PINK — FINANCE CO11T1C11 r�/�����-�.����_(�{
� ouncil R sol tion
� �
Present�d By G ���C'�
Referred To �`"'� Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date �
WHEREAS, The City Council , pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Administrative
Code, did hold a public hearing on March 29, 1973, in the City Council Cha�bers
for the pu�pose of estabtishing the level of service of Street Maintenance to be
perfoc�med in the City of Saint Paul a�d the art�ount of service charges to be leviad
against benefitt� prope�ty; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby determi�
that the program of Street Maintenance Services to be perfot�med within the Gtty
of Saint Paul shait be in the manner as set forth and desc�ibed in the attached
report of the Deparbnent of Public Works, and the Department of Public Works is
he�eby authorized to perform the necessary work as set forth in said report and
shall , in �ccordance with said Chaptor 21 of the Adminlstrative Code, keep an
accurate record of all costs att�ibutable to the program and report such infor-
mation to the Departme�t of Finance and Managanent Services.
Yeas Butier Nays Requested by Department of:
�mcx � Publ ic Wo�ks
Konopatzki In Favor
Levine �
Meredith � A ainst BY
S�css�ac Roedler g Daniei J. Du �d, D rect (JFS)
Tedesco ,• /
Mme.President�oacD� Hunt Form Approvec� y City Atto ey ��w
Adopted by Council: Date �AR 2 9 19�4
Certifie sed b Council Secretary BY
Approv Maxo : Date Appro by fo is o t Council
- � . �6���`�.1 .
Notice is H�reby Given, that Public Hearing will be held on the �th day of
March, 1974, at 10:0� a.m. in the Saint Paul City Counc+ l Chambers , City Hall
and Court House, Saint Paul , �linnesota, the purpose of the public hearing being
to consider the level of service of Street Maintenance to be performed in the .
City of Saint Paul in l�?74 and to conside� the cost of such service t� be charged
against benefitted property according to Ordinance No. 15311 , Council File No.
2�01�25. "
The partitular service to be performed and the estimated costs as proposed by
the Depar:r:ient of Public �Jorks , are 3s follor�s :
CLASS 1 - Drn�nta,�n or Loop Streets �
Description: .
Class i service will be performed on all downtown or loop streets a�ithin
the following boundaries: Ketlogg Boulevard on the south anci west, �lev- •
enth Street on t��e north and Broadway on the east.
P ropased 197t� Leve 1 of Se rv i ces:
The doamto►,�n streets will be swept three times per week and f.t�.�shed five
times per week. A11 routine mainten�nce, including patching ancl repairing
of street surfaces o-rill be performed on an as needed bas3s.
_ rro�c,saa. Hssess,������:
Atl Class ! service will be assessed at a rate of $.65 per front foot.
CLASS Il - Outlying Commercial and Arterial Streets �
Ctass It service will be performed on all outlying commerciaT and arter�al
streets in the City. These ar� the major arteries in the City and have
both heavy votumes of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and, in most cases ,
have business or commercial properties f ronting on them. Typical examples
wouid be as follows : University Avenue, Snel �ing Avenue, llest Seventh
StXeet, East Seventh Street, Rice Street, Payne Avenue, Arcade Street ,
Summit Avenue, Grand Avenue, and others. All of these Class II streets
a re accurately defined on a map available for viewing in the Department of
Publ ic Works, Room 234, Ci ty Hat l.
� Proposed 1974 Levei of Services :
The Class II streets would be s��ept or cleaned once per week. All routine
maintenance including patching and repairing of street surfaces wiil be
done an an as needed basis.
Proposed Assessr.�ent: _
Under Class tl service, the re ���ill he two assessment rates , one commercial
and one residentiai . The commerciat property rate wiil be $.44 per front
foot and the residential property rate will be $.22 per front foot.
. . . �s����b
. . �.�.
. Notic� of Public Hearing -2- March 7, 1974 ,
CLASS 111 - Al1 Resiciential Streets
Class ti ! service would be performed on all residential streets including
oiled streets, paved streets, and interr�ediate type streets.
P roposed 1°74 Leve 1 of Se rv i ces :
A11 residentiat streets , including the oiled, paved, and intermediate type
streets under Class Iil will be swept and flushed ttiree times during the
season. The spring cleaning �•ri 11 be coc�pieted by ahout June Ist. The
second cleaning would be complet��,���"g�;�,�a�id-su�mer r•tonths , an�1. the
third and final cleaning would be �.n �a�te fail or after the leaves have
come dovm, completeing it by �Jove,�tber �st. A11 routine �naintenance inctud-
ing patching and repairing of the street surfaces, t�ill be perforr.�ed on an
as needed basis.
Proposed Assessment:
Under Class ( II service to residential streets , we have tti•�o categories of
assessnent, one being residential , the other commercial. The residential
property rate woutd be $.22 per f�-�wnt foot and the commercial property
$.33 per front foot.
