_'S JUCI!'CM.�L•.tJ_:-1c.iu ..v C .. �.... ..... . .� :i�._ . .�t. �.. _ ,._.t.: C:" }s. .:- 7 n, �• :t" r-' +i 4.:�.C-'-p .. . � �:i. ` �._t u.+...:1.� i:: c Ci, p.,vY'�L._C�. .:;� ... ..!�- � --,.,:,"_.:� . I`_,,.. C3:.;, . . . -... _x__..y.1 !_f3 Ct7rJ2'�""t]:�SL�� .�'.s�:.t�7.i?�: j%OZ.�C�.tr:; Y:%i.�Yt �.i ..�..� ..._. . ,)'Cl.�...�. ... _ �..,. �...��'_ . _..�.C�+L.4.:Jilc_.I_ �ILLi.�:i. ` ..�t .,�. , .� ...?.. .�r.. � ..,.. ... .... ,.,_.".� �.._.._�?. ��:_^i:i�:S..7:iM.C�:?ci�_ '.i��1'�::'Sl.rY':i c�..•� Lc"ae:.:xJ..'i�::,... iJ _:�.! .... :�.._. ,. ..,. �. 1,:�.'_a ... .. �. _:�.i.`._ j:Y�,. -...i.� :1;� .. ;,..3.'�t�,1 .:v ^.u:."i:`'' :iil[ t..r:F+,�3� ..,..,:"?:� _!i �,,...�.......__..".._ . ���� ':a O � . '�` ..�:➢` �_ . . ._... �..�_... . � �.:... 7..�..L � �:... �:., �,le'. _..��Tl!2:iT1.�� o.U!�['??_:.`.�:LOi? 3��-'_:1 �`ii � -� _ . . 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MS: �����ii�... . ,��f • ' C, r••lril�� ►iVf � � . •�� �� i , -e � ��� `EYa 'et, ".'�(' 3 :1' t..ti.i ���!;�:.. ��:.. . ��� t: '�'� ` tE.. :itl'�✓11U(1 S.jf � Srf::� r.�i��� .ilu� 4'JGiQ_� . ��.�, ._-.. . 1 .... �.4�`�`7•��r:J7.�r5� ��� f.:G� ;�c:'i"°i y"r;i..�,.y"i:��t?�� E>fL�"F: .... �.',. , i... ... ��:c:.":i�,3��.''x �3'� il�f'�, , r:'��'t':`t-:�i: �?:3 S�'sx:'i`:''?S£ c':Y.'.at ;'rdt i��:'Ti �i?w ;dY'�;14�;j is�f� �s''A��F'a$'!i}1'9 Q'� Z@f1��Ejv si��r.:�«;��f�:: t��'�a�;.a�,� :r�c�, ���� ��::�:�� r���s��to�� o�d�r�&��es. �:., M,`� ��_T�:1 .,i �.�,,=�sa:��► �:-� �s-4��:^������:� �z�f� ��e��€����i�n :i LS R`:G a i.. L'.:_+',. i ;;y'i' :"'��?t�,°:`2;5 .'s:i .�.F,Aii:A.;� r`;•`� S idj 1�e��S'#�se S"(.'y�::�'a'G5 �:ft 3^Q'6`��ip: �-��.3'..S F=-�s t i� ..,�:. 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'LANNING COORDINATOR 1-PLANNIN6 COORDINATOR l. Direct and administer the overall planning program. 2. With the Mayor, continue to identify and r define planning needs and transl�te these to program activities. 3. Work closely with the City Administrator and Budget Director to maximize effective- ness of the city's planning and management capability. 4. Maintain a working relationship with operating department and agency heads to ensure coordinatton of planning and development activities. 5. Ensure that all components of the planning program are closely integrated, i.e., that resource allocation decisions in all areas contribute to city ob,jectives and follow from problems and needs identified and agreed upon goals. � 6. Ensure that reports, data and recom- mendations are provided as required for the work of the Planning Cortmission. 1. 2. DEPUTY PLANNIN� COORDINATOR 4� 5. 1- DEPUTY PLANNING COORDINATOR 6. l. Work closely with the Planning Coordinator on development of overall comprehensive 7, planning program. 2. Develop program for City Development Policy planning effort. 8 3. Provide overall direction for comprehensive planning, policy analysis and research. 4. Coordinate development of priority rating 9 system linking capital expenditures planning and program budgeting to comprehensive plan objectives. 10 POLICY PLANNER �RAPHIGS & PUBLICATIONS 1- POLICY PLANNER - PLANNER IV 1- GRAPHIC ARTIST I 1- PIANNING TECH l. Complete all data recording necessary in map form. 2. Design and produce, or coordinate production of, all graphic pre- sentation materials required for planning activities. 3. Design and coordinate production of all departrtient publications. 4. Unoe�'tak� �ield survey �+ork as may be necessary for planning studies. . LAND U SE & ECO� �YSTEMS PLANNING T PLAI LIC SYSTEMS PLANNIN6 AND DEVELOPMENT DEVELOPMEN 1- CHIEF OF LAND USE PLANNING �-P�p de overall direction and 1. Carry out a ination for all planning onmunity facilities, utilities 1. Direct synthesis of comprehensive dating and ransportation systems. spatial plan, relating impli- base studiE .ain a working relationship cations of all planning proposals. Z. Carry out c the staffs of departments 2. Direct administration of land for industi �gencies directly responsible use regulations. developmen� :he development of facilities 3. Provide overall direction and cal adviso� �ervices in these areas. coordination for comprehensive with appro ;de reports, information and planning for housing, econanic of the Pla Tnendations for the Planning development and environmental 3. Conduct st ission as required. planning. required t 4. Assign staff as netessary Lo quantify F maintain continuing liaison sociated � with neighborhood organizations. 4. De elopia' for resol' 5. Address 1 developme „_.._,.,.......