' File No. L 409
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� In th• mat;er pf improving streets in t#�e T}1f?hW�''�qLE tiDP 1g74 - �� ' ' k
. ,�
(C i ty Pro,ject G�20Fs3) . ; .. v ., � . ,.
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Regrade E sur�ace with bituminous materiai , construct concrete curb �nd
. gs�tter, driv�ways an<', sidev+�lk wnere nLcessary, landscape boulevards , an
; 'arnamental l i gh t i ng sys tem and do al i other �•JOrE: nec�ssary and i nci dental .to .
, said improvement on t��e fiollowing streei:�:
> , VQ�'* �trf vl :
. from Mackubin St. to Arundel St.
'< : BIA�R ST: from tlar_lcuhin �t: to llrun;:e] St. - , ` '
_ � Aiso construct cancrete-curb and gutter, driveways anC sidewalks where
� �' .� necessary, `an ornamertal ' lighting system, l�ndscape boulevards on t�e East side 1
of l9ackubin St: and the 41est side ar" Arundel �t. from the alley south o'F Blair
, St. to Van f3uren St. and do atl other wor4: necessa.ry and incidental ta said
i mp rovemen t. .; _ �
. ✓ . , , ; �' . �
` Also i� the matter of improving streets ,and al leys in the tJEST MIOWAY p�DP �
1�74 (City Project C-0523) ,
. �i
Construct concrete cu'rb and gutter, driueways and stdewalks where' �ecessary, � z
� an ornanental lighting system, landscape bowleyards and da all other �1ork ` �
necessary and incidental to said improvement on the fol loa��ing stre�ts': .� - _q
South s ide of HAMPD£P! AVE. from 47�' ldest of aradford St. to 40U�' E..� ` ; . . �q
of Bradford St. : _ . x: r
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iJorth side of L0�lG AVE. =from ��5' West of Bradford St. to l }0' .��is� ` ;,�
o� 'Bradfor � - .,k _ - _ .<�
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Also gra�a and sarface� th� al ia 'abutt�n� ` � ?8_8 2 ` _B11t. 8 '���t. .Mtho`� �': �
Park and the a11ey ab�tting L+�t� -��= and 2�-2' , B11�. $ , S�. ArttAot� �"Pirc�k `� °�`"`�
-. ,,,,.
, , � ; ..�..'.-.� � -:; � ' .. _ '4�.. �,�a�-.... . ,�, � , � ;
Also, alley resurfacing west of the "Hampden Square" hou8ing develop�� �`
abatting Lots 1-7 and Lot 22, Black 80, St. Anthany P�trk. ,/ _ "`�
r _ . v . � ,l,,F,_ �,,,,,. .... ....,. t-;s�- �n .�
�his project. �s being �inanced enti re.ly by MRDA .usi�g Federal...:f�#�ids"�;�pd,���t��"'�e�!
i t is Federal Funding, HRDA wi 1 i be the contracting ;ag�ncy-. a:- ,�� ' � �*� ' =tf°-�
, ,. �. r �c� .. ��±
_ ;� -
__ _ __---- _
— ----
__ _ _- - - — MAR 2 8
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date iSr�
Yeas Nays
l3utler Certified Pas Council Secretary
Konopatski � �
Levine In Favor y
�� o MAR � 1
Roedler, Against
Tedesco .� Mayor
��� .zti.:�.;vYX::[aW+'x� .
�. Vice Preeideat M��U. � PIIBl1SHED l�AR 3 0 ]9��
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