CLASS IV - All Oiled and Paved Alleys :
� Class IV service would be perforried on all oiled, oaved, and intermediate
type alleys within the City. �
P ropased 1971� Leve 1 of Servi ce:
All oited, pavec� and intermediate alieys would be swept t4�ice durtng the
season. Efforts woutd be made to complete the first cleaning by July 1st,
and the second cleaning by November tst. A) 1 routine maintenance includ-
ing patching and repairing of the alley surfaces will be performed on an
as �eeded basi.s.
P roposed Assessment:
Under Class IV ailey service there would be one assessment whether it is
oiled� paved, or interr�ediate. An assessment of $. 12 �er front foot is
p roposed.
CLASS V - Uninp roved Streets and Alleys
Class V service witl be perfo�med on unimproved streets and atleys. By un-
improved we mean those streets and alleys that have not been developed for
one reason or another. They are platted Cit,y right-of-ways; however, thE -
abutting residents have never petiL�oned for thetr Improvement nor have
. . . . 263���.6
� Notice of Public Hearing -3- � March 7, 1974
� • .
there been any assessr�ents levied. There are approxi�ately ��J mi les of
unimpraved streets and i00 miles of unimproved alleys in the City. Because
they a�e City right-of-ways , the City has the responsibility to perform
minimal repairs and maintenance arork on them to reduce any hazards or poten-
tial hazards.
P roposed 197�+ Leve 1 of Se rv i ces :
The maintenance and repair of these streets and alleys v�il ) consist of
patching, minor btading, placing of crushed rock and other stabttized �ate-
rial in order to make them passable and reduce hazards.
Proposed Assessment: .
Under Class V service we propose the follo�aing two assessMents. Since there
will be no sweeping and flushing involved, the assessment is ba5ed onty on
the patching and repair �rork that may be needed. For streets wE propose an
assessment of one-half of the standard residential street assessr�ent pro- •
posed under Class III , or $. 1� �er front foot. Under alleys we again p r�-
pose an assessment of one-half of the alley assessment proposed uncer Class
IV, or $.�S ner 'frc+nt foot. These assessments will provide the bare mini-
mum funds necessary to take care of these �unimproved streets and alleys.
Administrattnn $ 2�5,QOO.nO
Downtown Cleaning and Repatr 115,�JO.�n
Outlying Corranercial and Arterial Streets 675,A00.�� �
Residential Cleaning and Repair 1 ,264,000.0�
Oiled and Paved Alleys 205,�On.Oi!
. Unimproved Streets and Alleys 75,�O�J.��
Street Cleaning and Repair Equipment � �+4,���1.0�
Total $2,6�3�000.0�
Source of Funds
MuniciRal State Aid $ 3g5,0�?0.0�1
Trunk Highway Maintenance Aid � 165,Q��1.�� �
County Aids 175,nr��,nn
' Total Aids $ 735,'?��,�7
Downtown Streets $ ]4����.�n
Outlying Commercial � Arterial St�eets 537,4��.�0
Residential Streets g5S,r1�!1.��
Oi led and Raved A�eys 2�2��pr1,nn
Unimproved Screets and Alleys i��,���.�n
$1 ,QF�R,�^�.��
� .
� � S2,6n3,�n�.0o
Notice �f Pu6iic crearing -4- March 7, 1974
Points of lnforriatio.7 �������
R2sidential pr�oerty on corner lots ���i 11 be assessed for the norr�al assessment .
for t.ie front of the lot but only � the assess�+�nt for the long side of the
Residentiat �ropErties on outlying conr�erciat and arterial lots a�ill be assess�d
at th� resi�ential rate ($.�2 per fronC foot) ccnnercial pro�erties on residen-
tial streets 4•�ould be assessed at $.33 aer front foot.
Ctiurc�es and church property ��rould 5e assessed at the residentiat rate.
State and Federal properties �:yi 11 be bi 1 led for the assessr�ent o�ied by tnem.
Assessment ti•�ill be included on your tax statement in 1975.
Questions in regard to this program may be ansti�rered by calTing the Department of
Pub 1 i c ':dorks at 2�"-4321.
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•°cure 1 1- Sa;�l .:nubc lst All �u�I ue n �ulle na:..�, . �. �. .� I . . . . ... �,' .
f ��;ti c;�i said� includiuF patchin6 id � � � � . � . . . r .,
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�.re Lime allowed m2 an �� neccled b.� � �,.�.t_ . .. 1�.�. .. 1t��i�. d.. �i �t . �7� ..i t �U� ..�A A�I �� - " ._ .
1 b,� thc � or[-. ' . .:� t .� .. .�_ �,;, . . .
i rcpic ent��ives� YroDOSCd AssrssmenL: i.;.tcd _r' l�, lx,l� t� ��. .- .- t: . .•-, . . . .
nonthr:t un said. UnQer Class 1V allcp �ri�.x.� thu�.� ' � . � . �• �.�.•
, tcould bc onc as��ssu�cnL hol.Cvr i Ri�Si�. A:iA . -. . . . _ N �
�. is oiled, Paved, ar �nten�� di� _'1i�, � �i•} l:�:ic. . . .. . . . � . .
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