02-1162Council File # Green Sheet# RESOLUTION CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presented By: oa-��G� 114025 3� Referted To: Committee: Date i z WHEREAS, the Mayor, pursuant to the City Charter has proposed and recommended the 2003 budgets for the City of Saint a Paul,and a s WHEREAS, the proposed 2003 General and General Debt Service budgets have been reviewed and approved or amended by s Council, and 7 s WHEREAS, the property tax levy needed to £nance those budgets, with allowance for shrinkage, has been determined, 9 �o NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council in anticipation of adopting General Fund, and General Debt Service �� budgets for the fiscal year 2003 in accordance with section 11.04 of the City Charter, the City Council does hereby �z levy taxes on all tasable property within the Saint Paul corporate limits, to be collected in the amounts set forth below, and 13 �a BE !T FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs tfie City Clerk to forvrard this resolution to the Ramsey County �s Departrnent of Taxation in accordance with the applicable provisions of the City Charter and other laws, and 16 n BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City Council directs the Financial Services O�ce to complete and forward any state forms �s required identifying these adopted levies; 19 20 27 za Taz Levy Tax Levy % za Descriotion Payablein 2002 Pavablein 2003 Chanae zs zs City levy for operations and shrinkage 43,612,368 43,554,868 -0.13% z� za City levy for Debt Service 18,780,895 18,838,395 0.31% 29 3o Less state provided Hmstd. Ag. Cr. Aid (HACA) 0 0 0.00% 37 az 62,393,263 62,393,263 , 0.00% 33 3M1 35 36 37 38 39 � Requested by Department of: Adoption By: "{ by Council Secretary: Executive Administration by City Attorney: By: Date .t�� o�' . �� By: h Apprc BY —� Form By: �rc By. Prepa2�byNeSaieRPauIOR¢�nana�5emces G:45HARE�BU�GET2W3\CAUnafLLeryR¢;�IUEO�tsx15 i1121/02 AdoptedbyCouncil:Date ��,_�� n0 DEPAB]MENC/OFF1CP20UNCA. ... DAPEIN121ATED ��'lV C�V 0 ���� L OfficeofFinancialServices 11/27/02 GREEN SHEET NO. 1 4025 CON(ACfPFRSON&PHONE ' . ... . . , � � O DEPARTAffiYI'D�tFL1'OR O , C1IYCAUNCII. . MattSmith Qz cmnrrou�v �/__CP /3�3�U2 Os cina..Fnlc Mf15fBEONCOUNCII.AGFNDAHY(DA'f� Ol DIlLFIlJANCIALSFRVICE$ � I?✓I]�UZ O3 MAYOR(ORASSISLU`]I) � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES (CLIP AI.L LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) .. CI]ONREQllESiED Approval of Council Resolution adopting the 2003 annual taac lery. 2�COaa.�ownoxs.npp.w�(p�maejm(a) PERSONAI.SERVICECONTRACISMOSTANSWERI'HEFOLLOWINGQUESTIONS: _rv,xi.v�tcco�u.uss�oa _crva,smv�ceCOemmssio I.FIaslhispe�soNSrmeverworkeAunduawntractforthisdepamnent? c� cphuarr� YES NO - srnF'E' _ � 2. Has tivs personffam evu been a ciry emploYce? , DiS]RiCCCOURT YES NO sUeeOaTS w[ncFl c0oxcu.OSlECnve! 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a sldll not nortnally possessed by any curten[ ciTy employee? YES NO (Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and at[ach to greeu sheet) IMN+IINGPROBLIIvI.1SSUE,OPPOR]'Ul�l'fY(Who. What, RTen, Where, Why): . State law requires the City of Saint Paul to certify the annual tax levy. ADVANTAGESQ�'APPROVED. The City will be in compliance with Gity Charter and State law. � DISADVANiAGPS ff APPROVED N/A � DSSADVpNTAGPSQFNOiAPPROVID - The City will not have an approved tax lery for payable 2003. TOTALAMOUMfOF'fRANSACiION $ COSiIREVENUEBODGETED(CIRCLEON6) YES NO FONDINGSOUACE ACTMTYNOMBER FINANCIALINFORMAiION (E)3LNN) " .. P�epaatlbytheSainlPyulOficeMFnanaalSfrrices G:GSharetl�BUtlgEt12003\COUndlLLevyResolutions it2]